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Chapter 227: Distraction.

I watched the first of my ship's three layered forcefields crack and shatter as the worms swarmed me, dogpiling over me like bloodsucking leeches.

Their claws dug into my flesh at every angle, restricting my movements, sending searing waves of pain across my body as the rest of them began to hurl their full might at the second forcefield.

No! NO!


I burned with rage and indignation.

Worms! You are just worms!

How dare you raise your claws at me?!

How dare you target my children?!

My eyes began to glow with a burning white as my body pulsed with power.

It's do or die now. They've forced my hand.

I reach into my body and dug my hand in, my teeth ground as I winced in soul shattering pain, pulling out a glowing orb of a most holy light.

My divinity.

One of 20 I kept in my own body after slaughtering the MCU's gods.

Pulling it out, it shone with a bright light emanating out of it that began to burn away the unbelievers, the heretics and those evil beasts that thought they held sway over me.

"I am become death, destroyer of worlds!" I growled, and with one determined move, crushed it in my grip.

"Die motherfuckers!"

The already unstable divinity collapsed, exploding out with unparalleled power and a blinding light consumed the utter blackness of the void.

A wave of devastation rippled out from my palm, my kamikaze attack of divine energy erasing everything it touched , destabilizing their very conceptual nature, unraveling and disintegrating their very existence.

Instantly, all the worms around me turned to ash, my divinity burning through them like a wildfire through the forest. Even the ones far enough to avoid instant death shuddered as the tiny vestinges lacerated them, cauterizing the wounds and liquefying their already gooey insides.

Even the ones least affected were blinded by the resodual effects of the divine power's domain, transfiguring their skin with sand.

The guy was a desert god after all, the one whose divinity I had blown up.

I had eaten him some galaxies away from the Shuzan-Itur's world.

Het-something. God of sand dunes, brown storms and guidance.

His domain naturally manifested in a last hurrah before it disappeared forever.

Like a giant nuke. A final fuck you to the bastards.

My body hurt from the impact, skins torn and flayed, muscles rent and bleeding, finger sized holes dug into my body from their claws, black and sclerated, eyes burnt out.

I coughed like first time smoker, and didn't wait for my body to heal. This was my chance, no time to waste. I needed to get back to the ship before it blew up.

A portal opened before me and I disappeared within, emerging before the ship, as I began the slaughter once more.

My hand burned with pain just channeling my power, my muscle tougher than most stars trembled as the flash boiled insides of the worms drenched it deep.

But it needed to be done.

So long as the ship remained, I could revive within. And more importantly, so could the kids. If the ship's shields broke, however, that'd mean death for us.

Nope, not allowing that to happen.

I crushed the head of another worms, my hands soaked in their blood, when three more speared me through the git, sacrificing their arm in the process.

Before I could remove the arms they slammed me again with their tails, sending me tumbling into the second forcefield just as it shattered too.

"Bwerkh!" I coughed up black blood, and looked down despondent.



I destroyed the group that had speared me, and pulled out their arms.

This is bad. The fight has worn me down. If I have to protect the ship and fight them at the same time, I will die, even if there are only about 15k of them left now, down from almost 200k.

I needed to get the kids, the ship out of here at least. Then I can deal with them. I sighed, as my eyes regenerated and reached put to what little divine enrgy was left in the air forming a mandala.

A spell for fortification.

Casting it on the last shield, making it sttonger.

I knew what needed to be done.

A wrench in the plans sure, but nothing too grim.

I just had to lead the worms away.

Immediately, I teleported into the launching bay, and stumbled into Wanda's arms.

"Jay?! Jay! What happened?" Held me up, laying me down on a table.

"No time. Too many worms. They're about to break through the last forcefield." I warned.

"I will go hold them off. Give you time to heal." Wanda said, changing into her battle attire when I grabbed her hand.

"No. There are 15000 of them left out there. You can't fight them all. I have a better idea."

"What?" She asked, fidgeting impatiently.

"I can kill them all, but not if I have to oretect the ship while I'm at it." I explained, as my lungs and arms healed up, the poison dissipating slowly under the influence of my code of immortality.

