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Chapter 3: Chapter Three: Old Bonds

"Who do you think the captain wants to meet at Marineford right now? I heard they're executing a strong pirate. Maybe Captain knows him?" Watabe says. "Maybe. But a lot about the Captain is a mystery to us. But who might he be looking for in a mess of a place like that?" Miyara says. "I'm looking for the marines who tortured me for countless years. Last I heard, they were headed towards Marineford." Jacks appears behind them suddenly. "Captain! Didn't know you were there. When did you wake up?" Miyara asked, all surprised. "Not more than a few minutes ago. The tortures they did has made my Haki useless. I can't even use it once. Those bastards." Jacks balls his fist. "I understand Captain. But still you're strong despite that." Miyara says tapping Jacks shoulder. "Oh yeah, Miyara. Who's Yoshiki and Sasasasa... Sagasa?" Jacks asks in a confused manner. "Yoshiki huh? He's the tall one with the scar on his arm right there. And if you mean Sasagawa, he's the lookout. He's an expert in smooth talking and escaping." Miyara starts laughing. "Is he the short one with a red bandana?" Jacks asks. "Yeah. It was his first and last gift from his mother, he says. She died when he was a kid. Leaving him to fend for himself. He's a tough guy." Miyara explains. "Tell them it was a nice job hauling in the loot from our enemies during our fights." Jacks smiles widely at Miyara. Then walks away towards the upper deck of the ship. "If my father is there at Marineford, I should do my best to avoid him for now. I'm sure he won't be able to do his job as a Marine if he sees me after all this time." Jacks whispers to himself.

"Land ahoy." Goro shouts from atop the mast. "Captain. There's an island right in front of us. It's not Marineford but." Watabe starts. "But?" Jacks asks. "There has been lots of news abt pirates and marines going into the island. But never coming out. Some say a huge monster has made that island its home. We don't know for sure. Should we dock and go to the island?" Watabe asks. "Yeah. If it's an adventure calling, never turn your backs to it mateys." Jacks says getting all excited. The ship starts docking the island's port. All empty, there was nobody to be seen. A jungle surrounds the whole port and far beyond where the eye can see. "This island gives me the chills." Miyara says. "I heard this island was named The Island of Despair." Watabe says. Jacks and his crew climb down the ship and takes a look around the port. After some time, Miyara comes yelling towards Jacks. "What is it Miyara? The big monster you were talking about?" Jacks eyes start shining. Mouth wide open with drool dripping from the lower lip. "No. But our crew has disappeared one by one." Miyara says all worried. "Disappeared? Do you think it's the monster's subordinates?" Jacks asks. "I don't know Captain. But we should go look for them. "Miyara says. Jacks nods in agreement and starts walking into the forest. After walking for a while Miyara points Jacks towards a piece of cloth hanging from a branch. "Isn't this Sasagawa's headband?" Jacks says handing it to Miyara. "Yeah. It has the same design. So they must've been taken this way." Miyara says while putting the beadband into his pocket. Jacks starts walking more and more faster into the jungle. "Is there no end to this green foliage bullshit." Jacks says. After a while they step out into a clearing. Up ahead there's a road leading towards a small village. "It must be a cannibal settlement. And maybe our crew has been eaten." Jacks says as he grabs both of his cheeks. "Captain don't be silly..." Miyara starts but is stopped dead to his tracks after coming face to face with a skull hanging from a stick. He yells out but Jacks puts his hand on his mouth. "We don't know who our enemies are. So let's be careful." Jacks says. They start slowly moving around in the trees. Scouting out the area. There were people walking around and doing normal stuff like cooking and playing around. At a glance, Miyara spots their crew. Their hands tied up and were being pulled deeper into the village. "Captain. They're here. I see them. Watabe seems to be crying." Miyara says. "We should disguise ourselves and follow them." Jacks says as he walks into one of the