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Chapter 2: Second half

James woke up early the next morning, the sun just barely starting to peek through his window. Getting up James yawned as he stretched and popped his back, looking around James noticed a folded pile of clothing on the foot of his bed shrugging he started to put them on thinking them the more appropriate attire for this new world, After James finished putting on the green tunic and brown pants he equipped the boots from his Basic Leather armor set and was about to exit the room when he heard a knock on the door right before a maid stepped in looking surprised that he was awake, she stopped a moment before saying.

"Please come this way Sir. Hero breakfast is about to be served and the High Priest wishes to have a word with the Heros as they eat" Nodding James exited his room following the maid as she lead him and his other classmates to the dinning room where the Priest was already waiting welcoming us with a warm smile motioning form us to sit as he did.

"Good morning brave heroes" Said the Priest "I hope you all had a wonderful night's sleep, now as we eat I wish to further discuss the present issue at hand." "Of course Sir we are happy to help and are eager to be of service" replied Haden. Feeling like this was as good a time as any James motioned to Emile who stood up and walked towards him as James also stood his figure demanding the attention of the room's occupancy. After a second James spoke.

"I for one feel no desire to participate in this, I have no interest in furthering this I and Emile will be leaving, we ask for a small bit compensation for our unwilling abduction to this world in the form of money enough so that both I and her can put ourselves up and feed ourselves for a week while we secure an income stream" Everyone at the table looked shocked at James's words especially Haden and the High Priest who stared at him in open mouth shock, before they could speak James continued "I assure you we have both thoroughly thought over this dissection and will not be changing our minds so if you will High Priest I would like the money now" Hearing this the High Priest sighed and nodded his head but not before a look of outrage crossed his face, He motions over one of the guards stationed in the room and spoke to him for a second before handing the guard two bags and motioning him towards James and Emilie a sour look on his face. The guard hurried over, giving both James and Emile one bag each and stating.

"High Priest Zaren, had asked me to guide you to the castles exit, please follow me" nodding both James and Emile followed the guard out of the castle eventually ending up on a busy thoroughfare in the middle of a very bright and lively medieval city deciding that they needed to get food first James and Emile followed the road and found a stall selling steak kabobs James bought two while Emile bought only one, after satiating there hunger they counted there remaining coin. The monetary system in this world consisted of three coins, Copper coins, Silver coins, And Gold coins. One hundred Copper coins made a silver, One hundred Silver a gold Each bag contained Twenty silvers at the start James having Nineteen Silver and 96 Copper, while Emile had Nineteen Silver and 98 Copper. James and Emile talked for a bit brainstorming different ways to make money eventually landing on becoming an adventurer they didn't know for sure if there was a guild here but with everything else it seemed likely. After asking a couple people for directions the two ended up in front of a large tavern like building its tall sloped roof and high circular windows only reinforcing the look the only clear marking of this being an adventures Guild was the large sign hanging above the doorway proclaiming it such with a sword crossed with an axe over a shield. Opening one of the large wooden doors James stepped in with Emile on his heels looking around James could see that along the opposite wall from the door was a long desk with multiple attendants sitting along it dealing with the adventures to the left side of the door was a bar full of patrons and to the right was a seating area also fairly crowded with people Making there way to the attendants desk they got into the shortest line and waited only a couple of minutes before they were at the front.

"Hello there, what can I do for you?" asked the attendant looking at James.

"Hello, me and my friend here were looking to register as adventures" James responded, motioning towards himself and Emile. At his words the receptionist smiled and nodded while glancing at Emile. "Do you two have residence cards?" James and Emile responded by shaking their heads no "Alright then, we can take care of that for you two, it will be five Silvers for the residency card and another two for the guild registration so a total of seven silvers each" Nodding their heads both James and Emile handed over seven Silvers "Perfect" said the attendant "I'll be back in a minute once I get everything sorted" Nodding their heads once again the pair waited for the attendant to return making small talk while they did. The attendant returned not long later and handed them both a blank black card. She then explained that they needed to bind the card, by dropping a drop of blood on it, while handing each of them a needle. James and Emile both bound their cards and when they did the cards flashed before shifting to display their information. James's card read

Name: James Harrow Level:1

Class: Swordsman

Rank: Copper

While Emile's read

Name: Emile Grosman Level:1

Class: Mage

Rank: Copper

After getting their cards the attendant began to explain the basics of the guild.

"Now that you two have your cards you can accept quests from the quest board, the quest board is separated into different sections based on the rank of the quest which correspond to the adventurer ranks starting at copper and ending at either myrthil for magic users or Adamantine for physical fighters" "So what are the requirements to rank up in the guild?" Asked James his curiosity. "Well the requirements for each rank differ but to go from Copper rank to Bronze you have to be at least level ten and to have completed at least 5 Copper rank missions" replies the attendant with a adoring smile on her face. "I see, thank you very much miss" said James while scratching his chin in thought. James and Emile walked away from the counter and headed towards the quest board to see if there were any interesting quests worth doing. Upon arriving they began to look through the available quests for Copper rank but soon found that their rank as expected was the opposite of prestigious. Many of the quests were simple tasks such as garden weeding but eventually the two found a quest that appealed to both of them.


