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Chapter 3: My Guardian Angel Became a Maid!

Finna looking at his status seemed pleased that nothing appeared to be missing, "Well it looks properly set up and it's better than some glitch corrupting it."

[Yes, that's good and all, but there is just one major problem!]

"And that would be?" Finna already guessed, but she still needed to ask.

[IT'S TOO PLAIN TO CAPTURE MY PURE AWESOMENESS!!!] Keane once attempted to strike a pose.

As for Finna? Well she was face-palming herself already predicting his words. When she first met Keane, Finna was simply dumbfounded by his attitude, and simply did her best to ignore his words. Then when his narcissistic self went into the body of a baby, she thought it was initially funny hearing a baby say he would claim her. However, after listening to a few of his comments that feeling quickly became old and she once again did her best to ignore his words. Considering, she will be with Keane for basically his whole life, Finna was already preparing herself for the the future.

She let him have his brief moment of bliss before he turned back to the reality of being a baby after a few minutes. Keane then looked to Finna and asked, [What now?]

"Well isn't that for you to decide?" Finna already thought that this baby had a plan, so she was a little confused.

[No not me, I am talking about you.]

Finna realized what he was asking and decided to tell him of her current plans, "Well during the few days you were in the hospital, I decided to find myself a temporary living quarters. I also applied for a job. However, I am sorry to tell you this, I won't be able to see you for the next three years."

[Okay, thats good..... Wait! Your suppose to be supporting me! Where the fuck are you going to be these next three years!] Keane was slightly in disbelief, as his wish was for Finna to accompany him so he could prove that he is the best!

Finna, already knowing what he is thinking said, "It will only be for three short years so worry not, I will still be around to watch your growth. I will check up on you every six months to see how your training is going as well."

Understanding that it is only three years, Keane decided it was probably not a big deal. But, there was one thing that caught his attention, [Training?] If she wasn't here how would he train. Rather he was in the body of a baby, so there was not much he can do.

"I am your sensei after all! It would be a shame to not leave you some homework." Finna seemed a little excited to be in the teacher position. Maybe it's the fact that in this position, she thought she could possibly undo what is most likely, no, what is most definitely, a lost cause. It seems that Finna still believes that anything is possible, even though this case is obviously not. Nonetheless, she will still try to change him, or else she may not be able to survive with him for who knows how long. As stated previously, Finna holds Keane's looks in a very high regard. However, if she was put in a situation where it was possible, she would completely destroy his narcissistic persona.

Trying to get ahold of Finna's attention who appeared in a deep thought, Keane asked, [May I know what the training is?]

"It is quite simple actually. All you need to do is start controlling the mana in your body so when I come back we can advance in your training. However, though I will come back when you turn three, I will not be teaching you to release that magic until you are five. The reason for this is that your body would not be able to handle it." Finna who recovered from her inner-thoughts, finished explaining the current training plan to Keane.

He nodded understanding, [Although I doubt my great body would break down, I will listen to your advice. So can you show me how to do it now?]

"Yes, I will, but first there is something that you need to change. I am your teacher now remember?" Finna seemed very instant on the sensei matter. She didn't even want to allow that sly narcissistic comment pass.

Since Keane already acknowledged her as his teacher he had no issue showing her the proper respect in that regard. However, there is something he needed to make sure she understood. Thus he said to the angel, [Yes I remember, thank you for your instruction Finna-sensei.]

Finna seemed very content with his answer, thinking this was the first step to fixing his personality. Unfortunately, she couldn't be more wrong.

Keane then continued to say creating a new 'baby-type' pose, [HOWEVER! Do not think that you will be my teacher forever! As the saying goes, 'the student will surpass the master'. And I will surpass you! Be it looks, magic, or something else! I will do anything to be declared as the world's number one beauty!]

Once again, Finna slumped. She knew it wouldn't be such a sudden change and should have expected such a response. However, after being teased by Keane she let her guard down causing her to receive a critical hit. This created a visual of a very bright baby and an unusually cloudy angel.

It took another few minutes for the two to return to the original discussion, "So I will now show you first the technique to sense mana and then I will teach you how to control it." Finna pushed forward with her first lesson to Keane.

[Yes Finna-Sensei!] Keane responded in his mind (for anyone who forgot [] is when speaking in the mind).


The lesson went on for the entire day and they sometimes took breaks when it was time for Keane's new parents to check up on him. During that time, Keane was able to grasp the basics of sensing the mana within his body. Because it was unlimited, he wasn't able to tell the end of it. This made it very hard for him to control, however, Finna showed him the the best way to do it, so with continued practice he should be fine.

It was now time for them to say goodbye, "Remember to practice controlling your mana whenever you have time alone. You shouldn't worry about it running out of control when not paying attention to it. This is due to your mana returning to its natural state within your body, as when you are controlling mana, it is for the purpose of maximizing magical output while easing any strain on your body. The strain is especially important as if you fail to properly release your magic in the future, it could have dire consequences."

Keane nodded, but suddenly gave another 'baby pose' and said, [Finna-sensei shouldn't worry about me causing any strain on my body. After all, how could allow such a failure knowing it would affect my handsome self.] While Finna was trying to give a serious warning to him, Keane turned the subject into another one of his narcissistic moments.