houses. He comes out with a hood around his head. Miyara walks in. Takes a while but comes out in a woman's headdress. "Pfft. What is this Miyara." Jacks starts laughing. "It's the only thing that fits me. Let's just go rescue our crew? Please?" Miyara says. "Alright Alright. Let's go." Jacks says still laughing. They both walk through tight spaces and finally see the crew. They slowly follow them from behind. They eventually get a few glances from the village people but they eventually go back to what they were doing. The crew was being taken by a huge person who looked more like a pirate. With a huge sword sheathed on his waist, He emitted a dangerous aura. They walk up a flight of stairs and walk into a small hut. Jacks and Miyara follow them in and are suddenly surrounded by a group of pirates. With their swords pointed towards them, Jacks and Miyara slowly raise their hands up. "Who are you? And why have you been following us?" The huge pirate asks. "So you did notice us. You're not too bad for a meathead." Jacks starts smiling. "Miyara, this has suddenly gotten more interesting." Jacks says. "Kibe. Who are these small fries? And why are they following you?" A deep voice says. "I don't know sire." The huge pirate replies. "And you let them follow you back here? I'll give you 5 minutes to get rid of them." The deep voice orders. "Hey. That might be the leader here right?" Jacks whispers to Miyara. "Might be Captain. And can I fight this guy?" Miyara asks. "Sure. Let's see." Jacks says. "I won't let you down Captain." Miyara says as he starts running towards Kibe. He jumps and kicks Kibe's head. He staggers a few steps back. "You'll regret this." Kibe growls as he unsheaths his sword. He swings the sword and Miyara jumps around dodging the attacks. "You might be at death's door if you lose. But I have to prove my worth to my Captain!" Miyara yells as he sweeps the enemy's feet. Kibe drops to the ground. Miyara takes the chance and kicks his head again. "You annoying little grasshopper!" Kibe yells and stands up. He punches Miyara forcing him to his knees. "Your little adventure ends here little grasshopper. Only the strongest survive here in the Island of Despair." Kibe says as he rushes towards Miyara. "If I lose here. I'm going to be letting my Captain down. That's something I can't do." Miyara smiles as he dodges Kibe. Punches him head on and kicks his chest. Pulls his hand back and smashes his fist into Kibe's face. "Still not going down?" Miyara says. He jumps towards Kibe and smashes his fist into his face even harder. Kibe goes down. He shoots his hand up in victory. "Captain!" Miyara yells. He looks back towards his Captain. Jacks starts clapping. "Now that's my First-Mate." Jacks yells. "Wait, Captain. Did you just take down all these people?" A shocked Miyara asks. "Yeah. They were getting annoying poking me with their swords. With their puny swords! So I dealt with them." Jacks smiles widely. "Tch. Kibe! You're useless." The voice yells. Trembling with fear, Kibe stands up. He gets ready to strike Miyara down with his sword one last time with everything he's got. Miyara doesn't notice this and is happy with the fact that he didn't let Jacks down. Jacks, seeing Kibe get up, runs towards him. Jumps midway and kicks him into the wall. Kibe smashes through the wall. A ray of sunlight fades into the hut and shines on the face of someone sitting on a high place. The face shows an angry demeanor. "If you want your crew back, you'll have to beat me. And to beat me, you'll have to beat all of my subordinates." The voice says. Suddenly the room is lit up. On top, the man with the angry demeanor sits on a throne. Below him 10 people are seated. "So it's alright to assume these are your lackeys?" Jacks asks. "Yeah. And neither of them won against me. Nobody can. I am the strongest there ever lived." The person on the throne says. "If I can beat them and you. You'll have to give me back my crew!" Jacks yells. The 10 of them walked down and rushed towards Jacks. "Hey isn't that unfair. One versus ten." Miyara yells. "Unfair? This is my island. I rule this place and nobody can tell me what to do. I'll do whatever I want. What will you do about it?" The person yells back. "Miyara, just stand back and let me deal with all this." Jacks says he punches