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Infection Escalation Infection Escalation original

Infection Escalation

Author: Isiaka_Abdulmalik

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue


🏥Battling the Hospital Outbreak🏥


The staccato bursts of gunfire reverberated through the air as the soldiers discharged their weapons haphazardly towards an enigmatic target. Smoke billowed, obscuring their vision.

"Cease fire,"bellowed one soldier amidst his four comrades. His deep voice lingered in the aftermath of the gunshots, his grip never releasing his weapon. The other soldiers complied immediately and a deafening silence ensued after minutes of incessant noise.

As the smoke dissipated seconds later, they realized with dismay that they had been firing at nothing but empty space.

"Where on earth is she?"pondered the soldier who had issued orders to hold fire.

All members remained vigilant; for they were all highly trained military personnel. Suddenly, a droplet splashed onto the shoulder of their sole female soldier, staining her black camouflage uniform...

The soldier positioned behind her promptly detected the occurrence and directed his gaze upwards. There she was, staring directly into his pupils with her limbs clinging to the ceiling and blood oozing from her mouth. "Above,"he informed his comrades as he raised his weapon high towards the direction of the anomalous lady who immediately lunged at him.

As gunshots rang out, blood splattered on the floor before both soldiers were found lying lifelessly in their own pool of blood. "She's incredibly swift,"one of them remarked with a look of terror etched on his face.

Before he could finish speaking, a hand plunged into his chest, rendering him unable to complete his statement about the virus...

In front of their very eyes, his heart was torn from his chest and he collapsed to the ground, revealing a woman in her early twenties. Her dark green eyes were striking and she possessed long, slender fingers with visible green veins. Her sharp teeth were stained with blood as she stood before them dressed in a tattered garment drenched in crimson. In her possession was not just any heart but that of their fallen comrade's.

Without hesitation, they opened fire on the mysterious lady who effortlessly dodged every bullet aimed at her. She drew closer to them and swiftly ripped out their esophagi causing both men to fall lifelessly to the floor.

As she made her way towards the elevator with the stolen heart clutched between her teeth, it suddenly opened to reveal another woman identical in appearance to herself. It became clear that whatever affliction had affected one had also impacted the other.

"I thought I was alone,"said the first woman as she approached her counterpart who spat out the bloody organ onto the floor below.

"I believed that I was the sole individual capable of verbal communication,"she responded, gazing intently into the lady's eyes. "Is it due to our inhalation of the green virus rather than being a casualty?"The lady answered. "I struggle to comprehend your meaning, but why are they attempting to eliminate us?"She inquired further. "It is because we have been infected,"came the reply.

The reason for their elimination lies within their infection with the green virus and its connection with deceased soldiers. To fully understand this tale, let us commence at its inception for greater clarity.



🤺 Chapter 1🤺

Kane's agonized cry reverberated throughout the building as a robust, ebony-skinned man shook his bare chest with an electrical socket. Sweat trickled down from Kane's chin and his teeth ground against each other as he endured the torment of being bound to a hanger with copper wire, his arms outstretched above him while his legs dangled in midair. His army camouflage was soaked through with urine, blood, and sweat; even a blind person could sense that he had been subjected to severe punishment.

"Are you going to speak or not?"The leader of the terrorists - also muscular and black with a bald head and cigarette between his fingers - asked Kane fearlessly as he advanced toward him. Stopping directly in front of him, he leaned in closer, waiting for a response.

"Where is General Chad?"He demanded sternly, raising his face up so that their gazes met directly. Not because one was short or tall but rather because Kane was suspended slightly above the surface of the earth.

Linda sniffed back tears as she tasted her own blood running down from her forehead wound; she believed that this time Kane would surely divulge what they wanted to hear despite all that he had already suffered. Even Matt doubted whether Kane would hold out any longer under these circumstances. They were all suffering greatly but refused to give up hope.

Only Ivy remained steadfast in her faith that Kane would never reveal any critical information no matter what happened - even if it meant facing death itself.

