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Chapter 20: Satoru Gojo vs Toji.

Guys please leave some power stones. I'm hungry 🥺👉👈

P.S this chapter was proofread by isuck_t0es, a new proofreader :D


From above you could see the Buddhist School be covered by a gigantic black dome. It looked like someone casted a cursed veil over the whole school. Yet the events that unfolded inside it were even more otherworldly.

The whole atmosphere inside the dome made it seem as if it were a part of some sort of science fiction movie. Black particles filled the air making the surroundings black foggy . Even sorcerers with their cursed energy couldn't peer much through this darkness. All around them, even the ground was covered in the black substance, the chaos energy extended to even the buildings converting them up in a slippery oily substance. The 5 sorcerers were now clearly seen.

There was a lot to ponder about but one thing that left all the sorcerers astounded was-


'The kid truly is a beast. Being on par with a special grade curse is already enough but being able to actually manifest a domain that too one with such clarity, if only I had such talent.' Masamichi couldn't help but smile bitterly. The dolls that he was sewing together had now seemingly combined into a bear looking figure, construct with the heads of various animals like dogs,cats ,foxes sticking out. Both the doll and masamichi had each other's backs while analysing the field.

Everyone's senses tingled with anxiety. For all they could see was black orb like particles filling the air. They could feel their muscles tense under their skin. At the same time two voices were heard saying,

"<Simple domain>"

Both kusakabe and Gojo had employed their simple domains in hopes that it would stop the sure hit effect of Toji's domain for now.

"Now now, I think you guys are understimating this 'domain' of mine. It isn't like your typical domain. It doesn't even rely on cursed energy so your simple domains are useless." Just as toji said so he waved his hand up causing black tentacles that tried to restrain kusakabe and Gojo.

Suddenly giant black tentacles shot out from the black ground they were standing on and slowly encircled their bodies. The worst thing was that no matter how much they hacked, swinged, slashed or used their cursed techniques to stop the tentacles they continued to regenerate until everyone's body was pinned down to the ground by their limbs. Everyone except of course Satoru Gojo.

"The fabled Satoru Gojo. I've heard stories about you, ya'know? From the fact that you were born not only with limitless but also with the legendary six eyes. Now that's something not seen for more then 300 years I think?" Toji with his calm demeanor advanced towards Gojo causing him to get into a defensive stance.

'i don't know what exact skill set our new sensei has. Even my six eyes are unsure.' Gojo thought to himself.

"Well then good day sensei! I'm sorry that your first time here at my school is like this but we just wanted to test you out." Gojo said as he flashed his most charming grin and waved at Toji.

"Yeah yeah I get it. The higher ups are probably flaming about the zen'in family getting more influence in jjk high right?" Suddenly Toji appeared right in front of Gojo.

'he's fast' although his six eyes had registered Toji's movement, his body wasn't fast enough to respond to it. Gojo threw his fist aimed at Toji's chest at a high speed, creating a shockwave on Toji's chest.

'it had no effect?' Gojo couldn't help but be surprised. Normally his punches were strong enough to beat even grade one sorcerers in close combat.

"My is that how you greet your new teacher? Bad behaviour deserves some punishment don't you think?" Just as the words left Tojis mouth, with the slightest movement of his fingers imbued with chaos energy he flicked at Gojo.

What happened next was so swift and unexpected that it could slip the naked eye. Gojo was sent flying across the temple and he collapsed into a Buddha statue.

'h-how?' Gojo for the first time in his life couldn't help but feel nervous in battle for a mere flick of the finger had sent him flying meters away.


"Hmm? What do you mean?" Toji couldn't help but look at Gojo in confusion.

"My cursed technique, infinity. Don't act as if u dont realise what u just did. How'd you break through it?" Infinity. The neutral state of his inherited cursed technique limitless. It was one of the reasons why he was so feared even at such a ripe age. No cursed technique, physical attack could even touch Gojo. Until now that is....

"Ohhhhhh you mean limitless? Yeah that's a pretty good technique. Unfortunately for you let's just say when I was young I gained a counter to all cursed techniques." Toji scratched his head while approaching Gojo in the most unfazed manner.

'looks like eating the inverted spear of heaven was a good idea for beating punks like him.'

"You truly have everything Gojo satoru. Near infinite cursed energy, limitless, infinity , lapse:blue; it's like you were born to be the strongest." Finally Toji appeared right in front of Gojo who had collected himself together and taken a defensive pose once again.

