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Infinite Revolt: Chronicles of a Rebel Infinite Revolt: Chronicles of a Rebel original

Infinite Revolt: Chronicles of a Rebel

Author: Magic_

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Restart Pt 1


-November 18th, 2026

The world stood still as the chill wind whipped through the desolate landscape of the Northwest Territories in Canada. June Malcolm's voice cut through the biting cold, her words punctuated by the harsh reality of the unfolding events. The live feed captured the attention of millions worldwide, a rare glimpse into the mystery that had gripped the planet.

"This is June Malcolm reporting for CNN, from an undisclosed location in Northern Canada. We are here at one of the six known tunnel openings that have emerged across the globe. Despite the freezing temperatures and treacherous conditions, we are witnessing history in the making."

The camera panned, revealing the gaping maw of the tunnel, its warmth a stark contrast to the frigid surroundings. June's breath formed clouds in the icy air as she continued her report, her words a beacon of information amidst the uncertainty.

But the anticipation soon turned to dread as screams echoed from within the depths of the tunnel, shattering the facade of curiosity. The world held its breath as darkness consumed the feed, a palpable fear gripping hearts across continents.

Then, as if from the abyss itself, emerged a figure unlike any seen before. Porcelain skin, eyes gleaming like molten gold, a being of unearthly beauty and power. The revelation sent shockwaves through the watching world, a harbinger of humanity's darkest hour.

"My name is Overlord Kelisa Ria," the being proclaimed, her voice resonating with authority. "Your time of freedom has come to an end."

And with those words, the fate of humanity was sealed.

Chapter 1: Restart Pt 1

-January 1st, 2031


In the bleak expanse of a world torn asunder, Brand Michaels ran, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. For three years, he had eluded the clutches of the Perfects, surviving through guile and sheer luck. But now, as the relentless pursuit closed in, his resolve was put to the ultimate test.

"Brand! They're gaining on us!"

The urgency in his friend's voice spurred him forward, driving him to push his limits even as exhaustion threatened to consume him. He glanced over his shoulder, catching sight of the relentless horde behind them, a tide of oppression sweeping across the land.

But Brand refused to go down without a fight.

With a defiant roar, he skidded to a halt, turning to face their pursuers with grim determination. His hands trembled as he gripped the makeshift spear, its edges glinting in the dim light of dusk.

For too long, he had been a passive observer in his own survival, a cowardly bystander to the suffering of others. But now, as the shadows of despair closed in, he vowed to make a stand, to defy fate itself if need be.

With a resolute nod to his companions, Brand lunged forward, knowing that only death awaited him, but he was tired of running. There were only two things that waited for him. Death or enslavement like the humans that were rushing at him now.

It wasn't really a choice for him. Brand had tried to figure a way to free his fellow humans near the end, but that was when he learned that there was no way back. The slavery wasn't in the collars the Lesser's wore, it was in their DNA. The Perfects had figured out a way to change our DNA to not only make us stronger, but permanently loyal to them.

Refusing that fate, Brand rushed at the Lesser's army, but to his shock and horror, they all fanned around me. I tried to swing at them, but they all stayed away from me like the plague. Then the screams of Brand's fellow comrades could be heard. They weren't being killed, but they knew that a life worse than death awaited them.

Brand couldn't understand what was going on, but then a Lesser that looked much stronger than the rest rushed at him. It wasn't like he could even match the weakest Lesser, so he closed his eyes, and waited for death. Instead, a jolt of electricity to the back of his neck knocked him out.

The Lesser general grabbed the last remaining human before he could hit the ground and let out a sigh. Even though his loyalty to the perfects was flawless, he couldn't help but be glad that the hunting of his kind was now over. Yet, for some reason, he had been ordered not to collar this last human, and to bring him back to the capital of the Perfects home world, Palentaus.

Humans had originally thought that the porcelain beings known as perfects had con from the center of our earth. The truth was that the tunnels were only the result of a special Lesser beings ability to tunnel between dimensions, but it was all over now. All that was left was to deliver the final human to his queen, Gaia.

As Brand regained consciousness, he found himself in a dimly lit chamber, his body restrained by unfamiliar bonds. Disoriented and groggy, he struggled against his restraints, his mind racing with questions and fear.

The room was eerily silent, save for the faint hum of machinery and the occasional distant echo of footsteps. Brand strained against his bindings, his muscles protesting against the confinement, but to no avail.

His thoughts raced back to the events that led him here, to this strange and hostile world ruled by the enigmatic Perfects. How has humanity fallen so far? What twisted fate had brought them under the yoke of such powerful beings?

Before he could dwell further on these questions, the chamber's door slid open with a soft hiss, revealing a figure cloaked in shadows. Brand tensed, his senses on high alert as the figure approached, their presence emanating an aura of authority and otherworldly power.

"Welcome, human," a voice echoed in Brand's mind, bypassing his ears entirely. It was a voice both soothing and chilling, resonating with an otherworldly timbre that sent shivers down his spine.

Brand squinted, trying to make out the features of the being before him, but the shadows seemed to cling to them, obscuring their form. He swallowed hard, steeling himself against the fear that threatened to overwhelm him.

"What... What do you want from me?" Brand managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.

The figure inclined its head, the movement graceful yet unsettling. "You are the last free human. The very last singular one, defiant till the end."

"I just wanted to not become some slave," Brand said bitterly, knowing that this was going to be his fate. "But, we don't always get what we want." 

Brand let out a sigh, but then the figure came into the light, making him gasp softly, even though he tried not to. The creature before him was the cause of every pain and heart aching choice he had had to make over the last three years, but not even he could deny her beauty. 

As the figure stepped into the light, Brand couldn't help but be captivated by her unearthly beauty. Her porcelain skin seemed to emit a soft glow, her eyes a mesmerizing shade of gold that held both wisdom and sorrow. She moved with an elegance that seemed to defy gravity, her presence commanding yet strangely comforting.

"I am Gaia, Queen of the Perfects," she declared, her voice echoing with a hint of sadness beneath its regal tone. "And you, Brand Michaels are probably thinking that you are going to become a slave, but your fate is much worse than that," Her tone and voice sent shivers down his back. 

What could be worse than slavery?

As if seeing the question etched on Brand's face, Gaia laughed. "I am going to give you another chance... no, that would not be right. I will be sending you back to the beginning of our war, and you will keep getting sent back each time you die."

Brand's facial features froze as he tried to process what he just heard. Why would someone like this do something like this? Before he could process the information further, Gaia spoke again.

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