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Chapter 5: Ch. 5 Becoming Closer

"I can't express how happy that makes me feel Suzy. Truly" Jay closes his eyes and smiles.

"Same" Suzu says as she looks at Jay. Jayden Grayson. Her Jay Grayson. After so many years, and so much drama. She actually was able to tell him how she felt, and he reciprocated.

"So, I want to tell my parents and Mark, about us…... But I know you have to get ready for your work, and dad and Mark are gone until later and I don't know where they are right now anyways. But do you mind coming over tonight to be reintroduced to them as my girlfriend?" Jay asks seriously, but then snaps out of it and goes back to his jovial tone.

"Or it can wait! We can wait for like, the third date or something?! Or we can keep it secret if you want! We don't need to tell everyone! Whatever you feel like! I won't complain as long as you don't leave me!" He quickly says.

"I'm not going to leave you over that, Jay. I would love to meet Mrs. and Mr. Grayson as your girlfriend after I get back tonight" She smiles gently.

"Sounds like a plan" Jay smiles back and they talk about random things for a few minutes.


Jay looks at Suzu and can't believe how much more gorgeous she is than when they were in school together.

"How can you be even more beautiful than I remembered?" Jay says out loud.

"Huh?" Suzu's eyes widen slightly. She wasn't expecting such a compliment out of the blue.

Jay puts his hands out in front of himself and sits back in his chair. "No! That's not wh-….. Well it is true! But I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

Suzu smirks and looks at Jay. "Well you are a bit different from high school as well Jayden" She looks at his forearms, biceps, triceps, calfs, quads, abs, pecs, and sharp facial features. He used to look good, but definitely not as defined…. and tall.

His hair is still styled the same. Either his bangs over his forehead, or slicked back like the others of his family. But it was so rare for him to have it slicked back. It was a pleasant surprise when she saw him the previous night.

Jay puts his hands on his thighs. "Hopefully in a good way?" His eyes slightly closed as he asks in an unsure tone.

"A 'VERY' good way" Suzu confirms as she gets her confidence back. Her legs are, metaphorically, back underneath her.

Jay sighs in relief. "Phew…. Was kinda worried there honestly"

"Wasn't sure if you'd like the changes" Jay stands up and flexes his muscles and smirks. He knows that most women like them. But he was extremely worried if Suzu did or not. He tries to wear clothes that don't show his figure off when he's not in superhero mode.

Suzu stands up and walks over to him. "Trust me, I like them. But I'd like you even if you didn't change from high school"

Jay stops posing and leans forward towards her slightly. "I can't decide if I like business Suzu or my old Suzy. I think they might be tied" Jay lifts her chin and kisses her.

Suzu wraps her arms around his neck as she slides her tongue into his mouth.

Jay is surprised, but doesnt let that stop him. He wrestles her tongue with his own and wraps his other arms around her back and pulls her closer to his body.

Time passes but Suzu and Jay are lost in their own world.

Jay is the first to stop the kiss. "Definitely tied. But we should probably stop here. We should get ready for work" He moves his thumb across Suzu's lips. "And are you sure you haven't dated since Brian? Because damn…."

Suzu flicks his forehead. But instead of hurting him. It feels like she just flicked a metal door. She shakes her hand in the air. "I knew your skull was dense. But damn Jayden"

"Hehehe…. what can I say?" Jay nervously laughs. "There's so much I want to tell you Suzy, but now isn't the time. Mainly because there isn't enough time at the moment. But I will keep my promise and tell you everything, soon" Jay says as he grabs her hand and kisses her hurt finger.

Suzu smiles. "There are some things I have to tell you too…" She pulls out her phone with her other hand and looks at the time. But she also sees a notification. "Oh shit! Why would they move that meeting earlier?"

Jay moves his head to the side and let's her hand go. "That's rude of them. I guess this is where we split until later. I'll make sure to have my phone on me"

Suzu sends a message and then puts her phone away. "You better. Or you better have a good excuse" She begins walking to the stairs. "I've gotta get ready, you know where the door is right?" She rushes and sarcastically says.

