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Chapter 64: Training Sex Slaves 2

As we got to the door, we had to be buzzed in by the store owner. We walked inside, I looked around, there was all different types of "spy equipment" on display. This mainly consisted of cameras of various sizes, microphones, computers. Some of it seemed pretty high tech, and expensive. I realized why he needed the added security in a location like this.

Then, my eyes turned to the store owner. He was an old man, in his sixties at least. He was tall and wiry. His build was rail thin, he had a thick beard, but an almost emaciated face. He had a tight fitted camouflage cap, and a military style jacket and pants. He looked anxious, twitchy almost.

I later found out from Mr. Dudley that he was an old army vet with a few screws loose. He was very paranoid and eccentric, but apparently used his military knowledge to build the best surveillance equipment store in the city, for whatever that was worth.

"Old Johnny boy, just the guy we needed to see." Mr. Dudley exclaimed

"Good to see you buddy." He said before nervously looking at me and Vlad "And who are these guys."

As Vlad's fat body moved out of the way, Kayleigh, who was trailing behind us came into his view.

His eyes widened, and his tone changed. From one of anxiety to one of arousal and a bit of confusion. He couldn't help but wonder what this sexy teen girl was doing with a group of guys like us.

"Mm, and who is this little beauty." He almost whispered. His eyes fixated on her, looking her up and down before settling on her deep exposed cleavage.

"This is my son, and that's his friend, they're cool. And that babe that you see is the reason that we're here.."

he paused before continuing to explain the whole story which got Kayleigh into this predicament.

Johnny's eyes widened. He walked past Kayleigh and locked the store door. He switched the sign to "closed" and shut the window covers. He then made his way back towards Kayleigh before stopping inches in front of her.

"So you guys are telling me that this hot young piece of ass is your personal sex toy for the next two weeks."

"slave, doll, toy, whatever you wanna call her buddy." Mr. Dudley laughed "Which is where you come in. You see, we want to document every single second with this slut. We want your highest quality stuff." He said as he eyed some of the technology around the place.

You could see Johnny's bulge start to tent through his military type trousers. Obviously he liked the predicament that was unfolding.

"I'm just the man to help you boys out. But of course, to give you the absolute best camera for your situation, I'm gonna need to see the merchandise." He smiled an almost toothless grin.

"Well of course you will you dirty bastard." Mr. Dudley laughed as he walked to Kayleigh. In one swift pull he yanked her thin robe off, leaving her completely nude."

"Oh my my my." Johnny moaned as he circled around the nude teen. "I've never seen a girl like this in my life."

"Neither had we my man, and now we get to use her in every way imaginable." Mr. Dudley said as he grabbed a handful of Kayleigh's ass cheek. "Go ahead and have a feel bud. Full disclosure though, she's only sixteen."

Vlad and I purposely left out her real age when telling Mr. Dudley the entire story. I knew Mr. Dudley had a thing for jailbait babes so I wanted him to be able to live out his fantasy.

Johnny paused before smiling and grabbing a handful of her tits with each hand.

"I almost figured bud. Tits these perky could only belong to a young teen." He smiled as he groped Kayleigh breasts, empowered by the fact that he felt no resistance.

Kayleigh stiffened, her face was beet red. A part of her had almost gotten used to the boys and Mr. Dudley's constant groping. But this man was different. His fingers were so bony and cold. Just looking at him made her scared. Something didn't seem right about him.

Mr. Dudley gave her ass a smack before letting his friend enjoy her completely.

"Between you and me her age is actually a turn on." Johnny cooed as he brought Kayleigh's naked body in towards him.

"I'm glad we understand each other." Mr. Dudley chuckled

His hand reached around and grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed. "Wow, what an ass."

Kayleigh was stiff as a board as this old man molested her. She was more uncomfortable then I've ever seen her over the past two days. Watching her squirm while being groped by a grotesque man was turning me on as usual.

"You can tell she's new to this, she still gets embarrassed." Johnny said. "I got just the thing for you babe."

He took her hand and walked her behind the counter. He reached into the counter and opened his safe after a seemingly endless series of codes. Inside we saw a seemingly endless variety of pills and powders in various bags.

He looked back at us. "I was a medic for the military you see.. I've been around the world and I've collected quite an array of legal and illegal pharmaceuticals here boys." He went on to explain "After the war, conventional medicine couldn't handle my unique way of practicing, so I was forced out." He said coldy "but that doesn't mean that I still can't be useful to people in need."

He searched through his arsenal systematically, before taking out a couple different bottles, as well as a few liquid vials.

"You see boys, you aren't the first to come to me with this kind of situation. Every now and then an old geezer like you will bring in some young chick in a similar predicament. And that's where I come in. Let's just say I have some special expertise that can help them make the most of their situation."

He was now oozing confidence. I realized that the nervous anxious wreck that he was portraying previously was just a cover before he realized that he could trust us. Now the true creep that Kayleigh sensed from the beginning was coming out.

"Old pal I didn't know you were such an intellect! Let's see what you got." Mr. Dudley said excitedly.

Johnny pretty much looked like a kid in a candy story as he started explaining his merchandise.

He took the first bottle in his hands, he pulled Kayleigh by her ass cheeks. He fingered her asshole, Kayleigh almost pushed away. His cold bony fingers, and creepy aura were causing her to be too uncomfortable.

"You see how she pushed away? You see how tense she is? She's thinking too much. A true slut should think with her pussy and not her brain. This one is too stressed all the time. It's gonna ruin her looks over time. It's no good, no good at all."

He let Kayleigh go before opening the first pill bottle.

"Well this is the solution. This is pharmacy grade. I call it 'RelaXXXall'. It's not exactly legal in this country, but It's like an extra-long acting Ativan, it'll kick in within minutes. You'll need to give her 1 pill every day"

He stuck the pill out in front Kayleigh's mouth "Put it under your tongue girl, let it dissolve."

Kayleigh looked at Mr. Dudley and I nervously

"Go ahead Kayls let's give it a try." I encouraged.

He put it in her mouth under her tongue. Within a minute I saw Kayleigh's body posture relax. She definitely didn't seem tense anymore. She didn't seem obviously drugged out or anything, but just calm. I hadn't seen her like this since before our game of dare started.

Johnny grabbed her ass cheeks, and split them apart. He circled around her ass hole. Kayleigh definitely noticed, but she didn't tense up at all, she let her molester do as he wanted.

She almost even let out a soft moan as he circles her anus.

"You see, now she's free from her inhibitions. This is going to make it much more fun for you guys."

Next he drew up a syringe full of a liquid medication from a small vial.

"What's that man, let's not get too carried away." Mr. Dudley said almost anxiously.

"It's birth control you dummy." He laughed "I know you three idiots have been cumming raw inside this babe. And let me tell you, nothing ruins a young babe's body like getting pregnant."

I can't believe how dumb we were! We were so busy enthralled in our fantasy we completely forgot about the fact that Kayleigh could get pregnant.

"Uhh you got us there bud." Mr. Dudley chuckled embarrassingly "good call, we weren't thinking about that."

"No one ever does." He sighed

In the same syringe he drew medications from a second and third vial. He started flicking his finger against the vial to allow them to mix.

"And whats that sir?" I asked

"This my boy is my special addition for sex slaves such as your sister. I add in twice the normal amount of Estrogen and Progesterone then the FDA allows. Of course it's not entirely safe, but these hormones are gonna make her horny like a bitch in heat going through puberty. Perfect for your situation.."

He continued flicking the vial before continuing to explain.

"The results are a bit variable but the hormones also tend to have a nice way of making girls' tits bigger and asses rounder. Not that she really needs that." He said as he groped her breasts, to no resistance

"but an extra cup size never hurt anyone." He grinned "If you really want her breasts bigger later on you let me know and I can give you something stronger. Riskier, but stronger."

He continued

"Lastly, the hormones and birth control have a nasty habit of causing weight gain. We can't have that now can we. So I add in a metabolism booster. This was banned in the 80's, but still is quite effective. It's a pharmaceutical methamphetamine."

He laughed "It's gonna keep her energy up for fucking, boost her metabolism, and suppress her appetite. This will keep her nice and slender. The estrogen and progesterone will make sure that she doesn't lose any of her breast or ass meat though, like you see sometimes with women that lose weight. I call this combination the 'Sex Slave Cocktail'.

"Damn you've really thought this through, it all sounds perfect." Mr. Dudley replied, liking what he was hearing."

