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Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Unexpected

[Sorry readers for only posting now... As to why, well I have a really really good reason.

We suffered from brownout that almost lasted the whole day, well... make that a whole day now, and our WiFi at home doesn't work on batteries, so I need electricity to use it which, we don't at that time because of the f*cking brownout. So once again, I apologise...

And before we start, let me just offer my gratitude. 😁😁😁

My sincerest thank you for all those readers who gave their reviews, it really did give me the motivation to continue my work and a little bit more confidence now that I know you guys liked my story... So thanks again~😁😁😁]


[Two days later...]

It's already been two days since my registration, but there really wasn't anything note worthy to talk about, but oh well~.

I'll still talk.

After separating from grandpa Sylv that day, I've wandered around the surroundings of the institute to find a suitable inn that I can stay at for the time being.

I say for the time being because from what grandpa Sylv told me, accommodations are also included along with the tuition, so it's like having a free boarding without even paying anything, kinda sucks to my taste, and it really left a bitter taste in my mouth. So I decided that I'll try to help him as best as I can when the time came when he needed my assistance.

After wandering for about an hour, I finally found one that still have a vacancy, so Yes!

It took me this long because all the inns that I have passed first were all full, the reason is also because of the registration, though I wanted to call it an enrollment... Oh well~.

Anyway, it's a pretty decent inn. Not that luxurious, not that I care, but it gives one a homey vibe, and it's pretty clean, not to mention that food they serve are also great!

Though, I still didn't get full with the amount they are serving that pretty much just a percent in my stomach's capacity comparable to that of a black hole... So yeah, gotta find a solution for that...

My room was just a simple one. Complete with a bed, a desk, a wardrobe that I don't even need, and an individual bathroom, so yay~!

Though I'm pretty sure that I won't use it as all my food turns into energy the moment it got ingested.

Kinda weird at first, but I discovered that my body is pretty clean, free of any impurities so I just accepted that fact.

I still have to bathe, obviously... 'Cause even if don't have the need to, I'll still do it regardless.

I mean, it's pretty weird if you are a person that's used to bathing but don't have the necessity to, 'cause you're always clean, and it will make you feel really uncomfortable. Trust me, I know.

The next day, after having my breakfast(that wouldn't even be considered as a snack), I went back to the institute per grandpa Sylv' s instructions to grab my uniform and identification card.

Basically, the uniform is a white suite with sky blue dress shirt, similarly colored white pants and it even included a belt with the institute's insignia carved into a silver rhombus shaped plate, a dragon beside a mountain with a sword embedded on the top with a feather that serves as the grip or the handle.

I somehow get the meaning of this... I think it's trying to portray that no matter how big and powerful of an entity you are, knowledge will always be unsourmountable, but will always be by your side?

I think that's it... Anyway, back to the topic.

I think I will need the shoes from my suit set from the beginner's package I have received, so that's problem solved because they didn't include the shoes, and also the socks.

Now that I think about it, it also doesn't seem that they measured my sizes, but they somehow prepared my uniform besides that fact?

Or maybe, it's like my own clothes, the ones that also have the size adjustment... Probably it.

Now on to my identification card. It have my photo that have been taken yesterday, as well as the information that have appeared from the "appraisal" yesterday.


The next day have also been uneventful. Aside from strolling around the city, going on my food hunt, and going sightseeing, I haven't encountered anything interesting, not even some arogant f*cking noble young masters appeared that I could punch, which got me pretty frustrated, and fists are really itching by that time, so I have no other choice but to go out of the city for a while.

I've flew for more than an hour, heading to the strongest presence I could find and arrived at a scorched area, it looked as if a volcano have erupted here as there are even some lavas coming out of the ground, scorching the land even further.

Looking around, I finally found the cause.

It was a species of a canine magic beast with the flame and earth attributes, a beast called the Lava Hound.

True to its name, the hound really does look like broken obsidian rocks with veins of lava filling in the gaps, in the shape of a ten meter wolf.

[Lava Hound]

Level: 78

- just kill it already, it isn't that strong.

... Yeah. Still got that attitude.

Somehow, I really doubt that this System of mine is really not sentient, not like what I have asked for. From it's lazy and sarcastic remarks, I really can't help myself but feel a little suspicious.

But no matter how many times I have tried talking to it, trying to make it respond to me somehow, I got nothing out of it.

