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Chapter 39: Bad Deals

Sael's head whipped around as a small body wrapped itself around his arm. A tiny girl with silvery hair was wrapped around his arm currently rubbing her cheek against his biceps. "Papa!" Her skin was the same dark bronze color as Sael's and her mess of tousled silver hair made everyone turn to Nee who for a change wore just as shocked an expression as everyone else.

"I thought you said not any time soon!" Ara pointed at both Nee and Sael. "Liars!"

Sael's brow was knotted as he looked from the tiny girl to the mix of confused girls. "I have no idea who this is!"

"At least put some clothes on her!" Beth growled moving from confused to annoyed.

Waving his arm around trying to get the girl to let go elicited a squeal of glee that only frustrated him more. "Come on kid. Get off!" Turning to the group of girls he held out his arm. "Come on, stop standing there and help get this runt off me!"

Looking up the little girl pushed out her bottom lip in a pout and clung tighter to his arm making even his bones start to groan in protest. "Don't be so mean! I finally look like Papa so I don't have to stay alone anymore right?"

"Ouch Christ this kid's going to break my arm!" Beth and Ara were trying to pull the girl off his arm without any success before Nee moved up and tickled her side making her giggle before letting go.

Once she was free they noticed that from her shoulders down to her hands her arms were covered in silvery fur. Sael pulled a spare shirt out of his inventory and started forcing it over her head. When her head popped out and she stuck her arms through the short sleeved shirt it went down to her ankles looking more like a gown. Still knelt down he looked into her green eyes and something clicked. "Wait… are you Silver?"

With a squeal she lunged forward wrapping her arms around his neck in a death grip. "YAY! Papa recognized me!" Before he could answer or manage to pry the child off him a knock at the door interrupted them.

"Um, one of you get that please." He was currently trying to pry her arms away from his neck. "Freaking brat is strong!" Silver pouted and clung on tighter, practically choking him.

Beth opened the door as Silver cried out "Not brat, Silver! Stop being a meanie! Why aren't you proud of me papa! I wanted you to praise me!"

"Gah it's like dealing with a second Ara!" Sael growled spinning around making her legs fly out as she hung on for dear life. All his efforts resulted in just a squeal of joy.

"Sael, there is some old guy here to see you." A grumpy Beth held open the door revealing an elderly gentleman in what looked like a formal style suit. Sael stopped with Silver still dangling from his neck.

"Hi… can I help you?" He did his best to ignore Silver who was trying to swing from his neck.

"My name is Ian. I'm in the service of Duke Kindle. He has asked that I extend his invitation for a meeting with him to discuss some business." He gave a very sharp bow.

The tension in the room instantly spiked and he looked from one companion to the next. They all looked suspicious. "Why would someone important like the Duke want to meet a nobody like me?"

Ian smiled politely. "You seem to underestimate your fame. The duke is always interested in people who have potential such as yourself. There is no need for you to be so cautious. We have made it an official request through the adventurer's guild. Duke Kindle is aware that with tomorrow's match you mighty be cautious. This way there is nothing to worry about. I've got the written request here." He offered them a sheet of parchment that stated exactly what he said and held a fancy symbol that he'd seen on the adventurer's guild. Ignoring Ian he huddled up with the girls while Silver still hung from around his neck.

"Well what do you think?"

"I don't like the fact that the request states you alone." Beth pointed out on the paper. "How do we even know this is real?"

Nee touched the symbol and it shimmered slightly. "It's real but I have to agree with Beth. Even for human nobility I've heard bad things about the Duke."

While he was thinking things over Ian cleared his throat. "I have also been asked to give you this." He held out a thin rolled piece of paper. "It is a voucher for an advanced skill from either of the two major guilds here in Amalor. Payment backed by the Duke. It is an appreciation gift for taking time to meet the Duke, should you accept." Ian took half a step back in shock as Sael seemed to appear in front of him with the small child swinging freely as he came to a sudden stop before snapping the paper out of his hand.

"Ok sure let me just get rid of this…" He grunted some as he started prying Silver's hands from around his neck. "...pest off me and we can head out."

"Really? Just like that?" Beth shook her head annoyed at his ability to toss caution to the wind when something he wants is in sight. 'Wish he was that assertive chasing me before…'

"It will be fine. Now help me get Silver off me!" With a bit of help he was able to detach a sulking Silver. "Good girl now stay and play with your… um… with the girls"

Silver was chanting "Take me with you!" before yowling a sound between a cat's annoyed meow and a dogs howl.

