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Chapter 2: the beginning




(When Love Hurts...)


By; Succie.





Tristan slowly opens his eyes, and sees himself in the hospital.

He should be dead by now, so how come he is still alive, he thought inwardly staring into space.

"Your finally awake". Travis said entering the ward.

Tristan sits up in the bed, and looks at him.

"Who're you". He asked.

"My name is Travis, I was the one who saved you from the car explosion ealier".

"You were the one who pulled me out of the car".

"Yes, I happened to be around Gangnam district when it happened, so I quickly pull you out of the car, before it exploded".

"Thank you so much Travis, you risked your life in saving me, I own you my life".

Travis smiles.

"Is nothing, it was what anyone will do at that moment".

Tristan looks at him.

"Thank you Travis".

"Is nothing.....".

"Tristan, that's my name".

"It was nice meeting you Tristan".

"Same here life saver".

Travis smiles and shokes hands with Tristan.

"How are you feeling Tristan".

"Okay I guess". He muttered, and both Amelia and Virgil rushed inside the Ward immediately.


"My baby what happened to you, how did you get involved in an accident".

"Are you hurt anywhere".

"Oh, my baby's hurt his head, does it hurts".

"Mom, dad, am fine, no need to panick". Tristan said, while Travis was just looking at them.

"How can we not panick, do you know how shock I was when I got a call". Amelia said

"How do you know I was here". Tristan asked.

"Luckily my Friend owns this hospital, and he recognized you as my son, are you sure your okay, should we take you to a VIP Ward". Virgil asked.

"Am fine dad, but I would've been dead if not for him". Tristan said pointing at Travis, and that was when Amelia and Virgil notice Travis.

"Annyeonghasayo". Travis greeted with a bow.

And Amelia quickly hugged him

"Thank you so much, thank you so much for saving my son, thank you".

Travis smiles and gently broke the hug.

"Is nothing ma'am, am glad I was able to save his Life".

Tristan looks at him, and smiles, while Amelia caressed Travis's cheeks.

"Tristan, what really happened, how come you were involved in an accident".

"I dunno Dad, the breaks of the car suddenly stopped working".

"But we recently bought that car for you, is impossible for it to be faulty". Amelia said

"I know that Mom, it was working perfectly yesterday, but the breaks suddenly stop working today, do you know why". Tristan asked.

Both Virgil and Amelia look at each other.



"Sorry Mom, that I couldn't deliver the clothes to your friend, something happened that Why".

"What Happen son".

"Someone was involved in an accident today, so I had to help him".

"Accident, is he ok, is he hurt". Elena asked curiously.

"Thankfully, his Fine, I managed to pull him out of the car, before his car exploded".

"That's a relief then".

"Am sorry mom, I couldn't deliver the clothes Which would have earned you money".

"Is fine son, I can do it myself tomorrow since is late already, am glad you were able to save whosever the guy was".

Travis smiles.

"You must be hungry, I'll get you something to eat". Elena stood up, and Travis saw the wound in her arm.

"What happened to you Mom". Travis asked holding her arm.

"Is nothing son". Elena said, faking a smile, taking her hand from him, and Travis also saw the bruises on her lips.

"You also got wounded here too, you didn't have this, when I was leaving the house ealier, so how come you have some many bruises, who did this to you Mom, tell me, so I can beat up the living day light out of that monster". Travis said angrily.

"No one, I mistakenly hurt myself earlier".

"Your lying mom, were you beaten up, by who mom".

"By no one, just let it slide ok, your mom is fine, I'll get you something to eat". Elena said and leaves.

"What happened to her". Travis muttered worriedly.



Amelia Pace around the room, her face was filled with nothing but so much worries.

The door cracked open, making her snapped out of her thought.

"How's Tristan".

"His already asleep, after taking his drugs, I made the nurse stay, just Incase he needs medical attention".

Amelia nods and sits in the bed, the worries on her face were not hidden.

"Are you alright Love". Vigil asked sitting beside her.

And Amelia looks at him, worriedly.

"I don't want anything bad to happen Tristan love".

"Why will something happen to him".

"You heard what he said earlier right, the break of his car suddenly stopped working, is weird for a new car to develop fault".

"What are you trying to incinerate".

"What if Aldo has something to do with this love".

"That's impossible, his dead".

"But we never get to see his body, he almost Killed Tristan twice when he was still a kid, that's was the reason we sent him off to Los Angeles, but after that we were told he died in prison, but we never got to his body, what if his the one who tempered with Tristan's car break, just so he can kill him".

"That's impossible love, our Mansion is fully gathered, no one can enter the mansion without facing with the guards".

"Then who could have done this to Tristan".

"Your over thinking Amelia, maybe this is just a coincidence, cars these days ain't fully manufacture properly".

"What if we send Tristan back to Los Angeles, or a country so far away from Korea, is better his far away from us, but knowing the fact that his alive, then him being here, and died one-day.....let's send him back to Los Angeles, or Switzerland".

"But don't you think his going to get suspicious, back then we sent him off to Los Angeles without giving him reasons why, and all of a sudden we wanted him back to Korea, it took alot of convincing before he agreed to stay here, and now we're going to send him back, his surly going to ask questions, which we must give answers to".

"What're we going to do, I don't want to lose my son".

Virgil caressed her cheeks.

"Don't worry Love, am going to find out if Aldo is still alive, through an investigation, but for now we should let Tristan stay here to avoid any suspicion, you know we're lying to him right".

And Amelia nods worriedly.

Virgil kissed her softly, and a knock came from the door, they broke the kiss.

"Come in". Amelia said.

Mr Park came in holding a file.

"Did you get any information about him". Virgil asked.

"Yes I did". Mr Park answers, giving him the files.

"His full name is Kim Travis Ha-ru, his a nineteen years kid, living with his single mom, Kim Elena Nabi".

"And his Dad". Virgil asked.

"There's no record about his Dad".

"He doesn't go to school". Amelia asked checking out the records.

"No ma Amelia, after his high school, he picked up serveral part times to earn a living". Mr Park answers.

"And judging from the fact that he lives in Guryoug, it means his from the lower breed right". Virgil asked, and Mr Park nods.

"I feel so bad for him Love, he can't further his education because of lack of finance, and he even had to work so much".

"Then let's help him get into Sejong college, we can sponsor his education there, since we owned the school, what do you think love". Virgil asked.

"That's a great idea, am sure Tristan will also want thesame thing".

"Then let's invite him over tomorrow".

Amelia nods smiling.

"Mr Park, you can do that right".

And he nods.



Travis keeps gulping down nothing down his throat, as he keeps looking at the Laurel's mansion.

