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Jerry and Ariana (a son for three days) Jerry and Ariana (a son for three days) original

Jerry and Ariana (a son for three days)

Author: Mgbamgba

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1. Our what...?


Friday (12:34AM)

Jerry pulled up the duvet and rolled toward his wife, he rest his palm on her tummy and lean closer to her, pressing his erection on her bums..., he was so hòrny and hard and he needed sex not for the pleasure of it but to get a child, something his wife has blatantly refused him for two years....

When she didn't move neither look his side.., he shift her hand to her breast and cupped it in his palm.., his eyebrow rose when she didn't react, even a disabled person will react when a dick is positioned on her clothed ass crack.., she wasn't sleeping, he knows that..., she's probably ignoring him, he knows her too well, the last time he intends sleeping with her, she ignored him and pretend to be snoring and he gave up but this night, there's no way he's giving up not until he's inside her and empty all his sperm inside her....she must give him a baby....

Ariana, his wife quickly slapped his palm and pushed his pelvis aside before she sat up and switch on the bed light....

Jerry gave her a lopsided grin as he watch her wipe the sleep from her eyes.., she should because tonight is sex all through...

"What...?"She queried, her voice carrying a note that states clearly she isn't interested in anything running on her husband's head...

He almost frown.., but instead his smile slipped..."What do you mean what...?"He countered gently and made a move towards her again...

"You woke me up..."She riposte with a shrugged shoulder....

He heaved a deep breathe, she knows fully well why he woke her up.., yet she was acting up, this is something he hates about women, they know very well what a man wants yet they act up only to annoy men..., he didn't reply, didn't want to, he lean closer to her again and lower his arm inside her nightgown....

"Not sex again..."She mutter rolling her eyes..

He stopped with his moves and glance up at her face..."What do you mean not sex again.., when was the last time we had sex...?"

"Last week..."She replied immediately..."It isn't even up to five days and you want sex again...."

"I'm horny...."He said back with nibbed lips..."Have you seen my dick.."He added getting up to show her his wide erection...

She rolled her eyes again before she mince the words out..."Fine..., but no more sex till the end of the month..."

His month dropped open, the month was just beginning and she said no sex till the end of the month..., that's like asking a dog not to bark for a week...which is very impossible by the way....

"Okay..."He concurred knowing fully well he'll return for another hot sex the next day.., she certainly don't expect him to be horny for the remaining days of the month without doing nothing....

He expected her to uncloth her gown but instead she climbed out from the bed, pulled out a drawer, took out a can of pills and swallow some of it..., his eyes lit up and his stomach churned inside him when he realise what the pills were for...

"Seriously..."He blare out..."You still taking this conceptives even after I threw them away..."

"Oh you were the one who threw the first ones away..."She retorted dropping the pills can back on the drawer before facing him properly....."And I thought I misplaced them.."

He sigh realising he just confessed..., God, he hated the conceptives.., what married woman takes pills to avoid pregnancy, he thought he was doing her a favour when he got rid of them.....

"Why would you do that..?"She asked with more seriousness

"Baby..., I need a child..."

"Oh here we go again..."She returned walking to the edge of the bed...."We discussed this Jerry..., you and I agreed no child for now ..."

"Well the no child for now is beginning to take longer than I thought..., I want kids..."

"I'm not ready.."

He swallowed forcefully and put his dick in order...."When are you going to be ready..?"

"I don't know..."

"Baby we've been married for two years.., two years, my parents are beginning to ask why they've seen no kid running around the house.."

"Well if you parent wants a kid to be running around the house, they should go get theirs, but certainly not in my house..."

"Baby, come on please.., don't you want to hear the sweet cries of your children..."

"No..."She blare out..."That's annoying.., I can't stand someone crying over my shoulder and all over the place.., I need peace and quiet always..."

"Babies are beautiful..."He said, his voice rumbling low...

"Beautiful you say..."She reiterated and scoff..."My sister's child is like the devil...., he practically destroyed everything in that house and he's just two years old..., whenever I see him, I feel like strangling his little life out of him..."

Jerry flinch wondering when his wife became such a baby killer..."Our baby is not going to be like that.., the bible say train up a child in the way he should go and...

"Oh please spare me the bible quote...., babies don't respect that quote.., when you tell them to stop crying, they cry more echoing their loud mouth everywhere, I'm not ready for that kind of stress and I'm certainly not ready to ruin my shape with pregnancy..."

"A house without a baby is like an empty house..."He said

She hissed..."If you need a baby.., go get pregnant..., as for me, is a no...."

"I need a baby Ariana.."He shouted awkwardly

"Will you stop...., I don't need those tiny creatures to ruin my shape and my beauty..., have you seen my sister recently.., her face is like a corpse.., she's so ugly now and chubby because she now have kids..."

"No, your sister is chubby because she eats too much not because she have kids.., I've seen women who have nine kids and are still fit and beautiful..., you can be like that too..."

"No..."She replied immediately...."I cannot be walking with a swollen stomach everywhere, no way Jerry and why won't my sister eats too much when the baby literally sucks everything from her body..., I don't want to become like my sister, chubby and restless because some babies have refused to sleep at night...."

