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Chapter 2: Ch.1 the fuck?

You know dying wasn't as painful as I thought it would be sure I was peacefully living in my hospital bed and my body was aching like a bitch but one minute I was just being peaceful and lying in my bed then boom in the void.

It was a surreal experience like the void I'd like water but you can breath underwater but that might not be true since I was a ball of light a pretty thick ball of light I'll say so I kinda just floated around and time to time I could see other balls of light appear then disappear and I kinda just floated around for centuries I think but then bam.

I was in the light well I called it the light cause it was like the void but I was now in the void but light so yeah anyway I then looked around and found a floating squid weird I know and it kinda just said

"Hi Alex I'm squid and I have chosen you to be my entertainment cause I have nothing else to do well I do but I don't want to do it so I'm sure you know the old isekai stick you get a power and I send you somewhere but you'll be going to the normal human earths not the pansy nice and lovey dovey earths the from dark earths is where it's at my man"

Now Alex was insane he knew that but he was kinda confused but his stupid nerd and weeb brain heard isekai and though 'oh isekai superpowers! Cool I want supernatural intelligence' and that meant the weird as squid gave him that and said

"Nice choice Alex it'll be pretty useful for where I'm sending you I wish you good luck and have fun my friend"

Then the squid swished one of his tentacles and Alex found himself in a very damp military bed with 27 years of memories combining with his and it was pretty weird and then boom my supernatural intelligence appeared and I cringed it let me see how stupid I was and the body I was in was

I then ignored that and studied my memories and found I was in the first infantry division and I had 2 months until I was sent to Omaha beach to retake France that was great and all but this world was categorised as ww2 bullshit

And rightfully so cause the Germans with there Uber science found magic was real and that let them steam roll over france more that a normal earth Germany would do this meant that the allies had to get mages or they would be fucked and they did cause the body I was in was a mage cool I know now nearly everyone in we2 had mages

Which meant even more casualties than normal anyway I'll stop complaining and start explaining where I am I'm in Britain at the 1st divisions barracks and we had just been debriefed about what we where about to do and me and the other 1st division mages where secretly given the order to once we secure are landing base at Omaha to go into German occupied France and destroy there logistics

Now I'll explain how my body is bullshit cause apparently he is from my/his memory's a veteran from the pacific operations against Japan and his nickname is "Typhoon" cause he specialises in water magic and some earth from my knowledge

Now how this earths magic goes is water earth fire and air I know a straight copy form the avatar but I suspect with my supernatural intelligence I can probably combine them or divide them into different elements and I had two months to practice so after our debrief I went to my private room yes mages had private rooms we are literally fucking mages what did you expect

Anyway I started experimenting and in 2 months I had invented blood magic metal magic light magic and dark magic not a lot I know but that's because I was training the 4 basics fire water earth and water where basically mastered I bet I would be called the "inventor of magic"

Continuing on it was time 1944 6th of June would mark the day the Germans got owned so hard they quite literally regarded one man for the destruction of the glorious German Reich now to the landings I was in the 1st landing wave with the combat engineers since they where really important since they had to get rid of the fuck ton of defences on the beaches which didn't allow tanks to do anything

So we waited and waited and I could see people praying and others thinking they would die which was weird cause I was a literal fucking mage but they would've been correct if I was a different mage cause no mage can block bullets since no one is that skilled in earth magic yet

Anyway our driver shouted "15 minutes!" and I started feeling the water and the air around me and I started to make the boats go faster and by boats I meant the whole entire first wave plus I used my new metal magic to reinforce the boats so no bullets would pierce the weak walls and kill the people inside and seconds later the Germans started shooting

I could hear the loud machine guns fire and fire then ping ping ping from the boats that had been hit this confused there drivers cause they knew there boats where not strong enough to face bullets but they continued on and with my boosts we rescued the beach in 2 minuets my boat had gotten there in 1 minutes and 47 seconds

The driver had a face off despair he knew that we would be targeted by the guns of the Germans and we would all die and he would be correct we all died nah I'm just fucking with you we landed and i quickly raised a wall of earth meaning we wouldn't die this surprised the men cause they didn't know there mages where this fucking op

So we moved forward and started destroying the large amounts of defences the Germans had put on the beaches which the engineers quickly did well I did most if it the tank traps where made of metal and I had metal magic so I just dissolved the ones the engineers weren't working on and made them into a metal walls which I made in front of the boats landing sites so they all wouldn't die immediately

And so we moved forward with me moving my earth wall forwards and forwards while the engineers disabled the German defences then we arrived at the shingles which meant I could dry all of us since the water wasn't eating our boots anymore they appreciated it not freezing was great

Then they handed me the bangalore's yes bangalore's I was known to throw grenades with air magic so they planned for me to throw the bangalore's if we got to the shingles which we have so I pulled ones string and threw it over the earth wall the I got another one and threw it to the side shingles and the another and another

I had spent up our four shingles and made a nice opening for our troops the attack on Omaha wouldn't fail today well maybe but still so I pulled up more walls at the shingles and waited with the engineers while the rest of the soldiers arrived and ran towards the shingles then some boats with tanks came in since the side I was on didn't have any tank traps so they could actually move towards the German defences without getting stuck

And well once everyone arrived and the tanks started landing our commanders ordered us to charge so I went first and I quickly blocked the Germans windows for there machine guns with my earth magic this meant they couldn't use there elevated positions well so we all charged there positions I quickly burnt the waiting Germans

Who screamed in pain while that was happening the rest of the American soldiers quickly charged the German defensive positions and I quickly assisted them in eliminating the rest of the German soldiers it seemed that the previous allied diversions had worked they hadn't put any mages at Omaha and minuets later the Germans surrendered

With that I had to quickly create a makeshift prison basically a giant square earth block where they sat now the force was cleaning up the beach for tanks to come in I then helped set up the base that we where supposed to build so I with the remaining mages Created a nice earth base then we set up our quarters and waited for extra supplies which we would need for our commando attack on the German logistics

So I slowly went to my earthen room and quickly plopped down on my uncomfortable bed and thought of how confusing my first months where in this fucking weird world then I closed my eyes and slept until the reinforcements arrived

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