It was so big and we'll decorated, every single thing in the house, must have worth millions, and only their sitting room was bigger than the entire houses in his street.

The maids were so much, and he wondered how they got payed.

"His he the president or something". Travis muttered looking around.

"Travis". Tristan calls his name, as he came downstairs smiling.


"Am glad you could come, my parents will be downstairs in a second". Tristan said smiling.

Travis nod smiling as well, he looks at Tristan, and the clothes he was wearing as a home stay clothes, was what he'll wear for an occasion.

"How're you feeling Tristan, does your head still hurt".

"Am getting better". Tristan answers smiling, Travis returned the smile as well.

Virgil and Amelia came downstairs after some seconds, and as usual, Amelia was dressed elegantly.

"Travis". Both said at once.

And Travis quickly bow to them, as a sign of respect.

"How're you doing Travis". Amelia asked smiling.

"Am Fine ma'am, I was called that you wanted to speak with me". Travis asked.

"Yes we did, let's talk over lunch". Virgil said.

"Let's go Travis". Tristan said taking him by the hand, leading him to the dinning table.

They're all sat down to eat, and Travis kept looking at the numerous food on the table.

"What's wrong Travis, you don't like the food, if you don't, the maids can prepare your kind of food". Amelia said.

"No I like the food, is just that am not used to having so many food on the table, I and my mom are used to eating just one kind of food". Travis said and Tristan looks at him.

"And your dad, what about your dad". Virgil asked.

"I've lived almost all my life with my mom, I haven't seen my dad".

"Is he dead".

"No his not, according to my mom, she said I still have a dad, I've seen pictures of he and my mom together".

"It must be so hard having just your mom right".

"Yes is a little bit hard, sometimes I wonder why he left us, not like my mom is a bad person, she's a sweetheart, and that's why am working so hard for her".

"That so nice of you Travis". Virgil said and Tristan Smiles.

"The reason why we called you here, is because we want to sponsor your education, you can school at Sejong college, is solely owned by us".

"I don't think that's necessary ma'am".

"Of course it is Travis, you're still young, and you can't drop out of school, just accept the offer Travis".

"But sir"

"There's no but in this Travis, you saved our son, and we want to repay you for that, you can't say no to this, and you want to give your mom a good life right, going to school will give you a better job, which will enable you live what do you say Travis".

Travis takes in his lips, looking at the three of them.

"Just take the offer Travis, it'll be so nice having someone to talk to in school, is so boring". Tristan said

"That's right Travis, what course do you want to major in school". Virgil asked.


"Chemistry, that's thesame course am studying, I guess we're really destined to be friends, you should take the offer Travis, please, don't say no". Tristan said with pleading eyes, like a baby asking for candies.

"Fine....thanks for the offer."

"Yes". Tristan said, looking so happy, and both smiled at each other.



"Ain't you done yet". Margo asked angrily to the girl using the computer.

Since there's was only one computer in the country side, they always have to wait for each other turn.

"Stop bugging me Margo, I'll be done soon".

"Bugging you, you've been on that computer since the joseon period, we're now in the present time and your still using the computer, you ain't the only here, if you can't read or write, you should say so, not wasting someone time, geeze, I feel like slapping sence into your head".

"Can you calm down Margo, the computer is not running".

"I know is not, since it doesn't have legs to Walk or wings to fly, but that idiotic girl there has been on the computer for ages, she's not the only one here, am so dieing to see the passing list of schoolarship students of Sejong college, but she instead of giving me water, she's making my throat dry".

"Your the one making your throat dry, from your excess taking, you ain't going to pass, so need hurrying to check". Lita said.

And Margo hits her head.

"Ya, Margo!". Lita exclaims, rubbing her head.

"Serve you right Lita, are you my best friend, or an enemy, how can you pray I should fail, I know your prayers isn't going to work, since I passed already".

"Then why did you hit my head, do you know how Painful it is". Lita said whining.

"Serves you right.....hey dummy ain't you done yet, should I make you get up from that chair". Margo said angrily.

"Am done, stop overeacting". The girl said.

"Did you say something".

"No Margo". She said and quickly leaves.

"That girl is so annoying, she was the one who kept me waiting and she said I was overeacting, I...."

"Can you stop talking, and do what brought you here". Lita said.

"Ohhh, that's right, I almost forgot". Margo said.

She quickly locked into Sejong college passing students list, and behold her name was 002.

She screams loudly, that almost every one in the province could hear her.

"I passed, Margo Diva passed, wowwww, I knew am going to pass, of course I'm Margo Diva, everyone I passed, I passed!!!!" She screams loudly.

"Can you stop shouting, my ears are acheing". Lita said covering her ears.

But Margo keeps jumping and screaming.



Makita and Lita walks Margo to the train station going to Seoul.

"Ya, stop being sad, is not like am going to the afterlife, we can still keep in touch". Margo said smiling.

"Are you that happy to depart from me". Makita asked sadly.

"Of course not Kita, am just trying to tell you, that am only going to school in Seoul, not dieing".

Makita hits her slightly, and Margo Smiles.

"Lita". She muttered.

"Is not like I want you to go to Seoul, but since your my friend, I'll have to wish you good luck, and you should stay out of trouble".

"Am not a trouble Maker Lita".

"Says who". Makita said.

"But seriously, am not a trouble Maker, I only give trouble to people who ask for it, and....".

"And once you get to Seoul, you can go and stay with my cousin Nora, she also School in Sejong college, I told her you were have the address right". Lita ask.

"Yes I have, am going to miss you two". Margo said whining.

She hugs both of them.

"The train Is here Margo, you should go now". Makita said.

"Don't worry Makita, Lita, am going to make you both proud, I'll graduate successfully, and give you both the biggest mansion in the whole universe, and also....."

"The train is leaving Talkative". Lita said.

Margo gasps and runs after the train, with her luggage.

"Mr train, Wait for me, is me Margo Diva".



Margo sighs as she walks down the street of the night, looking at the address, Wondering where Nora's house could be.

"I wonder where her house is, I've been walking for hours, and the little creatures in my stomach are singing rhymes already". Margo said weakly walking in the center of the road.

And a passing car almost ran over her, Margo screams and falls to the floor.

Tristan quickly rushed out of the car.

"Ms are you alright".

"Yes I'm..." Margo stops half way when she sees Tristan.

"You!!!". Both screams at once pointing at each other.

"Are you devil, or are you on the devil's mission to ruined my life, first you splash pothole water on me, and now you want my life!!".

"Hey, don't blame me for your own stupidity, you were walking like you owned the road, I guess you're just caused".