"Sorry, Kids right?" He said as he left with Ian under the disapproving glare of the four girls.


Ian had arrived via a carriage and they took it back to the Duke's Manor. Having witnessed the wealth spent on his son and from rumor's he'd heard Sael wasn't surprised that the manner was massive. Still, most of Little Well could have fit between the front gate and the entrance of the manor. Dozens of servants, all human men and women impeccably dressed were waiting to greet the duo as they exited the carriage. Polished dark wood and gilded gold adorned nearly every surface in the manor. While, thick fancy rugs padded the way and overall the manor was just the tiniest bit shy of being too gaudy to be classy.

Sael was led to a room straight out of some fancy movie. There were plush stuffed leather chairs sitting across from one another with small tables complete with crystal decanters of various liquids that looked to be dark alcohols. A cheery fire burned in a fireplace while painting and tapestries decorated the walls. Had there been a desk and shelves of books he would have called it a study. Ian instructed him to sit in one of the chairs and Sael sank into the overly stuffed seat to wait. Leaving Ian returned shortly leading in who he guessed was the duke. It was hard to say what he'd expected the duke to look like, still Sael felt thrown off by the man's normal apperance. He was younger than expected probably in his late thirties or early forties at the latest. His blond hair was cut short in what reminded Sael of a military buzz cut and a neatly trimmed van dyke style beard. He wore an outfit that looked exactly like something a fantasy world noble would wear, complete with crushed velvet and frilly cuffs.

Sael stood up realizing he didn't know what protocol was like in this world for noble types and wished Nee was there. She normally gave him the heads up on things like that or perhaps Gregory. "Sit! Sit! No need to be so formal. You Arrived are always seem so stiff." Duke Kindle waited for his guest to sit before reclining back in his own chair. "I am so glad you accepted my offer. I've been watching your matches and must say I'm impressed, very impressed."

"Thanks." Sael kept his tone neutral. From what he'd seen of the Duke's Son he expected the worst but so far nothing bad had happened.

"I'm sure you are aware that part of the purpose of the Adventurer's Ball every year is to show off promising new fighters abilities. You've definitely stolen the show and I must thank you. I was worried my son would get a big head if he ran into no challenges." Kindle reached over and started pouring two drinks before handing one to Sael.

Sael took the drink and after only a moment's hesitation took a sip wondering if he was about to get another increase to his poison resistance. It was dark and burned a bit reminding him of bourbon but no system messages of ranking up poison resistance occurred nor did he have any negative effects.

"I'm a bit shocked to hear it. Your son doesn't seem to like me at all." Sael responded.

Chucking the duke drank down half his glass in a gulp "I can only imagine. He is still far too childish and thinks himself invincible. I'm sure it is easier for him to curse your strength than to admit his own weakness. This will be a good learning experience for him."

Sael was a bit shocked, things weren't going anything like he expected. "So, what is your honest opinion of my son?"

"Mmm, He has really amazing armor." Sael decided to keep his true opinion to himself, the duke seemed friendly but he didn't want to tell him to his face his son was a douche.

Laughing the duke nodded. "It did cost a fortune. If you like I can arrange a set for you. Consider it a gift for when you lose."

Laughing himself Sael replied "Ahh, so you still think your son is going to win? I think I have a pretty good chance. Do I get the armor when I win too?"

Still smiling pleasantly the duke replied. "Of Course not. Losing is the deal."

Slowly the smile faded from Sael's face as he stared at the Duke. "Wait, you want me to throw the match?"

"Well, not for free of course. I'll have a suit of armor delivered just as I promised. Is that not enough? Are you worried about your bet with Gree? I'll match what winnings you would have gotten." The Duke smiled pleasantly before sipping his drink while watching Sael with cold eyes.

'Hmm a suit of armor and my money… that is a pretty good deal right?' Sael was thinking over the offer and considering how hard it would be to fake losing when the duke spoke up.

