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Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Part 1

48 hours. In 48 hours break into Collings Institution in Hempstead. The time to get our people is here. Varians dad. Peter. Uriel. Grayth. Kyran. Anyone who deserves a chance at freedom will get it.

The times 6.00pm when Laith asks me, Will and Varian to go to the dining room, despite our confusion we head there.

Upon entering the room, desks are full of people. All shapes and sizes. There is a woman with lizard skin at the back. A man with clouds floating above him. Even dwarfs who huddle on a table together presumably each have an ability. A tall man has a treelike appearance with bark for skin and leaves for hands, his eyes have this wise look about them. Another woman has eight arms with different hands for each pair. Some have claws, hooves even tentacles. At the front of the room stands Laith with a group of people huddled around what looks like a map. We reach a free table and get settled. Varian clasps his hands so much I go ahead and grab one to offer some support. Will lights a cigarette and reclines back happy.

Laith stands and clears his throat causing the mumbling of the room to cease.

'Thankyou for meeting this evening. As you know in 48 hours we plan to raid Collings institution and get our people out. We gather here now to go over the plan. So here goes.' Laith gestures to a woman. Her eyes are steel and her hair a chestnut colour, her face is set with no expression of ever knowing happiness.

'This here is Wendy Steel, her power is Cloak. Anything she touches she cloaks with invisibility which is why I have chosen her as essential to this mission. She is trained like us except has extensive experience with weapons in the field. Once upon a time ago Collings used her team to execute opposers to his plan of Institutions all over the company. She will lead Group B.'

Laith swallows before continuing.

'Now as you know we sent the once known Purple Predator out scouting nearly a month ago and she can tell you more about the recent lay out than I so she will take over now.' Laith points to me.

Me? Talk in public. Oh hell no.

I slide down in my chair but a hand stops me. Varian yanks me and pushes me to stand with a smirk.

Everyone murmurs as I walk to stand at Laith's side. Screw my existence right now.

My legs barely manage to carry me but I make it. Everyones eyes are on me. Some of disapproval. Some of curiosity. I catch Will's eye who nods as if telling me to trust my ability. He is probably reading every thought I have right now.

I glance over the room then open my mouth.

'The fence system of the Institution has been upgraded instead of flimsy fences around they now have solid gold. The entrance has no guards as its an automatic system with key cards, the path is wide enough for their army trucks to travel down. Upon coming to the main entrance of the building their are guards and cameras in every corner. To the south of the building a large truck is established which is where most guards gather presumably to monitor the vehicles and who is brought in on them.'

I take a breath and Laith smiles.

'To the north of the building is an outdoor training area rarely used with the older soldiers. Then carrying a left you come to the Isolation cells in an outhouse of sorts. There are guards stationed outside the building but thats it. However, the main concern is the snipers at the top of the building from all corners as they are scouts. From within the building there will be more guards as the building above the surface is where our people are kept unless they are in the hospital area below the surface. The meal times were 5.00 am breakfast. 3.00pm lunch. 9.00pm dinner. After that it was training until 10.35pm bed time. Collings is big on time.'

I breath and step back allowing Laith to step forward. Thank god its over with. I glance at the eyes of the room again but find no malice or disapproval just expectation. I cant decide which is worse.'

'From the intel gathered we plan to strike at 2.00am on the 7th of August 2021. However we will have three groups. Any fighters that fly will be snipers we need six to take down the guards on the roof and any guards we cant handle. The snipers will be hidden in the trees on the North and South side. Group A will burrow a tunnel under the gold fence and lead an attack on the soliders on the South side. This will allow our vehicles to bust the gate open so Group B can enter the premises and get the others.'

Groans. Cheers. The room filled with it and the atmosphere was a mix of excitement and fear. For me it was the second option. I dont enjoy a fight. But I do what i need to do to survive thats the way of any creature.

'Quiet.' Wendy steels commands. But the response is eerily silent, Jesus having her captain would suck.

'Thankyou Captain Steel. Now I will lead Group A as the distraction Collings will target me if he knows I am present. We have history shall I say.On my team will consist of: Aibek, Tobi, Oakanoi, Bearverene, Paula, Amelia, Erica and Will alongside your squads. This will give us around thirty people.'

Will? No. He said he wasnt coming, why is he coming? No. He doesnt need to be put in harms way. My eyes meet his and he shrugs sheepishly. What happened to me being in Laith's team too? I turn to Laith he avoids my eyes purposefully. Ohhe is getting an earful after this.

