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Chapter 13: Daily Life

August 20th, 1992 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

Over the past month, the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj often witnessed a blue blur streaking through the compound, but it remained nothing more than just a whispered myth to the townspeople thanks to the Ancient One. David had adopted a routine after his daily training: a quick but necessary nap followed by a flight that was mostly for fun, using his ionic Aura. During these flights, he discovered additional abilities linked to his aura. One notable ability was the conversion of kinetic energy from external forces into ionic energy, which augmented his aura's potency. However, an excess of ionic energy led to electrical discharge from his aura. He was happy he could produce lightning but he didn't know how to focus it. But David's primary focus remained on mastering the generation of ions, as he found himself once again in the garden, surrounded by his ionic Aura with a blue hue outlining his body.

His eyes closed in a meditative posture, David levitated, occasionally producing ions that manifested as random electrical discharges around him. Abruptly, he opened his eyes and descended, his aura and the surrounding ions dissipating. "Done, Uncle Wong! I think I've got it!" he exclaimed, recalling the inadvertent shock he'd given Wong during a previous session. "Okay, good job. I'll keep my distance while you test it out!" Wong's voice came from behind a nearby door. With a grin, David extended his hand, swirling air molecules coalescing above it.

Breaking them apart into atoms and removing electrons, he created cations, shaping them into a sphere and trapping the released electrons at its core. As he concentrated, the sensation of warmth and energy pulsated through him, guiding his manipulation. The resulting substance, blue and scorching hot, intrigued him. Despite its intense heat, he felt no pain. 'Is this plasma?' he wondered, focusing on controlling it. Shaping it into a blade, albeit a misshapen one, he decided to refine his control on manipulating the plasma later.

'Okay, positive ions work fine. Now, let's try negative ones,' he internally decided. Following the same process, he generated anions, more cautiously due to their potentially hazardous nature. Creating an electric field between his hands by generating cations in his other hand, he generated lightning by feeding more ionic energy generated from his chi into the field, using the field was the only means he knew of to direct electrical discharge. As lightning arced between his palms, he chuckled, exhilarated by the raw power at his command. 

'With this part of my training done, I can focus on honing my powers,' he mused, contemplating the next steps in his training regimen. "Uncle Wong, you can come out now," he called, his amusement evident. "What's so funny, brat? I'll send you to the dark dimension," Wong threatened, only to fall silent at the Ancient One's sudden appearance next to him. "Mum! I've mastered the generation aspect of my powers!" David exclaimed joyfully, rushing into his mother's embrace. "I expected nothing less from my little magician," she replied, smiling warmly.

August 23rd, 1992 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

After three days of rest following a significant training milestone, David found himself back in the garden, his focus now on practising martial arts forms while maintaining his ionic Aura. The transition from singular focus to multitasking was a welcomed challenge, allowing him to refine both his physical techniques and his control over his powers.

His mother, ever observant, noticed a subtle shift in his movements. "Honey, are you putting more strength into your movements?" she inquired, noting the increased speed and power in his actions.

"No, Mum," David replied between breaths, wiping sweat from his brow. "I'm just trying to keep up with your teaching."

The Ancient One chuckled softly, a twinkle in her eye. "You're doing splendidly, my dear. But I sense something happening. It's like your movements are imbued with a new energy."

David paused, considering her words. "Really? I don't feel any different."

"Trust me, David," she said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Your dedication to your training is paying off in ways you can't yet see." 

Uncertain but intrigued, David nodded, determined to push himself further. "Okay, let's keep going. I want to see where this takes me."

The Ancient One chanted "[TruthSight]", her eyes glowing orange as she observed David, and what she witnessed was intriguing: as David exerted himself physically, a transformation occurred within his chi, a minuscule amount morphing into a sort of bio-ionic energy. 

Recognizing the potential significance of this development, she understood that David's chi was slowly transmuting into ionic energy. However, this process looked like it would require continuous physical training with his ionic Aura active, a regimen that would take maybe a month or so to complete. 

With renewed determination, they resumed their training, the bond between mother and son strengthening with each movement, each shared moment in the garden. As they practised, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the tranquil setting. And amidst the quiet beauty of Kamar-Taj, David felt a sense of belonging, a connection not just to more than just his powers.

