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In The World Of The Boys:Homelander Is Nothing Before Me In The World Of The Boys:Homelander Is Nothing Before Me original

In The World Of The Boys:Homelander Is Nothing Before Me

Author: infinityGod

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: ×Chapter 1×Powerless God


*The Boys Universe*

*Great Country America*



Crawling across the ground was a natural born survivor and scavenger, a rat, it was intelligent, persistent and extraordinarily adaptive to any and every environment.

It squeaked as it searched around following its nose, then suddenly it stopped and looked behind before wobbling toward the trash can where it gazed at the dead body of a person that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

A man with no clothes on, he had bronze skin, with muscles like a perfectly chiseled sculpture, his hair was purple and layed beautifully across the ground.

Even on the cold hard dirty floor of an alley one could tell he was an extremely attractive man, Godlike even, as his tall stature only served to add the final touches to his flawless magnificence.

This man was Haile, a being chosen by father God, fighting all his life he had finally achieved one of the highest powers below his father, Truth.

As the rat continued to look at the man, his eyes abruptly snapped open revealing their deep penetrating vibrant golden shade.

."The fuck?."Haile said confused as he sat up holding his head, he looked around finding himself in an alley, glancing down he noticed he was naked also.

He paused for a moment before he chuckled and stood up, his "monster" down below swinging in the cool breeze of the evening."Guess that's what I get for messing with things I don't understand."He said with a calm smile as he stretched his back.

Back over in dxd he in boredom started messing with rifts, he thought in his mind that if one day his world travel power stopped working he still wanted a way to jump worlds.

So in that endeavor he began tinkering with rifts and portal with the help of Sona, Alavalanch and Ophis who could create dimensional rifts at will by herself but only to the dimensional gap.

He thought it would just be an easy thing but unfortunately for him nothing went as planned, he along with Ophis accidentally poured too much power into it and it sucked him in.

It would have taken Alavalanch, Ophis and Sona but he protected them instead of himself and this was the end result, he's now in an entirely different universe, probably even universal stream.

Haile smirked as he placed his hand behind his back before looking up...seconds passed."Now this is a pickle, naked, no magic, no power, no strength no.."He said casually."Statistics."


He suddenly laughed out with joy, he wanted a cure for his boredom and here he was gifted a cure, a new universe and back as a normal humble man.

."Now first thing is some clothes, *sigh*, magic is indeed convenient."Haile said as he walked to the edge of the alley, he peeked out only seeing a few people on the street.

He didn't want just anyone to witness his body just like that, so he'll have to resort to some very desperate measures, extremely so.


*4 Minutes Later*

In the alley Haile could now be seen wearing a blue jacket, a blue jeans pants with a skull belt, a pair of white off-brand shoes and some sunglasses.

On anyone else they would look like they were having a bad day, but on him it was like a work or art that would sell for billions, like a banana taped to a wall.

He smiled calmly as he walked away."I will remember your face, wants I have regained my power and wealth, I will find you and repay your "goodwill", now good bye."He said leaving those words behind.

Haile walked out into the street looking around like he was a tourist, which he indeed was."Second and most important thing is information, what type of world am I in."He murmured as he stopped and rubbed his chin in thought.

."I just hope some form of magic or power at all exist, or I may be fucked, exciting."Haile said to himself kind of dreading that outcome, if anything he may have to rely on the girls finding him first.

Glancing at the large towers in the far distance he noticed an electronic store on the other side of the road, he crossed over and calmly entered the store.

A little bell jingled as he does, first thing he noticed was a young man probably in his mid to late 20s and an oldman behind the counter writing something down.

.""Welcome sir, how can I help you"".

The young man spoke to him with a overly professional tone and a try hard smile, though in Haile's eyes all he saw was desperation.

With blue eyes and a tall stature he appeared like he should be confident, but his gaze was full of anxiety as he threw glances at the old man in the corner "discreetly".

."Uh yes, I'm looking for directions, could you point me to the closest library, I need to use the internet Mr...Hughie Campbell."Haile said calmly, the hooded jacket sheltered his face from the light casting shadows.

Hughie widened his eyes as he took a step back in shock."H-how do you know my name."He asked with caution.

."Mm."Haile tilted his head, he pointed down to the name tag around his neck."That may explain it, probably I don't know, what do you think?."

Hughie glanced down and became a bit embarrassed, he released a breath as he laughed."Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just a bit stressed is all."He said after patting his chest.

."Don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us, even me sometimes, which not many people would believe."Haile said as he observed Hughi's face trying to see if he looked familiar.

Hughie seeing this was confused and a bit uncomfortable."Uh um, ah so you said you wanted to know where the library is huh, um there's one just down the street, opposite the church."He said pointing downward.

."Thank you, I appreciate your help."Haile said with a grateful smile, he then turned to leave, going through the door he saw a young woman also coming in.

She had brown curly hair, a cute face and brown eyes, she stopped in her tracks as her eyes and Haile's locked, she stared in a dazed for a moment before a cleared throat by Hughie brought her back to reality.

.""*Ahem* Uh Robin, hey"".

The young woman named Robin shook her head hearing Hughies voice, she looked up at Haile who poked her on her shoulder."Yes please?."She said confused.

."You're blocking the door."Haile calmly, he glanced back at Hughie, then at the woman he heard was Robin, they seemed to be in a relationship.

Robin realized her position and hurriedly moved out of the way."I'm so sorry, I, I don't know why I did that, brain fog."She said hurriedly.