"What did you just say to me".

"Look, I don't know who you're and I don't care to know, I have no time to waste with a commoner like you". Tristan said and turns to leave.

"Ya, you bastard!!!!" Margo screams and jumps on his back.

"Am going to show you what a commoner like me can do".

"Hey, get off me, get down". Tristan said.

He turns around, but Margo stayed still in his back pulling his Head, and Tristan screams in pain.

He managed to push her down, and she falls to the ground.

Margo screams in pain.

"It hurts". She said crying.

And Tristan rush to her.

"Are you hurt". He asked touching her leg.

Margo smirks, and push him, and he falls inside a digged up pit.

Margo stood to her feet laughing.

"There that where you belong, I thought you had sence, but now I know you don't, you gat only your cute face".

"You tricked me".

"Yes I did, I saw the digged up pit after you pushed me, so I pretended to be hurt, and you fall for it, have a nice day mister".

"Hey you can't leave me here, help me out from this pit".

"I won't have pushed you inside if I wanted to help you out afterwards, that pit belongs for jerks like you".

"Hey let's settled this as humans".

"Sorry, I'm not human, I'm a vampire....where was I heading to earliar.....ah to the right". She giggles leaving.

"Hey, you can't leave me here, hey!!". Tristan screams.


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(When Love Hurts...)

By; Succie.






2k+ Likes, 200+ Comments and 50+ shares, is not that much for almost 3k+ readers, and there are more than 17k+ followers here, is really Painful honestly.


Margo sighs as she finally reached the door step of Nora's house.

"Finally, am here, my legs hurts already". Margo muttered touching her leg, and her mind drifted back to Tristan.

"There's no way he'll still be there, I mean judging from his looks, and car, you can easily tell his well off, so am sure he must've called someone to come and get there's no need worrying, not like you Care anyways, he deserves it, I hope I don't ever get to see him ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever again". Margo said and with that she knocked on the door.

The door cracked open, and Nora came out looking like a K-pop star, and her room was occupied with the song title KILL THIS LOVE by the BLACK PINK.

"Annyeonghasayo am Margo Diva".

"O I know, Lita told me about you, have been waiting for you for ages, come in". Nora said and drag her Inside.

"Do you know this song". She asked dancing.

"Yes I do, BLACK PINK group are my favorite K-pop band, I've all their songs and dance moves stucked in my head, is fully in checked".

"Jinjja, then let's sing and dance together".

Margo nods.

And both began dancing and singing.

MARGO; feelin' like a sinner, it's so fire, with him I go boo hoo

NORA; He said you look crazy, thank you baby, I own it all to you.

MARGO; Got me all messed, his love is my favorite.

NORA; But you plus me, sadly can be dangerous.

MARGO; lucky me, lucky you, gyeolgugen geojismal we lie, So what, so what, manyage naeyal neol jiuge duendamyeon, so sorry, I'm not sorry.

NORA; na eotteokhae nayalkhan nal gyeondil su eospseo, asseo numureul gamchun chae, sarange sumtangeul kkeuneoyageesseooh

BOTH; let's Kill this Love

MARGO; yeah yeah, Rum pum pum pum pum pum pum

BOTH; Let's Kill this Love

MARGO; we're committed love, that makes you cry ohh, We're making love that kills you inside yeah.

BOTH; we must kill this love, yeah it's sad but true, gotta kill this love, before it kills you too, kill this love, yeah is sad but true, Gotta kill this love, Gotta kill, let's Kill this Love.

The song ended, and both Margo and Nora laughed.

"You sing so well Margo".

"You ain't bad yourself, I mean you even sang and danced more than I do, you should apply to be a K-pop star, am telling you, your going to make it big, and even the industry you'll sign up with, will be so lucky to have you, I mean, you gat the voice, the beautiful, the body, everything is fully in checked, nothing is missing, you're boom". Margo said demotrating.

And Nora laughed.

"My cousin was right about you, she said you talked too much, and is indeed True".

"I won't denial that am a talkative, you know I can't help it, when I start talking, the vibe keeps coming and coming, that I don't even run out of what to say, you might even get tired of me".

"Says who, I like your vibes, you're always full of energy, am not a good talker, but I love hearing lots of gists".

"Really, then welcome to my world Nora, because I got all the latest, funniest ad hottest gist".

"Then I'm in". Nora said.

Both joined hands together laughing.



"Ashwn, mom, it stings". Tristan muttered Painfully as his mom treated his wounded knees.

His knee scratch and got a bruise, as a result of how Margo has pushed him inside the digged up pit.

"Sorry baby, but how did you fall inside a pit, I thought you went to visit Travis, so how come you fall inside a pit".

"I was on my way to visit him, when I almost ran into someone, and she turns out to be the same mad girl who poured mud on my face".

"That means she was the one who pushed you inside the pit". Virgil asked

"Who else but her dad".

"Am sure you must've done something to provoke her, just like how you did before".

"I didn't mom, that mad girl even tricked me to believe she was hurt, and when I showed concerned, she pushed me inside a pit, she's really a trouble marker". Tristan said.

"That's why I've always told you not to leave the house on your own, let's hire a bodyguard for you".

"We've already talked about this before Mom, am not a kid, do you know the chaos is going to bring having some bouncers following me around, am not the president's son, neither am I a famous celebrity, I don't need one".

"But Tristan, we're doing it for your own protection". Virgil said.

"What are you protecting me from dad, have never done any wrong to anyone, and sometimes I wonder why my life is in danger.....did you by chance wronged anyone in the past". Tristan asked.

And both Virgil and Amelia looked at each other without saying a word.

"Tell me the truth Dad, Mom, did you wrong anyone before I was born, is that why they're after me, knowing the fact that am your son".

There was silent.


"Of course not son, we haven't wrong anyone before, you know I and your mom are good people right". Virgil said.

And Tristan nods.

"But why is my life at stake". He asked.

"Your life isn't at stake son, and what happened to you, will not happen to you again". Amelia said.

"I hope you're telling the truth". Tristan muttered and went upstairs.

"Should we tell him, what happened 20 years ago, before he was born". Amelia asked.

"No Love, his going to blame us for sure, let's him keep on believing we did nothing in the past".

Amelia nods.

"And Aldo, any details about him".

"Don't worry Amelia, am still on it".

Amelia sighs.

"I hope his really dead, I don't want him to be part of our lives anymore". She muttered looking worried.

And Virgil hugs her gently.



"Wow, your really a good cook Margo". Nora said, as she takes in full spoon of Jjajangmyeon inside her mouth.