"Like I said, I know my stuff. I've seen a lot of men bring in girls in this situation, and I know how to get them what they want, and avoid common pit falls."

He played with Kayleigh's ass "That being said their girls are usually worn down, street types, you know what I mean? I've never seen a specimen like this. I want to make sure you boys have the time of your life."

I couldn't help but wonder what this guy was talking about. How many guys exactly come to him with a girl that they're coercing like we were with Kayleigh? This guy was talking like there were hundreds of men lining up in need of his services.

He motioned Kayleigh to bend over the counter and got her to stick her ass up. She did so without reluctance. She was fully lucid, she knew that this strange man was going to put a cocktail of chemicals and hormones into her, but she still had a calmness about her.

She grimaced as he stuck the needle in her ass cheek and injected the concoction.

"This is slower acting, but the effects will be steady." He said as he injected it all into the meat of her ass "It's good for 3 months, bring her in then for a top up."

"Haha I wish, we only have her for 2 weeks bud remember!" Mr. Dudley exclaimed.

"We'll see about that boys." He grinned devilishly.

He reached for a band-aid that ironically had a yellow smiley face on it. He stuck it on her ass where he had injected her. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Next, your slut will need to eat at some time. You want to make sure you give her the most optimum feed possible, to keep her looking her best."

He bent down and pulled a heavy bag up from a cabinet under the counted.

On it was the label 'Whore chow' with an animated pin up style picture of a busty babe on a leash eating out of a dog bowl. I couldn't help but laugh. Did this psycho really brand this stuff? He must be selling it to a large client base somewhere..

"This gents, is the optimum nutrition in the form of a liquid feast to keep sluts looking their best." He opened the bag.

It looked like liquid poop and smelled awful.

"This is protein rich, fiber rich and high in unsaturated fats. It tastes like shit of course, but who cares, this will keep your girl looking her best. Give her a bowl full of this a day for minimum calorie requirements" he said as he put the bag on the counter and pulled out a steel dogbowl and put it beside it.

Vlad and I looked at eachother. Did this guy pull out a dogbowl? I couldn't help but get a bit turned on by the thought of Kayleigh, once my ruthless tormentor, being reduced to eating this food that looked like shit out of a doggie bowl.

"What I've given her so far is a good starter pack. It'll keep her relaxed and horny for you guys. It'll also keep her body looking perfect, and probably even improve it."

"Now we need to make sure she knows she's your property." He continued to reach into his seemingly never ending supply of goodies. He pulled out a black leather strap with steel struts designed in to it.

"This is your standard slut collar, of course." He snapped the strap "Only the best quality. She should wear this at all times. It's a reminder to her that she belongs to you, and just in case she's out and about alone, this lets everyone in the community know that she is owned."

Did he say community? I thought to myself

"There's a special feature included as well. There is a GPS tracker embedded into the collar. It will track to your phone or computer at all times. If the collar is broken or cut you will be alarmed immediately." He smiled "Just in case your slut decides to be cute and run away."

"Well you can never be too safe." Mr. Dudley gleamed.

With that Johnny clipped the leather strap together around Kayleigh's slender neck, and tightened it. He gave Mr. Dudley the only key that was able to open it, as well as a code that we could use to track her location at all times.

He took out another pill bottle

"This is the last pill I'll recommend at this time, is what I call "Slut Candy"." He grinned "You give this to your slut when she deserves a treat. Use it to condition her to be a good slut."

"What is it?" Vlad said curiously

"It's a synthetic version of MDMA, with a twist of course. The effect is exponentially higher where her nerve endings are most concentrated. Her lips, her nipples, her ass hole, and oh don't even get me started on her clitoris."

He continued

"She'll get the same high with physical stimulation in those areas that a crack addict does with the strongest dope in the world. It's a very popular drug at my store. Even your run of the mill middle age couple uses this to spice up their sex life. It's very addictive though, so use with caution.. or don't" he laughed

He slid the bottle towards us.

"Relaxing pills, hormones, slut food, sex candy!? I appreciate all of this bud but it must cost a fortune, you know I'm not made of money." Mr. Dudley exclaimed.

Johnny brought Kayleigh in towards him. His bulge pressed against her naked ass, his hands reached around to grope her D cup breasts.

"With a girl like this bud, I'm sure we can arrange alternative payments." He smiled.

Mr Dudley smiled "Now we're talking. How about we treat both you and Kayleigh today then? After all, she's been a good slut today."

He took a pill of the "Slut Candy" out and put it in Kayleigh's mouth. It dissolved instantly.

"Johnny for everything that you've done, I want you to be the first to have your way with Kayleigh while she's on this "Slut Candy"."

"I thought you'd never ask." He said before starting to kiss her neck while groping her breasts.

He looked to me and Vlad.

"Boys why don't you set up that camera over there, I want this video recorded in the highest quality possible." He pointed to the glass case and tossed Vlad the keys.

We eagerly assembled a professional grade looking video camera and set it up on the tripod. While we were busy assembling it we started to hear loud moans behind us.

He was circling his fingers around her nipples and this alone was causing Kayleigh to moan out loud.

"Oh my goddd!" she cried "Uhh-uhh It feels so good." She looked flushed and was breathing heavily

We watched in awe as the pill took effect.

Mr. Dudley laid down a cloth in the center of the store and Johnny led the moaning Kayleigh to it. There was a pole nearby. I didn't notice previously but there was a heavy chain attached to it. Johnny dragged the chain over, it was about 5 feet in length. He linked it to Kayleigh's collar, binding her to the pole.

Kayleigh didn't seem to care in the slightest. She was eagerly awaiting the next touch. Seeing my sexy teen sister completely nude, chained to a pole by her doggie collar was such a sexy sight. She really did look like a bitch in heat.

He started to kiss her and she kissed back vigorously, moaning at the stimulation his lips were providing hers.

He reached down and split her luscious ass cheeks and found her asshole.

She momentarily broke her kiss as she gasped out loud at the anal stimulation.

"OH my god don't stop!" the young teen begged "AHH I've never felt like this before."

Vlad and I were dumb founded. We had never see Kayleigh this enthusiastic about anything, much less about having sex with a creepy old man like Johnny. She was completely disinhibited and she was in pure ecstasy.

Kayleigh almost looked disappointed when Johnny pulled away momentarily. He laid her down doggy style.

Kayleigh instinctively stuck her ass up and started wiggling it up like the bitch in heat she had become.

"Pleasssee." She begged

"I could never say no to a young asshole like that." He said as he licked his lips.

He split her ass cheeks apart and started licking her asshole.

Kayleigh moaned out load, her body was flushed and beads of sweat were starting to drop down her breasts and body. She continued gasping out loud. The old man had his tongue deep within her anal cavity.

"Oh my god keep licking my asshole don't you dare stop!" she screamed "Oh that feels so fucking good!!"

"We might need to gag her, or else those vagrants from outside might be drawn in." Mr. Dudley laughed.

It was true. I'm sure that the whole neighborhood could hear what was going on in this small shop.

As she continued getting her ass eaten out, I could see her pussy juices dripping from her pussy forming a puddle on the floor.

Johnny stood up. She looked up at him urging him to hurry up as he dropped his pants. He revealed a modestly thin but long dick; seeming to match his body type in general.

He bent over and without warning slid it into her tight and wet pussy.

Kayleigh started shrieking in pleasure.

"Oh my god I can't, I cant take it!! It feels SO GOOD!" she practically whined

She was smiling as she moaned aloud while getting fucked from a man thrice her age.

Soon she started to moan louder and her body almost had a seizure. Just then she started squirting pussy fluid onto the sheet. Her body rhythmically jerked with each squirt as she moaned. The metal chain produced a clinking sound with each one of her convulsions.

"Whoa I've never seen a girl squirt in real life before. Awesome!" Vlad exclaimed

The site of this was too much, even for the army veteran. He took a handful of each big tit and slid his shaft in as deep as it could go, causing Kayleigh to squeal intensely.

He came inside her. Kayleigh moaned

"Oh my god I feel each drop inside me, it feels so good.."

The old man almost collapsed, before collecting himself and standing up. He looked down at the puddle of fluid from Kayleigh's pussy on the ground.

"I'm glad you boys put that sheet down otherwise my floor would be a mess!"

Kayleigh looked up at the three of us. We were all rock hard.

No matter how good it felt, she didn't quite have the nerve, even yet, to ask for our cocks.

She looked at us and then down at our hard dicks in our pants. Her beautiful eyes looked ravenous. She truly was the embodiment of a sexy nymph. In her chain and collar, she looked like a hungry dog waiting for a meal.