Jay catches her hand and turns her around to face him again. "Before I leave, I need a goodbye kiss"

He gives her a quick peck on the lips. "There, now I'm ready to leave"

"You're an idiot, but now you're my idiot" Suzu smiles, but the pushes him towards the door. "But I really do need to leave soon. I'll text you tonight when I'm back"

Jay waves and walks out. Suzu gave a quick wave before hastily walking to her room.


Debbie just got out, dried off, and dressed after her shower. She did the laundry and was now resting on the couch and getting into the juiciness of the fluff.

Jay opens the front door with a happy smile on his face.

Debbie notices the extra good mood her son is in and asks. "What's got you in such a good mood this morning? Spying on Mark's flight training?"

Jay shakes his head. "Nope! I~…." He walks further into the house. "…. was just with mystery girl. And I asked her if she wanted to come over to meet you guys. She said yes!"

Debbi Mark's her page. "Really? That's great Jayden! Is she coming over for dinner? What is she like? Is there a chance we know this one?" She asks in rapid fire succession.

Jay holds a hand out. "Whoa, whoa! First off, yes really. And she will be coming over after she finishes with work this afternoon. She might be staying for dinner. She's amazing. And you may or may not know this one" He answers his moms questions in order.

"Oh, that's amazing! I think Mark was hoping to have a girlfriend longer than you, so don't let him catch up on this one" Debbie teases.

"Trust me mom. I don't plan on losing this one" Jay sits in a chair opposite of Debbie.

Debbie opens up her book and looks at Jay from the corner of her eye. "Did you tell her about Eternal? In fact, is she a superhero?"

Jay flinches visibly. "She isn't. And about that first one….. not yet"

"Oh? So you plan on telling this one? Must be serious then" Debbie lowers her book.

"You have no idea how serious I am about this one mom" Jay leans back in his chair and looks at the ceiling.

Debbie sighs. "Trust me Jayden. If it's as serious as me and your dad are, I think I do" She closes her book. "Remember when we told you about how we met. Your father and I?"

Jay nods. "Yeah, he saved you and the rest is history"

"A little short and skipping on the details, but yes. The rest is history. It wasn't, isn't, easy being the wife of a superhero. Especially hero's like you and your father. Sure you never lose. But it's waiting for that phone call. That one time when you do lose. 'That' is the hardest part" Debbie gets this thousand-yard stare. But she blinks it away. "If this girl is, well, normal like me. Just know that you should make sure to let her know why they call you Eternal" Debbie tries to give her son some advice.

"Thanks mom. I plan on telling her soon, but I want to tell her. I'll make sure that Mark and dad know not to spill the beans" Jay seriously says.

"Don't postpone it too much~" Debbie goes back to reading her book.

"I've already postponed it long enough" He says under his breath quiet enough for his mom not to hear.



The front door opens to reveal a dirtied Mark and clean Nolan.

Jay is amazed that they never get caught. It really is amazing.

Debbie looks away from her book.

Mark walks in with some scuff marks on his face and clothes. He doesn't say anything. He keeps his head down and walks up the steps to his room.

Nolan walks in a second later. Debbie gets up from the couch to walk towards the base of the stairs.

"So how bad did that go?" She asks her husband.

Nolan walked into the living room, a few steps away from Jay. He looks at the wall and stops walking. "I pushed him pretty far" He turns around to face his wife. "It's what he needs"

"Did you maybe push too far?" She asks.

Nolan stomps towards Debbie. "Are you questioning me?!"

Debbie puts her hands on her hips and confronts the big guy. "What the 'hell' has gotten into you?!" Nolan almost never raises his voice at her.

Nolan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in. And when he lets it out he relaxes his tense body and allows his shoulders to droop. "I-I don't know. I…. I'm sorry" He straightens his back up and puts his hands on his hips as Debbie crosses her arms.

"Mark got his powers so late I wasn't…" He looks to the side and also crosses his arms over his chest. "…..prepared for this. It, changes things" Nolan says conflicted. He then looks up the stairs towards Mark's room. "I can't help but think, maybe our lives would have been better if he hadn't gotten them at all"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean dad!" Jay stands up furiously.