the first guy. The guy flies through and hits the chair he was sitting on. "One day captain. One day, I'll. No we'll be powerful enough for you to rely on us in times like these." Miyara says to himself as he punches the ground. Jacks keeps punching everyone into the ground. Suddenly one guy creeps up from behind and stabs Jacks in the side of his stomach. All of them gang up on Jacks and start hitting him. "Hahaha! What did I say? To these weak punks, winning is so important that they'll resort to these cowardly ways." The person laughs. "Don't underestimate our Captain!" Watabe yells from inside the hut. On the top platform, the whole crew is tied up and forced to watch. All angry, Jacks grabs the nearest person and smashes his head into the ground. Punches the other guy's face in and kicks another away. "Don't think this will stop me." Jacks yells as he punches another guy. "You're interesting. Beating up all of my lackeys. I'll fight you." The person jumps down. He falls on his face. "Pffft." Jacks laughs. The person gets up slowly, puts his hands on his waist and acts as if nothing happened. "Let's fight." The person says. "Did he just act like that didn't happen? Pfft" Watabe laughs. "Wait. Are you... It can't be. I heard about a kid named Nagano Yataro. I don't remember the island but he used to belong to a wealthy family. With a happy family, his father was supposed to be next in line to govern. After his father's untimely death, he went berserk and killed the whole of their rival family. After that he was supposedly thrown out of the island. He was rumored dead, but it was said that he has been active and about, kidnapping marine and pirates alike. Trying to go back." Miyara asks. "If you wanna tell a story, make sure you have all the details right. My father was a great man. And all he wanted was good for the whole town. And he was murdered by our rival family. How did I know? I was hiding in the closet and one of them dropped their masks. It was the head of the rival family. Nobody believed me. They did whatever to my Mother and Sisters and killed them. Nobody came to my cries of help. Everybody said I was traumatized. So I took it upon me to get revenge for my family. And I killed them all. I got my revenge. Though I might have been thrown out of the island, My family can rest now that they know I've avenged them." The man says. Tears flowing down Jacks face he stared at the man. "Miyara I've decided on it." Jacks says. "Stop getting distracted during a fight!" The man says as he rushed towards Jacks. Jacks ducks to dodge his punch and punches him back. They exchange powerful blows. Yataro evades Jacks punch and steps back. "You're good." Jacks says. "But unfortunately." Jacks rushes towards Yataro. Swings his leg to kick him. "I'm better." Jacks says with a bright smile. Yataro smashes into the wall. "Blood? Heh. Nobody has made me bleed. Not even once. I applaud you. But this is the end for all of you." Yataro says as he runs towards Jacks. "I applaud your bravery. For making it all the way here." Jacks says. He punches Yataro's punch, overpowering it. He kicks Yataro again. Grabs his shirt and keeps hitting him. Lastly, he grabs his face and smashes it into the ground. Jacks starts walking away. "Hey! This isn't over yet." Jacks turns as Yataro yells. Jacks sees him sitting upright. With a gun in his hand, aimed towards Jacks. A moment of silence goes. The silence was broken by the grumbles of both of their stomachs. He loses the energy in his arms and the gun falls. Jacks smiles as he slowly walks towards Yataro. "Kill me." Yataro says. Jacks reaches into his pocket and pulls out a huge dumpling. Pulls out a piece of it and hands it towards Yataro. "I may be an enemy right now. But I'm not heartless." Jacks says. Hesitantly, Yataro grabs the piece of dumpling. And eats it. "From today onwards. You're a part of my crew. No need to kidnap or fight with anyone alone. We can rule these seas together under my flag." Jacks says with a welcoming smile. "When did we agree to that? I never said anything about joining your crew." Yataro yells. "That dumpling you ate. That was the offer. Now rest for today." Jacks starts laughing. "Hey you didn't say anything about it!" Yataro says. Without listening to it, Jacks starts walking towards Miyara.

