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Chapter 2: Another case

"According to the victim's boyfriend, Bill, they have been seeing each other for six months. He's the closest person to the victim as her parents are not even in this city. The last time he saw her was when he sent her home after their night-shift, that is, the morning of the murder. She had no particularly close friend but had no enemy either. There was nothing suspicious at her house, no signs of break-in. There was no problem at her work or in her social circle. Her parents are coming and they will arrive tomorrow"

After Allen finished his report, David, the coroner stands up and walks to the front. He clicks the remote and changes the picture projecting on the board.

"Time of death was between 8 pm and 10 pm. Cause of death is blood loss. We found a laceration made by a sharp weapon in her groin area. As you can see, because of the position and size of the wound it was really easy to be mistaken as a skin crease"

David uses a laser pointer to show the wound.

"The strange thing is that there's almost no blood. Almost none in her body and not at the wound. Normally, this kind of wound cannot drain all the blood in her body but we found no other injuries. Also, her liver has a strange color so I sent it to the lab. We need to wait for the results to know what was exactly wrong with it. Other than that, there's nothing wrong with her organs."

Ryan thought that the autopsy would clear some points like why the victim looked as if she was sucked dry by a vampire but now, it just makes the case more confusing. As a city notorious for its darkness, murder cases are never rare. However, even for a city crawling with Mafia, Yakuza and who knows how many gangs, this is the first time he has seen a corpse sucked dry of blood.

"Inform me as soon as you get the results. Bring in her parents when they arrive. I need to know what was the victim like before she came to this city. It's really strange for such a normal girl to come to this city alone"

"Yes, captain" Everyone responds in unison.

The chief also nods in approval to Ryan's instructions.

"Do you want to add anything, chief?"

"No. You are doing well."

Ryan can do nothing but sigh towards his chief's unenthusiastic behavior.

"Then, the meeting is over. Go do your own things."

When Ryan is going to leave the conference room with his subordinates, the chief stops him.

"Stay for a bit, Ryan"

Ryan obediently sits back on his chair. The chief waits until everyone is gone to talk to Ryan.

"How long have you been in this city?"

"It will be 2 years by the end of this month" Ryan is wearing his signature smile while facing his chief but if one looks carefully, one would realize that his smile does not reach to his eyes.

"You willingly come to this city even though you know about its reputation, correct?"

"Yes, chief"

The chief sighs. "I don't know your reason and I don't intend to know. It's your privacy. But 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'. Since you've come, there has been an increase in arrest rates. I understand that you are a diligent kid but you are gonna end up as an eyesore to those people if you keep going on. I don't wanna see a young and smart kid like you get hurt"

Seeing that his stubborn captain does not respond, the chief pats his shoulder.

"You know what I'm trying to say. No one is gonna blame you just because you can't apprehend a killer for such a twisted case. You've already got your promotion and in another one or two year you will be able to leave this city for good. I wanna see you leave without a scratch if possible. I hope you think things thorough. You may go now"

"Thanks for your concern, chief"

As Ryan leaves the conference room with a smile on his face, his fists are clenched so tight that his knuckles have turned white. He understands that his chief is looking out for him in his own way but he cannot help but dislike his cowardice. More than half of the officers in this department are sent here as punishment. But he is different. He could have transferred to any city lacking a captain position to fulfill the condition of getting a promotion. Even so, he chose this city filled with various kinds of criminals, refugees and ex-convicts just to find someone, someone who messed up his life. He does not intend to leave this city until he finds that person.

Ryan finds Allen when he opens the door to his own office.

"Chief wants us to stop digging this case?" Allen asks after making sure that no one is listening.

"He didn't directly say so," Ryan replied with a snicker.

'That means he indirectly mentioned it' Allen thought.

"It means this case involve someone big in this city. He won't go this far to cover up some small-time killer"

Ryan nods in agreement.

"You want us to back out?"

Allen asks as he carefully studies his captain's face.