"Of course I'm, I grew up in the country side, so every humans in GYEONGSANGNAM-DO knows how to cook very well, and come to think of it, I was raised by the best chef in the whole universe".

"Your Mom". Nora asked.

"Of course not, my one and only heart throb Makita, but I call her Kita for short, she's my sister, and she was the one who raised me, you know, Makita likes a simple life, she wants to own a restaurant, and eventually get married one-day, but as for me, you can tell from how I dressed, I want to become so rich, that's getting married isn't in my vocabulary right now".

"And your parents".

"They died when I and Kita were Young, then we live in an orphanage, and that's where I got to know Mikoy".

"Mikoy, who's he".

"He used to be my friend when we were still in the orphanage,, but one-day, he disappeared from the orphanage like a bubble, and since then I haven't seen or heard from him".

"That's sad, your first love got cut short, even before it started".

Margo Smiles and sat down.

"It wasn't that way Nora, but sometimes am hoping he comes back saying, am Mikoy, your long lost friend, but is impossible since have been waiting for ages, so I just want to concentrate on achieving my dreams for now, and Sejong college, will help me do that".

"Which course are you majoring in".


"Chemistry, that's means you and my friend are in thesame department".


"Yes, his education is sponsored by a rich family, so he'll be studying in Sejong college....that reminds me, he likes Jjajangmyeon alot, and since this taste so yummy, we should give him some".

"He lives here".

"Yes, his house is next door, I can also introduce you to him, his really so handsome". Nora said with a wink, and Margo Smiles.



"eomma, I'll be going to Tristan's house later, will you mind coming, they also want to see you".

And Elena's heart skips in fear.

"Mom, are you alright".

"Yes....yes...I'm fine".

"Then why did your mood change when I mentioned Tristan's parents wanting to see you".

"Is nothing, I was just cut by surprise, they're rich, why will they want to see me".

"Don't be scared mom, they're rich, but they're nice, and you should used that to thank them for sponsoring my education".

"Don't...don't worry son, I'll talk to them over the phone". Elena answers nervously.

"Oh...ok, but are you sure your okay".

And Elena nods, trying to hide her fear.

A knock came on the door, and Travis went to open it.

"Travis!!!". Nora screams and jumped on him.

Travis hugs her, and later carried her down.

"What with the excitement, we just met yesterday morning".

"I'm just so happy to see you, anyway I want you to meet my new found friend, she'll be attending Sejong college, starting from tomorrow".

Travis looks around.

"Where's she".

Nora turns and sees that Margo wasn't beside her.

"I'll be back Travis". Nora said and went in search of Margo, only to see her, talking with some group of people.

"What were you doing there Margo". Nora asked, after she has taken her out from the group.

"They were discussing something so interesting, I just had to chip in, since I like talking".

"Your crazy".

And Margo giggles.

"Margo". Travis said, when he saw her.

"Travis". She Muttered, and a smile appears on her face, when she saw him.

"You both know each other". Nora asked.

"Yes we do, we met on my first day here in Seoul, when I took the schoolarship exam of Sejong college". Margo said, with her eyes, not leaving Travis's face.

"Then I guess there's no need for an introduction then". Nora muttered.

"It was nice meeting you again Margo Diva".

"Same here Travis".

Both shakes hands, looking at each other smiling.

Nora notice it and clears her throat, and Margo and Travis quickly broke the shake.

"Travis, I brought you some Jjajangmyeon, soley made by the great chef Margo". Nora said.

Travis looks at Margo.

"It taste yummy right". Nora asked as Travis ate.

"Yes, she's not only a talker, but a great cook". Travis said, and Margo blushed so hard, and she could feel her heart singing rhymes.

Elena came out from the room, dressed to leave.


"Good afternoon Aunt".

"How're you".

"Am fine Aunt, this is my friend, Margo Diva, she'll be attending Sejong college from tommorow".

"Good afternoon ma".

Elena only smile.

"I'll be going out son". She said and leaves, and Travis keeps looking at her.

"Is everything alright Travis". Nora asked.

"I dunno Nora, something seems off about her".

"Like what".

"That I can't tell". Travis muttered and sighs.

"Anyways Margo, is also a chemistry students, which means you both can always go to school together".

"Sure we'll, right Margo". Travis asked.

"Of course we'll, and we can always study together, I can teach you everything you don't know, you may not know this, but am a genius when it comes to chemistry, I know very in and out of it, so anytime you're having difficulties, Margo Diva is always and ready to help".

"Then I'll be counting on you". Travis said and winks at her.

And she smiles, looking at him, as he ate.


"How long have you known Travis". Margo asked, as she went home with Nora.

"For seven years now, we both attended thesame kindergarten, high school, and we have been friends since then, Travis is a sweetheart, he's always ready to help others".

And Margo Smiles.

"Why're you asking".

" just curious". She muttered, smiling.


The following day, Margo came out from the house, already dressed up for school.

"Today is your first day in Sejong college, so don't do anything stupid, just hold your anger the best way you can, your a good girl". She said smiling.

"But if anyone messed with you, just show them a little bit of your craziness". She added, looking serious, that you won't know she was the one smiling, just now.

She was about leaving, when Travis's motorbike pulls into a halt in front of her.

Margo continues looking at him, he was dressed so simple, but yet so handsome.

"What're you waiting for Margo".

"Huh". She muttered.

"Let's go to school together, or you'll be late".

"Huh....sure". Margo starmmed and climb the motorbike.

"Hold on tight". Travis said.

Margo gulps down nothing, before wrapping her hands around his waist.

Travis starts the engine of the motorbike, and drove off.

And Margo keeps looking at him from the motorbike mirror smiling.

"His so cute". She muttered, smiling, resting her head on his back.



"Am finally here, my dream school". Margo said smiling as she look around the school from where she was standing.

"You must really love this school".

"Of course I do Travis, I have always wanted to come here, and now the dream is finally coming to reality, and just one more, my entire dreams will be fulfilled". She said smiling.

Travis looks at her and smile.

"What're we waiting for Travis, let's go in, classes will start Soon".

"Just a little Margo, am waiting for my friend, his also a student of chemistry, his name is Tristan".

"Tristan his name is kinda cute, is just like Kimtan, but is he going to take long, am so eager to sit in those chairs". Margo said pouting her lips and Travis smiles.

"His here already". Travis said pointing at the car, that drives towards the parking lot.

"Wow, it means your friend is loaded, you should tell him to treat us out on a very nice meal".

"Your crazy Margo".

Margo giggles, but her giggles turns into a frown, when she see Tristan approaching them.

"Don't tell me that jerk is your friend".

