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Chapter 70: Chapter Sixty-Eight

The excitement in Orario was tangible as the crowd around Babel Tower buzzed with anticipation.

Ibri Achaa, a loyal member of the Ganesha familia and the charismatic MC, stood confidently on the grand stage, his voice echoing through the throng of festival-goers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed citizens of Orario!" he bellowed, his arms sweeping across the crowd. "As we draw the curtain on the first day of our glorious festival, we bring to you the grand finale – the magnificent Float Parade!"

The crowd erupted into a sea of cheers, the excitement reaching a fever pitch. Ibri raised his hands for silence, "The parade will commence here at Babel and will snake through the city, returning to this splendid spot. Prepare yourselves for an unforgettable spectacle!"


But even as Ibri was building the momentum, the scene shifted dramatically to an underground location, where Muichiro, Demeter, and a group of Demeter Familia's blacksmiths stood around an imposing furnace-like contraption.

Muichiro surveyed the setup, his usual stoic demeanour replaced by a focused intensity.

The chief blacksmith, a burly man with a soot-stained apron, approached him. "Everything's ready, Muichiro-kun. Just waiting for your signal."

Muichiro nodded, glancing at the complex network of pipes leading to the surface. "The intensity I send needs to be controlled. We can't afford any mishaps."

"Don't worry," another blacksmith chimed in, wiping his brow. "We've double-checked everything. Your part is crucial, but we'll handle the rest."

As they gave their final confirmations, Muichiro positioned himself at the machine's core. He took a deep breath, grounding himself.

The task required precision and control, qualities he had honed over months of training.

He extended his hands, focusing his energy.

A brilliant blue flame sparked to life, flickering with intensity. With a controlled exertion of power, he unleashed the flame into the machine.

The room heated up instantly, the blacksmiths stepping back as the furnace roared to life.

The heat was so intense that it singed the eyebrows of the blacksmiths nearby, drawing a mix of awe and nervous chuckles.

Above ground, the anticipation was palpable. Ibri was just announcing the parade's commencement when the ground trembled slightly.

From nowhere, metallic tubes shot up around the square, spewing multicoloured flames into the starry night sky. The crowd gasped in awe, their eyes wide with wonder.

As the tubes bent, forming arches over the streets, they created a fiery trail for the parade floats to follow. The display was a breathtaking blend of magic and engineering.

Children squealed in delight, pointing at the dancing flames.

Adults exchanged looks of disbelief, marvelling at the unprecedented spectacle. It was a moment that transcended the ordinary, where the entire city was united in awe and celebration.

The floats, each a masterpiece in its own right, began their procession. Performers in vibrant costumes danced and sang, their voices adding to the jubilant atmosphere.

Meanwhile, back underground, Muichiro retracted his flames, the task was officially completed. The blacksmiths erupted into cheers, patting him on the back. "Incredible work, Muichiro! You really outdid yourself!"

Demeter approached, her eyes shining with pride. "That was magnificent. You've outdone yourself, Muichiro."

He allowed himself a small, satisfied nod. "I'm glad it worked as planned."

As they made their way to the surface to join the festivities, Orario continued to celebrate under the blazing arches of fire.

It was a night that would be etched in the memories of its citizens for years to come.


As the brilliant parade of flames arched through Orario's evening sky, a myriad of reactions painted the city.

In the heart of the Hephaestus Familia's forge, Goddess Hephaestus stood, her experienced eyes scrutinizing the flames that seemed both familiar and extraordinary. "These flames, they're not just mere fire... there's an art to them," she commented thoughtfully.

Her captain, Tsubaki, a seasoned warrior and blacksmith, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the control and precision... it's remarkable. The construction of those flame barrels must be ingenious. I wonder if we can replicate it." Her mind was already racing with ideas and possibilities.



At the Apollo Familia mansion, the flamboyant God Apollo watched from his balcony, his face alight with excitement. "Magnificent! Such a display would be the highlight of any party!" he exclaimed, already planning how to incorporate such splendour into his next grand event.

In the lively quarters of the Loki Familia, the reactions were a mix of awe and excitement. Ais Wallenstein, often quiet and reserved, watched with a rare, soft smile.

The spectacle seemed to have reached something in her, a silent appreciation for the beauty of the flames.

Lefiya, Tiona, and Tione were less reserved in their enthusiasm. "Did you see that giant arch of flames? It was like something out of a fairy tale!" Lefiya said, her eyes sparkling.

Tiona bounced with energy. "I bet I could jump through one of those arches!" she declared, only to be met with a stern look from her sister Tione.

Loki, the trickster goddess, couldn't help but express her admiration. "Now that's a show! Demeter's really outdone herself this year."

In the grand Loki familia library, Riveria Ljos Alf sensed the magical energy from the flames, and her scholarly curiosity was piqued. "Such a concentration of magical energy... it's both beautiful and a little concerning," she mused, her mind pondering the implications of such power.


Among the crowd, a hooded figure blended in, her blue eyes shining under the cloak. Her grin was wide, and she whispered to herself, "Now that's what I call a spectacle."

In the serene surroundings of the Wheat Manor, a crimson-haired figure observed from afar, her amusement evident. "Orario never ceases to amaze. What will they think of next?" she mused aloud, taking another bite of her meat skewer.


Citizens of Orario, too, were vocal in their admiration. "Have you ever seen anything like it?" one asked his companion, his voice full of wonder.

"Never in all my years in Orario! This festival will be talked about for ages!" another replied, her eyes reflecting the fiery dance above.

Children ran around imitating the flames with their hands, their laughter adding to the festive atmosphere. Parents watched with fond smiles, enjoying the shared joy and wonder with their little ones.

From every corner of the city, the fiery spectacle was drawing people together, the Thesmophoria parade had officially begun.

But, what Orario didn't know was that this small display was only the beginning.


(Ibri Achaa Picture)

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