September 10th, 1992 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

A month of dedicated practice had transformed David's movements, smoothing out the rough edges of his martial arts forms, though his petite frame still occasionally resulted in clumsy movements. In the serene garden of Kamar-Taj, amidst the rustling of leaves and the soft chirping of birds, the Ancient One delivered news that sparked both excitement and curiosity within him.

"Your chi has completed its transformation into ionic energy. Now, we can focus on methods of harnessing and utilising your powers," the Ancient One announced, her voice carrying the weight of knowledge and wisdom.

Perplexed, David furrowed his brows. "What exactly can I do with this ionic energy again?" he queried, his curiosity piqued.

A playful glint danced in the Ancient One's eyes as she teased, "Seems like someone wasn't fully attentive during last night's lecture."

David's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, his lips forming a pout in response. "I was tired!" he protested, though he couldn't hide the sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Chuckling softly, the Ancient One reached out to pat his shoulder reassuringly. "Fear not, my dear. Your ionic energy holds incredible potential. Currently, it's enhancing your physical capabilities temporarily when you activate your ionic Aura. But with proper training, you could learn to consciously manipulate it to augment your physique, much like martial artists do with chi."

The notion of such power sparked a blaze of excitement within David's young heart, his imagination running wild with possibilities. "I want to learn that!" he exclaimed eagerly, visions of performing feats of strength dancing in his mind.

However, the Ancient One's next words tempered his enthusiasm, reminding him of the limitations of his age. "Unfortunately, I can't teach you that as I'm not experienced in the art of chi manipulation. But fear not, young one. There are other avenues for you to explore. While you wait for the opportunity, your sorcery training will begin when you turn eight. And in the meantime, you have your own powers to master," she reassured him, her voice warm with affection and encouragement.

Though disappointed by the delay, David found solace in the promise of future adventures and the steady guidance of his mentor. With renewed determination, he turned his focus back to his training, eager to unlock the full extent of his remarkable abilities.

December 25th, 1992 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

As the soft morning light filtered through the windows of Kamar-Taj, signalling the arrival of a special day, the Ancient One gently roused David from his slumber. "What shall we do today, my little magician?" she inquired, her voice laced with warmth and affection.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, David pondered for a moment before his face lit up with excitement. "Can we go see the lights on Oxford Street in London?" he asked eagerly.

A flicker of surprise danced across the Ancient One's features. "How do you know about those?" she inquired, curiosity lacing her tone.

A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of David's lips. "Hehe, I saw them on TV!" he exclaimed proudly.

With a gentle chuckle, the Ancient One nodded in understanding. "Then we shall go in the evening," she replied, her heart warmed by the joy radiating from her son.

As the day waned into evening, David and the Ancient One embarked on their journey to London travelling through a portal she created, the bustling city aglow with the vibrant hues of holiday lights. Stepping out into the crisp winter air, they were enveloped in the festive atmosphere, the scent of roasted chestnuts and hot cocoa drifting through the streets.

"Look at all the lights, David! It's like a magical wonderland," the Ancient One exclaimed, her eyes alight with wonder as they strolled along Oxford Street.

David's gaze danced from one dazzling display to another, his heart filled with joy. "It's even more amazing in person!" he marvelled, his voice tinged with excitement.

As they moved through the large groups of people, laughter and merriment filled the air, adding to the enchantment of the evening. The Ancient One couldn't help but smile at the sight of David's wide-eyed wonder, his infectious enthusiasm contagious.

Stopping in front of a particularly elaborate light installation, David turned to the Ancient One with a grin. "Can we take a picture together, like they do in the movies?" he asked eagerly, already reaching for the camera he received as a gift.

With a chuckle, the Ancient One nodded, leaning in close as they posed for the photo. "Say cheese!" she exclaimed, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

After capturing the moment, they continued their exploration of the illuminated streets, soaking in the magic of the season. From towering Christmas trees adorned with sparkling ornaments to whimsical displays of animated characters, every corner held a new delight.

As they made their way back to Kamar-Taj, their hearts full of holiday cheer, the Ancient One couldn't help but feel grateful for these precious moments shared with her son. 



I would appreciate it if you could leave a review, but I understand if it's not fully detailed since I haven't even started his adventures yet.

MorTemTK MorTemTK

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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