Haile nodded and left the store, he looked around, he glanced left and right."Which way was down the street again?."He asked himself as he rubbed his chin, he looked back into the store.

He saw both Hughie and Robin his assumed girlfriend talking and laughing."*Sigh* Guess I'll let them be happy, don't want that girl to gaze at me for too long and like me."He said casually as he chose the right and walked.

It may seem arrogant what he just said or some might say narcissistic, but it was just the truth, the girlfriend of a man he walked pass fell in love with him after looking into his eyes in the sun's glare.

."That was a fun time, that man was not happy in the least hahaha."Haile said as he turned the corner and saw the aforementioned church and the library, he quickly crossed the road and went to the library.

But before he could enter he was stopped by a security guard with a baton and a flashlight."Son, do you have ID, the public library is only free to natives of this town."He said cordially, not rude or anything.

."How does that even make sense, paying for a public library, sir I don't have any money and I forgot my wallet, I just need access to the internet, 1 minute."Haile said calmly since the man was just doing his job, or wasn't rude or anything.

The security guard hesitated for a moment but shook his head firmly."Sorry son, but rules or rules, break them once easily break them twice, not good for the Ole job."He said with a steady tone.

."..Ok...alright, I understand, it is your job, thanks for considering."Haile said after a slight pause, he smiled and walked away, then his smiled dropped like a rock.

He crossed the road and stopped by the corner."What the fuck, since when was it so difficult to use the internet, in the past I couldn't find a way to not see what the fuck goes on online unless I retreat into the mountains."He said a bit frustrated at this point, he hadn't face difficulty in awhile now.

Haile bit his lip for a moment before he shook his head and sighed, then he chuckled."Come on useless pride, you're no help to me right now."He said taking the step, he bent the corner and smiled as he saw Hughie and Robin in the distance kissing.

He slowed down his pace a bit so they could have their moment, but in the next second he was shocked as his eyes constricted.



A blurred appeared and with a loud wet splash Robin who was standing infront of Hughie disappeared with blood now coating the streets and sidewalk.

Hughie was frozen stiff holding two bloody arms and infront of him was a man in a blue track like suit with an A on it, it was like the hero type uniform or just wealthy.

It was a black man who took off his glasses to look at Hughie, he seemed on edge and anxious."I can't stop, I can't stop, I can't stop now."He said worried before jetting off in a mild blue blur.

Haile was left baffled as he witnessed the entire scene, he felt like he shouldn't have seen that."That's not shit you see everyday."He muttered as he was left stuck in a rock and a hard place, how could he ask the man for help now.



Hughie screamed at the top of his lungs as tears ran down his face, his body trembled violently."*Sob*Robin, no no no, Robin, please answer me, Robin..."He said with a fragile voice that became lighter as he called out for Robin.

Haile scratched his head awkwardly as he looked at him from a distance."Um, I maybe should go pay my condolences."He said to himself deciding to go over to him, the curb was washed in blood.

."Hey, Hughie, my condolences for your lost."Haile said looking at the blood splattered, he glanced up feeling the presence of something disappearing which he assumes to be Robin's soul.

Hughie with trembling hands holding Robin's arms in his looked around to Haile like a zombie."...Where's Robin.."He asked weakly.

."Uh, well."Haile rubbed his chin as he glanced at the blood and meat on the ground."She, she went, to a better place I believe, somewhere good."

Tears ran down Hughie's face at those words, he cried his heart out right there on the side walk, with the blood of his girlfriend all over his body.

After that the police and ambulance was called by an old lady from a store close by, all this while Hughie was still in shock as he knelt on the ground.

It was only after the police came to him for a witness report that he answered, they also took a report from Haile who attested to what Hughie said.

Now it was night time and Hughie was at his front door sitting down as his father nibbles on his fingernails and Haile patted his back comforting.

."Everything's going to be fine, you will get justice for your girlfriend."Haile said supportive, it was hard losing a loved one.

Hughie only kept his head down in a daze, his father touched his shoulder."Hughie, I'm sorry, I uh."He said apologetically

But Hughie stood up."I think I'll go to bed now, I don't feel so good, thank you for your help Haile."He said dreadfully as he entered the house.

He left both his father and Haile outside, Haile smiled under his hood while Hughie's father cleared his throat awkwardly."Uh, *ahem* Good night then Haile, thanks for looking after my boy."He said preparing to enter the house.

Before he could Haile threw off his hood revealing his appearance, he placed a look of difficulty on his face."Mr Hugh Campbell, I don't mean to ask, but this is my first day in this town, and on the way I lost my phone, my wallet with my ID card and everything, would you be kind enough to help me out and let me stay the night?."He asked as he sighed as pitifully as possible.

."Huh, uh, well, I-I well, I guess, the night is fine."Hugh said awkwardly as he glanced towards the door, obviously he doesn't want some random person in his house.

But Haile took care of his son, a total stranger for the entire day after losing his girlfriend tragically, he would feel like a dick to refuse him after that.

Plus also.'Is this guy a model or something, definitely a celebrity, he must have went through a bad experience to be having to beg to stay the night.'Hugh thought to himself.

."Thank you sir, I'll also help you with Hughie I know what it's like to lose that love, I'll keep him company."Haile said with a smirk as he opened the door and entered the house like it was his own.

Hugh was left at the door."..Let yourself in why don't ya, *sigh*."He murmured under his breath before entering the house as well.

infinityGod infinityGod

Creation is hard, cheer me on by voting for me if you'd like!

Would also appreciate if you would add to library!

If you have any ideas about my story feel free to comment it and let me know also!

Thank You Very Much!!!

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