"Yes he's, do you know him".

Margo was about answering when Tristan cut her short.

"Travis, am sorry!!". Tristan exclaims pointing at her.

"Yes is me, want me to show you another round of craziness".

"And what is a crazy girl like you doing here".

"To watch your face dummy, maybe pushing you inside the pit wasn't enough, should I help you reset your damaged brains instead". Margo making a move.

"Margo". Travis said pulling her back.

"So your name is Margo".

"Yes, and why". She asked angrily.

Tristan Scoffs and said.

"Cause it sounds like Mango".

"Is not Mango is Margo".

"Is still sounds like Mango, now I know why you act crazy cos your name is Mango".

"Call me Mango again, and your dead". She said sounding serious.

"Mango, what're you going to.....".

Before Tristan could complete his statement, Margo throws herself up, and kick him so hard on the face.

Tristan hits his forehead in a pole and fainted.

"Tristan, Tristan,.....Margo what have you done". Travis asked trying to wake Tristan up.

"Serves him right, if he goes to the land of the dead, and comes back, he'll know he shouldn't messed with Margo Diva".

"Mango my foot". She kicked Tristan's butt, not caring he has fainted, before walking away.

And all eyes fell on her, as they clear the way for her to pass.





😂💛🤍 LOVE



(Unexpected Emotions...)


By; Succie.



"How's he doing nurse". Travis asked the nurse who was having Tristan diagnosed.

"He'll be fine".

"Then why is he still unconscious". Travis asked worriedly looking at Tristan.

"The kick must've been pretty hard I guess, but his going to be should go to class".

Travis looks at his wristwatch and sighs.

"Don't worry nurse, I'll stay here, still he wakes up, I've three other classes today, missing the first class won't be a problem".

"You must really care about your friend alot".

Travis looks at Tristan and smiles.

"Yes I do, his going to wake up right".

"Yes he'll, am just going to step out for a while".

Travis nods.

The nurse leaves, and Travis sits beside Tristan.

His mind flashback to how Margo has kicked Tristan so hard in the face, and he sighs.

"Is she really a girl.....though she behaves like one, but how did a tiny girl like her learn all that from". Travis muttered and sighs.

Few minutes later, Tristan woke up, and Travis Joy knew no bounce.

"Thank God you're finally awake Tristan, I was so worried about you".

"How did I get here". Tristan asked looking around.

"You don't remember".

And Tristan nods.

"Margo must've really kicked you so hard, you called her mango ealier, and she kicked your face, and after that you fainted".

And Tristan recalls what happened earlier.

"That little rat, am going to kill her". Tristan said angrily, and Yelped in pain.

"Ashwn". He muttered Painfully touching his forehead that was bandage.

"You got a little cut, after you hit your head in the pole".

"This is all that mango fault".

"If you didn't call her a mango, this won't have happened to you".

"I don't care, she's so going to get it for me".

"Just let it slide Tristan, she may look tiny and little, but you can't underestimate her, she grew up in the country side, and you know what that means".

"No wonder she's crazy".

"And you've to keep your tongue to yourself if you don't want to get anoda kick". Travis said mockery.

"Stop making fun of me Travis".

"Sorry Tristan, do you want me to give you a piggy back to the class".

"What the heck, am I girl to you".

"Of course you're, your face looks like one, that why am going to give a pretty girl like you a piggy back to class".


And Travis laughs.

Both went to class together, and a lecturer was already teaching.

"Why're you both late". He asked.

"Can't you tell by looking at me". Tristan said rudely.

"What did you just say".

"He didn't say anything, he fainted a while ago, that why we're late, sorry sir". Travis said with a bow.

"Can't you see how respectful he is, unlike the idiot that calls himself Tristan, I Wish I had send him to everlasting hell". Margo said looking at Tristan hatefully.

"Alright, you both should take your seats"

The lecturer said, and face the white board.

"Travis over here". Margo said waving at Travis smiling.

Travis smiles and went to sit beside her, Tristan was about sitting with them, but Margo quickly put her backpack.

"Sorry, but I didn't reserve a sit for you".

"Are you sick in the head". Tristan asked.

"Yes I'm, and I won't mind transferring some of it to you, having you around sucks". Margo said.

"And who do you think you're, stop acting high and mighty, your so ugly".

"And I never said I was beautiful, if you don't want to go back to the clinic when you just came from, get out of my sight". Margo said.

"What going on there". The lecturer asked, facing them.

And Margo quickly stood up.

"Is this no good guy here sir, his trying to haress me". Margo said innocently.

"Margo". Travis muttered.

"Trying to haress you, is that true". The lecturer asked facing Tristan.

"What kind of a silly question is that, do I look like some capable of doing such, she's not even that sexy for me to haress".

"Then get a sit and stop causing problems around here, if you ain't interested in learning, then don't deprived others".

"Whatever". Tristan said and leaves the class.

"Are you alright Ms".

And Margo nods innocently.

The lecturer Smiles and went back to what he was writing on the board.

"You shouldn't have done that Margo".

"Don't blame me Travis, if he hasn't choosen not to sit here, I won't have done that to him, his so full of headaches, and I feel like giving him another round of kicks".

"Do you even know who Tristan is, if you know you won't even dare speak to him that way".

"As long as his not the president's son, I'll speak to him anyhow I want".

Travis looks at her and sighs.

"Whose that girl". Barney asked looking at Margo from where she was sitting.

"She's a schoolarship students Barney". Uma, her friend answers.

"Schoolarship student, and she dares treat Tristan that way, Tristan left the class because of her, and now I won't get to take a glance at him".

"And is not only that Barney, she was the one who made Tristan go to the clinic". Uma said.


"She kicked Tristan earlier today, and that's why Tristan got bandage on his forehead".

And Barney tighten her fist in anger.

"She thinks she's crazy, then am going to show her the True definition of craziness". Barney said angrily, looking at Margo.



Makita and Lita looks at each other and sighs.

"Boring right". Lita asked.

"Yes is boring without her, I know I've always complain she's a talkative, but she was really a good company".

"I know right, if Margo was here, we'll have been laughing by now, now am beginning to see how important she was".

"I just hope she's okay, that she hasn't cause any trouble, she's someone who doesn't tolerate nonsense, and judging from the fact that she hasn't called, makes me worried".

"She doesn't have a phone right".

"Yeah, and that's why am really worried, I know who my sister is, she isn't crazy, but she act like she is".

"She's staying with Nora, I'll just Nora, and asked about her". Lita said.

She dialed Nora's number, it was ringing, but no one was picking.

"She's not picking up".

