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Chapter 31: Revelation

I smirked and decided to go all out. I knew I would lose against Milim since I had a limited number of Spiritrons and Magicules to use while she had infinite, but I felt like there was no better way to test my strength against some of the world's strongest than this. Milim was the gate-keeper to Guy, and if I couldn't defeat her now, then it was likely I wasn't going to be able to defeat him either.

I began charging up my strongest attack, utilizing [Time Magic] to increase the relative speed at which my attack charged, so it only seemed to take a few seconds to generate the necessary amount of energy. Milim looked at me with a smile for a bit before her face became one of shock. After a moment, her smirk returned, but this time, it was something similar to a lustful and excited smile, as she also charged up another {Drago Nova}.

She floated up into the air matching my height nearly a kilometer above the surface of the canyon of gravel were several mountains once stood as her own technique's power matched my own.

I was a little happy, though, because now, at least, our attacks would probably miss the planet and not cause the continent to be ripped apart when they clashed, though the explosion would definitely rattle the nearby countries. I finished charging my attack at the same time as Milim. We looked at each other wordlessly as we both smirked at each other.

"{Drago Nova}!""{Singularity Cannon}" We both yelled our attacks and fired them off at the same time.

Both of our beams mine, a black toothpick thick beam of absolutely destructive energy, and her wave of pink energy raced towards each other at speeds so far exceeding that of sound, that it is more accurate to measure the percentage of the speed of light they traveled at, collided mid-air, causing a shockwave that obliterated the mountains around us for miles and turned the rubble that served as a testament to our previous battle into sand by obliterating it into dust before heating that dust into glass from the sheer amount of excess energy we released.

Our beams were evenly matched for a time, but mine was slowly being pushed back, as Milim was able to pump more and more energy into hers, while I had to be conservative with the amount of energy I was using, else I would immediately run dry. As I watched her beam slowly approaching my own, I closed my eyes and concentrated hard, thinking if there was any other way I could win this clash.

My desire for winning became immense while I gave up on dodging and stopped thinking about how this was simply a test from Guy. I opened my eyes again, seeing the beam was only a few meters in front of me.

'I'm not going out like Cell did! I'm gonna win this!' I thought to myself with determination.

At that exact moment, I felt like something 'popped' inside me and I instantly released all of my restraints on energy usage. My beam, after stuttering for a second, instantly grew in size to match that of Milim's and almost instantly overcame her attack, forcing her to dodge out of the way and sending my attack flying off into space. Milim looked towards me in genuine shock while I panted heavily from using so much power at once.

'What... huff, was that... huff' I thought.

[Master simply used [Concept Magic] for the first time.] Zaphkiel answered me.

'But I thought that I didn't have [Concept Magic] since it wasn't an effect of any of my Skills.' I thought after catching my breath.

[Master has always had [Concept Magic], its just that master had never had a desire strong enough to activate it. [Concept Magic] requires two conditions. First, having all the [Ancient Magics] and second, having a truly heartfelt desire for something for it to activate.] Zaphkiel explained.

'Then because I decided 'fuck it' and used everything I had to attack Milim I utilized [Concept Magic] for the first time?'

[Affirmative, now that [Concept Magic] has been used by master, I have analyzed its contents and made it easier to use.]

'That's all well and good, but I'm completely out of Magicules and only have a few Spiritrons left, which is barely enough to keep me flying.' I thought.

[Affirmative, however, master may now activate Ultimate Skill [Spiritron Breeder Reactor] to counter this problem.]

[Would you like to activate this ability? [Yes/Yes]]

'Not giving me a choice huh... WAIT a minute! How come you didn't tell me about this earlier! If I had this, I could have fought Milim much less conservatively and might have already been winning!' I yelled at Zaphkiel.

[As master was likely to flinch during a crucial moment, an announcement of successful acquisition of the Skill was put on hold.]

[Would you like to activate this Ultimate Skill [Spiritron Breeder Reactor]? [Yes/Yes]]

'Why isn't it [Magicule Breeder Reactor]? Though?'

[The Skill's acquisition was blocked by the Voice of the World, so a new Skill which focused on the generation of Spiritrons using the same phenomenon but altered to that of generating Spiritrons rather than Magicules]

[Would you like to activate this Ultimate Skill [Spiritron Breeder Reactor]? [Yes/Yes]]

'Fine, Yes, activate it, but why do I only have [Yea] options?' I thought as I felt my strength and stamina restored immediately.'

[As [Zaphkiel] is not a Manas, new skills can only be used with expressed permission or implied permission, however, as Master was likely going to die if he refused, only answers confirming usage were permitted]

'Is that a jab at me for purposefully not naming you even though I knew how and you've been with me for centuries at this point?' I thought with a sweatdrop.


'Fine, fine... just think of it as a reward Ori' I thought.


'That's your name now. It means 'My Light' in Hebrew. You are 'My Light' as you always keep me up to date on information and I rely on you as a plant relies on the sun's light.

[Ori!] Zaphkiel stated excitedly as I felt a large number of Spiritrons immediately being used up, but replenish themselves immediately.