But the good thing is that it shows the levels of my targets now, so I guess that's a plus?

It can be considered as a plus, right?

The hound growled at me the moment I got into its vision and immediately spewed a fireball towards my direction.

I dodged to the side, slightly surprised that its fireball is actually really fast.

Seeing that it missed its target, it sent another one, followed by another and another.

I dodged all of them and, with flash of crimson light, I transformed into my full dragon form and let out a thundering roar.


The hound got scared as it got pinned on its place, petrified.

"Phew~! Finally got that out of my system..."

I said and began to stretch my limbs. It felt great, as if I was just woken up from a nice, long and really comfortable slumber.

"As I have expected, being in my true form feels great~! Hehe... now then little fire pup, let's play fetch~."


I said with a visible smirk on the side of my mouth, or is it a maw? I don't know as its not really that long... I set my gaze on the lava hound as it whimpered and tried to curve into a ball, making itself look as small as possible.


Now, it's finally time. My first day in the institute.

What happens next will be uncertain. After all, this institute will be attended by a lot of people of different races, from different social standings as well as backgrounds. And, what's more worrying is that grandpa Sylv also mentioned, though vaguely, that some "important people" will also be attending.

I don't know how "important" these people are, nor where they came from, as long as they don't mess with me, then there won't be a problem.

I may be here to socialize, but it doesn't mean that I'll be befriending everyone I meet and encounter...

If they piss me off, then I'll take care of them the same with twice the intensity.

What background? What noble house? Pshhh~! I don't care... Besides, if it really comes to the point that I'll be needing a backer, then I already have one. Grandpa Sylv.

From just his influence on this institute and the connection to the council, who would be more fitting backer than him?!

Though, I'll try avoiding scenarios like that if possible... IF, possible.

Looking myself over in front of the full body mirror attached to the back of the door of the wardrobe, I fixed my uniform and straightened the slightly crumpled edges, making them straight and gave myself a final lloo before nodding in approval.

I made my way out of the door and checked out of the inn, getting some reluctant looks from the employees, the women, at least.

I got out of the inn and made my way towards the direction of the institute.

Not even a dozen minutes passed, I have already regretted my decision.

Countless pairs of eyes trained on me, either that of hatred or that of lust, curiosity, and admiration.

'*Tch!* I hate this feeling! If only I could still wear my hoodie... Dammit...'


"By the way, grandpa Sylv. Would it be fine to wear extra clothing atop my uniform for the institute?"

'Please say yes please say yes please say yes...'

"Hm. Unfortunately not, young Kross. It is a set rule that all the students in the institute to wear their uniforms for every day basis, even if you go out to the market place of the city, as long as it is weekdays, then you'll have to wear it. It's to show our pride and also gather more interests from the young ones to also register in the institute when their time comes~."

He said with an amused tone, and even chuckled a little by the end.

'*Sigh* I'm f*cked...'

Flashback end...

"*Tch* I need to get out of here, and fast..."

I clicked my tongue and hastened my pace.

Call me paranoid if you want, but I have this feeling that I'll be prayed on if I don't hurry.

With that final thought, it fueld my feeling of urgency more as I broke into a sprint and turned into a blur.

A zoomed passed the surroundings, weaved my way through the crowded street, and stopped in front of the gate.


I mentally cheered and made my way through the gate after getting my IC (identification card) checked. I don't have to worry about anything else as, even though I just stopped from my mad sprint, I didn't even sweat a drop, so there's no chance of smelling bad. Besides, because of my draconic tier stamina, just that level of sprint is nothing.

With the gazes of the other students, though thankful lessened, I made my way towards the gymnasium.

Yup, I'm kinda surprised myself as even in another world they have something like this. But anyway, the guards at the gate told all students to head to the gymnasium, just beside the palace of a school building.

Wait, I might be confusing things here... We're in a capital city... So those supposed to be guards are already called knights, right? Hm... Let's just refer to them as knights from here on, end of the problem.

I reached the gymnasium and looked really similar to a large dome, just like what most of the gymnasiums back on Earth looks like, I think? But this one is more covered and heavily guarded as I can even see some knights roaming around the perimeter as well as some of them standing by the entrance.

'This... Is it because of those 'important people' that grandpa Sylv mentioned perhaps?'

I thought, the more deeply I did, the more plausible it sounded.