"Jayden! Language!" Debbie shouts. She doesn't like what Nolan said either, but she does feel like things would have been… smoother. If Mark didn't get his powers. But she wants what's best for her babies, no matter their age.

They hear footsteps and then a door slam from the second floor.

"Jayden…." Nolan attempts to say but gets cut off.

"Don't 'Jayden' me dad" Jay looks to his mom. "I'm sorry mom, but I'm not gonna let that one slide" He looks back to Nolan. "Why would you say that? We, Mark, has been waiting for this since he was like…. 7? I don't remember exactly, but he's been almost patiently waiting for the day he got his powers. And then you take him flying and he comes back like that. I told you not to push him too hard. He isn't like me, he's starting out a bit weaker and later"

"I know he isn't like you son. I just…." Nolan sighs and shakes his head. "It just makes things more complicated"

"What's done is done dad! Just make it up to him, alright?" Jay walks up the stairs and looks over the railing once he's at the top. "Oh, and I'm bringing my girlfriend over for dinner. No superhero talk ok?" Jay tells, not asks. He then goes to his old room and changes.


"When did he get another one?" Nolan asks his wife.

She sighs. "Let's let him introduce her and find out tonight"

"Ok" Nolan says and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Things are just, happening so fast all of a sudden"

"Maybe you should slow down then, Omni-Man" Debbie grabs his hand. "Things happen slower down here, or did you forget?"

Nolan smiles. "Maybe I need a reminder" He follows behind where Debbie drags him.


"Mark, buddy. Let's get going, it's time to drive to school" Jay knocks on Mark's door after getting dressed himself.

"Gimme a minute will ya?!" Mark shouts back.

"I've given you five already! Take your time, I'll be in the car waiting for my brother to get his head out of his ass" Jay walks away. He sighs, and realizes he was a bit harsh there.

Once he gets in his convertible he looks up at the blue and cloudy sky. He remembers being taught how to fly by Nolan. It was the best thing. He hadn't practiced like Mark did the night before, but he was a natural. Or that's what his dad said. Landing was rough, but Jay kept his feet under himself and got the hang of it rather quickly.

Then there was the part about punching. Using your entire body. Being able to get leverage no matter how bent out of shape you are. Then came taking the punch.

When Nolan hit Jay, it sent him cratering into the ground. Jay didn't know what happened. One minute he was talking and joking with his dad. The next he was a few feet into the ground. His body was hurting, and he saw red. He charged out of the hole and nearly punched Omni-Man. But he was still young. Much younger than Mark. It was like early middle school or something.

Nolan liked the fire and passion Jay showed. And told him "Use it, control it. Not be controlled by it"

There was a bigger speech, but Jason just got the point of it. Don't let your emotions control you in a fight. Get angry, but not blinded by it.

He was pretty pissed at his dad after that one.

That was also around the time he noticed his dad acting strange from time to time. And it's only gotten worse. But it's only been a problem since yesterday.

Mark came out of the house and got in the car. Jay started driving and apologized. Mark stayed silent and only gave brief responses, but Jay kept talking about random things to at least get Mark a bit distracted.


At school

Mark was walking with William down the hall to his locker.

William notices Mark being sore and emotionally down. "Geez man, you still sore from Todd's thrashing? What's up?"

Mark only then comes out of his thoughts. "Huh? No…. I'm… fine"

"Oooooook man. You sure look fine" William says.

"HEEEEYYYYY! Mark Grayson!" A loud and annoying voice says loudly down the hall.

"Ugh" Mark turns around and sees Todd.

Todd begins walking towards Mark. "And I don't see Amber or your brother anywhere nearby to protect your sorry ass!"

Down the hall Jay is watching this go down. "Maybe Todd needs some glasses. Or a brain" He says to himself.

Mark faces the bully. "Todd. Please. Just don-"

"Uurrghh!" *slam!*

Todd grabbed Mark by the collar of his shirt and slams him against nearby lockers. William steps away.

"Don't?" Todd laughs. "Don't what!? Don't kick your ass again? Or what? You threatening me? Or do you need a replay of what happened last time? Ass"

Jay watches as Mark let's Todd repeatedly punch him. "You dumbass, Mark"

"Todd!" Jay shouts as he marches over as the bully shakes his wrist from punching an unflinching Mark.