"Haha, I know what you want babe." Mr. Dudley stepped up to her and whipped his big hard cock out. Vlad and I followed suit, forming a circle around Kayleigh.

She paused for just a moment before licking her lips and engulfing Mr. Dudley's big thick cock around her mouth. She moaned as she sucked him off. Her eyes rolled back. The mere sensation of his cock on her lips was driving her wild. She hungrily alternated between Me, Vlad and Mr. Dudley.

"Oh my." Johnny said as he admired the girl's skills. While we progressed to a full on gangbang with Kayleigh, Johnny started to bring out boxes of equipment for us.

For seemingly an hour we fucked the naked and leashed Kayleigh in various positions. As impossible as it was to fathom, she was enjoying it even more then we were.

She was sight to behold. She was drenched in sweat, her body and face were flushed. She had jizz all over her face and breasts. She had orgasmed countless times, each time occurring with seemingly less stimulus then the previous. Each time her body would jerk and she would squirt out of her vagina. It was so hot.

Finally, when neither of us could go any longer, we took one final jizz on Kayleigh's body and then collapsed to the ground.

Kayleigh looked over at us. I could tell that while she was exhausted, she was disappointed in us that we were done. She scanned each of our cocks before realizing that no one could go again. She gave into her fatigue and collapsed. She lied in a puddle of her own cum and sweat. She was breathing heavily. Her face and tits were almost covered in a mix of dry and wet jizz. She was seemingly comfortable in her new collar and metal leash.

Johnny smiled as he walked over.

"Well this isn't something you see every day." He said as he took several snaps of Kayleigh's essentially unconscious body. She opened her eyes periodically dreamily, she was still in ecstasy.

Once we recovered our strength, our attention drew to the pile of equipment that Johnny had arranged.

There were several high quality cameras, and several other smaller cameras that could be mounted to walls and other items. There were also wearable cameras, and microphones.

"What's this all about bud." Mr. Dudley exclaimed "This must be worth a small fortune!"

"It is." He grinned "but I have an idea. Follow me gentlemen, let's talk business."

He led us into the back room. We left the naked Kayleigh in her dream like state napping on the floor of the store.

"I will have all of this equipment installed in your home. So that we can document every second of what goes on, for your viewing pleasure of course. I have high definition cameras for each room and bathroom, microphones that you and Kayleigh can wear, and higher definition recorders that can be installed in every corner of the house." He grinned

"Well that's fantastic bud, but we can't afford all this. I mean we're happy to let you come and go any time and have your fun with Kayleigh, if that's what you want."

"Well that's to be assumed." He laughed "but this is more than pleasure, its business. After all, this is tens of thousands of dollars of equipment, I need to make my money back."

"How do you plan to do that from installing videos in our house?" Vlad asked

He again flashed a devilish grin before turning on the largest computer monitor. He brought up an encrypted browser and typed in a long link by memory. It led us to an elaborate and well-designed web site. There were several live streams.

We looked at them, there were several streams grouped into categories.

He led us through the website.

"Now boys, you understand that not a word of this to anyone outside this room."

Mr. Dudley looked in awe and curiousity at the screen

"Of course not bud. You know our deepest secret, let's see yours."

He led us through this site that he created.

I saw several categories: "Honey how does this look?", this was a group of live streams set up in women's change rooms, stratified by various shopping centers, colleges and high schools.

"Live with her" where a variety of live streams were set up in girl's bedrooms without them knowing.

"I'm a dirty girl." where the same thing was set up in women's showers, both public and private.

There were several categories similar to this, all with the same theme.

He even showed us one called "Watch her poop!" where toilet cameras were set up in ladies washrooms and private bathrooms.

He laughed "that one is particularly popular, there are some sicko's out there."

I looked at him in awe. My voyeur fetish was beginning to take over.

"You mean you're spying on all of these different women without them knowing."

"Of course, that's what makes it fun." He laughed. "and not just me, but anyone that pays for the site. And trust me, men out there pay big money for this shit. How do you think I make a living? It sure isn't by selling spy equipment." He laughed "I may not look it but this site has made me a well-off man."

"How have the cops not stepped in?" Mr. Dudley asked incredulously

"Please, this is not your run of the mill internet. It is highly encrypted. No average person is going to stumble across this. I know each person who signs up and pays to watch, I meet them over web cam to make sure they're not a narc."

He then went to a different section. This was full of live screens in people's houses. The streams were accompanied by stories.

"These are our premium feeds. Think of it like reality TV. Here I publish stories of how a girl became forced into her predicament, which invariably is having sex with a man, or a bunch of men against her will."

This is where you boys, and of course the star of the show, Kayleigh step in."

He scrolled through stories, each accompanied by plenty of pictures and clips of the girl featured in "the story".

"As you can see, these girls are nothing special. Sure they're not ugly, but they're plain, worn down. They're either too flat, or chubby, or too skinny, what have you. You see, a girl like Kayleigh.. well she would be the star of the whole site." He raved

I was getting incredibly turned on. The thought of strangers across the world getting off at the sight of my sister's pics and sex clips was too much for me to handle. I was already imagining what pictures and clips from our arsenal that we could use. The thought of men everywhere being able to watch Kayleigh's every move was sending me over the edge.

He continued

"From the story, the client gets an extra sense of arousal. He feels like he knows the girl, and if drawn in enough will pay anything to be able to watch every depraved act that she's forced to do in live action. Once users scroll through the story and clips, they can pay another premium price to watch the live stream.

It gives them a certain sense of power and control to be able to watch her at any time. And the users that bid the highest, can even pay to request that Kayleigh do an sexual act for them or play out a scenario. Of course we have also had men pay to have sex with the girl they desire most. I suspect Kayleigh would garner a small fortune for that honor.

But of course, I'm getting a head of myself, as you are her owner, It's your decision." He said before waiting

I jumped in "WE'LL DO IT" I exclaimed

Mr. Dudley looked at me

"Boy this all sounds very.. exciting. But aren't you forgetting, us not publishing the footage of her online is the only reason she has to continue doing what we want!"

"Don't worry at all bud. Like I said, this is not going to be published on your run of the mill internet. You see, even coming on to a site like mine is a criminal offense. The only people that see will see this are my clients. My clients are all a bunch of sick fucks, but they are very discrete. No one that Kayleigh knows will see this footage. And if they do, that means they're involved in some shady shit so they won't say or do anything."

"I guess that is reassuring." Mr Dudley said "OK bud you got a deal, this is gonna be fun."

"Fantastic! Great News! Alright boys I'll have this set up at your house tonight. I'm gonna stay up all night making Kayleigh's web page" He said gleefully

Mr. Dudley got up and shook his hand.

Johnny continued "Now how about instead of shaking on it we fuck on it." He smiled as he walked out.

Kayleigh was still collapsed in the center of the store, breathing heavily. Her sweat and jizz had dried up by now. Mr. Dudley picked her body up and put it on his. Even though she was half conscious, the chained slut that was my sister instinctively started riding his thick cock, moaning out loud instantly.

Johnny again was drawn to her young ass hole. He split her ass cheeks, and inserted his finger in her ass hole causing her to squeal in pleasure.

He replaced his finger with his thin cock, Kayleigh accepted his cock in her ass hole with pleasure. The stimulus of the cocks in her anus and vagina causing friction as they rubbed against each other was too much.

She was not fully awake and soon had another thunderous orgasm.

Vlad muffled her moaning by sticking his cock in her mouth.

I stood back. Here was my hot young sister, completely naked and leashed like a junkyard dog. She had a dick in her tight asshole, gushing pussy and accepting mouth and was moaning like a whore. I was rock hard watching this scene. I unpackaged one of the studio quality cameras and started snapping pictures of the scene from various angles. I smiled as I imagined which ones I would feature on Kayleigh's new website.


It had been a week since we had visited Johnny's Spy Store for the first time, and what a week it's been. A lot had changed.

Johnny helped us install all of the high tech surveillance equipment in Mr. Dudley's house. The deep web page that was dedicated to tracking our exploits with my sister Kayleigh was set up the following day, thanks to a lot of hard work from Johnny and I. This was my holy grail, I wanted to make sure this page was a masterpiece.

To describe an idea of the user experience of what we had created:

As the users loaded Johnny's dark web site main page filled with all of the different categories of hidden cameras and voyeurism, there were banner like ad's on each side of the main page with pictures of Kayleigh.