I walked to the door, yes... Just a double door, and gave my IC to the knight to check.

I walked inside right after getting the confirmation, and tucked my IC in my Inventory.

I passed through the long corridor and came out of platform where chairs are fixed in place.

There's, something. Something that's been bothering my perception in a way that I can't point out how... it's weird.

It's as if something is... calling out to me?

This feeling appeared the moment I entered the gymnasium.

I shook my head, and decided to think about later.

I walked towards the furthest corner and sat down where fewer people are seated for one obvious reason, but also kinda idiotic.

I went to the less crowded area so that no one could bother me, but it made me standout even more.

Well, with my hair color, how could I not?

Sure, some students here also have different colored hairs but not as rare as mine, or as vibrant and eye catching.

Trying to ignore all those curious pairs of eyes, I closed mine and also crossed my arms.

'I'll stay like this until it starts, I guess. Hais... Really shouldn't have come here. I should've just went straight to my homeroom... But the problem is that I don't know where it is located.. Damn It...'

Cursing inside my head, I waited as I listened to the various chatter of the other students.

They're kinda loud, and with my enhanced senses, even more so.

All their talks basically just revolves around their interests and dreams or what not. Some are also talking about the famous adventurers, like Lite and someone called Greel?

Never heard of them, after all, I just got here in this city two days ago, so it's normal for me not to know them I guess.

I listened a bit more, hearing some interesting ones in the process.

Some strong magic beasts appearing in some mountain that I'll definitely be checking out later, and some dragon's roar that's been heard from the distance... Just yesterday, in fact.

Hey, I think I know that one... Sounds kinda familiar, aye?

After waiting for nearly fifteen minutes, someone finally went up the podium in the middle of the gymnasium.

"Apologies for the wait, students."

The man calmly said, not with force, not even in a shouting manner, but his voice reverberated through the whole gymnasium.

'Magic? Or is it a magic item?'

Speaking of magic items, their essential tools that are needed in the daily lives of the people living here in the capital.

Basically put, magic items are the product of combining engineering and magic, or technology with magic.

They have the essential parts and functions to work on electricity, but also have the function to work via magic.

It's amazing to think that these items are discovered and developed by mortal minds, or are there some divine "machinations" included here?

Like the god of science and what not giving someone of this world some "sudden inspiration" and "enlightenment"? Or maybe, even through some "accidents" that have "supposedly" happened, leading to the birth of the idea of a new source of energy, the electrical kind?

"Now, allow me to welcome all of you to the Seialous Institute where you'll start your journey towards your goals. Here you will study how to fight, how to lead, strategize, and most of all, you will learn. As we all know, knowledge is boundless, it is infinite. But, infinite it may be, it will always be by your side no matter what you do, no matter who you are, or... No matter what. you. are.

We will be accompanying one another for a whole year, so it's best if you acquaint yourselves with each other..."

He said as his look turned serious before he continued.

"Now, let's move on. Many of you may already know this, but I'll talk about this still.

Due to the last summit of the rulers of each continent, they have made an agreement... that all the other continents may send three representatives each, with their own guardians with the limit of two... that's the conditions set by the council. But, the emperor of the Human continent proposed that why not sent youngsters instead of random age range. That way, they can also join the institute and learn along with those of their generation. The council have approved, and so did the others, and that agreement will begin now..."

He said with his voice becoming more and more stern, as if warning those whoever feels it. To the idiotic nobles, more precisely.

The students around began to clamor, some worried, some are excited, and some are just curious. Well, no one could really blame them... After all, even I know that the other continents' are not as peaceful as here.


The man said, it only took that one word to mute all the students.

"We may have different ideals and circumstances compared to them... but remember this. We are doing this for the sake of peace of the whole Terra, so do not do anything stupid."

His eyes briefly shone with cold lights that made the other students gulp and shiver involuntarily.

'Hm... This is harsh for the first day of school... But I guess it is needed... probably, considering how the idiotical level of nobles, especially those with higher positions can get.'

"Good. Now let's welcome our Dean on the stage with the different continents' representatives."

"Hahaha~! Marcus, you are really cold with them you know? And relax, you're always so tense.

You should loosen up a bit more ya know~."

Right after he finished his piece, a cheerful and carefree voice resounded behind him.


'This old man~.'

Hearing that voice, I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

Yeah, I could not NOT recognize that voice.