The students watching were beginning to crowd and watch the fight.

Todd looks around but doesn't move. He then faces Mark. "Freak!" He shouts.

"Very original" Jay says as he grabs Todd's shoulder. "I think I have a plan for you. I remember a few coaches complaining about not having a dummy to practice on. I'm thinking wrestling, football, and a few other contact sports would appreciate the community service you'll be doing for them. Now get a move on" Jay shoves his shoulder.

Todd glares at Mark but doesn't say anything and walks away.

Jay turns to his brother. "And you, my office after school. You aren't as high and mighty as you think Mr. Grayson"

Jay walks away. He doesn't want to scold his brother. But public showing of his powers is a big no-no.


Jay is flying through the towns skies searching for Mark. The idiot didn't come to see him after school.

At least Jay was able to tell Ms. Yumisaki he wouldn't be able to go out with her. She was sad, but recovered quickly. But Jay could tell she was just being polite. So he didn't push the issue.

Meri still hoped to be friends and agreed with his rule for not dating coworkers. But that didn't mean they couldn't still be friends outside of school. Jay agreed and went on with his day with a bit of guilt dripping from him.

Now, he was flying and searching for Mark.

Jay was in his hero costume that hadn't changed since he started. He was thinking of getting a new suit soon, but was lazy and didn't bother.

Jay heard gunshots from the ground below. He figured Mark would be stupid enough to jump head first into danger. So he flew down and watched from above as two guys in black clothing and a guy covered in concrete or something ran down alleys.

Just as he was about to swoop in, somebody else came from nowhere in a ridiculous get-up.

The guy was wearing bright blue pants. An even brighter orange long sleeve shirt. And somehow, even brighter yellow gloves and a bandanna covering his face. Then there's the ridiculous goggles he had on.

The bright getup guy, which is obviously Mark, tackles the man covered in concrete, or is it smooth rocks?

Mark tackles him through a fence the guy just jumped over.

Jay makes sure that the two idiots with guns and bags of money don't move by 'gently' knocking them out for the police to handle.

Mark and Concrete-Man both end up laying on the ground after Mark drove the guy into the ground and bounced off of him.

"Meant to do that" Mark says as he stops sliding.

Concrete-Man gets up with a groan. "Nghhh. Who the hell are you?" His voice echoes inside his concrete face covering, that…. hides his face. Jay wonders how he can breath in it.

Mark stands up. "I am…. I'm….. uh… I uhm…. I guess I'm working on that. Any suggestions?"

Jay winces. That was just painful to watch and listen to.

Concrete-Man begins to charge at Mark. "Captain Guy-with-a-Hole-Punched-Through-Him!"

"Doesn't really roll of the tongue" Mark says as he blocks a heavy blow to his right side with both of his forearms. Then he lands a hit to the mans concrete-covered face and stomach.

"Anything else?" Mark asks.

Then he proceeds to get punched and sent stumbling backwards. This punch to the face breaks his goggles, the right lens completely shattering while the left only cracks.

Concrete-Man then delivers a gut punch before hitting Mark in the face again. This time with his right fist instead.

Mark takes a few steps back. But he gets grabbed by the throat.

Concrete-Man throws Mark down the alley.

Mark hits the wall with his back and falls to the ground on one knee and his right hand.

He then takes off and flies quickly and charges into Concrete-Man. He drags the guy through some of the ground and ping pings him against a few buildings until he closelines the guy on a fire escape ladder.

Both go flying out into a street and nearly hit a man.

But Jay appears infront of them both and catches Concrete-man by the head while he catches Mark by the collar.

They nearly just crashed into a civilians car while their family was inside.

"Everyone ok?" Jay asks.

The family looks at him and nod.

"Good" Jay flies into the air with both Mark and Concrete-Man.


"That's Eternal to you, Vigilante" Jay cuts his brother off.

He sets Mark down on a roof. "I'll be back, just gotta deal with this guy. Don't move, say hi to Omni-Man for me"

And like that, Jay flies back towards the police in the alleyway.