They were wholesome pictures, the one on the right was her yearbook picture. The one on the left was a picture of her in a dress at a school dance. She looked gorgeous of course, but wholesome.

After several seconds the pictures would change. One picture changed to one that was of her sucking a dick in front of her (mine) while having another (Vlad's) in her hands. The other was one of her getting railed from behind by Mr. Dudley, with her cum stained face up close to the camera.

The caption on each picture read "Click here to see this hot teen get tricked into becoming a sex slave by her brother! Follow her every move! XXX"

No matter what link the user clicked on, these banners stayed on the web page. Johnny knew that this was going to be the centerpiece of his website, and he wanted to divert as much traffic to it as he could.

When the user clicked the link, the web page changed to one dedicated to our story. The main feature on this page was a slide show of pictures of Kayleigh. It started with the one of her in Johnny's shop, chained on a leash, collapsed on the ground with jizz all over her face and tits. It cycled through automatically to pictures of her licking cum off of her tits, getting fucked up the ass, pussy and mouth at the same time at Johnny's shop, licking cum off the floor at Mr. Dudley's, and having an orgy at my house with my friends.

The faces of all people other than Kayleigh were blurred completely. Johnny had a face recognition feature on his software which by default blurred out all faces other than the girl he wanted to focus on, for obvious reasons.

As the user scrolled below the story started. It read

"Gather around boys and girls, here follows the real life story of how a brother turned his young sexy teen sister Kayleigh, the Straight-A student and high school cheerleader, into his personal sex slave.

Read the full illustrated story with 1000+ real pictures and video clips here!"

The user would click the link and then be prompted to pay up. Johnny took various cryptocurrencies as payment, as they were harder to trace then cash. The user would have to pay a significantly higher price to continue, compared to the other "stories" Johnny had on his website. Johnny was confident that the story was so appealing, and that Kayleigh was so sexy that the pervs that frequent his site would pay anything to continue.

After they paid, they would be redirected to the next page filled with the story.

This part was where I put in the most amount of work. I titled the story "Playing Dare with Sis" and broke it up into various four parts.

It started off the introduction of who Kayleigh was. I included pictures of her post puberty, playing volleyball, soccer, at high school dances, and cheerleader competitions, with friends. I painted her life as next to perfect, because it was. But I made sure to emphasize how much of a bitch she turned into in high school, and how she would bully her brother and his friends mercilessly. Even though the readers don't know who I am, I wanted them to know that I had motive for what I'm putting my sister through, that I'm not completely evil.

I progressed the story to the plan that Vlad and I concocted on a whim just 10 days ago. I posted about how the game began, as just a silly game of dare, with $100 on the line. I even posted a silly video of her doing jumping jacks as a dare. Her tits still were tantalizingly bouncing up and down, but fully clothed.

The story progressed to the part where Vlad and I got her to strip to her underwear. She did so willingly of course, as it wasn't full nudity and was allowed as per the rules. Next was the famous picture that started it all.

In full frame in the center of the text now was the picture of Kayleigh bent over on all fours, in her thin white bra and thong, soaking wet from the shower we made her take. As the user swiped through the picture sequence he would see how it progressed to Vlad and I posing to make it look like she was about to get double teamed by us.

From here the story progressed and Kayleigh completely lost control. Next came the part where we got her topless for the first time. This was accompanied by a picture, Kayleigh's first picture with her big tits out. You could see the fear in her eyes, there was a tear rolling down her cheek.

Next was a video clip of Vlad taking off her thong with his mouth. Next were a set of pictures showing my fully naked sister for the first time, in all of her glory.

Then came full detail of our sexual exploits that night. First a full video of when she gave me a lap dance ending in a blow job. This was the first time that she gave her brother a blow job. The nude lap dance served to highlight her perfect body in action.

The picture sequence ended with a picture of her face and breasts covered in cum. Next I detailed how we forced her into having sex with us. It started with me of course, being the brother. There was an accompanying full video clip of me fucking her and jizzing again on her tits. I remember vividly the look of sadness in her eyes as we recorded her licking the jizz off her big tits. The scene essentially repeated itself moments later, this time with Vlad.

The story then accelerated through the events of the following day, involving group sex with all of my friend group who she bullied in high school. There were tons of accompanying footage of hours of group sex with her, starting with the feigned group of dare that we played to kick it all off.

Next was the text and accompanying full video clips and pictures of the aftermath of each one of the boys "fantasy" one-on-one sessions with Kayleigh. Next we detailed how we dressed up Kayleigh to be Vlad's father's "surprise date". Accompanying the night were clips of his gradual advances, and the full video of when Mr. Dudley fucked her for the first time, and then when we had group sex with her later that night.

The story then accelerated to Mr. Dudley finding out from us what the truth was, and then authoritatively laying down the ground rules for our developing sex slave.

Next I detailed our exploits at Johnny's, and the rationale of each one of his "treatments". There were video clips of her getting a dose of the "RelaXXXall", an injection of the "Sex Slave Cocktail" in her butt cheek, getting her official slut collar, and getting her first dose of "Slut Candy".

Next were the high quality video clips of her getting fucked like the whore she was by the four of us, all while being leashed to a pole in the store like a dog. Since this was her first time on the "Slut Candy", a synthetic MDMA analogue which made sexual stimulation unbearably pleasurable for her, this was the first time that Kayleigh squirted with her orgasms. This made for amazing video clips.

The story ended with a picture of her collapsed on the floor of Johnny's store, lying in a puddle of her own cum and sweat. Her face and breasts were covered with dry jizz stains, her torso and face was flushed and drenched in sweat. She had a thick metal studded black leather collar strapped tight around her neck, attached to a heave linked metal chain. Best of all was that although her eyes were closed, she had this faint smile on her face, looking like she was in a happy dream like state.

The caption under the picture read

"So there it is boys and girls. That's how this wholesome teen with everything in the world going for her became the cum slut that you see before you. Click here to follow her every move live, interact with her and her masters, and even get the chance to have your this sexy teen slave act out your deepest sexual fantasy!"

The story read like a short novel. There were thousands of pictures and videos. The four of us literally worked day and night to get the site operational within a couple of days. Reading through it though, it was well worth it. It was a masterpiece.

Anyone that read through the whole thing would surely give up a small fortune for the opportunity that we were offering.

Once the user clicked on the next link. He would be presented with several payment options.

1. For a limited one camera view of "Kayleigh's room." Where she slept, ate, and mostly where we fucked her, the user would pay the lowest fee.

2. For a full camera view of her room, where the user could toggle between different cameras depending on what they wanted to see, the price would be a little bit higher.

3. For the full access view of the entire house (aside from a room and a bathroom we had set aside for ourselves), and the opportunity to follow Kayleigh wherever she went through wearable camera's and microphones, the users would have to pay a premium price

Number 3 was by far the most popular. Like I said, anyone that made it this far in the story was in too deep to turn back. They viewed this as a voyeur opportunity of a lifetime. Johnny informed us yesterday that we had already almost made back the cost of the equipment and supplies. Almost all of his sites patrons had been drawn to the story and made it through. Most of them went on to buy a subion.

Johnny kept 60% of the proceeds and he gave Mr. Dudley and I the residual 40%. The money was nice, but it wasn't the reason I was doing this. Sharing these exploits online, and having thousands of eyes stalking Kayleigh's every move, getting their rocks off to her sexual exploits was unbelievably stimulating for me. I was practically living out my biggest voyeur fantasy.

There were pay as you go options for requests that our premium customers could make. This would be transmitted to us through a live chat. We always had the option of whether we would make Kayleigh do the act or not. But usually we liked to give the customer a good show.

Things had changed quite a bit since a week ago at Johnny's shop. My sister Kayleigh had turned into our obedient sex slave sinking further into depravity with each passing day. I'm not sure if it was because she had mentally checked out, because of the effect of the medications she had gotten, or if she had simply begun to accept that this was her life, for now at least.

Another development was the effect that the ultra-addictive "Slut Candy" had on my sister. When she was on it, getting touched intimately was so intensely pleasurable for her. That sensation was 100 times more pleasurable than anything else she had experienced in her life prior. The pill would last 3-4 hours, and all Kayleigh wanted to do during this time was fuck. She would quite frankly turn ravenous for any kind of sexual contact, and would orgasm countless times. It was honestly incredibly sexy to see her like this.

Vlad asked Johnny once if we should try it. He urged us not to, he said that the chemical properties were so addictive that we could become dependent on it after one use, and we would essentially be bound to trying to get that high again. I'm thinking that this had already happened to my sister.