"Yet, there's so much you lack. You are wasting your potential. Your physical strength is useless against people stronger then you." Toji held Gojo up by the collar and despite of the desparate attempts Gojo made to free himself or cause damage to Toji, all his attacks left behind were scratches and a few bumps. Not even dense enough to draw out blood.

'Just what is his body made out of? Not a single scratch? What type of endurance is this? I have fairly good physical strength but what even is this guy?' Gojo couldn't help but start doubting himself.

"Physical attacks won't work against me, young man. I'm much stronger then you in that area. How about we start our first training session from here? If you manage to take a drop of blood out of my body then I'll let you pass. But if you don't..... I'll kill you." For a split second heavy bloodlust radiated from Toji but it subsided at the same time. He suddenly disappeared from view and appeared 50 meters away from Gojo.

"Geto, Kusakabe, Masamichi, Nanami and ofcourse, my pretty little Mei Mei. I don't think it's fair to keep you all as spectators. Don't you think you should join in on the fun?" Just as toji said so the tentacles slowly dragged them into the black ground leaving no trace behind.

"You.... I mean teacher what did you do then?" Gojo asked.

'He's a teacher here so he definitely wouldn't kill them. His domain..... It's too unexplainable. I can't find a single trace of cursed energy in it.'

"Stop monologuing brat. I didn't do anything to them. Just made them fight against some people I know. Why don't we get this session started then?" Just as he spoke Toji appeared right in front of Gojo and his fist crashed into Gojo's chest.

But this time Gojo was fast enough and had crossed his arms right infront of Toji's fist because of his Rikugan (six eyes) fast response.

'hmm he blocked? Interesting.' Toji smirked.

Just then Gojo quickly steadied his legs and crouched before jumping high in the air to create distance between them.

"<Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue>"

Just as Gojo said so a small blue orb emerged from his hands. It defied the laws of physics, making a vacuum in the surrounding, forcing the world to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing all matter in the range of the commanded space to be pulled together.

He gestured it to move towards the sorrundings in hope that it will suck up the black energy to increase its own mass. But the black energy seemed to overwhelm the field of the orb, refusing to be combined with Lapse:Blue.

'Tch what is this guy's domain made out of? Looks like I have no choice.' just then Gojo gestured his cursed energy into his technique causing it to slowly gain mass and turn into the size of a building before making it advance at Toji with the speed of light.

'good good very good.' Toji coated his fists with chaos energy before crossing his hands and tanking the hit head but the energy was too strong and he was sent flying away before landing violently into one of the school's walls. The wall to crumble inside the black chaos energy.

" *Cough* *cough* you really are a monster brat. Even a special grade curse would have been injured with that." As a consequence of taking the attack head on the shot he made with chaos energy had entirely disintegrated.

" Oi oi oi what the fuck are you made of Toji senpai." As Gojo saw Toji walk through the smoke and rubble he couldn't help but be surprised. The only thing his attack did was rip his tank top, only scratches and surface wounds were on Toji's immaculately sculpted body.

"Let's just say I was born with something like a heavenly restriction. I guess it didn't really work out like destiny planned did it? Anyways my turn."

"< Chaos energy release:30%>"

As soon as Toji said that a small ball of chaos energy started forming on top of Toji's finger that grew and grew until it was the size of a building.

"<Chaos technique: spikey ball>"

This technique was none other then the one he had used against Chojuro Zen'in.

'what is that?' Gojo squinted his eyes. His six eyes couldn't detect any cursed energy inside the ball, yet his intuition told him to counter attack against the ball as soon as possible.

"I suggest you counter this brat." By now even the black chaos particles had started to merge with the ball causing it to grow even larger.

"Nah it wouldn't a very gentleman's thing to do that now would it?" Said Gojo who had a large orb forming inside his hand.

"<Cursed Technique Lapse - Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue>"

'Judging by that black sphere I'll have to output 70% of my cursed energy to counter it successfully' Gojo was left shocked by his teacher's cursed energy reserves.

The orb forming in his hand started to turn more concentrated and dark blue.



The ball which grew to the size of a building compressed to the size of a baseball. But it seemed like even Gojo was having a bit of difficulty trying to contain the massive energy in his hands. It kept on spinning in his hand violently.

"Hoh? You want to counter attack? Well then let's see who comes out on top." Toji gestured his finger towards Gojo and waiting to see who comes out on top.

"Hehe you've been fooled teach." Suddenly Gojo appeared in front of Toji's massive body and before Toji could even comprehend what was happening Gojo took the chance and shot his fist at Toji, whose chest was defenseless. With the massive amount of chaos energy that hit Toji the matter around him warped and the next thing he knew he was shot back into a wall.