"But baby, that's why you're a woman..."

She brows knitted..."Oh really..., and why are you a man..?"She asked folding her hands across her chest...

"My duty as your husband is to put my child in you and you in turn will bring him to life..."

"Wow..., put your child in me and let me suffer the pains alone..., I'm not going to do that .."

He puff and sat up...."Baby stop.., this is serious..."

"I'm serious..."She replied loosening her hands from her chest..

"No you're not..."He retorted, his voice carrying a thread of anger that went beyond sexual frustration..."You need to understand the importance of a child.., a child completes a family..."

"And you need to understand the importance of my decision....."She said back

"And what exactly is your decision...?"

"I'm not ready to bear a child now let alone the pains of childbirth...."

"Baby, every woman goes through that pain.., that's why women are respected in the society..."

"Oh, don't even start with respect.., you and I know that's a big lie..., because if women were respected, you'll respect my decision and hold to the end of our agreement...."

He exhalea and lean his head on the pillow getting fed up with the argument..."I've ruled our agreement as noid and void.."

"Well touçhe husband...., I should have known men always break promises..."

"Promises.."He reiterated tilting his head upwards...."You're literally blowing our chance of having a baby away just because you think you'll be ruining your shape and your beauty and whatever thing you think you have going on..."

"I cannot have kids running around the house like some rabbit twàts letting me scream my voice out every damn minute of the day....."

"Isn't that the beauty of having children....?"

"That my husband is the bottlenecks of having kids.., something you'll never understand because you're a man..."

"I'm still the daddy..."

"Oh please..., like you'll do a damn thing when they start creeping all over the places touching things and putting all sorts of things in their mouth..yawk.."

"That's why I said, kids are lovely..."

"Not my kind of lovely..."She shushed him...."Didn't you see that woman's son putting millipede in his mouth.., that's disgusting..."

Jerry sigh and reclined his head on the pillow again..."Our child won't put millipede in his mouth.."

"But he will put other things in his mouth and only God knows what will happen when he sniffs your dirty boxers and put it in his mouth.., he might get sick and die.."

"What....?"He peered as the words ring in his head..."First off..., I don't keep dirty boxers laying around and secondly why would you even think that?"

"Why would I think that...., you're the one troubling me for a baby..., and this is me telling you I cannot have a baby now.."

"Because he might sniff my boxers and get sick....?"

"Because of everything they do..., they grope their hands on everything, they cry, they poop and it's so smelling, like yawk..., so disgusting and unhealthy..., I cannot do that..."

"Ariana, think upon the positive things.., think about the joy, the excitement on my parent's face...."

"Of course this is about your parent...."She cut in brusquely...."You want a kid so badly because of them...., because of them you're breaking our promise not to have a child now..., what sort of a man are you anyway..."

"Ariana..."He called out, irritation pinching his nerves...."Do not do this.."

"Do what....?"


"It's my body Jerry..., and my body is not ready to have anyone living inside it..., like I'll start having swollen stomach, swollen breast and body..., No way..."

"Ariana please....

"It's a no.."She cut him short..."N O...No..., do not disturb me again or tell me about having a child....."

"Ariana look at the bright side..."

"What bright side....?"She chided...."You're becoming obsessed with having children and obsessions ruins.., do not disturb me again, I'm going to bed..."


"Call me one more time and I'll ring your neck.."She snarled

He eye-beared her...."How do you ring someone's neck..?"

"Call my name again and I'll show you.."She said before she lay back on the bed, put off the bed light and drag the duvet to her neck...


Quite exhausted from the long drive, Ariana manage to swung the car tires into the driveway and parked the car, she took a minute to take a breather before she grabbed her handbag and step out of the car.., her brows knitted when she heard the loud sound coming from inside her house..., her husband must be playing his stupid video games again..., many times she had told him to stop increasing the volume to the highest but he just doesn't listen....

She wipe off a gleen of sweat from her chest before she tackled her feet to start heading inside...., she didn't bother to knock before she opened the door and went into the house...

Shocked raced across her face when she saw a boy, a young boy probably 5years old, 6, 10 whatever sitting on her expensive couch with his feet spread on her expensive table and he was actually the one playing the video games and not her husband....

She faked coughed allowing the boy to notice her presence but he merely glance her way.., she heaved a deep sigh of irritation and step forward and stood in front of the TV....., for a moment she just stood staring at the boy wondering who the hell he is and what gave him the guts to place his dirty feet on her table...

"Can you move..."The boy said..."You're obstructing my view..."

She grit and glance back to face the TV, she wanted to ask who he is but she felt the question is meant for someone else...her husband...

"Baby..."She shouted heading towards the room...

"Hey honey...."Jerry said heading out from the kitchen...

Ariana inhale and turn to walk towards her husband, her head buzzling with questions....

"Who is he...?"She asked immediately not bothering to care if the little boy heard...

"Oh honey..."Jerry mutter in a honey voice...."I was actually calling you to tell you the good news..., this little boy here is Moses...our son..."

Ariana eyes enlarged with a stunned surprise, when the words hit her hard, she revert her gaze from her husband to the boy then to her husband again before she latched out...."Our what..?"

The drama is just getting

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