Once all Group A are lined up. Laith speaks again 'Group B is under Captain Steels leadership. Erza, Varian, Ed, Rose, Levi and Olive Santeara. Alongside your squads will be those who burst the gates and save the others with the drivers of the vehicles. The drivers are: Lin, Iris, Holly, Nicki, Maddie, Kyle and Jess.' Oh god Steel is my Captain. Just Great.

Everyone stands until there is six left at the table.

'The snipers who will make the first move are: Adrianna, Azira, Via, Ali, Fran and Khaled. Your job sets it up for all of us. The weapons we have in the basement are at your disposal practice with them until the time comes. Go now snipers.'

Weapons? What weapons does Laith have and why the hell didnt he tell me during the tour he gave. He better not experiment with them dangerously or making weapons his damn self. Just what else is he hiding from me?

The snipers hurry out and clammer down the hallways.

Laith steps out of the group and turns to us. His expression is guarded and his eyes hooded.

'The time its taken to build this place into a place of sanctuary has been long and jerky. But in 48 hours we will take a stand and reunite with those kept from us. So survive. Be prepared and fight with all your will because this wont be easy. When the signal is raised get back to the trucks or get out. As long as you survive you can make your way back to this home of ours as I said survive. If the signal goes and your not on the truck we have to go without you. We cannot deny those we have saved happiness if you dont have the will to make it to us. Those who can escape without the trucks do so. We must have room for those who need us!' He raises a fist in the air and applause erupts. Im not sure why I dont fancy being abandoned and running from gun fire but okay.

Everyone is dismissed and walks away. But I grab Will and Laith to keep them in place. Steel gives me a side eye and stays put too clearly unsure of my intentions. Damn idiot.

The room is cleared and all that sounds is the door. Varian stays beside me also and I know its because he is concerned about Will. Why is he being dragged into this?

'Something the matter Erza?' Laith ponders.

Irritation bubbles in my stomach. 'Yes there is. Why am I on Steels team when you wanted me on yours to create a distraction?' The words are like bullets flying out. I dont want my friend put at a needless risk.

'He volunteered in your place.' Laith shrugs.

Im stumped. WHAT? Will volunteered for me? Why? I dont need him to fight my damn battles.

'What reason is that for?'

Will pushes my hand off and turns to face me.

'So you werent put at risk as much. Also you can you friends and get your so called redemption.'Wills eyes are wide and honest causing warmth to swell in my chest.

Varian steps towards Will and grasps his hands. 'But you dont need to do that. E can handle herself with Laith and you can be safe here.' Varian's eyes mist over as his desperation pours out.

Please listen to him Will. Please.

'I need to do this. I cant just stay here while my friends go out and fight. My parents wouldnt do that and neither shall I.' Will's voice is firm leaving no room for argument.

'Will stay here and look after the institution. You can fight here to keep others safe.' I find myself pleading without pride.

'No. I am coming to fight.' Will argues and pulls his hands from Varian.

But Varian follows and grips arm preventing him from walking away.

'I cant lose another person I love Will. Dont make me.' Tears drip to the floor from Varian's face and pity surges from me. This must be so hard for him and yet he is here confessing in these circumstances.

Will meets Varian's eyes with guilt.

'I dont want to lose you either V. But there is no place for love in battle or in me.'

Will yanks away and leaves the dining room. Varian is frozen in spot until he crumbles to his knees. I crouch and pull Varian into my arms. Laith watches on with no words and Steel looks cold as ever. No sympathy from these too.

'Why did you allow him to do that Laith? Why weapons? Why are you leading the group? You may die.' I find my voice raising above Varian's sobs.

Steel's eyes show nothing but disapproval but I dont give a damn.

Laith heaves a sigh and rubs his eyes.

'There are no sacrifices in war Erza. This is a war Erza and it wont end after this mission. You would do good to remember that.' Laith abruptly leaves after his statement.

Steels goes to follow but turns back.

'Disobedience I dont tolerate in my squad. Bear that in mind. Both of you.' Steel struts away after Laith.

On the floor is me and Varian whose sobs have quietened.

'I was never going to tell him Erza. I was never going to tell him.'

'I know Varian. I know.' I stroke his black hair and he curls up once again a hand gripped to his chest as if yanking his heart out would hurt less.

There is no place for love on the battle field for it is one.

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