And Makita sighs.

"I just hope Margo doesn't get into trouble, the country side isn't like Seoul, they're lot of crazy people there".

"Don't worry Makita, am sure Margo won't let anyone step on her, she's a strong girl".

Makita sighs.

"I hope so".



"Have you investigated on Aldo Benadryl". Virgil asked the investigator.

"Yes I've".

"So what the outcome, is he dead or alive". Virgil asked curiously.

"According to my research, Aldo Benadryl, died Five years ago in prison, he took his own life".

"Are you sure about that".

"Yes, I'm sure of it Sir Virgil, he died five years ago, his body was buried in one of the local cemetery in Seoul".

Virgil sighs.


"What did the investigator say". Amelia asked the moment Virgil entered the car.

"He confirmed it, that Aldo is dead".

"Are you sure his confirmation was true".

"I think he did a good job on the research, we sent Aldo to prison ourselves, and we made sure he was torture badly, that must've given him a good reason to die".

"But it's still doesn't justify anything, something tells me Aldo is still alive, and his waiting for the right time to attack us, and you know the only way he can get to us, is through Tristan".

Virgil held her hand.

"Am sure Aldo is dead, and the investigator also told us where he was buried, should we go and confirm ourselves".

And Amelia nods.

"Mr Park".

"Yes, sir Virgil."

"Take us to forest memorial cemetery".



Aldo sits in the huge chair in Suite, smoking like usual, and footsteps enters the suite.

"What's is the update". He asked.

"Just like you predicted, Virgil and Amelia really investigated on your dealth case".


"The investigator did a good job in lying to them, they went to forest memorial cemetery, just to confirm if you're dead, and to them they think your dead".

Aldo smirks

"Nice job Waylen".

"What's next Dad".

"They think am dead right, so let's lay low for a while, they should just enjoy themselves a little, and why doing that, continues to keep an eye on Tristan".

"Okay dad.

"Your sister will be coming home soon right".

"Yes she'll".

"She'll be used as a tool in the lives of the Laurels".

"What're you planning to do Dad". Waylen asked.

Aldo looks at him and smirks, dangerously.



"Am sorry about what Margo did earlier Tristan". Travis said, sitted in the bed with him.

"You ain't at fault Travis, she's just crazy".

"She's really a sweetheart if you get to know her".

"You talk Asif you know her so well".

"Not really, but I can tell behind that crazy girl there's some good qualities about her, you just haven't figured it out yet, and she's beautiful too".

"Are you blind, that girl, beautiful, she isn't".

"Your just saying that because you're blinded by anger".

"Whatever Travis...let's forget about that mango, your spending the night here right".


"Don't say no Travis, is so boring around here".

"But they're lot of maids to talk with".

"You should know by now, that I don't associate with them".


"Apart from my parents, I don't trust anyone in this house".

Mr Park enters.

"What do you want". Tristan asked rudely.

"Your parents want you downstairs, is dinner time already".

"And why're you the one coming to tell me".

"I'm sorry Tristan".

"Just get lost, and never you dare enter my room, get out!". Tristan yells angrily.

Mr Park bows and left.

"That was rude Tristan, his old enough to be your dad".

"I don't care Travis, his one of the people I hate so much in the world, I wonder why my mom and dad still have him around".

"What did he do to you".

"The two times I almost died when I was a kid, he caused it".

"How". Travis asked.

"He left me in the car twice".

"Left you in the car".

"Is something I don't want to talk about, and that why I hate him".

Travis looks at him and sighs.

"But speaking of your Mom".

"What about her".

"Are you sure she's really your mom, she looks like she's in her early 20s".

"That's my mom for you, she always likes to look younger everyday".

"If she wasn't your mom, I would have hitted on her".

"What did you just say".

And Travis quickly stood up from the bed.

"Your mom is a full package, is not hard to fall for her, if not for you and your dad, I'll have asked her out".

"Your so dead Travis". Tristan said.

And Travis took to his heels.

And Tristan Chase after him, around the room.

And when Travis sees Tristan laughing, he was glad.

He may not know what bothering him, but he could tell he was sad, and that's why he had to come up with the idea of dating his mom, to make him forget about his problems a little.

"Am going to court your Mom". Travis added running.



Margo quickly approach Travis, when he sees him almost entering the class.

"Travis". She said smiling.

And Travis returns the smile.

"I didn't see you ealier today, are you mad at me, for what I did to your jerky friend, is that why you came to school without me".

"Of course not Margo, I spent the night at Tristan's house".

"Ohhh, I see, that's why, speaking of that jerky friend of yours, where's he, is he finally dead".

"Do you want him dead that badly".

"If killing wasn't a crime, I'll have Killed him and bury him a long time ago, his so annoying, am telling you".

"Do you know who owns this school".

"Of course I do, it belongs to Virgil and Amelia Laurel, one of the biggest business tycooo in seoul, I read about them having the famous company know as K-group of companies famously know for its tremendous wine makings".

"Ahh, that's means you know them alot".

"Of course I do, Sejong college is my dream school, so I have to know three to four things about it's owner, I know Amelia Laurel, who is tremendously know for her Young body and beauty, and her husband Virgil Laurel is also handsome too, and I also know they've a son who lives in Los Angeles, I don't know much about him though, but I know his name is Tristan Laurel". Margo said smiling.

"Ah, Tristan Laurel, doesn't that ring a bell".

"What bell".


"And how did that jerk become part of our conversation".

"If I were you, I'll be preparing to go back to the province".

"And why will I go back to the country side, I came to this school fair and square, I didn't cheat my way in, I read and answers the tackle questions on my own".

"That won't matter, how'll you explain yourself that you almost send their only son to his grave".

"What do you mean Travis".

"Tristan's full name is Tristan Laurel, does it sound familiar".

And Margo's eyes wide opened in shock.

"Don't...don't tell me that jerk is the son of Virgil and Amelia Laurel".

"Your guessed it right, that jerk is the sole owner of Sejong college, since his their only son".

Margo screams and falls to the floor.

"Someone should get me a gun, I need to kill myself". She said already crying.


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( Melody Musical High... )


By, Naomi Cindy B.




Perfect song for this chapter: SUDDENLY by Kim Bo Kyung



Martin ran out of the bathroom and his mum came into his room, she heard his screams from the door.

"Martin!" She shouted shockingly when she saw the fire on his hand and his red face.

"Mum I don't understand what's happening to me!!, Put out the fire please!!!" He cried.

Mrs Luther walked quickly to him and took off his necklace but immediately she did that, he passed out on the floor.

"Martin!, Martin!" She shouted fearfully, crying as he continued laying unconscious.