Hunt Five Goblins


Hunt five goblins in Taral forest and bring their right ear back as proof.

Reward: 1 silver 25 copper

"What do you think?" James asked Emile, motioning with a hand towards the quest. "I think it should be fun, and it says it's repeatable which means we can do it more than one which will be useful" nodding in agreement James tore the quest paper from the board and brought it over to another attendant saying.

"I and Emile here would like to accept this quest" nodding their heads, the attendant took the quest sheet and held out her hand an expectant look on her face. Understanding what she wanted James gave her both his and Emile's guild cards, nodding as the attendant walked away coming back not too long later saying.

"Alright you two your all set" Nodding and thanking her James and Emile left the Guild Hall making their way down the busy streets and through the city gate walking to the quests described location Taral forest. Taral forest was a large, lush and green thing situated to the north of the Kingdoms capital city Axetall, I know creative right? Taral forest was a rather large forest taking up about half what the amazon rainforest would back on earth. The depths of the forest remain unplundered but its edges are rather tame home to mostly low level monsters and creatures such as goblins. James and Emile stopped before entering the forest looking around making sure they were alone.

"We should get equipped now before entering" stated James, Emile just nodded in agreement as they both brought up their Inventories and equipped their class provided gear.

Equipping his armor James looked down at himself, now on top of his green tunic he was wearing a tight-fitting leather chest piece, his hands now covered in a pair of leather gloves, a sword at his side, and his shins in new leather protection. Looking over at Emile, James saw that she was now wearing a long dark blue robe and was holding a wooden staff in her right hand. Nodding appreciatively at Emile's new look just as she did for James's, they made their way into the forest, James drawing his sword as they stepped in. They carefully made there way around the forest, its large densely packed trees providing ample cover for them as the stalked through it, it wasn't 5 minutes later that James saw a small group of five goblins wandering around the forest stomping the underbrush and scratching the trees as they went. Pointing them out to Emile he started to whisper in her ear.

"You stay back as ranged support I'll go in guns blazing, yea?" slightly shivering at James's breath on her ear, Emile nodded, readying her staff as a golden light began to shine in her eyes.

"I have your back, go" Hearing her James smiled as he turned the mussels in his legs coiling before launching him forward in an all out sprint towards the group of goblins weaving in and out of the trees as he did. There leathery green skin grew taught as there yellow eyes widened in shock at his fast approach it took James only two seconds to cross the 25 yard distance between them shocking even James with his massively improved speed but his shock did not impede his ability as James planted his left foot bringing his sword around in a massive horizontal sweep that cut clean through one goblin and part way through the next, blood splattered across James as the top half of the first goblin went flying. His momentum used up James took a step back ripping his sword from the mostly dead goblin spraying its stunned fellows in its blood. Readying his strike James stepped forward and unleashed a powerful Horizontal strike, deeply wounding the third goblin and bringing it and the remaining two back to their scenes. They snarled at James before to uninjured two pounced at him unconcerned James brought his sword around in a follow up strike aimed at the Injured goblins neck, wanting to make sure this strike finished it James activated his skill Focused Strike just before his blade made contact with the goblins neck, his sword was coated in a pale red light as it sliced through the goblins neck the light fading away as soon as it did. While James finished off his goblin Emile cast Earth Wall blocking the lunging goblins and insulating James from her attack, as the goblins slammed into the newly summoned wall Emile made use of her unique skill summoning Lightning to her raised left hand as she cast Fire Bolt with her staff firing them both at the two goblins getting to there feet. The lightning hit first charring skin and burning the flesh of the two goblins sending their nervous systems haywire, then came the fire hitting them both and consuming them in two piers of flame killing them not long after. As Emile was finishing off her two goblins James received three notifications.

Congratulations: You have killed two Level:1 Goblins +50 exp

Congratulations: You have killed one Level:2 Goblin +50 exp

Congratulations: You have Leveled Up!!!. You are now level 2.

You have ten unallocated stat points to spend!!!

Reading through the messages James couldn't help but smile Happily as he opened up his Status sheet.