Mark watches his brother fly away. "Say hi to Omni-Man? But he's not here-"

"You look ridiculous" A deep voice says from above.

Mark looks up and sees his dad in his hero costume looking down at him.

"Let's get out of here" Omni-Man says.

"What about J-Eternal?" Mark asks.

"Already back, Vigilante" Jay says floating behind Mark.

Both Omni-Man and Eternal fly to a building a good distance away and much taller than the one they were previously on.

Mark follows them and tries to land gently. But he ends up stumbling a few steps before catching himself.

Omni-Man folds his arms across his chest. "Honestly, I think you might have skipped a few steps Mark"

"A few? I think he didn't even read the guidebook" Eternal stands next to Omni-Man with his hands on his hips.

"There's a guidebook?" Mark asks.

""No"" Jay and Nolan say in sync.

Mark takes his goggles off and moves his bandanna off his face as well. "Well it seemed to work out just fine" He says satisfied with beating the bad guy.

"It may not look like much, but you did far more damage down there than you needed to" Nolan says.

"And if I hadn't caught you and that…. Concrete-Man…. you two would have crashed into that car and possibly injured that family. Civilians" Jay adds.

Nolan nods. "I don't think you're ready"

Mark defiantly looks at his father. "Hit me"

Nolan looks at Mark concerned. "What?"

"Hit me now. Do it! I wasn't ready before, but now I am. I can take it" Mark points at himself with his thumb. Then he opens his arms. "Cmon!"

"I'm not gonna hit you" Nolan says.

"You never hit me before! Ok?" He looks to the side. "It scared me. It wasn't too much. I can take the pain" Mark looks back to his dad. "I'm strong"

Nolan responds. "I know you ar-"

"No you don't!" Mark steps towards his dad and points at himself. "I know you think I can't do this!" He pushes his chest out and holds both his arms back. "Hit me, and let me prove you wrong. Please dad!" Mark brings his arms in front of him as he pleads. "Please just hit me"

Jay shakes his head.

Nolan looks at his youngest son with a caring face. "Oh son…"

"I'm strong enough! And I can do this" Mark glances to the side quickly then look back at Nolan. "It's all I ever wanted for as long as I can remember. I wanna do what you do…" He then looks down with his eyes. "I wanna be just like you"

Mark's emotions calm down as he talked. Now he just hangs his head with slouched shoulders.

Nolan walks up to Mark and puts his right hand on his shoulder. "You will be son" He brings Mark into a hug. "You will"

Mark puts his arms around his dad, and Nolan wraps Mark in a fatherly hug.

A second later they both back up.

Nolan puts both hands on Marks shoulders. "Let me make this up to you" He then leaps into the air. "Follow me"

Mark and Jay then do the same. Granted Jay was much more experienced and didn't look like a stumbling toddler.

Jay catches up to Nolan as they fly and Mark follows behind them.

Nolan nods at Jay who nods back.

Jay falls behind until Mark reaches him and he paces himself with Mark.

"You didn't show up after school dude" Jay says.

"Look- I'm sorry. I've just… been frustrated a bit. You've had your powers longer than me. And dad is dad. I just want to catch up to you guys as soon as I can" Mark admits.

"Mark, this will take time. Not even I was able to fly perfectly the first time. You don't need to rush this, but getting excited and training hard will get you there one day. Don't burn yourself out before you've even left the ground little brother. Dad wasn't born as Omni-Man, he grew up into him. And some advice, don't ask the bad guys to name you" Jay smiles at his younger brother.

"It was a spur of the moment thing ok?!" Mark defends himself. "And thanks Jay" He sincerely says.

"I'm not a counselor for nothing you know?" Jay smirks at Mark.

Mark shakes his head. "How did you choose your name?"

Jay thinks for a minute. "I thought about what I wanted to be called. What I stand for. I didn't want 'Man' in my hero name either. I thought about why I fight crime and who I fight it for. So with all that in mind I pulled out a thesaurus and sped through it" Jay does a spin mid air. "And I found the one I liked. Ever lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning. Truths, values, or questions, valid for all time; essentially unchanging. That's what I wanted to be seen as-"


Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

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