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Chapter 5: A Weak Ability?

As I stepped into the vast expanse of my new home, I couldn't help but marvel at its sheer size. It took me a good thirty minutes just to explore every nook and cranny of the place. Everything I needed to survive and hone my abilities was right here within these walls.

Settling into my room, I assumed a comfortable position, legs crossed on my bed. It was time to finally understand my ability. Though I had a basic idea of what I was capable of, there were still many unanswered questions lingering in my mind.

I closed my eyes and look inside my memory, Turning to the novel that spoke of my family, I searched for the passage that mentioned me. There it was, the words that stung like an insult. "Asher Blackthorn, third son - His ability is not powerful, it is a defense-type ability. He can absorb element energy and release it, but it will eventually fade away. He cannot store it and use it later. His ability renders him invincible against element energy attacks, but he is vulnerable to physical strikes. His attack power is negligible."

The memory made me groan and bury my face in my hands. It was no wonder they only spoke of me once throughout the entire novel. I was nothing more than a footnote in my family's legacy.

But I refused to accept my fate as a weakling. It was time to experiment with my abilities and unlock my true potential. With that determination in my heart, I made my way to the training hall.

It may seem premature for me to have such a clear understanding of my ability and start experimenting with it so soon. But unlike most people who had to discover their powers through trial and error, I already had knowledge of my abilities. With this knowledge, I could make progress faster and more efficiently.

With my newfound sense of purpose, I began to plan for the future. I knew that I could create a powerful army with my expertise, finding and training hidden powerful ability users. But first, I needed to master my own abilities because without it, I would be unable to achieve anything.


As I stepped into the training hall, my eyes fell upon the thick walls that surrounded me. It was said that they were able to withstand even the most powerful attacks from a 5th-level ability user. The power level system here was unique, it was determined by how much one understood their abilities. A person with a 100% understanding of their ability would be considered a 10th-level ability user, and if their ability type was an attack, they would be treated as a president.

The ability types were categorized as attack, manipulate, strength, defense, and miscellaneous. The royal family would conduct a test to determine the power level of an individual.

But I pushed these thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. Making my way over to a gun-like object, I knew that it was used to train one's defense. It absorbed sunlight and would then fire a beam at the user, allowing them to test and train their defenses. It even had a timer and power level setting, with a maximum firing level of 7. However, the higher the level, the longer it took to charge up.

Before I could begin my training, I knew I had to read the manual on how to use the object. Reaching for the book that lay next to it, I began to read through it meticulously. It was important to understand the nuances of this object in order to use it to its full potential.


With bated breath, I approached the imposing weapon, its ominous presence sending shivers down my spine. My heart raced with excitement and fear as I fiddled with the controls, setting the level to a modest one, not wanting to risk my life on the first try. After all, I needed to test my ability and gauge my limits before pushing them.

Once the level was set, I took a deep breath and stood at the designated spot, ready to face the impending attack. I set the timer for a minute, the seconds ticking away like an ominous drumbeat. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I braced myself for what was to come.

As the timer counted down, the gunpoint began to emit a strange golden light, and before I knew it, it fired a beam straight at me. In a moment of panic, I instinctively closed my eyes, afraid of what was to come. But as I opened them, I realized that I was unharmed. I couldn't believe it - my clothes were burned, but my body was unscathed. A wave of relief washed over me, followed by a feeling of elation. I had done it! I had survived the attack.

Buoyed by my success, I decided to push myself further. I removed my burnt clothes and set the timer for the next round. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to make the most of this opportunity.


Ten long and arduous days had passed since I first stood in front of that fearsome weapon. I had absorbed its energy into my body and had been trying to manipulate it ever since. But despite my efforts, I had been unable to release it from my body, unable to harness its full potential.

As I stood once again, ready to face the gun's attack, I felt a sense of frustration and despair. I had been working at this for ten days, and yet my progress had been painfully slow. But as the beam hit me, something different happened. I felt the energy surge through my body, and this time, I was able to release it from my hands.

I watched in amazement as a beam of light shot out from my palms, hurtling towards the wall with incredible speed. But as it hit the wall, I felt a pang of disappointment. It had been a feeble display of power, nowhere near the intensity of the gun's beam. I had only been able to harness 10% of its strength.

With a deep sense of frustration, I set the beam to level 2, hoping to make progress. I knew that I couldn't afford to be weak in this world, where strength was everything. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the image of my family and drawing strength from their love and support.

As I set the timer and prepared to face the next round, I felt a renewed determination. I knew that I had to keep pushing myself, no matter how difficult it may be. For in this world, only the strong survive.


After two arduous months of relentless training, I stood on the precipice of greatness. In this short span of time, I had made remarkable strides, honing my abilities to manipulate my two-level energy and fortifying myself to withstand attacks of three-level intensity. It was an extraordinary feat, one that could potentially make me the fastest human ever to attain a level two power in a mere two months. Yet, deep within me, a flicker of dissatisfaction lingered.

The weight of my rigorous training sessions bore down on my weary frame, and a voice within me cried out, "This will be the last one. I cannot endure this any longer." I knew that growth necessitated sacrifice, but the strain had become unbearable. Despite my resolve, doubts gnawed at the edges of my consciousness, whispering of the mortal consequences if I were to continue along this treacherous path.

With trembling steps, I pressed forward, my movements unsteady, akin to that of a drunken soul. My body threatened to collapse at any moment, but there was one final task I needed to complete before I could allow myself respite. "I should set the timer for five minutes to grant myself a brief moment of rest," I pondered, adjusting the dial. Weakened and fatigued, it took me a full minute just to reach my designated position.

Closing my eyes, I drew in deep breaths, attempting to steady my trembling form as I braced myself for the last session. Several minutes passed, and as I opened my eyes, a wave of regret washed over me. Instead of the expected timer, I was confronted by a brilliant, cannonball-sized beam of light hurtling towards me. In an instant, weariness fled from my being, and the gravity of my mistake enveloped me. I mistakenly set the level to five instead of the timer. Panic surged through my veins as I realized the perilous situation I had unwittingly thrust myself into.

Frantically, I contemplated evasive maneuvers, seeking an escape route from the impending catastrophe. Yet, despite my tireless training, my body remained sluggish, failing to match the speed demanded by the dire circumstances. Desperation settled in, as I resigned myself to the inexorable fate hurtling towards me. With closed eyes, prepared to face the brunt of the impending impact. With a steadfast resolve, I prepare myself for the ultimate fate that looms ahead

from_another_world from_another_world

The protagonist's fate is uncertain; death may loom.

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