Name: James Harrow Level: 2 Titles: From Another World

Class: Swordsman

Hp:270/270 Mp:240/250

Str:28 Con:27 Agi:26

Int:25 Wil:26

Unallocated Points:10

Unique Skill: Heart of Evolution

Skills: Focused Strike Lvl:1, Swordsmanship Lvl:1

James looked over his stats in surprise before a shit eating grin rose on his face. [Heart of Evolution is really putting in the work I'm not to far away from doubling my initial stats, and I haven't even put any points into them yet I'm liking it more and more] thought James, James decided to even out his stats as best he could with the points he had, putting one point into Con, two points into Agi, three points into Int, and finally two points into Wil. James decided to put the remaining two points into Str and Int one point each. Closing his status sheet James looked around gathering the head and top half of the two goblins missing appendages and collected there right ears also stopping by the partially gutted one to grabs it ear before stepping around the earth wall Emile had created to see if he could salvage their ears. He saw two chard and burnt figures on the other side of the wall who most definitely didn't have ears. Sighing James turned back to his kills and knelt by them cutting into their chests and pulling out their hearts once he had all three out he grabbed the first one and activated. Heart of Evolution As soon as he did the heart in his hand began to beat as veins grew pronounced on James's arm the effect only lasted a couple seconds before the heart turned to dust and James received a notification.

You Have used. Heart of Evolution. You have gained +5 Str, +3 Con, +6 Agi, +1 Int, +2 Wil. You have gained Goblin biology Lvl:1. When using a part of the goblin biology Gain a +2 to Str and Agi.

Looking at the notification James thought that he understood what his skill meant when it said biology's now. Deciding to check he opened his status sheet.

Name: James Harrow Level: 2 0/200 exp Titles: From Another World

Class: Swordsman

Hp:310/310 Mp:300/300

Str:34 Con:31 Agi:34

Int:30 Wil:30

Unallocated Points:0

Unique Skill: Heart of Evolution

Biology's: Goblin Lvl:1

Skills: Focused Strike Lvl:1, Swordsmanship Lvl:1

Nodding to himself when he saw the newly added biology section James decided to examine it for more details.

Biology: Goblin Lvl:1. When assuming an aspect of a goblin, gain a +2 to Str and Agi. Available aspects(Claws, Skin)

[Hmm] thought James. "Interesting" "What's interesting?" asked Emile from beside James looking at the burned and ruined corpses of the goblins. "My Unique skill" answered James. "It has a level for the biology's, I assume the more of each type of creature I absorb the higher the biology's level will get and the stronger they will become, but hey I can test that right now" and so James grabbed the other two hearts and absorbed them.

You have used. Heart of Evolution. You have Gained +4 Str, +4 Con, +5 Agi, +1 Int, +3 Wil

You have used. Heart of Evolution. You have Gained +7 Str, +6 Con, +6 Agi, +2 Int, +4 Wil

Goblin Biology Level Up!!!. Now Level 2

Goblin Biology Level Up!!!. Now Level 3

The string of four notifications filled James's vision for a second before fading away grinning James brought up the newly leveled Biology's information.

Biology: Goblin Lvl:3. When assuming an aspect of a goblin, gain a +6 to Str and Agi. And a +4 to Con and Wil. Available aspects(Claws, Skin, Ear's, Eyes)

Nodding at the upgraded Biology James thought [So for every level the stat bonuses gain a +2 and at level 2 it gains the bonus of Con and Wil. It also unlocked some more aspects] smiling with happiness James decided to try out an aspect to see what it was like. Deciding to use the claw aspect on his left hand James focused on Activating the Goblin Biology. James's hand began to itch for a second before his nails disappeared replaced by sharp black claws that gleamed in the midday light wanting to try them out James walked over to a nearby tree under Emile's curious gaze he swiped his hand at the tree leaving five long gashes behind happy with the results he added the Goblin skin aspect of the biology on his left hand as well seeing it turn green as the thickness and tone of the skin changed loving this new ability James turned to Emile, who was standing beside him, also observing his shifting hand.

"Shall we continue?" He asked. Emile nodded in response "Gladly" she said with a sweet-sadistic smile on her beautiful face. James and Emile roamed the forest for the next couple hours coming across four other groups of goblins handling the similarly to the first, thought with Emile doing her best to not destroy the goblin ears, and James trying out a new more beastie style of fighting were he accepted his left hand and used it in tandem with his sword. During that time James leveled up to 3 and Emile to 2, James also made heavy use of Heart of Evolution Leveling up the goblin biology to the max(Lvl:10) and gaming a lot of attribute points specifically, 68 Str, 54 Con, 78 Agi, 16 Int, and 38 Wil making it a very profitable day he also leveled up both his skills. As he and Emile were walking back to town James looked over his status sheet to see all the changes.

Name: James Harrow Level: 3 200/300 exp Titles: From Another World

Class: Swordsman

Hp:970/970 Mp:510/510

Str:115 Con:97 Agi:125

Int:51 Wil:77

Unallocated Points:10

Unique Skill: Heart of Evolution

Biology's: Goblin Lvl:10.Max

Skills: Focused Strike Lvl:2, Swordsmanship Lvl:2

Putting the new ten points into Int, James examined the newly maxed Goblin biology.

Biology: Goblin Lvl:10.Max. When assuming an aspect of a goblin, gain a +18 to Str and Agi. And a +16 to Con and Wil. And a +4 to Int. Available aspects(Claws, Skin, Ear's, Eyes)

Nodding his head as he walked James was happy with the new numbers and was ecstatic to see what he would become.

[End For Now]

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