"What did the old woman do?, I don't know what to do again....I don't know!!!" She cried.

As Martin passed out, he slipped into another realm, the realm of fire where king Zeus is the ruler .

Immediately he stepped in, the kingdom almost crumbled with screams from the inhabitants.

He stood still by the gate, looking at himself.

He's now wearing a silver armour and a ring which has a blood drop crystal as a decor, a crown is sitting regally on his head.

👥 All hail prince Sun!!

👥 All hail his highness!!

👥 Welcome back prince Sun!!

👥 Hail!!, Hail the prince!!

No mirror to see the reflection of his face but he surely knows fire is burning in his eyes, he could just feel it.

He continued walking into the kingdom and soon, four men came with a palanquin.

"It was sent by the king, please get in your highness" one of them said.

He went in sluggishly.

The men carried it and he was taken to the palace of fire.

Though the whole building is surrounded with fire, the fire is still not burning it.

It's gigantic and beautiful yet it looks dangerous.

He was led into the palace where king Zeus is waiting.

A giant but handsome man who's an older version of Martin.

He hugged Martin tightly immediately he got to him, letting him know how much he misses him.

"Welcome back Sun" he said, patting his back.

Martin broke the hug and looked at him, surprised that he actually looks like this man.

"I... don't understand what's going on" he said confusedly.

"Samshin must have wiped your memories, I'll bring them all back" Zeus replied and grabbed Martin's head.

As if programmed, all the memories started coming back slowly.

He's the second prince of this kingdom of fire, his mother is dead but his stepmother who's a sorceress and his stepbrother who's a wizard were hell bent on killing him because it's obvious he'll become the crown prince.

They're more powerful obviously and prince Zeus couldn't even save him so he took the risk of sending him out of the kingdom in form of a foetus, Samshin helped in making him find his way into Mrs Luther's womb and he was reborn as a child but his powers were sealed inside the woodpecker feather necklace.

King Zeus let go of his head and held him tightly so he won't fall.

"My stepbrother... and stepmother, are they still alive?" He asked, looking him in the eye

"No, they fell into the pit of the shintamani fire, their wicked deeds caught up with them" Zeus replied.

"And now?" Martin asked again.

"You have to bring home your bride, princess of the healers" he replied.

"Princess of the healers?"

"Princess Lotus, you'll have to find out what she is by yourself, she's a nonhuman like you" Zeus said.

"Lotus isn't human?, And she's my bride?" Martin said.

"Yes" Zeus replied.

"So.... Mrs Luther isn't really my mother" he said.

"She was just a channel by which you were reborn, she has a baby in her womb before Samshin planted you there too" Zeus replied and Martin quickly faced him.

"That means she gave birth to i and her real human baby, then where's the baby?" Martin said.

"You'll have to find her" Zeus replied.

Martin woke up to life and Mrs Luther stopped crying, she has actually put the necklace on his neck again.

"Martin!" She called quickly, helping him to sit up.

His temperature is hot like fire.

"Mrs Luther" he called, getting her shocked.

"Martin it's mum" she replied.

"You gave birth to I and another baby right?" He asked and she fell on her butt in shock.


"Where's the second baby?" He asked again.


He stood and left the house immediately.

"How did he.... how did he... know" Mrs Luther stuttered, not realizing her tears till they fell on her hands.




Tasha's eyes opened slowly and she felt something on her forehead.

She touched it and when she saw it's a wet towel, she sat up.

"Did I pass out?, Gosh!" She said, yawning gently.

She suddenly saw Bluey beside herself and smiled.

He's sitting but he's sleeping at the same time.

She went closer and smiled, touching his hair slightly.

Her eyes darted around his face and she moved her fingers to his lips suddenly, touching it caressingly.

She bit her own lip as she touched his own and she kept that up for long till he opened his eyes, she got caught so it was quite hard to take her hand off.

She kept it right there and Bluey took it, he held her hand and felt her temperature by touching her forehead slightly.

"You're back, did you sleep well?" He asked, rubbing her hand.

"Oh!.... Yes" she replied awkwardly and he smiled.

"I was so worried last night, you were shivering unconsciously and I was scared, you didn't talk to me, you just kept laying down and...

Tasha giggled, making him look at her.


"You looked cute" she said and he smiled cutely.

"Are you going to school today?, It's past 8 already" he said.

"It's Saturday dummy, but I have to go to work full-time" She said, standing up immediately.

She rushed into the bathroom and took her bath briskly.

"I made coffee" Bluey said, staring at her as she wiped her body.

She looked at him, giving him a glare which made him look away from her.

She smiled and quickly dressed up then she took a cup of coffee from him but she spit it out immediately she drank from it.

"Is there even anything you can do?, It's too bitter for my liking" she said with a sour face

"I'm sorry, I should have added sugar" he replied.

"You didn't?" She asked and he blinked cutely.

She took the sugar box and added enough sugar.

"You didn't eat last night, did you?" She suddenly asked.

"I didn't, but I'm fine" he replied but his stomach made rumbling noises immediately, proving him wrong.

"You're something else, you should have cooked noodles!"

"I don't know how to light the cooker" he replied.

"What!" Her eyes widened and he bit his lip in embarrassment.

"I can't believe this" she rolled eyes and lightened the cooker.

She placed a pot of water on it and waited for it to boil before throwing two packs of noodles into it and after adding the ingredients, she covered it

"If you want it wet, bring it down five minutes from now but if you want it dry, bring it down seven minutes later, and turn the cooker switch to the left to turn it off .. ok?" She instructed.

"Yes ma'am" he smiled and she scattered his hair before trying to leave.

"Natasha" he called and she looked back.

He came to her and fixed a wristwatch on her wrist.

"What?" She asked, looking at it.

"It's mine, but you can have it" he said.


"I have nothing to do with it anyways" he replied.

"It's worth?" She asked.

"Maybe seven million dollars" he replied and her eyes widened.

"Did Jesus use it or something?"

"It's a rare expensive brand, you need to leave you're late already" he said and she nodded slowly, still looking at the watch.

"What?, You aren't going to work anymore?" He asked.

She slowly looked up at him and before he knew it, she hugged him.

"Make sure you don't come out, your pictures are everywhere as wanted and there's even a bounty on it" she said.

He smiled, hugging her back.

"I promise not to come out, happy now?" He said, touching her hair.

She broke the hug and stepped back.

"Bye" she waved.

"I'll be waiting" he replied and she left.




Lotus went in with Jungkook beside her, beholding the trainees who're getting trained by their trainers, they're in the dance session right now.