The ball of chaos energy dissapated because of the loss of Toji's concentration.

"That's exactly what I'd expect from my student." Seemingly learning his lesson Toji created a wall of black energy that blocked him from hitting the walls once again. The wound on his chest was this time much more serious.

Toji had with his reaction time had coated himself with chaos energy but still under that layer. His chest was bruised and on the verge of bleeding had the hit been a tad bit stronger and sharper it would've drawn.

"Looks like I'll have to take you seriously Satoru Gojo." Suddenly Toji appeared right infront of Gojo and swinged his fist right at Gojo's face, a face so pretty it was probably sculpted by Aphrodite herself.

Gojo managed to duck right in time because of his six eyes but in consequence his chest was hit directly with Toji's fist.

You could hear the sound of Gojo's ribs breaking internally.

"Don't you think this session is going a bi-*cough* too serious sensei." Gojo grinned while splurting blood from his mouth.

"Really? I'm still going easy on you. Your infinity can't do shit with me. So you better get ready to get your ass beat up." Just then Toji once again aimed his fist directly at Gojo's chest.

Fortunately because of his six eyes Gojo managed to counterattack and meet Toji's fist with his own mid-way in the air.

"Why don't we dance with our fists ey?" Toji showered his punches on Gojo's ribs,head, neck,legs,shoulders everywhere. Even with the help of the six eyes Gojo was barely able to counterattack.

Blood was flowing out of Gojo's fist because of The intensity of Toji's fist. Gojo was barely keeping up with Toji's fists.

Finally the inevitable happened. Toji's attack managed to land on Gojo's ribs once again. Causing Gojo to fall down to his knees while spitting out blood.

"You tried your best kid. Unfortunately it looks like your time is up." Toji bowed down to Gojo's gaze before holding him up by his fisting his silver hair.

'is this really it? Everything I've achieved in life for this?' Gojo's eyes blurred out as he was in the middle of life and death itself.

'My dreams, all the expectations placed upon me, will I never achieve them? My family will I never see them again?' Gojo thought while looking at the blood that landed on his hands from his mouth.

"No, it's not over." Gojo whispered.

"Hmm, any final words Gojo Satoru?"

"IT ISN'T OVER YET " suddenly Gojo's fist shot upwards directly towards Toji's chest wound.

"Do you think that will really do som-AGHHH


Suddenly at the brink of life and death Gojo's body unconsciously in a moment of clarity unleashed the pinnacle of cursed techniques, the black flash ..

As Gojo's hand approached Toji's chest, the attack that normally wouldn't even leave a scratch, imbued with black flash the destructive force multiplied by 2.5 directly pierced into his left chest, destroyed his ribs and almost reached his heart before stopping in it's track.

"Well you did it kid." Toji couldn't help but smile at Gojo. He was on the verge of dying but before that could happen, his body unconsciously created a black flash, truly meant to be the strongest sorcerer in history.

As Toji removed Gojo's fist from his chest he frowned, not because of the torrent of blood that flushed out but because Gojo's arm directly fell to the ground alongside his body.

'hoh? He's unconscious?' Toji's gaze softened while looking at Gojo's body.

After that he sat down before slowly taking out the sharp broken ribs in his chest until the hole in his chest was completely hollow.

"< Chaos energy release:10%>"

Just then the purple blob on his shoulder again took out chaos energy that directly filled his chest wound.

' this is just a temporary solution. If I don't concentrate on healing my body, I might die of blood loss. Wait, the kid's in a worse condition then me. If I let him be he'll actually die. Hmmmm what do I do?'

He pinned down Gojo's body on the ground before he started to hack away at Gojo's chest with his knife until his broken ribs were visible under his skin.

Slowly he took out the broken ribs before replacing them with them with bones he made out of his own chaos energy. All the bursted veins and arteries were replaced by small constructs that were created from chaos energy.

'phew. This is stressful.' As he looked at the masterpiece of a work he had made he couldn't help but feel happy. The blood had once again began circulating under the vessels he had made and the bones he made as replacement held up tight. And finally on top he replace the skin of Gojo's chest with black chaos energy.

They'll dissapear on their own slowly when his body starts repairing itself on its own.' the chaos energy within Gojo's body would slowly be absorbed as nutrition to help his body repair even faster.

'Phew now that everything's done here i just have to wait for the others. Wonder how cupcake and Mai are holding up huh?'


Yoohooo! How was this fight scene? I tried my best to emulate Gojo's personality. Please leave a comment :D

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