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7.14% Irene Max

Chapter 2: Insomnia_2

Fatigue weighed heavy on me as I yawned, my feet kicking up lazily while the strands of my purple hair cascaded over my face. Getting myself up, I parted the curtains, allowing the blinding sunlight to wash over me. Blinking furiously, I welcomed the warmth onto my skin.

With slouched shoulders, I slipped out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom, my fingers entwined in my unruly purple locks. I quickly fashioned them into two unorganized buns, securing them in place before grabbing my toothbrush.

While I brushed my teeth with my non-dominant left hand, I eventually surrendered to the allure of the bathtub, discarding my clothes and sliding into the warm water. The sensation of the water on my skin was soothing, and as I sank further, I caught sight of the Neno Bath bombs. With a sense of whimsy, I watched as the plain water transformed into a harmonious blend of pink and blue hues.

Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to drift in the comfort of the water's embrace. My thoughts strayed to my dad, but I quickly suppressed them; remembering him brought a bitter pang of sadness to my lips. Before I could dwell on it further, Julian's urgent voice shattered my reverie.

"Sis, you gotta see this! Come on, I'm going to play it, this is serious."

Exasperation prickled within me. Julian's knack for melodrama was unmatched. Rolling my eyes, I begrudgingly vacated the bath, my irritation growing at the thought of his impending trivial request. Hastily, I changed into my school uniform, adjusted my tie meticulously, and descended the spiral staircase.

The sight that met me was unexpected. Julian was engrossed in the hologram projected by his holo-pen. Suppressing my impatience, I approached, fully anticipating another gadget malfunction. However, as the hologram materialized, my annoyance was replaced by shock – the enormous UFO crashing into the South Keleyan in the country Talabia main organization building left me speechless.

Chaos and devastation unfolded on the hologram, the dark ship reducing the once imposing building to rubble.

The person videoing started running as the camera got shaky, as you would hear the deafening sound of sirens and a policewoman rushing everyone out of their homes.

Lots of police forces came, and there were continuous ringing and loud noises that echoed throughout the quiet household.

I watched in horror as the place collapsed to bits and then the camera fell, staring up at the sky which was clouded with smoke. You could see children and adults running in the background before someone grabbed the camera and it all went black.

I couldn't believe this question raced through my head...

The biggest question was, was it happening all over again...?

When I was very young, I faintly remember an alien invasion happening and once I came face to face with those creatures. In the distance between me and this tall, huge creature about 10 feet tall with a black body suit on, it had two sharp long teeth coming out, I remember it looked into my eyes as my father carried me away running as it stood still and then sprinted away on its thin legs.

There was an alien invasion when I was young, an unidentified hostile creatures came to our planet without much of a valid reason and also strangely left without a reason. I remember how my father would tell me the stories of when we fought the aliens which brought the end of humanity as we know of.

Standing in front of one of those creatures, so huge and tall was scary. It destroyed so many people and homes Exylus's population decreased by 4 billion it was a lot to take in. Even though it was a small-scale invasion in comparison to the invasion hundreds of years ago where aliens much more advanced than us attacked Earth.

However, Exylus as it is, is much more advanced than before and capable of eliminating aliens more easily, but the damage was still a lot.

We had lost loved ones and some even lost the ability to do certain things like my father he broke his leg and arm and because of that he retired from being a scientist.

I felt so scared, there was a shiver trickling down my spine. I heard my mum come downstairs, I quickly ushered for Julian to put the holo-pen away.

My mom couldn't and wouldn't want to see us watching things like this. The video had 1.5 billion views and thousands of comments. The comments were sad and people said things like how this time we weren't going to win and that it was the ...end.

However, most of the comments were saying things like they had already dispatched secret agents to eliminate the aliens and that it was going to be fine. Of course, this was all happening so far away from me in a different country. So though the fear felt visible. I felt safe.

Interrupting my thoughts, Mom descended the stairs, her fatigue evident in the shadows under her eyes. Her eyes were opposite of her usual vibrate chocolate-coloured eyes, they were a dull lurid brown instead.

"Mom are... You okay?" I moved to comfort her, but she waved me off, her voice unsteady.

A violent coughing fit abruptly overtook her, blood staining her hand. Panic tightened its grip as Julian demanded the truth, his words a desperate plea. Mom's guilt-ridden gaze shied away, and then she crumpled to the floor.

"Mom!" I cried out, rushing to her side. Julian followed suit, his distress palpable as he hovered over her. Fear surged within me, driving me to shake her gently, to wake her up. But her eyelids fluttered, her breathing grew laboured, and my heart raced in terror.

Wiping my eyes with trembling hands, I attempted to steady my emotions. "Julian, call for help!" I urged, my voice trembling.

Tears welled in his eyes, his panic echoing mine as he fumbled for the holophone on the wall. "911, please come... It's an emergency. My mom collapsed."

The subsequent hours in the waiting room were a blur of anxiety, the wailing sirens of the approaching ambulance a jarring reminder of our distress.

Amid the uncertainty, a kind nurse approached us, her smile offering a semblance of comfort. "Julian Max and Irene Max? Your mother is stable now."

Relief washed over me, but my curiosity compelled me to ask for details. "What happened? Is she going to be okay?"

The nurse's expression turned somber, her smile fading as she offered a grim explanation. "She has been diagnosed with...

Serious Insomnia."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. Serious Insomnia – a diagnosis that felt both inconceivable and ominous. As I exchanged a glance with Julian, our shared unease mirrored the abrupt shift in our lives. As we knew my mom had struggled with my dad's passing. Our world had been turned upside down, and now we were left grappling with the uncertainties that lay ahead.

RubyRebels RubyRebels

Author Ru: Stay safe from Corona virus sorry for the short chapter π _ π


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