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Chapter 7: "Light Yagami" ahh

On Travis's way out, he was met with Ari, who looked annoyed as usual. They both briefly stared at each other as they walked past, then continued on their way. Travis chuckled silently and shook his head.

"In less than a week, she'll be groveling at my feet. I better start learning how to satisfy women, though. I doubt my cock will do all the work for me," he thought.

He returned to his apartment. Travis laid on the bed with a smile on his face. It was a successful day in his eyes. Though everything was unexpected, it went very well. Especially with two of the women in the story, he now has to continue getting closer to them. And what better way to do that, then becoming the best of friends with Soohyun.

'I mean, I haven't secured anything in the story just yet. For what I know, their relationship can start any time. Even now, man, I hate this pressure. From what I can tell, the story hasn't begun. So I can rest easily. I pray the butterfly effect doesn't work here. Otherwise, I'm going to kill myself,' he thought.

The next day, Travis got ready to make the protagonist a little more distant from the characters. How was he going to do that? Well, you'll have to wait and see.

He left his apartment, thinking whether he should go to the beach or not, but he decides not to. So he went to the lodge. Today, they seemed to have customers, meaning the manhwa might begin today.

Mijoo walked outside and saw Travis.

'He's here. What do I do, or even say? I just have to act like everything is normal,' she thought.

"Oh Travis, you're here. Soohyun is currently out running errands," she said.

"Hey Noona, oh well I guess I'll wait for him on the porch. How was your night?" He asked as he approached her.

Mijoo sighed in disappointment, thinking Travis would leave. "It was good. Don't worry, you didn't disturb me yesterday. So you don't have to feel guilty."

"Oh, if you say so. Is Ari here?"

"No, she's out as well. That girl never bothers to help me around the house. Speaking of that, I need to clean the room," she said.

"Do you need any help with anything?"

'She's really trying her hardest to act like nothing happened. Let's continue with the thirst traps. Since I think they're the most effective in this situation,' he thought.

"Sure, just help me clean. I'd like to finish early."

So that's what they did as they cleaned. Travis and Mijoo went back to normal, maybe even closer as friends. She began telling him about Ari as a kid. Even when it wasn't funny, he was forced to laugh. But understanding that it was needed, Travis faked it all.

As they cleaned, Travis and Mijoo went back to normal. She began telling him about Ari as a kid, and even when it wasn't funny, he was forced to laugh. But understanding that it was needed, Travis faked it all.

"We're almost done. I just need to clean that top shelf," she said, her voice tinged with determination as she eyed the remaining dusty surface. She fetched a stool and positioned it beneath the neglected expanse, preparing to tackle the final stretch of their cleaning session. Travis, always watchful, stood nearby, ready to assist if needed.

As she ascended the stool, her hands reached out to sweep away the layers of dust that had accumulated over time. She grimaced as the dust clouded the air, obscuring her vision momentarily. Suddenly, a moth fluttered out from its hiding place, startling her and causing her to instinctively recoil.

In her moment of surprise, she lost her balance, teetering precariously on the edge of the stool. Without hesitation, Travis lunged forward, his quick reflexes catching her just in time, preventing her from falling backward.

Mijoo's eyelids fluttered, heavy with sleep, as she gradually became aware of her surroundings. Her gaze focused on Travis, his expression etched with concern. His eyes, an intense black color that made him look godly, held a mixture of worry and relief as he watched her stir.

"Are you alright?" His voice, filled with genuine concern, broke the silence of the room, reaching her ears like a soothing melody.

Mijoo's cheeks flushed crimson as she felt the unexpected touch, her heart skipping a beat in surprise. Swiftly, her eyes darted downward, her gaze following the trail of sensation to where Travis's hand rested, her thoughts racing with confusion and embarrassment.

Travis's right hand had a full grasp of her large breasts. She wasn't wearing any bra underneath, so he had a full hold on her one of her glorious double Ds.

"He's touching my breasts," she thought, a rush of heat spreading across her face like wildfire.

Travis, seemingly realizing his misplaced touch, withdrew his hand abruptly, he smiled shyly tinged with a faint hue of pink.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to catch you," he explained, his words rushed with an awkwardness that hung in the air like a heavy fog. Sensing the tension, he made a hasty retreat from the room, leaving Mijoo alone with her thoughts and the lingering warmth of his touch.

As the door closed behind Travis, Mijoo's mind buzzed with a whirlwind of emotions. Guilt gnawed at her conscience as she replayed the moment in her mind, recognizing that Travis's actions stemmed from a place of genuine concern rather than any ill intent.

"I might have made him feel bad," she mused aloud, the weight of her realization heavy in the air. "He didn't have bad intentions; he just wanted to help me."

Her heart softened with empathy, understanding the fleeting nature of the moment and the sincerity behind Travis's actions. With a sigh, she resolved to address the misunderstanding, her determination fueled by a desire to mend any unintentional harm caused by her reaction.

While Travis walked out, a smirk crept on his face. He couldn't help but smile like a madman.

"Everything is going the way I planned. Muhahahahahahahaha."

[A/N: Bro thinks he's Light]


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