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Chapter 2: What's a Orario?Can I eat it?:(Chapter 001)

"Are you ok?" A man asked as he tapped Jonathan awake. The man had dark blue hair matching blue eyes with a face that would put many playboys to shame. He was fairly tall; easily putting him over the 6-foot+ checklist streetwalkers have.

Where was he, the last thing he remembered was the flames consuming him as he lay on the ground dying. Jonathan touched his cheek with his palm trying to confirm if he was truly alive.

"I think so," Jonathan answered unsurely before getting up and scanning his body with surprise and wonder at seeing he was whole once again. "Yay nothing seems to be misplaced" He answered the blue-haired man in front of him doing a double take just to make sure he wasn't truly dreaming or in heaven.

"This wouldn't be the afterlife would it?" Jonathan asked scanning around trying to find any clue as to where he was. If this was hell…then he was disappointed with the lack of fiery pits

"Gracious no, why would you think that you are very much alive, Tenkai is a long way from here" The man answered as he chuckled

What's a Tenkai?

"Are you sure you are alright? I can give you a check-up if you need… You seem to have hit your head and I'm worried it might have caused some damage" The blue asked worriedly when Jonathan's face scrunch up into a frown.

Everything was going over his head and he didn't like it. Is this some sort of joke..being thrown into a random alleyway after dying...What's next might as well just give him the ability to go back to the past after each time he died.

"I'm not even sure I have the funds to pay you" Jon awkwardly scratched the back of his head

"No, I insist, I could never forgive myself if I left someone who needs help alone." The man answered turning around and beginning to leave the alleyway prompting Jon to follow him as he walked out of the alleyway

"I'll take you up on the offer, thank you. I promise I'll pay you back Mr?" Jon said

"How could I forget to introduce myself what a blunder, My name is Miach" The man stretched out an arm to Jon

"Nice to meet you Miach" Jon paused, millions of names running through his head. This might be a new start for him, a completely new life where he could live without any regrets. He would not waste it by using a name that held so many memories attached to it. And he wouldn't allow his new name to be his first regret. No dumb names like Steve allowed

"Now you can't ask for someone's name and not give yours can you?" Miach teased trying to unease the tall cloaked man he found in that Alleyway. There didn't seem to be any life-threatening injuries just some minor scratches and bruises but his instincts as good as medicine told him something was not right.

The man felt inches away from death's door but looked completely fine, truly an anomaly.

"Sorry about that my name is Ike," Ike said after his brief pause noticing he was being a bit rude.

"Why did you lie" Miach questioned Ike as he turned around to look

"What do you mean?" Ike halted in the road with a face filled with false shock. He wondered how Miach could crack through his masterful deception.

"Just like I thought you must be new to Orario" Miach held his chin for a second taking him 100% seriously

"Us gods have a natural way of telling when someone lying" He quickly added

"Gods?" Ike asked confusedly, now this was the type of thing that chuuni of a student of his would say

"It might be worse than I thought," Miach said as he pressed a hand against Ike's forehead shoving his longish brown locks to the side

Thoughts bombarded Ike's brain: Why the hell does the man in front of me think he's a God, why am I healed, only the ArchBishops or popes in the holy church had such potent healing magic to put him back together, what the hell is an Orario? Can he eat it? And what is that tall tower in the middle of the city, why does he keep hearing this dungeon and something called a familia being mentioned by people passing by? If it's the type of dungeon he was thinking about this whole place must be filled with deviants as they talk about their time in there joyfully.

This truly was a weird place. At least in hell, he wouldn't have been this confused. And who could say no to a hot bath of lava? Add some milk to the formula and you got yourself in heaven right there. Lava baths are so underrated he recommends everyone try one at least once in their life.

"Yeah sorry about that" Ike chuckled as he avoided the gaze of Miach.

"Hmm" Miach hummed and didn't push further and turned around leading Ike back to his clinic

Both men continued to walk in silence for the next fifteen minutes with Miach humming a tune to a song Ike has never heard and Ike just losing himself to his thoughts and trying to find out where the hell he was.

He was in Oreo, but where the hell is Oreo on the map?

"Welcome to my humble home," Miach said as he placed the bag he was carrying on the counter to the store with potion after potion lining the shelves behind the counter. They ranged in both size and color much to Ike's amazement. The potion industry has evolved a lot since the last time he's been outside...

Back in his day potions were easily outclassed by even the lowest tier of healing magic. He was happy that they have progressed so much. Down with healing magic. Honestly fuck those hungry little piggies in the church churching an arm and a leg to heal a tiny cut, but hey their nuns were hot so...all's good

"Thanks for having me," Ike said removing his hood

"NAAZA! I'm home" Miach called out to someone in the back of the store

"Welcome back Lord Miach" A girl with shoulder-length brown hair came to the counter with a similar colored tail swinging excitedly.

"Lord Miach who's that with you" Her eyes landed on Ike's form. Eyes once filled with excitement quickly turned to those of suspicion and wariness. Her once swinging tail came to a halt and started to droop.