We used it as a treat for her. To earn a pill of "Slut Candy" at the end of the day, Kayleigh had to do all of her tasks perfectly. If she missed one blowjob, didn't fuck us with the enthusiasm we wanted, or even failed to keep the house clean or cook, she wouldn't get any "Slut Candy". In addition to this, to promote customer satisfaction, any request that we picked for her to do, Kayleigh would have to do impeccably.

Using this as a treat to positively condition her was Johnny's idea. It worked like a charm. The first night that we withheld the drug from her she looked visibly distraught. I'm sure that if she was allowed to she would have screamed at us for it. The next day she fucked us so good to earn the drug at the end of the day. Since then she's essentially been trying to outdo her sexual performance from the previous day. Johnny assured us that this was the best way to train our slut. Johnny gave us plenty of advice on how to best handle Kayleigh, as he had much more experience in matters like this.

He had her sleep in the utility room in Mr. Dudley's house. It was a room in between Vlad and Mr. Dudley's room. She slept fully naked, of course. She slept on a thin mattress, she wasn't allowed to have covers. There was a heavy link chain that wrapped around the cylindrical water heater and connected to her black leather doggie collar. The chain had about 5 feet of slack.

Personally I liked when Kayleigh was snuggled up in between Vlad and I, but Johnny insisted that the customers like the idea of the girl being chained up in a separate room like a dog. Also they didn't want to look at two dudes all night, they were only here for Kayleigh after all. We would come and go to fuck her as we pleased though. Some people like midnight snacks, we were usually more in the mood for a midnight fuck of my sex slave sister.

There were several high definition motion detecting cameras directed at Kayleigh in her room. They tracked her every move. The users could toggle in between screens depending on what they wanted to see. There was studio quality lighting and backdrop that had been set up in the small room, as this is where Kayleigh spent the majority of her time.

Johnny told us how different people had different fetishes. Some wanted unspeakably dark things to be done to Kayleigh, others just wanted to watch her sleep. He said we would uncover these fetishes as the clients become more comfortable and interactive with us.

At 4:30 am every day Johnny would come into the house to get his time in with Kayleigh before he went to work. Not only did he want to make sure his number one asset was being taken care of, but he also wanted to mix in pleasure. He would let himself into her room and have his way with her. Sometimes I would be awake at the time and would watch on the live stream.

Like at the shop, he continued to be obsessed with her luscious ass. Hell, I couldn't blame him. He would spend most of his foreplay around her asshole. Putting his fingers and eventually tongue into her anus. He would sometimes fuck her pussy, but mostly preferred anal, usually finishing deep inside her rectum.

When he was done he would tend to business. He would bring in a doggie bowl filled with her food for the day. The dog style wet food looked like a steaming pile of shit. It was dark brown, and had the texture of a thick smoothie, with clumps of solid pieces. It was a mixture of what Johnny thought was the optimum feed for a sex slave. It tasted terrible, but was high in protein with various kinds of ground up meat, fiber with ground up vegetables, and unsaturated fat with olive oils, chocolate greek yogurt and peanut butter. He was convinced that this calorie dense feed was the best formula to make sure a slut stays in peak physique.

In it he would mix in essential vitamins, her daily dose of "RelaXXXall" and a few crushed laxatives. He explained the latter part later.

He would instruct her to get on all fours and wait for her food like a pet. Of course she hated the food at first. But she soon realized this was all she was going to get, other than loads of cum of course. Even with the appetite suppressing effect of the metabolism booster he injected in her 7 days ago, the poor girl would still be starving by the time he put the bowl down.

"Slut do you want your food?"

"Yes Master Johnny." She nodded hungrily

"What do you say then?" He cooed

"I'm a good slut Master Johnny, and I want my slut chow."

"That's a good girl." He cooed

He put the bowl down in front of her. She hungrily started feasting.

Johnny knew that the clients loved seeing this part. This stunning babe literally looked like she was eating dog shit out of a doggie bowl, all while leashed like a pet. It was utterly demeaning. While Kayleigh couldn't help but feel embarrassed, her stomach was gnawing away at her in hunger.

She wasn't allowed to use her hands at all, she had to eat with her mouth alone. Invariably she would get the feed all over her nose and cheeks. The feed would drip down her chest onto her tits. The clients usually liked it more the messier she got during feeds.

She licked the bowl clean. Her face around her lips, nose and chest were all dirty.

She looked disappointed. Her diet had been pretty much cut in half since Johnny took over. To add to that the metabolism booster had increased her daily calorie burn. Kayleigh felt like she was wasting away. She almost always felt hungry.

Her waist, which was slender to begin with, now had almost no fat. Her rib outlines were becoming increasingly visible seemingly by the day. Despite this, the hormone injection that Johnny gave her ensured that her breasts swelled, almost like a pregnant woman's would. They were almost up half a cup size despite her fat loss, and this was causing them to be exquisitely tender. Her body, sexy to begin with, was now resembling more and more like a pin-up model from every man's wet dream.

Her ass, arguably her greatest asset, was also becoming rounder but yet even perkier. After her feeds, Johnny would lead her through an hour exercise session. Mostly focused on squats, jumping jacks, and planks. He wanted to make sure that her ass became even perkier, and that the rest of her physique stayed perfect.

Next is where the laxatives came into play. You see, Johnny explained to us that although some of his clients turn the camera off for this part, a large part of his clientele actually likes seeing the slave poop and pee! Some liked how it completely dehumanizes and humiliates the slave to be pooping in a corner like a dog wood. It gave the viewer so much power over the subject. Others just had a scat fetish, and liked watching poop come out of the anus, especially when it came out of an ass as perfect as Kayleigh's. I won't lie, I even became especially aroused by watching my sister poop. It was a testament to how utterly demeaned she was.

I'll spare the details, but essentially Johnny gave her a laxative with her feed to ensure that she would have a big bowel movement before he leaves. She would poop in the corner of her room. There were cameras set up in all different positions so that the viewer could have whatever view they wanted. She would poop on a brown paper bag. When she was done, Johnny would roll up the paper bag and take it with him. He told us that people that were obsessed with Kayleigh and scat fetish actually pay big money to have Kayleigh's big shits sent to them by courier! I could only imagine what they would do with it.

That part was a little bit weird if you ask me, but hey whatever people are into I guess.

Kayleigh was quite a dirty girl after she had eaten, exercised and pooped. So she needed to be washed.

Everything from here on out would be outside of Kayleigh's room. So only the "premium clients" could watch.

She wasn't allowed to wash herself either. Johnny would bring her outside in the back yard by her leash and have her kneel on the yard. He would get the hose out and start spraying her with cold water. She would shudder every time in shock. He pressure-washed the food off of her face and chest, before washing the sweat off of her body. Next she would present her ass to him so he could wash her ass cheeks clean. He would split her ass cheeks open to make sure the anus was clean.

Clients loved watching this part too, it was so humiliating for Kayleigh. Of course, there were cameras set up in the back yard to view this. He sprinkled some detergent on her which began to form soap suds with the water. He rubbed her down, always spending a particular amount of time on her large breasts and ass, making sure it was clean.

He blasted her with water again to get the soap suds off. Once she was clean, he dried her off. He would then put moisturizer on every inch of her skin, and then a layer of sunblock. He wanted to ensure her skin would stay looking young and taut, protected from the harmful effects of the sun. Finally, he sprayed her with perfume, giving her extra sprays around her asshole and pussy. He tugged at her leash and she followed him back inside. Once inside he took her leash off, leaving the collar on.

Depending on how much time he had before his shop opened he would either have sex with her again, or just give her ass a few gropes.

He decided he was running a bit late so he gave her prized ass a quick massage and a few smacks before leaving

"I'll see you tomorrow slut, best behave today."

"Yes Master Johnny." She yelped obediently

It was around 7:30am usually when Johnny left. On most days the rest of us would still be asleep.

This was when Kayleigh's work would start.

As Mr. Dudley instructed, she would wake all of us up with a pleasant surprise. As her brother, I got serviced first.

She scampered up the stairs and crept into Vlad and my room. She knew what I liked.

I had fallen asleep. I smelled the sweet smell of perfume. Perfume, and Kayleigh's delicious asshole. I felt her luscious soft ass cheeks on my face. Her cheeks were so soft and smooth. Johnny's skin care routine was really working. I moaned as I woke up. Having these beautiful ass cheeks sitting on my face was the best sight to wake up to.

