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Chapter 3: Over and over again

Dodging the fire sword. Norman launched a punch to the man's face. Causing him to hold his nose in pain. Looking at Norman Randolph smiled. "Osman now!" Randolph shouted, causing a bat to descend on Norman's giant figure. He was already missing an arm and an eye. Getting hit in the head caused Norman to cover his head in pain leaving his face vulnerable. "Pain x10" The middle aged man interjected. Causing Norman's eyes to widen, before yelling out in pain. 'This is nothing but torture!'. 'What have I done to deserve this!' Norman thought to himself. Before getting decapitated by Randolph.

Instantly getting out of the sleeping bag. Norman saw Rebecca's figure running towards him. He lecherously stared at her body. Rebecca being naive didn't notice this and ran towards him. "We've got to leave! The zombies are here!" She informed worriedly. Before being punched in the face by Norman. Hitting her head on the ground she cried out in pain. Before getting her mouth covered by Norman. "You fucking bitch. All this happened because of you!" Norman whispered in her ear playfully. Before unzipping his pants and lifting her skirt. Revealing the pink under-wear of a woman.

Seeing these turn of events Rebecca's eyes widened. Norman stroked his cock a few times making it hard. Moving Rebecca's under-wear he inserted it. "Oh god this feels so good" Seeing Rebecca's painful gaze made Norman smile with glee. He grabbed her by the head and slammed it onto the ground again, before quickly covering her mouth. Moving his hips he pistoned her. Before putting her in a missionary sex position. "You feel so sweet! I should've done this long ago" Norman whispered in her ear. Sliding his other hand under her skirt touching her soft breasts.

The wetness of her pussy was too good for Noman, Causing him to cum inside. His penis became flaccid. Before he could do anything else Teska came into the Shelter. Seeing Rebecca's teary face and Norman's actions. He made a thinking expression for a second. "You rapist! I'll report you to the fighter's!" He hollered loudly, before turning tail and running. Instantly Norman charged at Teska him being 6'3 helped alot. He caught up to him easily using his full speed. Winding back his fist to create more distance from his target, he launched it, hitting Teska in the nose. Causing him to fall on his butt. He held his nose in pain. This all happened near the entrance of the shelter.

Norman found a broken beer bottle, the jagged ends of the beer bottle would work perfectly. "Teska its alright. Are you ok man?" Norman said warmly. Gently holding Teska's head carefully like a mother checking if there child was ok. "Y-yes…thanks for asking" Teska responded confusingly. "Let me see your nose. It looks red" Norman retorted. Moving Teska's hands to the side, Teska didn't resist. Instantly Norman gripped on the broken beer bottle hard, stabbing Teska's nose with it. "Y-you fucking bastard you li-" Before Teska could say anything else Norman stabbed Teska in the eye. Swirling the eye tissue abit in his eye socket playfully. "S-sto-" Teska raised his arms to his face, protecting his head as well while yelling, but Norman stabbed him in the right bicep. "Ahhhhh. It hurts. Please no more!" Teska begged. Doing a Ruku position. Norman was taken aback an decided to show some mercy, he was hoping that maybe Teska could understand the wrong-doing of his ways better. As Norman was about to turn around to get up. He was hit in the head with a steel pipe lying around.

Holding his head in pain, and instantly standing up and creating some distance he looked up to see Rebecca's growing grin. Dashing in front of Norman who was only a few meters away she swung the steel pipe once more Unfortunately for her Norman saw it coming and was able to grab it with his left hand. The force from the steel pipe pushed his arm back a little. He gripped the beer bottle in his hand and lunged it at Rebecca's torso causing Norman to look down. Focused on her torso. Norman saw a knife stabbing towards his eye. Letting go of the steel pipe in his left hand, Norman quickly tried blocking the knife, before getting hit in the head with it. Causing him to fall to the ground face first.

Norman felt a hand touch his head, soon the hand used some force to shift his head to the left causing his face to move to the right. Revealing his face, soon a knife stabbed forward, Norman's eyes widened as Norman tried lifting his arm to protect his face. It was beaten with a steel pipe. The knife successfully stabbed into Norman's right eye. The assailant then swirled the eye tissue in Norman's eye socket as well. The burning pain caused Norman to cry. "Please stop! It hurts to much" Norman painfully wailed. Scooting back abit. Creating some distance Norman was sat-up looking up he saw that the person with the knife was Teska. Looking closer he saw that he was kissing Rebecca. She seemed to be enjoying it.

Intense Jealously grew in Norman's heart. 'If only I had killed that bastard I wouldn't have lost my eye' Regret grew more and more in Norman's heart with each passing second. Teska finished kissing Rebecca before turning to Norman who's head was down looking at his leg's. His back was against the wall of the shelter. He was cornered. "Not only did you rape her, but you took my eye. You bastard! You deserve death" As Teska was about to dash towards Norman Rebecca interjected. "Let his actions eat him from the inside. Let him stay with his guilt" Rebecca advised. Teska looked at Rebecca with some annoyance. Norman had taken his eye so he wanted revenge but he didn't want to make Rebecca angry.