Finna thought that this will be a long journey and probably one she wishes she will forget in the near future. While she has yet to give up changing Keane through teacher like methods, she does have other plans as well. She is actually taking these next three years to put next her plan into action. It will also help Keane so he shouldn't have a problem with it in the end. However, the main reason in leaving for three years is to allow her to feel her last bit of freedom as she won't have it for a very long time.

As for Keane, he was working on his own plans to begin when Finna returned to him. Obviously, these plans were to become the number one beauty in the entire world! Keane knew that there are many factors which he will need to overcome to reign at the top. His view of beauty can be twisted to some, but for him, it is the ultimate sign of perfection. His death opened his eyes to the realization that he needed to more than looks to be number one. As such, while his initial death could be seen as misfortune, it actually created an opportunity for him to truly become number one.

With these thoughts in the their minds, Finna departed. Keane would only see her a few times over the next three years, so he will end up being a little lonely as she was his only attachment to his former world. However, that was only if Keane was a normal person. For him, all he needed to do was look in a mirror to feel warm again. After all he is still the most handsome man in the entire world!

Well.... for now he is the cutest baby in the entire world.


The timed passed by fast for Keane, maybe it was since he a baby or something. Every six months Finna appeared to check back on him and see his progress. She was impressed by his increased control as he was close to the level of the lower angels. For a human this would be a great achievement. For Keane however, it was not. He desired more, he wanted to be the best! He wanted to be above all the angels, and not at the level of a lower one. As such, he continued to practice.

He never did ask what Finna was doing throughout the few years every time she visited. He didn't really care as his rival's appearance still remained unchanged and that's all that mattered. He soon learned however, that this was a crucial mistake.

It was now Keane's third birthday and he wondered where Finna was. She hadn't appeared yet, even though she usually did in the morning. It was now just after noon and he just finished eating his lunch. And at this moment Keane's father called him to his office.

When Keane arrived, Tobio greeted him with same gentle atmosphere he always has, "Happy Birthday Keane! How's my little champ doing eh?" As Tobio had a lot of work as the son of the current head of the Akagi Clan, Keane did not get to spend time with him often and would usually be around his mother.

Keane responded to his father's question saying, "I am doing great! Every passing year adds a touch to my handsomeness!" It appears that Keane doesn't change no matter who he is in front of.

After hearing his response, Tobio laughed saying, "Haha! Well that does sound like you, anyway the reason I called you here is to introduce you to your personal maid!" Tobio seemed excited for some reason, Keane didn't know why.

And it wasn't until the maid walked out that he could figure it out. However, Keane no longer cared about his father's excitement, rather he seemed solely focused on the maid. This woman had the same face, hair, and body as the one Keane considered his rival. Yes, the one who appeared was Finna (a/n: She is in a maid outfit for those who are unsure).

"Greeting's young master" said Finna while bowing with a gentle tone.

Keane was currently in shock. Nearly as much shock as the time he first laid eyes on her in that white space. His rival was currently bowing before him, what should he think? He had so many plans for this moment, yet why was she doing it of her own volition. Keane couldn't understand.

"Hello? Keane you there?" Tobio's voice rang out, causing Keane to regain himself.

Keane looked at Finna who was still bowing waiting for his response. He then said, "Yes, sorry for that, my name is Keane Akagi. You will find great pleasure in knowing that you will serve the future's number one beauty!" Keane who struck a pose and stated a mature speech not fit for his age, was once again laughed at by his father.

Deciding it was time to leave along with Finna, Keane left his his father's office with Finna in tow and returned to his room.

After the door closed Keane screamed out, "WHAT THE FUCK FINNA!!!"

Finna was startled at his behavior. She thought this would help her be close to him (to change him) and believed he would support her choice as it helped him as well. Yet, it appears that she missed one key factor.


Yes, Finna did something she never should had done. For the past three years Keane has dreamed and made multiple plans to show Finna that he was above her. Yet, she just accepted it just like that? Keane couldn't believe it. Thus, he waiting for a response from the shocked Finna, "I suppose I must apologize. If it make's you feel better I will only treat you as the young master in public so I can keep a position close to you. That was the reason I did this after all. I needed a place where I could be beside you at all times. So, if you want, do not think of it as me submitting to you and instead me just fulfilling your wish as me accompanying you." She hoped this cleared up the misunderstanding that Keane made.

While he was still a little fumed, Keane was able to put together why she did what she did. He accepted her decision even though he wasn't really happy about it, "Well that is good. It should be expected that my rival is not such a coward to back out of my challenge."

Finna was glad that Keane was back to his normal self. While she did tell him the truth, she also took this position as an opportunity to see if she could change his personality.

Keane then asked, "So is this why you were gone for three years?"

"Yes, I needed put a foot into the Akagi family somehow and in the past three years I was busy gathering the trust of the higher ups. Through their trust I was able to get recommended as your maid." Finna finished explaining her reason.

"Alright, now I know. Let's move on to the next phase of the plan."

brady_123464 brady_123464

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If you can't already tell the main purpose of the MC is to become what he views the #1 beauty..... let's just say that its more then just his looks.

The MC initially thought that to be the world's #1 beauty it was looks alone, but after seeing Fina, his ideal of beauty changed.


I may have to go back to see if I have things in order regarding this, but I think I do. So everything should be all good as of now.

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