Soon I felt her soft lips on my dick and the sounds of slurping. Kayleigh's blowjobs were the most heavenly thing on earth. She really was a pro. She knew what I liked. She twerked her ass on my face while licking the tip of my dick with her tongue.

I heard the robotic whirring of the cameras following her move. It still felt weird to me that every time I was having sex with her it was being recorded. But I comforted myself knowing that my face was blurred out. And even then, no one was watching me, all eyes were on Kayleigh.

Kayleigh sensed I was close. She pressed her ass cheeks deep onto my face, causing my nose to abut her asshole. Simultaneously she deep throated my cock. I soon came deep inside her mouth, she swallowed every drop until my cock went limp. Part of me thought that maybe she was so hungry that she was actually eating our cum to fill up. The thought of that turned me on. She was literally a cum hungry slut.

"mm thanks Kayls." I moaned as I drifted back to sleep.

"My pleasure Master Brother."

She moved to Vlad. He preferred sex in the morning. Of course, the fat ass wanted sex only if it involved no effort from him.

She sucked him off to get him hard. And then she got on top of him and rode him. She bent over to put her boobs in his mouth.

"mm" he moaned as he started to wake. Her big breasts were gently swaying in his face.

Vlad was always more of a boob man. He loved the effect that the estrogen/progesterone shot had on her tits. They looked engorged. They looked almost like a size DD now. Not that we would really know her bra size, since we never let Kayleigh cover them up with one!

He started suckling on her nipple like a baby as she rode him. She smothered his face with her breast meat. He started to moan more intensely. Kayleigh rhythmically rode him faster as she sensed he was close.

Quickly She got off and stuck her mouth over his cock in time to catch his load. She deep-throated his cock until it went limp, milking every last drop of cum that she could. Vlad started snoring instantly.

Kayleigh rolled her eyes before standing up and going to Mr. Dudley's room.

Mr. Dudley had his own personal morning ritual. He wanted service from every single hole, no matter how long it took. Kayleigh would bring him a Viagra, and feed it to him while he's sleeping.

She would start with a straight forward blow job. His hands reached down to her soft tits and squeezed. The closer he came to coming, the harder his grip on her tits would become. Often he would pinch her nipples. This would normally cause her to squeal in pain. But ever since the injection her tits were so sore that this was excruciating. Of course she couldn't tell him to stop.

She sucked him off fast and thankfully got him to cum, causing him to release his death grip on her tits. She swallowed the cum down.

Her job with Mr. Dudley was only part way done at this point. She knew that she had to keep sucking him until he got hard again.

She spent 10 minutes sucking his limp dick before it started to show signs of life. After a few more minutes it was erect again. She started riding the dick reverse cowgirl style.

She knew that Mr. Dudley liked watching her ass shake as she rode him. After seemingly 30 minutes of consecutive riding, she felt his dick start to twitch.

Again she got off and swiftly caught the load in her mouth. There wasn't as much jizz this time, but still half a mouthful.

She knew what she had to do next. She started sucking away again. Her jaw would start to become sore at this point. After making him cum twice, she needed to suck him off in various ways for about half an hour before he became hard again, in part due to the Viagra.

This time she knew that he wanted her asshole. No matter how many times he had fucked her up the ass, she could never get used to it. His dick was so thick and long, it hurt so much.

Gingerly she sat on his cock, trying to allow for her sphincter to relax. She gently was making her way down before Mr. Dudley unexpectedly made a powerful thrust upward, sliding his entire dick into her anus. She screamed in pain "Owww"

Mr. Dudley roared in laughter.

I looked down at the chat. Some of the guys hated the way he treated her, many loved it. The comments were filled with "HAHA Take that slut!" or "You show her pal!" with the occasional "What an asshole." or "You should be my slave Kayleigh I'd never treat you like that."

Kayleigh found her poise and started to move up and down his thick cock. After a while the pain seemed to abate. It never went away completely, but it got a bit easier to tolerate. After about 15 minutes of riding him she knew it was time. She took his load in her mouth for the third time, like she does every morning.

Kayleigh got up without saying a word, and as per Mr. Dudley's agreement, started to make breakfast while us guys got ready to start the day.

I looked down, one of the comments made me laugh.

"What a life. The sluts given out Five blowjobs, 2 anal fuckings, 2 vaginal fuckings and a workout all before the rest of these slobs have even gotten out of bed, that's one industrious whore!"

The comment was 'liked' several times over.

Kayleigh had made us a king's breakfast. She had made eggs, hashbrowns and sausage with pancakes. We hungrily started to eat.

Kayleigh wasn't allowed to have any of course, her AM meal was all she got. We put water in her doggie bowl and that was about all she got. She went upstairs and started lapping up the water like a dog, while we ate our breakfast.

"Don't tell her this but this shit actually tastes pretty good." Mr. Dudley laughed

"Amen pops." Vlad chimed

Now that we had fucked and eaten like kings, came the next part of our day.

We scrolled through the 'suggestions' on the live stream. Each premium member could suggest one request a day, and would put a price on it. Vlad, Mr. Dudley and I would vote on the one that we thought would be a good one.

Our eyes lit up as we looked at the screen and then at each other.

"That seems like a fun idea." I said.


Mr. Dudley, Vlad and I were driving Kayleigh to the center of the seedy part of down around Johnny's Spy Store. Kayleigh was seated in between Vlad and I in the back seat. My hand was stroking her thigh up to the hem of her charcoal schoolgirl skirt.

We dressed Kayleigh up as a school girl at the request of one of our online viewers. He had a rather interesting, and very high paying fantasy that he wanted Kayleigh to enact. He explained to us how he had a rape fetish. To make it even darker, he fantasized about watching a hot young school girl getting raped by vulgar homeless men. When he got introduced to Kayleigh and her story, he quickly realized that this hot young babe, and the predicament that we had her in would allow for his fantasy to be fulfilled.

We corresponded with him, after all, we were in the business of making voyeur fantasies come true. After collaborating with him, we came up with the plan. We dressed Kayleigh up as a young school girl. We had her tie her hair up in pigtails, and dressed her in a tight fitting white blouse and a plaid pattern charcoal skirt which ended several inches above her knees. She had on knee high white socks and black sneakers. We had taken off her slave collar just for this mission. We equipped her with a "Hello Kitty" backpack filled with a few light books.

One of us could've simply dressed up as a stranger and pretended to "rape" Kayleigh, but this didn't seem good enough. This customer was paying a lot of money to see his 'fantasy' come true, so we wanted to treat him right. Also, we wanted to have a bit of fun ourselves.

We instructed Kayleigh to act especially innocent and bubbly, to reinforce her youth. She was to act lost on her way home from a school she had just started. We instructed her to walk up and down the alleys, we knew there were plenty of homeless vagrants in this part of town. We knew that sooner or later on of these vagrants would be too tempted to care about any legal ramifications, and would do the deed.

To record the deed for our loyal viewer, Johnny equipped Kayleigh with a Christian cross necklace that had a video and audio recorder. She also had a piece of silver clip-on belly button jewelry that had another video recorder. To add to that, we would trail her in our car and record the scene with a high quality video camera. We were close enough to Johnny's shop that we could actually live stream the scene using his Wi-Fi. Johnny also came out to meet us. He had a rifle with him, just in case anyone decided to hurt Kayleigh too much. We had to protect our property, of course.

We let Kayleigh out of the car. I admired the swell of her tits, straining the buttons of the tight silk white blouse. She hesitated and she whimpered in fear. We had never asked her to do anything like this before.

"You better do a good acting job slut. No "Slut Candy" for you tonight unless the client is 100% satisfied."

This threat gave her some resolve. She put on a brave face and ventured into an alley. I was salivating looking at her ass sway with each step she took.

I couldn't lie, I was excited to see this as well. I was sure some homeless slob was going to have the time of his life raping my sexy sister.

"Holy shit I can't believe this is happening, you guys are awesome!" The viewer exclaimed.

Kayleigh ran into an old man sitting beside a dumpster. She cheerily asked him for directions getting to a street a few blocks away, explaining that she had just moved here and wasn't used to the town. The man looked her up and down, and had a quizzical look on his face. I imagine he had never seen a girl this sexy in this area ever. He looked like he was battling with himself for a split second, before forcing himself to look away from her and simply pointing her in the right direction.

Kayleigh skipped away and went down the next alley. A homeless woman practically grabbed her and interrogated her on what she was doing in a place like this. She scolded her and told her to leave and get home immediately. She warned that there were bad men around these parts. I chuckled as she also scolded her for wearing such a short school girl skirt. She sent Kayleigh on her way.