Truly, psychic immortality is the best. Even in the void it can save me without a cost, breaking all laws of physics and bending even reality to it's will where there is none.

I stood back up, stumbling, as my broken bones began to set themselves in place again.

"We need a distraction. Just enough yo teleport the ship away without any of these vermin tagging alone for the ride."

I pulled a USB from a portal and handed it to her.

"Their Path To Victory shards help them determine the best course of action in any given situation.

And that, the data in there? It's their primary goal. So the solution is simple. We give them an easier target. You know the spell for multiversal travel, yes?"

"From the Darkhold? Yeah, I learnt it last week. Why?"

"Because we're leading them away from the ship. You're already in your clone body, so take the USB, out of here and lead them on a chase. I'll hop into my own clone and do the same. Even if the clones die, that's okay. They're meant to be safe and disposable. You'll be indisposed for barely a minute at most if it goes wrong. No big loss." I said, summoning the Time Stone to my hand as I enchanted the USB and Wanda's comm link.

Wanda nodded.

"Now I have made the USB and your comms link into fixed points in time so time reversing abilities won't work on them. This way once you destroy the USB, the worms can't just put up a localized time bubble to reverse it to it's current form. So what I want you to do is to take these out into the multiverse, lead the worms far away and then destroy the USB. The USB can't fall into their hands. It'll make them too powerful. So focus on destroying it first. Then make your way to the magicians world as discreetly as you can. Try looking for cracks and rifts in the borders if you can. Finally..." I snapped my fingers, shutting off her comms link.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to find your own way back, without access to the portal system. Can't risk them finding the ship through the comms link. I have set it up so that it will only work under certain conditions, when I contact you. You understand right?"

"Yeah, I get it. Safety first." Wanda said, leaning in for a kiss.

"Exactly. If all goes well, you'll be back before it becomes a problem. If not, I'll come and find the ship and wake your true body from cryosleep."

"Wait, cryosleep?" She frowned.

"Yeah. They won't chase after you if they have the threat of our true bodies looming over them. We need to lull them into a false sense of security. I already messed up their PTV shards with my domain. They're almost dead from their evolution and their thosuand world trek across the multiverse to follow us.

They're operating at bare minimum capacity. This is our chance. We will put both of our true bodies in cryosleep, and lead them away with our clone bodies. I have set it up so that if our clones die we immediately wake up from cryosleep. Meanwhile..."

I turned to the holoscreen and injected a program into it.

"Computer, prep the portal projector. Use the program I just gave you and change the portal structure to the optimal one.

Activate the improbability drive and escape with the kids to a safer world where they won't find you. Set cryosleep awakening at the earliest emergency at least or ten years from now at most.

Initiate procedure Alpha-991 'Double Jump' for extra protection once you are out of here. Emergency protocols are in effect starting now.

Make all the necessary modifications to the ship when you're safe. Work on some of the upgrades too if you can. Prioritise the forcefield." I ordered, and gestured at Wanda to get ready.

With a cursory check, I found the kids, still asleep in the infirmary and teleported them to cryosleep chambers too, with a pre-recorded message in case they wake up before we return.

"Papa and Mama had some urgent business, so we're out at the moment and had to put you in cryosleep for your own good. The ship is in a safe place but don't get out of there until we return okay? No matter what. If you get bored, return to cryosleep. Papa loves you. So listen to what I say okay?"

I closed the screen, and put myself in cryosleep too.

Switching my body's code to passive mode while turning the clone body to active mode, I jumped bodies and felt an old sensation again.

A body free of all the extra modifications.

Weak, yes, but better at hiding. The old gods are more likely to notice a celestial crossing their borders than a mere human.

And the new magic might react badly to the celestial energy or the million other tiny power ups I had gotten.

Better to begin with a blank state.

Well, almost blank state. I was still stronger than most, almost as strong as Captain America with the muscle enhancements made via mundane medical serums to make sure it did not factir into spellcasting ir conflict with other power ups that could be gained later. Just a bit above peak human, resistant to disease and common toxins.

But nowhere near a god.