Ryan has a headache. With his personality, he will not let go this easily but he does not want anyone under him to get hurt.

Allen continues when he does not get a response.

"We better stop, at least on the surface. You can't get hurt before you find that person" Allen knows why Ryan came to this city despite the dangers.

"It's not about me" Ryan grumbles.

"I know. That's the more reason we should stop. Tell me when you reach a decision. I'll find a 'suspect candidate' in the meanwhile"

Allen leaves the room after saying his last piece. Ryan knows what Allen means by what he said. To close the case before finding the real culprit, someone has to take the fall. He does not like the idea at all even if no one is really innocent in this city. 'Is there really no other way?' Ryan sighs.

After thinking about it for the whole day, Ryan made a decision. Just before Allen clocks out, he calls him to his office. He is the only one he can trust fully in this whole department. Julian may be diligent and honest but he is still inexperienced. Shelly may be experienced and smart but she has such an unpredictable character. Other officers are 'doing as the Romans do' and have already turned to half-criminals or accomplices. At times like this, Allen is the only one he can turn to.

"I think we have to stop" Ryan feels helpless.

"It must have been a difficult decision."

Although they are both of the same age, because of their different positions, Ryan has to bear with more difficulties. Even if Allen tries his best to be helpful for his friend, he is of no help in bearing such a burden.

"Have you thought of someone suitable?" Ryan asks.

"Bill. He was the last person who saw the victim alive. We can make up something like 'lovers' fight going out of control'"

"Will people buy that? Aren't they in a good relationship?"

Allen shakes his head. "Bill is an ex-convict. He grew up in the streets relying on his fists. He's no stranger to violence"

"Do as you seem fit" Ryan gestures Allen to get out as he no longer has any strength to utter another word.

Even knowing that it is truly unfair for Bill, he does not have any choice as he has to think of the whole department and the officers' families first. He has always been an easily contented person. However, this time, he really starves for power so that he can protect the people around him.

The night, Ryan could not fall asleep and drove to the backdoor of Anios to wait for Bill even before the dawn breaks. He was only going to watch Bill quietly but could not stop himself from helping the other party when Bill came out with two big trash bags.

Bill is surprised when one of the trash bags in his hand was snatched away by the police captain.

"Why are you here, Captain?"

"I…" Ryan was speechless only for a while before taking him to the car and spilling the beans out.

'Damn it!' He swore to himself for scaring Bill away.

To his surprise, Bill did not give much of a reaction other than smiling bitterly.

"You are too honest to a fault, Captain. You don't have to be so guilty. I can understand your difficulties"

'Shouldn't he be the one consoling Bill and not the other way around?' Ryan thought to himself.

"Aren't you angry?"

Bill shrugs. "May be it's a safer choice for me"

Ryan suddenly feels alarmed. "What do you mean by 'safer choice'?"

"You have already decided to give up the case and you should not ask me questions anymore. I will help you with everything else"

"Can't you just humor me? I'll keep it off the record"

Bill took a deep breath before answering him.

"That day, on the way back to her home, Jean looked quite flustered. As if she was afraid of something and she kept checking if someone was following us. I think she got on the bad side of someone big during her night-shift. I didn't tell you anything before because I was scared, too. Well, that's all I know"

Bill's words ascertain their suspicion.

"Thank you for telling me. I will keep your secret. I will wait for you to come to the station by yourself. If you turn yourself in, your punishment will be lighter"

Bill nods and get out of the car.

Ryan does not return home and goes to the precinct directly. As his conscience is clear by now, he has no problem taking a nap on his chair.

Knock, knock

Ryan feels dizzy as the knock on the door wakes him up.

"Come in" he groaned.

Julian rushes in as soon as Ryan finished his sentence.

"Captain, there's another case with the same MO"

"Who's the victim?" Ryan asks as his dizziness suddenly disappeared.

"Jean's boyfriend, Bill"

Julian's answer strikes Ryan's mind like a lightning.

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