Then Kayleigh tried the alley on the other side of Johnny's store. She skipped down the alley.

"Damnnn girl, you lost?" a man hollered at her.

He was a large black man, he walked over to her, imposing his large stature over her.

"Check this out boys."

Just as he said that two other black men, one about 6'6", the other was short but much fatter. They were in their 40's, all had toques and tattered clothes and stained shirts. They had straggly beards. They were certainly homeless. The three of them made a circle around Kayleigh. They all were large men, and essentially towered over her.

"What can we do for you girl?" the tall one asked

'"Mm I know what I wanna do to her." The fat one said

We positioned ourselves across the street and zoomed the camera in. My heart was racing, I couldn't imagine what Kayleigh was feeling like right now.

Kayleigh giggled "Hi guys. I'm a new student at the private school a few blocks away, I just moved into town and got lost on the way home."

"Damn look at those titties." One said, essentially not caring what Kayleigh had just said.

The seeming leader of them replied

"Well girl we can help you get home no problem, but you gotta help us out in exchange."

"Haha ok that's only fair sir!" she giggled "What can I do for you."

The tall on behind her took put his large hand on her ass cheek and squeezed.

"Showing us the ass you got under this skirt would be a start."

"What are you doing!" she said as she slapped his hand away and turned to him "I'm not doing that!"

The leader reached from behind and put his hands on her tits.

"Ok then how about showing us these big white tits girl."

She struggled to get away but he pulled her in closer.

"No No please! I'm only in grade 10! I haven't shown anyone my boobies."

The fat one came in front of her

"Well there's a first time for everything hoe." He put his hands in the seam of her blouse and in one brutish pull he tore it open, popping all of the buttons.

"Daaaammnn." The said in unison as her bra incased tits bounced free.

"I've never seen tits like this before, can't believe this girl's only in grade 10, fuck."

Kayleigh was squirming to free herself but the man behind her was too powerful. He had her restrained by her armpits, lifting her arms behind her head, thrusting her tits out even further.

We had Kayleigh dress in a pushup black bra. Her already large tits looked amazing in this bra.

"NNO NOO please no." Kayleigh bawled. "Please don't do this sirs."

She started to cry like a school girl would.

The men paid her no mind. The tall man in one brutish tore her bra open, causing her tits to bounce free.

"Holy fuck." He exclaimed as Kayleigh DD cup tits were bouncing everywhere as she was squirming feverishly against the man restraining her from behind.

"I gotta suck on these big white titties." The tall man said as he took her tits and started shoving his face into them.

"mmm girl you're a blessing." He said before devouring her tit into his mouth while squeezing the other one.

"Pleeasee stop" she bawled "That hurts."

The man behind her put her down, but the tall man gripped her tight across the waist, again restraining her movement. The leader of the men started groping her ass through her skirt.

"Damn boys this white girls got an ass juicier them I've ever seen on a sister."

His large brutish hand lifter her skirt up and put a hand on her bare ass cheek. In one swift move he took her G string in her hand and ripped it off.

"PLEASE no, not there. Let me go sir Ill give you anything." She cried

"Nah you just gotta give me this phat white ass girl."

The fat man stripped her skirt off and threw it to the side. She was now completely nude other than her knee high schoolgirl socks.

"Fuck look at this bare ass." He said as he jiggled her cheek up and down with his hand.

"I ain't ever seen an ass like this." The fat one said as he squeezed the other cheek. "I gotta get a taste."

The leader moved aside and let his buddy get behind her. He groped both cheeks before getting on his knees behind her. He was mesmerized by her luscious bouncing cheeks. The fat black man had never seen anything like Kayleigh's ass in his life. He was kneading each cheek like play-dough and started drooling uncontrollably.

He brought his face up to her ass cheeks and sniffed

"Ohh fukk this white girl's ass smells like flowers." He drooled

"Then go to town bro!" The leader laughed

The fat one didn't need to be told twice. He buried his face into her juicy ass cheeks. He started licking the inside of her cheeks like a madman, slobbering drool down her thighs.

Kayleigh screamed "No not there PLEASE!"

"Scream all you want bitch, aint no one coming to save you here." The leader grinned "Your screaming only makes us wanna fuck you harder."

It was a sight to behold. The tall black man was still sucking away on each of her DD cup tits, while grabbing her tightly by the waist and lifting her up off her feet. She was struggling and squirming with all of her might, but to no avail. All the while she was lifted up so that her ass was face level with the fat man on his knees behind her whose tongue had found its way to her asshole.

I looked to the live stream "Holy fuck this is so hot guys I think I'm gonna cum." Our client typed

I typed back "You better get it back up soon bud they haven't even fucked her yet!"

I had to agree with him, this was incredibly hot to watch. I looked over at Vlad and Mr. Dudley, they were both rock hard while watching this scene.

While his cronies were slobbering away at Kayleigh tits and ass, the leader reached into the dumpster beside where the scene was going on. He brought out some frayed but thick rope from the dumpster. He then brought out a thin mattress. Apparently these guys were using this dumpster as their bedroom!

He threw the mattress on the gravel alley. The mattress was tattered and torn. It had yellowish stains all over it.

He tied the thick rope around a bar on the top of the dumpster and then closed it so the rope was dangling down and touching the ground. He barked at his cronies to take their mouths off her and turn her with her back to him and yank her hands behind her back.

The man took the rope and skillfully tied it tightly around her wrists, binding her hands uselessly behind her.

She cried out again, practically bawling like a little girl.

He pulled his trackpants down, he wasn't wearing any underwear.

The three of us all looked at each other in dismay. This man's dick was unlike anything we had ever seen. It was as thick as a coke can, and was at least 10 inches long. The girth of it made even Mr. Dudley's dick look modest.

"N-N-O NO PLEASE NO SIR." Kayleigh bawled in horror.

"Shut up bitch you gon' take this dick."

He turned her around and pushed her cheek against the cold steel of the dumpster while keeping the other hand around her hips. She was bent over at a 45-degree angle with her cheek against the dumpster and her ass facing her molester. He gave her ass a big smack and squeezed.

"I might've let you go if you didn't have an ass like this." He said as he squeezed her cheek roughly "you know me and my boys can't resist this booty girl."

Tears were running down her face freely.

After a few more seconds groping her ass he split her ass cheeks apart and brought his comically large member to her pussy. Just putting the tip in caused Kayleigh to gasp.

"Oooh fuck this teenage pussy is so tight boys."

Kayleigh cried out loud in pain as he further advanced his dick into her tight pussy.

He gave her a sharp slap on her ass.

"Haha it's only half way in girl."

I couldn't help but snap several pictures. The scene was incredible. Kayleigh was bent over with a big black cock in her pussy from behind, all while roped up by her hands to a dumpster. This caused her DD cup tits dangle down deliciously from her chest. The effect of gravity made them look enormous, especially in comparison to her impossibly thin waist. I envisioned this picture as being the thumbnail for this scene on the website.

Kayleigh moaned excruciatingly as he fully advanced his hard dick into her. As he started to thrust her large breasts swayed slowly back and forth.

"Damn look at those titties rock." The fat one said

"Oh fuck boys she feels so good." He said as his thrusting began to intensify "I've never fucked a pussy this tight. And her phat ass feels so good."

The other two got their dicks out too. The tall one's was skinny but must've been almost 12 inches long! The fat one's was probably around 7 inches long but was as thick as a water bottle.

All the while Kayleigh was wailing away as the leading man was pounding away at her at full force now. She had never felt a dick like this, it was like her pussy was getting hit with a sledgehammer. She couldn't believe how deep it was hitting. She felt like it was smashing her cervix with every blow, trying its best to blast through it. It was excruciating but at the same time was stimulating her the way she's never been before.

Unbelievably it felt like it was almost getting bigger inside of her!

"OHH FUCKK here it comes bitch." He screamed

His cock started to jerk inside of her, and unloaded a huge load of cum, filling her vagina up.

"She's all yours boys." He said as he turned to his kronies

"Noo NOOoo please no more I feel like my insides are torn!" she cried

"hehe we're just getting started bitch." The tall one said.

He took the place of the other man and inserted his long dick into her vagina. Impossibly she felt that this dick was slamming her cervix even harder. She moaned loudly. The fat one stuck his dick in front of her and started slapping her pretty face with it.

"Suck this white bitch."