"Oh Naaza, this is our guest Ike, he's new to Orario He seemed injured; so I wanted to do a few checkups on him. I hope that is alright." Miach answered avoiding the gaze of the Dog girl.

"Lord Miach, I've told you this many times we're not a charity" Naaza's gaze hardened as she stared at both Miach and Ike

"He promised he'll pay us back" Miach countered

"Fine," Naaza said walking into the back of the shop

"Sorry for causing so much trouble," Ike said looking downcasted as he stared at the floor

Miach seemed like a good guy, he hoped he didn't have to keep manipulating him and his emotions. But one has to do what one has to do to survive, and the first step to survival is information.

"Oh no you're fine, Naaza is just shy to new people" Miach tried to reassure him.

"Oh ok" Ike made a face of understanding

"Now let's get you all checked up shall we" Miach smiled


[One checkup later ]

"Alright it seems you are in fairly good shape" Miach patted my back

"Are you planning to become an adventure"

"Yeah, something like, how could you tell" Ike gave a vague answer in hopes of not triggering the bullshit built-in lie detector the supposed Gods of the place have.

He didn't quite believe it, but there was no harm in not putting that ability to the test.

"I didn't see any fauna on your back when I was doing the check-up. Which Familia are you planning on joining"

"I don't know yet" Ike answered honestly trying to push the look of confusion from all these terms he doesn't know. Here he was thinking that May was the only one whose speech went over his head sometimes... Guess not

"How about you join mine then? We could always need an extra pair of hands around here" Miach offered with a beaming smile that could win the hearts of any maiden.

Ike cursed the gods for giving Miach such a smile, while he ended up looking like a zombie ran over by a carriage and had a meteor dropped on top of it for good measure whenever he ever dears to open his mouth

"Uh sure," ike answered just going with the flow at this point...if this ends up being a newly formed cult...Someone's being thrown out of a window

"Just lay down there for a second, it might hurt for a second but don't worry " Miach pointed at the medical bed in the room and Ike followed his instructions and lay flat on the hard bed.

Ike watched as Miach pricked his finger with a needle and allowed blood to fall onto his back. A shock ran through his upper back the instant the blood made contact. Shock sparked forth from different parts of his body for the next ten seconds.

The shocks stopped and Miach got up and grabbed some paper before pressing it on his back and applying pressure to it

Why do I feel stronger?

Is this a divine blessing?

Is he a god

Well fuck me

"Well here's your status," Miach said handing over the paper to Ike

"Thanks" Ike responded as he started to read the paper.

How he can read a language he never saw before today is not concerning to him one bit. He has better things to worry about, and why question a gift? That's just ungrateful, just say thanks, and if you don't like it move on with your life.

[Jonathan Inferna ]


Age: 18

Strength: I-0

Endurance: I-0

Dexterity: I-0

Agility: I-0

Mind: I-0



Pokemon Trainer:[Form creatures using your mind as their power source. As well as gain all information corresponding to all that are summoned Can summon more creatures as the level of the holder rises.

Current summons:2

Max active summons:2]

Brand of the Salamander: [Pride of the fire spirit Salamander, those who have walked into the path of fire proudly and come out unscathed are rare and far between, each gaining the respect from the flames themselves and the one who rules over them. Increases affinity with fire magic, they cost half of their original mind and are twice as potent. High resistance to high heat and reduces damage taken from fire-related attacks]

"Two skills as a level one..that's impressive Jonathan," Miach said looking over his shoulder at the sheet


"Why did you say your name was Ike?" Miach eyes shone with curiosity

"I wanted a brand new start" Ike answered rereading the page over and over with wonder.

"Ok" Miach answered before getting up from his seat

"Not going to ask more?" Ike stopped reading his stat sheet with surprise riddling his face. He was expecting to be interrogated not left scot free

"We all have things we would rather leave behind. I won't pressure you until you feel comfortable to share on your own" Miach gave him a smile of understanding

"You're a strange God Miach." Ike calmly said

"I've heard. But I can say you're not the most normal human out there as well Ike" Miach countered

"I'm pretty normal through," Ike responded holding his chin while recalling anything out of the ordinary he has done so far

"Sure you are, have a good night Ike"

"you too"

Miach left the room and shut the door on his way out. Ike waited patiently until the sound of footsteps was all but a distant memory before looking down at his belt. Six shrunk half-white and red balls lined it; he signed before grabbing one. He prepared himself for all the bull shittery that his slightly crazy disciple has gotten him into or whoever threw him here. He clicked the white button in the center and released a ray of light in which a form began to appear from

It was a floating sword with a thick brown sheath with white highlights making the sheath look as if it was smiling at your very soul. It had a shining pink crystal a few centimeters above its wide and curved crossguard. A blue ribbon was tied to the pummel of the sword.

It was a Honedge. Before he could even say anything Ike found himself being tackled by an overly excited sword.