Kane grimaced as he wiped his face with a mixture of saliva and blood. "Ask your mother in hell,"he retorted to the frustrated terrorist leader, clenching his right fist and narrowing his eyes.Everyone else present knew what was coming next except for Matt, who was restrained alongside three other hostages. Kane couldn't avoid the bald man's bone-crunching punch that landed squarely on his jaw, sending him reeling backwards while the terrorist discarded his cigar with annoyance.The leader gestured to one of his henchmen, who handed him a stun gun. But before he could aim it at Kane, a smile spread across his lips - evidently pleased by the force of impact from his previous blow - and approached Linda instead."Are you going to tell me or end up like him?"he asked the blonde woman who struggled against her bindings."Over my dead body,"she spat back defiantly."I suppose you've made your choice..."He then proceeded to shock her repeatedly with the stun gun until her screams echoed throughout the building. He paused briefly before resuming once more, laughing hysterically as she writhed in agony.

She is on the brink of death and may pass away imminently if her comrades do not intervene."Stop,"a voice bellowed, causing the terrorist to cease his torture immediately and shift his attention toward the source of the sound."I will divulge all that you desire to know,"Ivy reiterated as the man extended his other hand. One of his henchmen placed a device in it before stepping back.His underlings were armed with firearms, their gazes never straying from the four soldiers."Speak up,"ordered the man as Ivy began confessing everything she knew.The device beeped red, indicating that everything she had disclosed was false. In a fit of rage, he grasped the zapper and cranked it up to maximum power.With just one jab, Ivy's life would be extinguished... Just as he was about to zap her, Kane sprang into action and charged at him, causing him to drop the zapper and allowing Kane to retrieve a knife from his pocket which he held against his throat."You know what you must do or I will not hesitate to slit this man's neck,"threatened Kane who retained control over their leader while forcing him to signal for his men to surrender their weapons.They obeyed and dropped them on command while Kane moved closer towards a nearby table without loosening his grip on their leader. Upon pressing a button on it, all of his fellow soldiers instantly fell down unconscious but Kane remained triumphant nonetheless. Seizing an opportunity when Kane let down his guard momentarily; however, their captive dealt him an unexpected elbow strike which caused him stumble backwards but before they could reach for any weapons again -his comrades sprang into action- diffusing any potential danger swiftly!

The skirmish commences between the soldiers and the terrorists. Kane thrusts his knife towards the man's esophagus, but the latter evades it and delivers a punch to Kane's stomach. Coughing up blood, Kane doubles over with his hand on his abdomen.

Seizing this opportunity, the man launches a kick, but Kane catches his leg swiftly and twists towards him. The terrorist drops down with the knife plunged into his throat.

Kane looks up at his comrades who all have smiles on their faces until they hear a ticking sound.

A terrorist has activated a bomb that will explode in 20 seconds' time. Without wasting any more time, they sprint out of the building as fast as their legs can carry them.Boom‼️The final tick signals an explosion that pushes all four soldiers including Kane to the ground.

They scream out in agony as sharp fragments from the shattered building pin their bodies to the floor.🗣️ Aaaargh‼️.

🗣️ Aaaargh‼️

🗣️ Aaaargh‼️

"Uncle Kane, please wake up,"the two young girls called out in unison. Suddenly, he jolted awake from his nightmare and sat upright before collapsing back onto the bed. "Thank goodness it was just a..."he trailed off, still shaken from his dream.

"Surprise!"exclaimed his nieces as they emerged from their hiding spot. Kane flinched in shock before realizing who had startled him. "You both scared me,"he said with a smile.

"We did it, Lorina!"one of the girls exclaimed as they high-fived each other.

"Why were you screaming so hard?"asked Lorina curiously.

Kane hesitated for a moment before answering, "I had a nightmare."

"What's that?"Anna asked innocently.

Realizing that his explanation would be lost on them, Kane decided not to elaborate any further. Just then, their mother interrupted them by announcing breakfast was ready and the girls rushed towards her without waiting for an answer.

As they ate breakfast together, Guiness noticed how quickly Kane was eating and offered him more food but he declined politely. However, when Anna asked about what nightmare meant again during breakfast conversation later on which resulted in Guiness scolding her daughters about table manners instead of explaining it to them properly.

Afterwards,Kane left for Rochester General Hospital where Ivy is recuperating following an attack by unknown assailants previously while Guiness warned him to be careful since there might still be enemies lurking around watching every move they make.

Meanwhile,A curious Anna overheard this information regarding hospital visitation and made plans to follow through with finding out more details herself,reaffirming her resolve quietly at the balcony after eavesdropping on their conversation earlier."

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