"Why'd you recruit him Captain?" Miyara asks. "Well Miyara let's call it a gut feeling. And he never once kidnapped anybody. I saw the shipwrecks and torn up sails along the way here. And even in the house we entered, there lived a happy family. Family portraits and everything. My guess is he helped every single one of them. Going through all that and still helping out these people he didn't know. He's more kind-hearted than anyone I know. He just might not like saying all that." Jacks says. "Wow Captain. I didn't even notice any of that. Well I'll go free our crew." Miyara says as he runs off. "Hey. What's your name?" Yataro asks. "It's good manners to tell me your name first." Jacks says as he picks his nose. "Talk abt good manners after you take your finger out of your nose. And the name's Nagano Yataro." Yataro says. "My name's Jacks." Jacks says as he flicks off a booger. Yataro looks at him with disgust. "I can't believe I accepted food from that hand of yours." Yataro says in disgust. "Hey. I'm still your Captain." Jacks punches him lightly. "Hey Goro. Fix him up too." Jacks points at Yataro. "Don't point at me with your booger fingers. Captain Booger." Yataro says. "Hey! What's with the added names." Jacks yells. "I guess we'll have our hands full with him aboard." Says Watabe with a laugh. Jacks and his crew start walking towards their ship. "Hey Dante-san. You know you can come back any time. This will always be your home." A random person walks up to Yataro and says with a smile. "Who is Dante?" Jacks asks. "Well people around here call Yataro, Dante. The person with an iron will and someone who wouldn't back down or give up. He single-handedly protected this village for years." Miyara says. " Dante huh. And what's with the bandages Goro. He looks like a Mummy." Jacks points his arm towards Yataro. "He did tie us up and bring us here." Goro yells. "Well whatever happened happened. He's your crewmate now." Jacks says. "Hey. Just so you know. I'm number three here. You may be number four I guess." Watabe says glaring at Yataro. "I know I can even beat you with one hand tied behind my back." Yataro says. "Hey. You're injured. No good is going to come from fighting with your crewmate." Jacks says. "Whatever Captain Booger Face." Yataro says. "What'd you say now you Pharaoh looking dumbass." Jacks says, throwing his fist in the air. They all walk towards the ship. After walking for several minutes. They all walk out onto the port. They all settle in the ship. "Now. Onward to Marineford." Jacks yells. "Hey did he just say Marineford?" Yataro asks. "Yeah. Captain says there's someone he needs to meet there." Watabe says. "There's no way in hell that we can survive there you goofball. With a crew like this, we need to go through a hell of a training to even match the power of a captain. You all know it too." Yataro yells. "Dante. We're not going there to pick a fight. Not yet anyways." Jacks says. "But..." Yataro starts. "Shut up and go rest, you toilet paper roll!" Jacks yells. "Tch." Yataro says as he stumbles below the deck. Jacks and his crew set sail from the Island of Despair. Strong winds blow into their sails and they start moving faster.

"Captain!" Miyara runs over to Jacks. "It seems like we're being followed by a marine ship." Miyara gasps for breath. "Calm down Miyara. And go sit down. I'll handle this." Jacks tells the crew to stop the ship. The marine ship catches up with Jacks ship. "Hey! We have information about Jacks the notorious pirate being in this ship. Hand him over and the rest of you can go free." The marines yell. "Ah. It's you. You! I have some beef with you alright!" Jacks yells as he points towards the marine. "Captain who is it. And get down from the railings. You will break it." Miyara holds Jacks back. "You put me in a bad spot here you know. Giving me only a 100 Berry bounty. That's my reputation you dumbass!" Jacks yells. "That's what you're worth small fry. Now turn yourselves in." The marine yells. Jacks growls in anger. "Tch!" Yataro jumps into the marine ship from nowhere. "Hey! Who the hell are you? Wait hey." A marine yells. The sounds of furniture breaking could be heard. "Ruining my nap, yelling like that. That should teach them." Yataro says as he goes back below the deck. Surprised and pissed Jacks watches him disappear into the ship just as fast as he reappeared. "Let me at him. That was my only chance to improve my bounty!" Jacks yells and tries to run after Yataro. But Miyara is barely able to hold him back. The ship starts sailing again with Jacks being all grumpy sitting on a wooden barrel. Glaring at Miyara. "Captain don't be a kid. We'll get your bounty to go up soon." Miyara says. "Easy for you to say. That marine recruit ruined my reputation." Jacks says. "He was a recruit? Damn Captain. But I'm sure all that trouble we stirred in Jaya is sure to get your bounty up a few thousand berries." Miyara says. "I'll hold you to those words Miyara." Jacks says getting off the barrel. "Where are we anyway?" Jacks says. "Not that far from Marineford I hope." Miyara says. Time goes by as they sail towards Marineford.