"Calm down girl Ike said grabbing the pommel of the sword only for her to break out of his grip easily going back to tackle him. Curse his skinny weak mage body

After 5 minutes of this event repeating Ike gave up as he let her toy with his body as she saw fit until she got her to fill.

"Are you done?" Ike asked cautiously as the sword lay resting in his lap

She vibrates in agreement.

"Would you mind if I take off your sheath?" Ike asked hoping he didn't offend this little bundle of strength and steel

It paused in embarrassment?...can swords even feel embarrassed; this day just gets weirder and weirder. First fighting a country-ending evil dragon to get through the demon king's army and then 'dying' and being flung to the middle of hell knows where. Then God's and dungeons and now a story May told him became reality and let's not even talk about the magical sword acting like a teenage girl. He really needs sleep and lots of it.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity the blade shook granting him permission to unsheathe it.

He unsheathed the bastard sword on his lap. The sword was on the longer end for a bastard sword. The blade was easily a meter long and with rust coating the entire length of it..even if he was just a mage he could tell this was not a good sword. Too heavy, the weight was off balance and well it was dull..a dull butter knife would feel like a surgeon's razor with how dull the blade was. He didn't need a license in swordsology to know this was not a good blade.

As if being able to read his mind the sword shook a bit as if to tell him she was sorry for being such a disappointment of a sword. How he knew it was a girl…that was a rabbit hole he would rather not go down again. How could a sword even be a she is something only the wisest of wise men could answer and he isn't one of them

"It's alright buddy. You're a garbage sword, and I'm a garbage swordsman we're practically made for one another." Ike tried to reassure it only to feel it shaking in what he believed to be sadness.

"But we don't need need to be garbage forever…I have a dream and I bet you have one too...My dream is to overcome my weakness, my dream is to use this new chance in life to become the very best man I can become, I want to be a hero, the kind that can smile in the face of the hardest adversaries, the kind who everyone who knows's him can rely upon. I want to be the kind of hero you see in the legends of old the one cutting down waves of monsters one after another all while saving all the damsels that come his way" Ike simulated him cutting down a dragon with the hand he held Honedge in.

"And do you know what all good heroes need...They need a good sword, a good sword that will stand with them from the beginning to the happy ever after, a sword that's both sharp and bring good luck upon me and promises me only victory. Honedge will you that sword…will you be the lucky clover to this weak mage wanting to be a hero. If you do I promise you will be the strongest sword and most beautiful sword in the whole world." He said with false bravado as he saw her mood slowly rise with how she was starting to vibrate quicker and quicker.

My soul hurts.

How can heroes say this shit with a straight face, I almost died while saying that.

No stop don't tell me you fell for it my Clover, You are so much smarter than that please tell me those lines worked.

Ike looked at the sword shaking in excitement at his words before it jumped at him rubbing her broadside against his face. Smothering him and making it hard to break

Fuck… it worked, what do I do now, no where in the hero's manual did it teach you how to deal with a sword in the heat

"Haha calm down girl we still need to meet our new friend" He grabbed her handle and brought her back to my lap away from his face. He doesn't know about others but he wasn't a big fan of walking with?...floating tetanus stick near his face.

He picked one of the Poke balls off his belt and directed some of his mind into it causing the ball to split in half releasing a grey beam of light to the room floor. A form took shape a short distance away from the edge of his bed

A small plump bird with a small head and even smaller beaks appeared in front of the two. Dark brown feathers lined its back, and black feathers highlighted its eyes with a cream-colored chest and abdomen.

"Pidgey" The small bird chirped as it spread its wings wide

"Welcome Pidgy, names Ike and I guess I'll be your new master from now on," Ike said getting up much to his sword's annoyance and picked the small bird into his arms

" Do you want to go on a journey to become the strongest with me?" Ike asked with a smile on his face trying his best to replicate the panty-ruining smile heroes have

Pidgy paused unsure of what it should answer

"No pressure," Ike said with an even bigger smile" No matter what you choose we'll still be the best of friends" Ike continued

Hearing this Pidgy jumped onto his chest claws and peak rubbing against his skin through his shirt

"Stop!, that tickles," Ike said as he tried to peel the excited bird off him while laughing

The night was filled with laughter as a man who easily towered over most failed at stopping the assault of a small and excited bird who could easily fit in his hands and a jealous now sheathed magical sword who kept trying to push the bird off him.

Today was a strange day

All_Mighty_Reader All_Mighty_Reader

If you find any mistakes in grammer please tell me,I'll try to fix them and if you have any tips on just improving my writing in general throw them at me. This fanfiction is both a hobby to improve my writing skills as well as feed my recent pokemon and Danmachi addiction

What pokemon should Ike's next one be?

I plan him to get 2 pokemon per level up.One when he reaches the half way point of the level and one more when he officially level's up. I don't know what they will be yet so give your suggestions.

Well good bye everyone see you next time.

Ps. Airmid> Naaza

Pss. Don't give me stones. I forgot what they are used for

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