"Still not enough? No worries, I'm a businessman. And the first rule of negotiating is to know what the other party wants." Clapping his hands, the duke watched his guest's face. Ian immediately opened the door letting in a number of others. There were scantily clad elves wearing so little he could easily count their prominent ribs. Green skinned women he thought might be orcs. A dwarf woman, he assumed they were a woman since they wore a skimpy outfit showing lots of cleavage under their big bushy beard. Some blue skinned woman with overly large eyes as well as a bunny girl. Complete with fluffy ears and a cotton tail. There were even two fairies one with dull red hair and the other with platinum blonde, both looked to be nearly as scrawny as Ara had been when they first met. Each female smiled prettily at him with eyes so blank and dead it was like staring into a doll.

"I've noticed you have a taste for the lesser races. They do make wonderful playthings. A new set of the finest armor. All the gold you would have one. And a few play things. You can pick your favorite or even several. I assure you they are perfectly obedient."

"You're offering me slaves?" Sael's voice was surprisingly flat compared to how disgusted he felt.

"Sadly, slavery was outlawed. But don't worry. Each of them has signed a perfectly legal contract. They are paid five bronze knots a day. Of course their room and board comes to ten bronze knots a day. An exclusivity clause in their contract prevents them from working for others while still owing you so…" The bunny girl moved closer, her long ears drooping down as she smiled prettily. Up close he could see she was wearing lots of makeup, but from a short distance he could still make out the discoloration of bruises.

Glancing to the Duke he found the man sitting with a pleased smile. For a moment Sael thought the fake smile hiding an evil nature reminded him so much of the person he hated most that his heart skipped a beat in a sudden rush of fury. 'I can kill him. I can kill him now.' Looking at the girls he hated the dead and broken look in their eyes, the fake happiness they wore just to avoid further abuse. 'Stupid, there stupid. You can't please someone like them. They only want to hurt others, to feel better about themselves.'

Looking back to the duke his heart began to pound and he felt the urge for violence start to well up. "If you prefer I have human women as well. You have one in your collection, correct?"

Beth's face flashed before him followed by Ara and Nee. His heart rate began to slow and the building fury dissipated. 'Violence won't solve anything. Even if I killed him, would it stop things like this from happening elsewhere? Or would it just endanger those I care about now. The old me would have lashed out, but I'm not that person anymore.'

Taking a deep breath Sael gave the duke his best smile. "Sorry, I have my hands full with the girls I have now. Plus, I kinda want to see what that spoiled brat of a son of yours will do when I put him in his place."

Sael expected the duke to get furious, to start yelling and threatening him. Instead the Duke just kept smiling with those cold hard eyes. "It is a real shame. I had hoped to forge a profitable relationship with you Sael. Sadly it seems that isn't the case. Unless there is something I can do to change your mind?"

Sael glanced to the girls who seemed to be cowering back a bit yet still smiled prettily. He considered asking for all of them. Setting them free but even he knew that wouldn't change their lives much. And more than anything he didn't want to give this bastard the satisfaction. 'I can't save everyone. I have to think about those already important to me.' Again, for a moment he considered killing the Duke. Freeing the girls and being a proper hero. But he thought too of Ara, Beth, Nee, and Silver as well as the other friends he'd made. Even Aarun's grandmother, a big famous and powerful Guild Master hadn't been willing to go against the duke. Were these strangers worth risking those he cared about? Looking at them he hated himself for the answer, no.

"Sorry Duke Kindle. But I think I'll have to pass. So is this where you threaten me or should I go ahead leave?"

The duke just motioned to the door which Ian opened. "Just know, if you leave all my offers expire. Nor would I expect to win tomorrow if I were you. I made this offer because I wanted to build a business relationship with you. And a few inhuman whores and trinkets are a small price to pay. If you think you've seen everything in my Son's arsenal you are mistaken."

Sael shrugged as he got up to leave. "Just so we are on the same page. You can try any trick you want in the arena. But…" He turned to glare at the duke making several of the girls collapse to their knees under the weight of his murderous glare. "Try anything against those with me and I'll end you." He didn't wait to see if the Duke took him seriously or not but left not sure he would be able to resist his killing urge any longer.

Taking a sip of his drink from a hand that trembled made the duke burn with rage. "Ian, Win or lose see to it that this filth loving bastard learns his place. And get these filthy things out of here." Ian bowed and started to lead them away before the duke spoke up. "Actually leave the Wagniri. I have some frustration I need to take out. Ian again nodded leaving behind the trembling bunny girl.

Eleraan Eleraan

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