Jungkook spotted Ryan amidst the dancers, he's the best now since Jungkook is gone.

"There, my killer" he pointed and Lotus looked that way.

"The one wearing a cap?"

"Yes, it's him, I need a keg of water, I should pour it down for him too and make him fall" Jungkook replied but Lotus stopped him.

"If you kill in your quest for revenge, you'll disappear instead of going to the afterlife, do you want that?" She asked and he shook his head negatively.

"Then let's give him what he deserves" Lotus smiled and stood right.

"Your tear" she said and Jungkook shed a little tear which he dropped on her pointer finger.

By now , the trainees are on recess so Lotus dropped the teardrop in Ryan's water.

Ryan drank from the water and instantly, he screamed out, holding his head tightly.


👥Ryan are you ok?

The others rushed to him and Lotus smiled.

"What's happening to him?" Jungkook asked.

"He drank your tear with the water, his head will split uncontrollably and he won't be able to have a peaceful sleep till he tells the whole Seoul how he killed you" Lotus replied and Jungkook smiled.

"I love you noona"

Lotus stroked his hair and they both vanished.

Landing back home, she was expecting to meet Starr at home but he's not.

"Why?, He promised to come early" she thought, picking her phone.

She dialled his line but it's off.

"Is he ok?, I miss him" she thought worriedly.




"What!, A girlfriend?, How could you even think of dating at eighteen!" Judy ranted loudly.

Starr was about to go out some minutes ago when she stopped him and when he told her he was going to see his girlfriend, she flared up immediately, saying she's against it.

"She's the girl in my dreams mum!" He yelled back.

"And I'm saying no love life for you yet!, When are you gonna start listening to me!"

"Dad supports me!, Why are you so different!" He shouted, wishing Davis is around.

"I'll have to talk some sense into Davis once he arrives, it's not making sense that you're dating at eighteen, I told you no girlfriend till you turn twenty!"

"Why the f*ck are you taking this personal!" He shouted and he was surprised by her next action.

Judy slapped her soundly, he held his face shockingly.

"Starr...I'm...I'm sorry ok?... I'm....

He ran to his room before she could conclude, he shut the door on himself and sat on the ground, still holding his face hurtfully.




Chairman Kings car stopped in front of the restaurant and a guard came out of it.

He entered the restaurant and came back with Tasha after some minutes.

"Chairman wants to see you" he said, gesturing at the car.

Tasha hesitated before going in, finding herself beside the frowny man.

"I'm sure you're aware that I'm on the lookout for Bluey" he said, not looking her way.

"Oh...yes" she replied fearfully.

"You guys seemed to have gotten closer before he disappeared, you have no idea of where he is?" He asked, finally looking at her.

"No...I don't" she replied as innocent as possible.

Chairman Kings eyes caught the wristwatch on her wrist and he sighed.



It looks like it'll soon rain but Martin doesn't care.

He kept walking around the streets as dusk set in, he's not ready to go back home yet, not just yet.

Finding out everything about himself and getting to know he has a nonhuman bride too, getting to know Mrs Luther is just a channel of his rebirth, not his real mother, it's too shocking.

Surprisingly, the shock that Lotus isn't human didn't last on him, it left quickly... maybe because he has always found her weird and strange, she's abnormally naive too.

To be candid, he misses her so much, that she avoided her all yesterday and he didn't see her before the school closed, he hasn't seen or heard her voice today too so it's worse.

He got his phone and dialled her line.

Luckily for him, she picked.

"Hey cupcake"

"Martin" she replied sadly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Have you seen Starr today?" She asked.

"No, why?" He asked.

She didn't reply, instead she hung up and that only increased how much he misses her.

Surprisingly, her location downloaded in his head and he could see the gold mansion live.

"There's an house like this?" He thought, making his way there.




The appearance of goddess Rivera was what actually what made Lotus hung up on Martin.

She threw her phone on the couch and walked to her.

"I'm sure you know the question on my mind already" she said.

"Why he suddenly started smelling like you?" Rivera smiled.

Lotus calmed, waiting for her to say more.

"He's your second choice" Rivera said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You'll have to choose between him , and Starr"

"Impossible!, I can never trade Starr for any other person goddess!" Lotus shouted.

"I'm not saying you should trade him, I'm not saying you should choose Martin either, it's your choice to make" Rivera replied and stood.

"Mul your junior mermaid was gifted to your mother's womb by me, that's why she is a normal mermaid who has no magical powers" she said.

"I know" Lotus replied.

"Cleo your senior mermaid was possessed in your mother's womb by sorceress Morgana, she ruled Quenshi with her dark powers for centuries till your father fought the war to take the kingdom from her, your mother was pregnant during the war and when Morgana was getting casted, she left some deposits of her dark powers in her womb, and that's why Cleo was born with dark magical powers" Rivera explained.

"And you, you know you were a gift too, you were gifted to your mother's womb by Queen Cora, the first queen of the healers, the healers are the most powerful breeds of mermaids because of their pure magic and healing voices, you came from the breed of healers" Rivera continued.

"I know" Lotus said.

"Do you know there's a curse on the healers?, And that curse is the main foundation of your cruel fate" Rivera said.

Lotus swallowed emptiness.

"Queen Cora fell in love with a human too just like you, but the human betrayed her and got her killed, she created a curse before dying"

"Which curse?" Lotus asked.

"Any mermaid from the breed of healers who falls in love with a human, the human will die and the mermaid will surely lose all her magical powers, even her voice" Rivera said.

Tears rushed out of Lotus's eyes immediately.

"It hasn't happened because you both haven't completed the bond sealing, I mean mating" Rivera said.

"No!!!!" Lotus cried more loudly.

"Martin was brought to earth because of that, he's the prince of seven fires, from the kingdom of fire, your cruel fate will be quenched if you choose him, he'll protect you from the claws of upcoming enemies, but if you choose Starr, Starr will die, do you want that?" Rivera said.

" Stop talking!!!!, Stop!!!! " Lotus yelled tearfully, her eyes shinning bright blue as tears rolled out massively.

Rivera turned her back and vanished.

"I love Starr so much!!!, This can't be!!!" She screamed hurtfully.

She ran out to the pool, still crying blindly but immediately she jumped in and transformed, Martin appeared beside it.

"Mermaid" he smiled, her eyes widened as her golden tail shone.

"Martin, how did you..."

He jumped in with her immediately but she shifted back from him.

"Stay back" she said quickly, blocking her nose with her palm so his scent won't penetrate but he still came closer and hugged her tightly.

Starr came in with tears in his eyes but immediately he saw the scene, he passed out.


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