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Chapter 4: Man vs food

After a few hours of reading all the books in the library, (with the help of some shadow clones) there is literally nothing different from the original Naruto script. So far the only things that are different are Sasuke's sister, and the 5 legendary Sages. Other than that everything else is remains the same.

I read everything there is about the 2 new legendary Sages, but strangely there is nothing about the last Sage other than her name, which is Isabella. However Dom has a legend of him being the Sage's tank, he once even took the hits of 30 Jonin in the 3rd great ninja war and survived, after that he was known as the Tank. (Or a human meat shield for that matter)

After I read all of this useless information I decided to leave the building and see how my 2000 shadow clones training was progressing.

When I stepped outside of the building I met a pink haired individual, Sakura, she was just about to go to the library for some reason.

"Wait I know you, you're the one that Sasuke hates, what was your name again…" (Sakura)

"It's Chris, it's a very easy name to remember" (Chris)

"Oh yeah Chris! I remember now, it's a good thing I found you here because I need you to do something for me" (Sakura)

"What do you need" (Chris) I clearly didn't expect this at all

"Can you please quit being a ninja for Sasuke's sake" (Sakura)

"Huh?" (Chris) said a bit confused

"I don't wanna be mean or anything but as long as you're on Sasuke's sister's team it might affect Sasuke's training. And I don't wanna sound rude but Sasuke is a very talented ninja and you're not, he is one of the 3 Uchiha's left in the village, that means until he awakens his sharingan he'll become the strongest ninja in all of Konoha" (Sakura)

'How does that make any sense at all' I thought

"So you're saying that as long as i'm on Luna's team, it'll severely affect Sasuke's training progress." (Chris)

"Yes that sounds about right" (Sakura)

"I see... Well you see Pinky, I don't really care if what Sasuke thinks about me, and if he is mad that i'm on his sister's team then that's his problem. And another thing Pinky, it's not of your damn business, so why don't you leave me and mind your own business damn and i'll mind my own damn business" (Chris) I then walked away and ignored her.

I never liked Sakura to begin with, in fact I hated her more than anybody, probably because she was always cocky and useless, and I hated these kind of people. If it wasn't because the author of Naruto gave her some power on the great ninja war, she would have been useless for the rest of her life.

"Grrr! don't get full of yourself because the Hokage recommended you, in fact you should feel very proud that Sasuke is even paying attention to you at al.l" (Sakura) said very angrily at me

"Ignoring" (Chris) said as I waved her off.

Thus I left and ignored the raging Sakura and proceeded to head to my shadow clones.

"Oi Chris I need you for a bit" (Dom) called out to me

I looked and Dom was calling me from a barbeque restaurant. I don't know why he needs me but I don't see why I shouldn't go.

I walked beside him and he gave me a timer, it was a good looking timer.

"Chris. I need you to time me" (Dom)

"Okay... What do you need me to time you on?." (Chris) asked confused by his request.

"I need you to time me on eating." (Dom)

"... Oh yeah I forgot I was supposed to meet Luna and-" (Chris) I was trying to escape from this but Dom interupted me.

"Sit down boy it won't take a minute." (Dom)

He used his big hand and pushed me to a chair beside him, why did I had to come to this.

"Okay Chris I need you to hear me cause this is very important to me, in a few minutes a few men will bring me a 5000 ounce steak for me to eat. I need you to time me so I can beat the fastest record in Konoha" (Dom)

"Why do you want to break the record, I don't see any point in this." (Chris)

"You see Chris about 10 years ago I broke the record of fastest person to eat a 5000 ounce steak in 15 minutes. But until recently a bastard beat my record, now I cannot let that happen because no one here is better than me at anything, especially when it comes to eating." (Dom)

"But I have more important things to do than to watch you eat a huge steak" (Chris)

"If you do this, I will invite you to all the steaks you want for the rest of your life" (Dom)

"I'm in." (Chris) only a fool would say no to free food, especially when that food is delicouse steak.

"I knew you wouldn't say no to free food hahahaha!" (Dom)

Soon after that 5 men brought a huge piece of steak, I can't believe it, it literally took 5 men to lift the steak, I mean just how big and heavy must it be. They set it down on the table and left to the kitchen.

Some people were caught by the attention of the huge steak and surrounded our table.

"Oh my what a giant piece of steak, are they gonna eat this for real." (Random person 1)

"Wait no, I recognize this person, his name is Dom the tank of the leaf village. It is said that long ago he broke the record of the fastest eating steak competition but a few weeks ago someone else took the title from him. Don't tell me he's here to take back his title." (random person 2)

"So a Sage is gonna eat this huge steak, oh my god" (random person 3)

And soon even more people came in and the whole shop was filled with people. Is it really that amazing that these people would rather watch someone eat than attending their own lives. The people in Konoha really have nothing else better to do.

"Okay Chris tell me when to go" (Dom) was drooling at the sight of the huge steak in front of him.

"Okay, ready, set… GO!" (Chris)

And the race was on and Dom took huge bites off the steak, it looked like he was so angry at the poor steak and was taking it off piece by piece.


The clock on my hand wasn't stopping and neither was Dom, he's a literal beast, more than 8/10 of the entire steak was gone and it has only been 7 minutes. At this rate he might have a heart attack, even I have to admit that I was getting a bit more excited about this competition than I should be.

To be honest, this is the weirdest competition I have ever been part of.

After several more minutes have passed the huge steak that was there a moment ago dissapeared into Dom's belly. I was surprised that he actually finished it so fast, if you had given me a week's time to eat it I don't think I would have finished it by then.

"Chris tell me, what is my record" (Dom) said to me, hoping that he has broken the new record.

Dom and the crowd had their ears perked to hear the time.