"*Sigh* Dean, can you at least try to act more reserved?"

The man, Marcus said as he rolled his eyes at the approaching elderly.

"Hai, hai~. You shouldn't say that, see? You sounded like you're the old man here instead of me~!"

Grandpa Sylv said loudly and waved his hand lightly, earning some audible giggles and chuckles from the students.

"Hah! You hear that?! Even the students agree with me!"

He added as the stifled laughter increased.

Hearing this, Marcus could only sigh in defeat.

"Yes, yes~. I'll excuse myself then, I'll be handling the rest that needed be."

Marcus said as he retreated to the back.

"*Chuckle* I always liked teasing that guy~."

Grandpa Sylv audibly said.

"Anyway. Let's get back on track, students. Marcus may have been... a little harsh on his words, but all of what he said is of importance. So just remember that, then you'll do fine. So now, I'm not really a man of speech, so I'll just jump on the main point. Representatives, or rather, students, from other continents have been sent here, in the Central Continent, the Seialous Empire's capital city, Sihnia, right here in this institute~. You're all gonna be schoolmates, so be nice to each other. Anyways, let's welcome them warmly."

He said as the whole gymnasium erupted into a loud sound of clapping.

"Alright young ones, you may come on up!"

Grandpa Sylv said enthusiastically that made the students clap in anticipation.

Five groups of teenagers went up on the podium in groups of three, all wearing the same uniforms as us. Males wearing the same uniform as mine as well as the rest of the males, and the females with their knee length white skirt, white blazer and sky blue dress under them, and the thigh high boots, nothing exposed, really, but that didn't hide their good figure though.

'Uhm... Why am I thinking of female figures just now?... Hais. F*ck this teenage hormones acting up~.'

The first ones were the human group, followed by the beast men group, followed by the elves, then followed by the demonkins, and finally, the ones with horns on their foreheads, the ones that I take as the dragon group.

Sure, the demonkins also have their horns, but theirs are dark violet on the tip with the same colored lines running through them, compared to the dragons' which looked more mettalic and shines with unique sheen, so there's a clear distinction between the two.

But, the moment I laid my eyes on the dragon group, something weird happened. I got a feeling of... attraction? This is the same feeling that I've sensed earlier... This is weird.

Wait, no. Rather than the dragon group, it's more specifically towards a person, a dragon girl.

Red colored horns and scarlet colored hair that reached down to her buttocks, golden eyes with slitted pupils, snow-white complexions, and perfectly shaped eyebrows, tall nose and cherry colored lips...

'She's... beautiful~... Wait... What am I saying...'

I shook my head, getting rid of the thought and once again looked at her.

Strangely, it seems that... She's also looking for something... Someone? Wait a minute...?! Is she...

Just then, our eyes met. She looked stunned for a moment before her eyes widened as her mouth opened, revealing her two cute sharp pointed canines...

'Wait, what am I even thinking?!'

No, there's something wrong here... She's not breaking her eye contact with me, then when she did...

She pointed her finger at me, and exclaimed in unmasked delight.

"You! You shall be this princess' husband!"

"...The f*ck...?"


[Author's rants: ... Yeah~ I got nothin'.

But let me just say this... I need to get this out of my system...

*Inhale* *Exhale*



Anyways~. I've only finished this now, currently 12:25 am, so I wasn't able to post it. Sorry about that.

Another matter, I've already planned for Kross' first multiverse trip, though it will still be some few chapters later, I already have an idea on how to do it~!

I have already chosen the world and just need to decide on what to use, the anime version, the LN version, or the Manga version, I don't know so I'll just use what will be available by then~.

So you guys just wait patiently, as there will be some... Hehehe😜 Just wait for it, we'll reach there eventually~.

And just so you know, this is my longest chapter... yet.

Normal chaps: ranging from 1,800+ to 2,000+ words

This chap: 3,400+ words. Uhm... Make that 3,700+ because all this commentaries of mine will also be included. 😆😜😂

And I apologize for the clothing descriptions, it ain't really my area of expertise~.

Anyways~! I hope you guys have enjoyed!!!]

DareMeNot DareMeNot

Yosh~! Alright guys... I need your help with the names cause I suck at naming... I need the names of the noble houses as well as the names of the other representatives from the other five continents... Please comment if you have some suggestions...

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