"Captain! I think, I see an island. But, it's been surrounded by ice." Goro says. "No way, let me see." Jacks says as they run towards the bow. The island seems to be surrounded by ice as Goro said. "Okay. Miyara, Dante and Watabe, follow me into the island. Goro and the rest of you. Stay back with the ship. And be ready to leave as soon as possible." Jacks says. "Aye Captain!" Everyone yells. "Tch. Why do I have to accompany you all into some frozen iceland." Yataro says. "Just shut up and let's go." Jacks jumps down into a piece of ice. Yataro, Watabe and Miyara follows him down. All four of them make their way towards the island. "Good luck Captain. Let's wait and hope he returns safely from that hell of an island." Goro says as he sits in the bow. After walking on the ice for a while, a huge building comes into sight. "Captain. This... We're in Marineford right now. But I don't remember all this ice surrounding the island before." Miyara says. "We're finally here. Then let's not waste any time." Jacks says as he starts walking faster. "Hey. Do you think all this ice is caused by that man? Admiral Aokiji." Watabe asks. "Might be. He is a scary man. And if he can freeze all this water around the island. It scares me to imagine what his true potential is." Miyara says. The four of them reach the peak of the ice mountain. "Hey. They seem to be fighting with some pirates." Jacks says. "I'm beat." Watabe says as he sits down on the ice. "Hey. There are the three admirals. And. That's... That's Whitebeard." Miyara says. "Fire Fist Ace. He's really being executed today. But look at all these big names here. Crocodile. The Seven Warlords. Ivankov is here too? Didn't know the Revolutionary Army was going to be here." Watabe says. "Wow. Old man Whitebeard has really gotten old." Jacks says. "You know Whitebeard?" Yataro asks. "Mmhmm." Jacks smiles. "Father. I missed you. Never thought I'd say it but it's been too long. Can't afford to get caught up in this just yet. Where's the Captain who was in charge of that island?" Jacks whispers to himself. Out in the fight, Jacks recognizes a small object. "Hey Miyara. Who's that kid with a straw hat?" Jacks asks. "Him? He's the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He has a bounty of 300,000,000 Berries. It's surprising you don't know him. He's Garp's Grandson." Miyara says. "Whaat! He has a grandson? But... Who might it be? Alice? Wanda? Chieko? Suki? Maybe Inama-Chan." Jacks shows a shocked expression on his face. "Captain, is he your son?" Miyara and Watabe asks Jacks. "That's what I'm guessing. But neither of those girls told me about a kid. Is that my son?" Jacks scratches his head. "You were counting all the girls?" Miyara and Watabe yell in unison. Amongst everyone the Marine Captain who tortured Jacks can be seen near the execution stand. "Hey guys. We'll figure this out later. But I need you to tell the others to get ready to set the sail. I'm going to kidnap that captain." Jacks says. "Alright Captain. Dante take care of the Captain." Miyara says as he and Watabe runs towards the ship. "Now I have to babysit the guy. Let's just go." Yataro says. "It'll be fun." Jacks says as he leaps off the ice. "Just be careful. We can't take all of them yet." Yataro says jumping after Jacks. Jacks swiftly jumps near the building out of the Marine's line of sight. Jacks notices Garp lingering near the Marine Captain. "Why does Father have to be near him now of all times." Jacks says as he starts running. He kicks a marine nearby sending him flying. "Hey Dad. Can't talk now. Got to run bye." Jacks smiles at Garp after grabbing the Marine Captain by his collar. Garp is surprised to see a pirate that close so fast. Jacks throws the captain towards where Yataro was. "Shit. Do I have to deal with him." Yataro grabs the captain by the neck and