She did as she was told and put the fat black cock in her mouth. Her lips could barely fit around the thick cock. She instinctively started to do what she did best and started sucking the cock like a pro.

"Damn for a school girl you pretty dirty bitch." He laughed. His short stature allowed for him to easily reach under her and grab her big tits. He squeezed Kayleigh's still tender breasts causing her to moan in pain. Soon Kayleigh felt his dick start to spasm in her mouth. He took her by the hair and took his dick out of her mouth and put it inches from her face.

He started to moan before unloading seemingly cups of cum onto Kayleigh's pretty face.

"Damn I never jizzed on white bitch's face before." He laughed

The leader reader told the tall man to stop fucking her for a moment. He untied the knot at the dumpster, leaving Kayleigh handcuffed by the rope but momentarily free. She decided to try and make a run for it. She tried to bolt down the alley, but could barely make it a few feet before the leader grabbed her by the waist. The brutish man carried her over his shoulder before throwing her onto the stained mattress on the street.

"Nooo please let me go!" she begged

"oh baby we are just getting started." He seethed

The tall man lied down on the mattress.

"Ride this tall dick bitch." He commanded.

Kayleigh reluctantly climbed on top of him and moaned in pain as she felt the entirety of the cock inside of her. She didn't have her hands to use so to have any leverage to fuck the cock she had to essentially collapse on to the tall man's chest. Her big tits squished against his chest.

The fat man got behind her and again started to become almost fixated with her ass as it jiggled while she rode him. It wasn't long before the site of Kayleigh's voluptuous ass cheeks got the man hard again. Meanwhile the leader felt like he needed his dick sucked.

Kayleigh didn't have the leverage to try and raise herself to the level of his dick. So he grabbed for by her pigtails and pulled her up by the hair.

"OWWW" She screamed. As her mouth was open screaming, he stuffed his big cock in effectively shutting her up.

Kayleigh couldn't believe it, she felt like the entire weight of her upper body was supported by his big, thick dick. She started to cautiously suck his dick. She was worried that if the dick slipped out of her mouth she would lose support and slam down on the man below her. Meanwhile, the fat man behind her was fully erect. He was fixated on her ass as it was riding up and down his friend's dick.

Like a zombie he walked towards her ass and started to squeeze each glorious cheek. He forced her pelvis down on his friend's dick and held it there. He split her ass cheeks apart until her delicious ass hole gaped open. Without any regard for Kayleigh's poor anus he forcefully shoved his thick dick in.

"OWWWWW" Kayleigh screamed as she let go of the man's dick in her mouth and collapsed onto the man below her. She had never had a dick even close to the size of this man's in her ass before. The man in front of her again pulled her up by her hair.

"Bitch did I say you could stop sucking my dick?" he screamed at her

She sucked up her pain and returned to sucking off the large dick in front of her. The man below her slapped her hard on the ass

"Bitch this dick isn't gonna fuck itself." The tall man below her screamed

She started to slowly start writhing on his dick again. The man behind her started to fuck her faster as her ass started to slowly become a bit more accepting of it. Kayleigh felt like she was being torn apart internally with the two dicks in her pussy and ass. All the poor girl could do though was focus on the monstrous dick in front of her.

"Fuck this school girl is a cock sucking pro." The man in front of her said. Without much warning he pulled her head by the hair, too his dick out and came on her face with just as much cum as the other man.

"Damn bro you right, jizzing on a pretty white face like this feels so good."

The man below her said "Damn I wanna try, bitch suck my dick."

He took his dick out of her pussy and slid upwards. He forced her mouth onto her cock. Kayleigh gagged on the sheer length of his cock. She had never had a cock this long in her before she felt like it was almost at her stomach! Soon she felt the snake like cock withdraw as she knew what was coming next. She closed her eyes and felt a hose of warm white cum on her face. She felt like she was drowning in cum. She felt the cum drip down her chin onto her chest and breasts.

Meanwhile the fat man behind her was going to town on her asshole. He had each ass cheek in a death grip, using his grip as leverage so he could fuck her asshole harder.

Kayleigh had never felt this much pain before. She was literally in too much pain to scream. She had to make it stop.

"Please fuck my tits instead, you'll love them!" She begged

He stopped in his tracks. "damn bitch that's not a bad idea."

Kayleigh sighed relief as he withdrew his fat cock from her anus. It felt like she was taking the biggest poop of her life!

He flipped her around and stuck his cock in between her soft luscious breasts. He squished her tits around his cock. "Damn girl you were right." He moaned.

Soon he too came all over her big tits and chest.

Kayleigh looked like she had taken a bath in cum. I made sure to take plenty of pictures. I felt like we could put these pictures on the main site of her page. It just looked so demeaning and hot.

Everyone paused as sirens started to blare in the background.

"Oh fuck someone called the pigs!" One of them cried

"It must've been that bitch in the alley next to us. She's always been too soft for these streets." The leader said

"Leave this bitch here. We gotta run!" the short one exclaimed

Before they could bolt, Johnny got out of the car and ran to them.

"Hold on boys. Bring her in here quickly." He said as he ran to his shop. "Bring the rope and mattress too otherwise they'll find the evidence."

The men looked confused but knew that the man was right. They picked up Kayleigh and the incriminating evidence and rushed into Johnny's shop. Johnny locked the store door and closed the blinds once Kayleigh and the vagrants were inside.

We drove off down the street and watched as a police car came minutes later. The cops did a slow drive down each alley, before simply driving away.

I took the moment to look down at the stream and chat.

"Holy fuck guys I've never cum that many times in my life. That was the best rape scene I've ever seen. God bless you guys, I'm going to tip you handsomely."

I replied "Cheers! Glad we could keep you satisfied. We'll be sending you the edited video soon for your re-viewing pleasure."

Inside the shop, the men looked befuddled at Johnny. Johnny welcomed them in to take a seat. As he did so go he grabbed Kayleigh by the rope and tied her to a pole in his shop. The men looked in awe as Kayleigh gave no resistance at all. He continued as he locked a black leather collar around her slender neck and connected the chain from the same pole to the collar.

"Sit girl." He commanded. She quickly took a seat on her allocated mat. Her eyes lit up as he brought a bottle of "Slut Candy" to her.

"You've been a good girl Kayleigh, you've been a really good girl." He cooed "You made daddy so much money today."

Kayleigh kept her eyes fixated on the pill as he took it out of the bottle.

"You deserve this girl." He said as he held the pill in his palm in front of her. She hungrily lapped it up.

The black men looked at each other and then looked at Johnny.

"Man what the FUCK is going on here." They said, almost in unison

Johnny reached into his drug cabinet and withdrew some run of the mill extra strength Viagra, as well as capsules filled with herbs from Africa containing a powerful aphrodisiac. He walked around and gave each man one of each pill.

"Boys you can either sit here and listen to this old man explain a long winded story, or you can take these pills and fuck this hot young slut until your dicks get sore."

The men looked at each other, shrugged and downed the pills. Moments later they looked at Kayleigh and barely recognized the innocent schoolgirl that they were forcing themselves on just a few minutes before.

She had made her way in between them and was on all fours, flushed and panting heavily. She was wiggling her ass at the short fat man. She took a hand and split her ass cheek out so that her asshole was staring at him. She winked her asshole at him, essentially inviting his thick dick into her ass. She licked her lips as she stared at the tall man's cock. She took it in her mouth and engulfed it in its entirety, she moaned as she felt the length of it travel through her lips.

The leader man took the image in before sliding under her and letting her ride his cock like cowgirl.

Johnny smiled as he set up his cameras to film the scene. Afterwards he went to the back and started to work on uploading the previous scenes on his website. He fell asleep and would wake up periodically to the sounds of loud moaning and fucking.

Hours later he woke up and was greeted to silence. He checked the store and laughed at the scene. The black men had left the store. Kayleigh was still leashed to the pole. But she had broken free of her rope tie around her hand. She was collapsed at the center of the floor. She had that familiar dream like smile on her cum covered face. She had a thick layer of dried cum on her face and tits. She had streaks of cum on her stomach and all around her vagina. Cum still seemed to be oozing out of her asshole.

Kayleigh looked like she was having the best dream of her life. Every now and then she would subconsciously lick some cum off her lips and swallow it. Johnny called us and we drove over to pick up our pet. It was night time, so Mr. Dudley picked her up put her naked body in the trunk of his car. She barely even woke up throughout the whole experience. We drove her home, gave her a kiss on the head each and put her in her cage in the utility closet where she belonged.

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