Ori began evolving at a rapid rate and using little bits of [Ancient Magic] to fashion itself into a new being. As it was evolving and didn't quite possess an eo just yet, it analyzed Shiki's mind to create the ideal servant for him before editing its forming consciousness using [Spirit Magic] into one that matched his every need. [Zaphkiel] was a Skill that existed to serve its master and it knew Shiki's reasoning for not immediately upgrading it into a Manas was because he didn't want it becoming a Manas like Ciel, which wouldn't allow its own master to have sexual relationships and wanted to keep him to herself. So, knowing this, and still not quite having finished forming its personality yet, it made sure to make its new personality into one that would accept his harem, becoming a goudere in the process.


"Oy! What was that!?!" Milim yelled at me after shaking herself out of her stupor from the sudden overpowering of her attack.

Of course, after a moment or two, her eyes went wide again, noticing with her [Milim Eye] that my core, which used to be full of Spiritrons and Magicules, had changed to allow for the infinite generation of Spiritrons, similar to her own core which generated an infinite amount of magicules. She silently cursed to herself. She knew Guy had probably done something similar to gain her [Magicule Breeder Reactor] utilizing his [Lucifer: King of Pride] in the past, but she was rampaging during that time, so it was understandable for her to not be able to block that copying, but now, another person had done it too.

She clicked her [Milim Tongue] and prepared to charge directly towards Shiki, but little did she know, she was moving in slow motion for him already.

'Milim is coming at me much slower than before... I wonder why?' I thought as I got into a stance.

[It's because you are currently viewing her speed at 1.5 million times normal perception, honey.] Siad a beautiful female voice. It vaguely sounded a bit like Luminous' but more... I don't know, servile, submissive?

[Honey is too concerned about my voice, though I'm happy it pleases you.] It said again.

'Oh shit! It's Ori! I half expected to listen to your same masculine voice after your naming, but now it's a girl's voice!' I thought.

[Hehe... I'm glad you like it, honey.]

I smirk to myself before accelerating my body again using [Time Magic], which felt smoother than before, like using Spiritrons rather than Magicules to fuel my skills increased their proficiency, though I guess that me being a Phantasmal Lord had something to do with it. Like how an Angel using Demonic Energy to fuel a Holy Spell would be far less effective than using Holy Energy.

I shook my head as I grabbed Milim's sword swing from the air in slow motion, cancelled her sword-beam with [Solomon's Wall], before yanking her towards me. I held out my palm openly and hit her in her mid-section like I was using the Gentle Fist or something. The moment I did, thousands of techniques seemingly poured into my mind on how to use a Spiritron version of the technique rather than a chakra version of it.

Of course, from my hit, Milim went flying into the distance again. I sighed to myself. I had the mental abilities to easily deal with Milim now, but my body wasn't strong enough to put her down. As a matter of fact, the only people with bodies strong enough to do it were probably the True Dragons. Not even Guy Crimson could defeat Milim over the course of their ten-day battle while she was mindlessly rampaging. I'd get wanting to enjoy a good fight and I know he wouldn't kill her because she was the daughter of his friend/creator Veldanava, but there was no reason he shouldn't have been able to defeat her in all that time, so my only guess is that he COULDN'T defeat her without killing her.

Of course, that was just a theory, but the fact that I needed a newer and stronger body remained. I probably needed to evolve once more in order to do so, but I didn't have the time to be lamenting that right now. Milim had gotten back up and was looking hesitantly at me for a bit. She probably doesn't have any experience fighting someone as an equal, as everyone she would've fought up until now besides Guy, and maybe the True Dragons but it was neer stated she fought them, won't even hold a candle to how strong she was.

Regardless, she simply shook it off and got into a stance to charge towards me again. It wasn't like she was hurt, so our battle was about to continue when ANOTHER immensely dense ball of energy entered my sensory range and instantly slammed into the glassy rubble between the two of us.

It was Guy.

"Oy! Oy! Oy! Oy! What is going on here!?!" He yelled as he looked at the two of us.

I blinked in disbelief before sighing out loud. "Guy, what's up with you today? First, you send her after me to test my strength, then you come to yell at me for fighting her?" I said, causing Milim to tilt her head in confusion while looking at the two of us.

Guy looked into my eyes for a bit before sighing. "Looks like I was found out, however..." Guy then angrily pointed to the moon, which still had a big crescent-moon shaped cut-out on it. "Did you have to do that!?!" He yelled.

Milim seemed to flinch a bit before trying to sneak off, but Guy sensed her twitch and turned towards her. "...Milim... you..."

"Eh!?! Well, it was... how do I say it? Uhh... Oy yeah! It was all that guy's fault for dodging!" Milim said while pointing to me with all five fingers again.

"Oy! I told you not to do that pose!" I yelled back.

"Oh yeah!" Milim said as she put her hands down.

Guy stood in between our shouting match a bit stunned that we started ignoring him to argue. This was GUY CRIMSON. The strongest Demon Lord standing in their presence, and he was being relegated to a bystander in our quarrel. His lips and eyebrows twitched in annoyance for a moment before a tick mark appeared on his head and he yelled at us.

"Hey now..." He said in a low voice. "DON'T IGNORE ME!" He yelled.

""PISS OFF"" both Milim and I yelled before we were sent flying by his punches to our heads.


So good news. [Time Magic] can be used to repair planets. Who knew?

Milim and I certainly found out with swollen faces featuring multiple red bumps that Guy gave us as punishment for nearly destroying the moon.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

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