knocks him out by punching him into the ground. He lifts up his head and Yataro keeps punching him. "I'll have my revenge for this Jacks." Yataro growls. Garp grabs Jacks by the back of his collar and holds tight. "Dad? Who are you? And how did you get around all these Marines?" Garp asks tightening his fist. "It was nice to meet you after all this time. But right now is not a good time. But I'm sure you'll find me sooner or later. So bye for now." Jacks rips the collar off of his coat and dashes towards Yataro. "Dante. Hold on to me." Jacks yells. Yataro grabs the Marine and holds out his hand towards Jacks. He grabs it and throws him up towards the ice mountain. Yataro lands on his back with the Marine Captain. "That hurt you dumbass." Yataro yells. Jacks runs up the building from the side and jumps onto the ice. Grabs onto both of them and bolts towards the ship. "Can't waste even a second. If I know my Father, he might come after me himself." Jacks says with a worried look on his face. Jacks reaches near the ship just in time and jumps into the ship. "Who's this Captain?" Miyara says as he sees the Marine. "No time. Let's go. Right now." Jacks gasps for breath. The ship sets sail from Marineford. "I would've loved to stay back and fight alongside Whitebeard once more. But more important tasks are at hand right now. We'll go say hi later. I know the old man can free his subordinate and escape from there." Jacks says with a smile. The crew ties the Marine up and throws him below deck. "But why are we escaping on such short notice?" Watabe asks. "Because. My Father saw me and nearly held me back. He might be after me as we speak right now." Jacks says. "Your father? Garp?" Watabe starts freaking out. The crew starts to hurry. They sail out of Marineford and escape successfully. "We're far out now. And I don't see any marine ships following us. We're safe for now." Miyara says. "Miyara and Yataro. Please look out for any marines coming and do what's needed to escape. I'll be downstairs." Jacks says as he walks down into the ship's deck. The marine Captain is being held captive, tied up with chains. "So. I don't care for your name. Or who you are. But all I want is information. You've had fun torturing me during these years. Now it's my time." Jacks says smiling. "What do you think Captain wants to know from a marine?" Watabe asks. "I don't know. But he doesn't want anyone downstairs." Miyara says. The sound of someone shouting could be heard throughout the ship. "Sounds exciting." Yataro says. "Ah he speaks." Watabe jokes. "Tch." Yataro replies. Jacks comes up from below the deck looking angry. "Is this small boat gonna hold that idiot for a week?" Jacks asked pointing at the small dinghy tied near the boat. "I think so sir. Why?" Miyara asks. "We're throwing that marine piece of crap overboard." Jacks says and goes below deck. "Yeah he does seem a bit angry." Watabe says. Jacks comes up from below deck with the Marine on his shoulder. The marine seems to be passed out. Jacks throws him into the dinghy and cuts the ropes tied to it. "Let's go. We need to get to Marineford at all costs. That execution cannot happen." Jacks says. "Why Captain?" Watabe asks. "He's related to someone I really care about." Jacks says. The ship starts sailing towards Marineford again. "What did you learn from the Marine?" Miyara asks. "Bad news. Very bad news. I'll tell you all about it later. Let's just get to Marineford at all costs." Jacks says worriedly. The ship starts sailing towards Marineford again. "Why would Captain be this worried about Fire Fist? Maybe because he's the sworn brother of Straw Hat? Maybe they're both his sons?" Watabe asks. "Too many questions without answers, friend. We might be able to get the answers soon, I hope." Miyara says.

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