"It's… 10 minutes and 12 seconds" (Chris)

"YES IT'S A NEW RECORD HA HA HA HA" (Dom) screamed and hugged me tightly with his rigth arm.

"Oh god he actually broke the record by 4 minutes faster." (Random guy 4)

"He isn't called a Sage for nothing" (Random guy 5) (I don't think eating has anything to do with him being a Sage, but whatever.)


Queen - We Are The Champions (Official Video)

I do not own any rights to the song.

After the whole thing died down I ate an awesome meal with Dom and set off to my shadow clones… Now that I think about it I just need to re-summon them and all the experience they've gone through will be in my head.

I used a handseal and several memories flooded in my mind, I was glad that I had the skill 'peace of mind' otherwise I would have damaged my brain. I did suffer a light headache but that pain soon dissapeared after a while.

Maybe I shouldn't use more than 2000 shadow clones or I will really have brain damage.

Since I had nothing better to do than to practice I decided to explore the leaf village, maybe i'll find something interesting.

"Hey you loser" (???)

Huh, I turned around and saw an angry looking kid that was headed in my direction. It was Sasuke, I haven't done one damn thing to him and he's already calling me names.

"Hi there" (Chris) I had no idea what to say to him.

"Hey why are you in my sister's team" (Sasuke) Great so he's worried about his sister, this explains a lot since he loved his brother a lot when he was a kid.

"I'm in your sister's team because the teacher's put me in the same team as her." (Chris)

"Don't try to act like a smartass you loser, now listen to me when I say this, quit being a ninja and I might let you live" (Sasuke)

"Another one" (Chris)

"What was that?" (Sasuke)

"Oh nothing. It's just that Sakura just said the exact same thing to me about an hour ago." (Chris)

"Tsk, that Sakura should really mind her own damn business" (Sasuke)

"That's exactly what I said as well" (Chris)

"Never mind about that, are you gonna quit or not." (Sasuke)

"Hm let me think about it… no" (Chris)

"What did you just say to me!" (Sasuke)

"Are you deaf or retarted. Let me spell it out for you. N-O. NO" (Chris)

"You have no idea who you're dealing with here loser" (Sasuke)

"Yes I do, i'm dealing with a kid who thinks too much of himself just because he's one of the last Uchiha's alive. Well let me tell you something, just because you think you're special doesn't mean you're better than anyone else." (Chris)


Sasuke used his right hand and reached for a kunai in his pocket and was about to cut me with it, but this guy doesn't know that I have a skill called 'master of taijutsu' with this skill I could even rival Guy and Lee. (maybe not Guy but definetly Lee)

I dodged the attack and grabbed his arm and twisted it, now i'm behind him and his arm is twisted. If I were to use a bit more force his arm would break in 2.

"Let me go now" (Sasuke) He tried to escape but it was futile

"Say you're sorry Uchiha" (Chris)

"An Uchiha will never say sorry to the enemy" (Sasuke)

"As you wish *SLASH*" (Chris)

I wanted to teach him a lesson without hurting him too much, but I had an idea. I made a whip with the power of creation and whipped Sasuke's ass. He yelled in pain but he still isn't willing to apologize.

So I kept hitting him until tears were coming out of his eyes, he's still pretty much a kid so this is a light punishment for him, he's probably around 12-13 years old. And this punishment is extremely humiliating for him so he shouldn't tell anyone else or his pride will be utterly crushed.

"Let me go *Sniff* it's starting to turn red" (Sasuke)

"Say you're sorry and i'll stop. *SLASH*" (Chris)

"*sniff* I'm sorry" (Sasuke)

"What did you say, I didn't hear you *SLASH*" (Chris)

���*Sniff* I SAID I'M SORRY!!!" (Sasuke) yelled out

"That's better" (Chris) I released his hand, and soon he ran while rubbing his buttocks. Of course he didn't forget to give me a death glare before he left, he was afraid to mention that he will teach me a lesson, but i'll be more than willing to give him a few more slashes

(Why didn't Sasuke use the substitution jutsu, maybe he forgot or something?)

After that incident, I lost the will to do anything and just wanted to go straight home. But I met another person who was just watching the scene of me literally beating up Sasuke's ass.

It was Luna, Sasuke's sister and also my team mate. I didn't notice her untill now because I was focusing on hitting Sasuke just now, so I decided to apologize.

"I'm sorry Luna but he had it coming" (Chris)

She was just staring at me as if i've done something incredible

"It's okay, I saw that he attacked you just now. It was self defense." (Luna)

"Are you gonna avenge him by beating me up or something." (Chris) To be honest if there is anything that i'm afraid of is women. My father once told me that the scariest thing in the world are woman, at first I didn't understand what he meant, but after he had a fight with my mom, well let's just say that he came home with a high heel shoe on his ass.

I used Mind read on her just to see what she is thinking about

'Wow! I thought my brother was the strongest Genin in our school but Chris just whipped him like it was nothing, no wonder the Hokage recommended him to our class. But it was a bit embarrasing to watch'

Oh good, looks like she isn't mad at me at all, and she even had a bit of red on her face.

"So you're not mad at me" (Chris)

"Hm! Oh no it's fine Chris, I think i'll buy some ointment for him when we get back to our home" (Luna)

"Well see ya tomorrow" (Chris)

"Bye" (Luna)

'He's an interesting guy, and very strong. Maybe this group will be more fun than I thought' thought Luna

I watched her go walk to the nearest local pharmacy and I went to my apartment shortly after, it was getting really dark so I decided to head to my apartment and rest. I can't wait to try out my new powers on a Sage tomorrow, this dream is the best dream I ever had in my whole life.

Please don't let it end.

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