Noticing the enmity between the 2 the words of Jackson emerged in his head. "When you can't fight, run! When you can't run, beg!" Norman instantly got up and took off running. Getting out of the shelter. Noticing these change of events Teska looked at Rebecca angrily. "Look what you did! He ran away" Rebecca looked at the ground in shame. Before thinking of something. "How about we have the fighter's hunt him down like an animal?" Rebecca suggested. Hearing her words caused a smile to bloom onto Teska's face. "What a great idea!"

Already on the hill Norman decided to take a left this time. If he were to go to the right he'd end up on the bridge which is not what he wanted. He never took the left since that direction was unknown to him. The left side of the hill had countless trees and greenery one could get lost or unknowingly get bit by a zombie. So it was best to go onto an open place like the bridge, no obstructions in sight.

Running to the left side. Norman kept running. After 5 minutes of running he decided to rest on a tree catching his breath.

"I've lost my damn eye!" Norman spoke with anger, he didn't raise his voice as that would attract zombies but he would make sure he'd get his revenge. "System Panel" Norman spoke, he was curious how much he had improved

Name - Norman Oswlat

Age - 15

Health - 192/312

Strength - 29

Speed - 41

Skill's - Norris's Curse (Passive) lvl MAX, Villain's Mindset (Passive) lvl MAX, Teleportation (Active) lvl 1

Norman had never truly solved the mystery of what Villain's Mindset and Norris's Curse did but now he was about to find out. First concentrating on Norris's Curse a new status panel appeared

[Norris's Curse - A curse given to you by the chief of heaven himself Norris]

(Give's host terrible luck, increases chances of being betrayed, beaten, tortured and much more)

Reading the explanation left Norman clueless. What exactly did he do to deserve getting cursed? He couldn't comprehend it. After understanding Norris's Curse he then moved on to Villain's Mindset.

[Villain's Mindset - Gives one and others around them evil impulses]

(Those with Villain's Mindset are destined to be Villain's and hated by everyone they know and love)

This explained alot. Norman thought to himself, he could see Villain's Mindset taking affect, not only that but he realized that he was more ruthless and less remorseful than he normally was back then. Norman was guessing these were Hidden Effects of Villain's Mindset. "Then in the end I'll be forever alone in this world" Norman thought to himself. "He's over here! Saynim shoot the bastard!" Teska yelled loudly. They had looked high and low for Norman on the bridge but he was nowhere to be seen so they decided to check in the forest on the hill. Who would have thought Norman was dumb enough to go here.

Saynim emerged from the shadow's with a crossbow in hand aimed at Norman. Norman, taking notice of this took cover behind the tree. The spot where Norman was at before was hit with an arrow and the arrow got stuck in the tree bark. Turning Tail and Running Norman didn't take notice of the fact that he was heading towards a death trap. Saynim trying to give chase was halted by Teska. "There's a reason why we didn't use this place as a shelter." Teska explained. Before letting go of Saynim, Saynim nodded his head and the group decided to go back into their shelter. So what if they didn't kill Norman? He was already a dead man, especially losing an eye in the apocalypse.

Instantly tripping a pair of shoes came into Norman's eye-sight. Looking up it was the deformed face of a zombie. Quickly getting up Norman punched the foul creature in the nose causing it to wail in pain, before launching its left hand at Norman, its hand had sharp claw's on it. Just one scratch could kill Norman. Dodging to the right The zombie hit air, Now behind Norman, Norman quickly turned around and the zombie had its back turned towards norman. Norman quickly kicked its butt causing it to fall to the ground.

All of this took place in a matter of seconds. Norman then stomped on the zombies head causing its head to burst, successfully killing it. 'It must be the blood from my eye that's attracting these fucker's' Norman knew the basic's of zombies anything moving and had heat, or something that had blood, the zombies would smell it. And chase it. Not to mention that the fight Norman just had was fairly loud.

Thinking quickly, Norman decided it was best to check the zombies pocket's. Successfully finding a military dagger Norman decided to remove the zombies military issued vest and wear it for himself. 'I wonder why a soldier would be out here' Norman thought to himself. Norman was now wearing a light brown military issued bullet proof vest under the vest was a gray shirt that squeezed on him, revealing his athletic figure, as for his pants he was wearing denim shorts with light brown boots.

Norman liked to dress light, throwing away the beer bottle that was still in his hand Norman placed the dagger in his left pocket. Before continuing on running deeper into the forest.

Fuketsu Fuketsu

Pain and time are the best teacher's. Unfortunately time kill's all of it's students.

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