In some ways, I sure missed this.

Things were more exciting this way.


With a gasp I awoke in the clone body, taking gulping breaths as the spell I cast outside flickered.

I gave Wanda a glance and she nodded.

"Alright, it's go time."

I jumped out of the storage pod and through a portal, Wanda following close behind.

We emerged outside the ship, and I raised my hand, shooting out a particle beam from my watch, a thin stream of light, flaring out into the pitch black of the void, attraction attention by it's contrast.

Simultaneously, Wanda waved the USB at them, opening up a multiversal portal at the same time.

Godslayer bolts shot out from the ship tearing through the distracted ranks of the worms downing dozens, as they screamed to alert.

Their PTV shards began offering new instructions soon after, changing their targets from the ship to us as the godslayer bolts continued to put them down one by one.

"Yeah. Come at me, bitches!" I whistled, disappearing into a portal and Wanda did the same, whioe the ship's portal projector crackled to action.

A veil of neon green spread over the ship, wrapping it snugly like a blanket, before it began to twist inwards, shrinking and shrinking as it squeezed the ship into a singular line, before disappearing from sight, confusing the worms.

Yup. They are indeed at death's door.

You don't just force your entire species onto a death march across world, fight an ungodly monster and evolve in the same beat without tiring yourself out completely.

I wasn't the only one having a hard time fighting, after all.

They had barely put a scratch on me whereas I had wipe out over 90 percent of their number within hours.

They'll tell their children tales of the day their civilization faced complete destruction.

Except they won't!

Because I'll have killed them all!

I jumped out of a portal onto the vibrant plateaus of the Mega Seed world, dashing acroos the flourishing landscape to the field where the Mega Seed trees grew initiating my extermination plan.

First part of the plan?

Get to a world where my geass works.

Which is practically any world with matter, including this one.

I took a running start, leaping right off the cliff onto one of the trees, and in one smooth move grabbed a handful of Mega Seeds before sliding down gracefully, with no wasted motions.

Without hesitation, I bit down on the fruit, tearing out the seeds and crushing them in my mouth as their juices leaked out.

Tangy and acrid, but necessary if I wanted to stand a chance at surviving this grand chase across the multiverse. One I expect Wanda's clone not to. At least that way she'll be able to get another clone ready and get to our destination on time.

As the juices dripped down my throat I could feel the world peeling away before my eyes, dissolving into equation and rationale, pure math and complex patterns I could see through like clear glass. A beauty one never gets tired of witnessing.

Kinda like boobs in that way.

I chuckled.

I could feel joy bubbling up within my chest as a smile spread across my face.

Ah, feels so good.

I had my own flask of the stuff but this was stronger, more potent if a bit toxic.

And I needed all the advantages I could get.

"Let's do this." I replied in a cold, dispapssionate tone, diving into my geass as a path appeared before me amidst an infinte number of divergent futures, coordinates linking each world to another.

With a thought, portal after portal opened up before me, rach leading to a different world, littering the plateau with them till my portal fluid ran out.

Then I began to dip my hand through every single one, sometimes even losing my hand in the process in the blender dimension after it was scalded and charred in the molten gold dimension, blood splattering all around on the muddy ground.

But it was all worth it for the distraction I intended to create, the blood even made it more genuine.

I had come out with few armaments, knowing that if I had come out armed and ready, they wouldn't have fallen for this ploy.

So now, I needed the distraction to gather weapons and prepare for the fight, and for that I was buying time with this trick.

Now they'll go searching everywhere for me before they find the real portal. And by the time they get to the real one, the portals will be have dissipated forcing them to take the long way around.

I nodded, looking over the setup, satisfied, and gripped my shredded arm as it regenerated at a snail's pace given my now meagre psychic power, disappearing into the neon green folds of the correct portal, on to the next world.

But not before closing the correct portal on my way out.


MC makes a plan and ODs on megaseed juice.

Where will he go next?

Find out next time on ITCOTM!

Extra chapter at 200 powerstones.

Thanks for reading!


Also, if you want to support me buy me a cup of coffee or read ahead go to,

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