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Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Preparation for the Future

Just like it happened in the canon, much to Cian's relief; news spread about the attack on Godric's Hollow was attacked by Voldemort in an attempt to kill the infant Potter but he only succeeded in killing Lily and James Potter. The magic of love saved their son but left him an orphan and so started the series of events that Cian was familiar with, although a tad different since the attack wasn't the only headline in the papers, another took the spot nearly covering the attack due to its shocking nature.

-The Return of Legends?-

The title itself was puzzling to Cian, who asked for the paper from his father. He had started to lean more into exposing his mature mindset and intellect for his age, blaming it on his bloodlines that awakened in Gringott. It was a white lie but a necessary one for now since he didn't want to have his parents see him as a monster due to him having a 21 year old's memories and maturity when so young. While he glanced through the article he couldn't help but sneer a bit as it was clear that one of the goblins present leaked the information of his test, the article went on about the 'rise of a new era in magic' and other statements along those lines.

Cian knew better though, he knew how twisted and manipulative the higher echelons were and with them knowing that a descendant of Merlin and Morgana was alive they would do whatever it took in order to have firm control over that person. As his thoughts were focused around how to protect himself and trying to dig through thoughts in order to make a plan two odd feelings washed over his mind; one felt like a tether latching onto memories he was having trouble recalling and the other was like an anchor that prevented the memory to be yanked to the surface. Confusion ran through him for but a moment until it clicked; did Aten unsealing his soul enough to merge his bloodlines affect him in more than just one way?

Cian could feel a small layer around his mind but even just focusing on it seemed to cause it to grow due to the small line that was searching his own mind prodding and poking at it. To make sure he was correct about his assumption Cian turned his head toward his father, who had been sitting in a chair to monitor his son's wellbeing, and called out to him. It was only a small sound to have their eyes meet but with that connection Cian gently extended his 'tether' to touch the 'layer' his father had erected around his own mind.

Angus was worried when he heard Cian get his attention but that was replaced with awe as he felt something trying to gently enter his mind. It was weak but that did not matter since it was coming from a three year old that hasn't even touched a wand; his son was a natural Legilimens, that in itself was something to celebrate but after Angus gently fended off his son's attempt to read his surface thoughts he sent out his own probe to gently see into his son's mind but that was halted when he discovered a forming shield only an Occlumens would have, though it was much weaker at this point.

"Cian, did you just try to enter my mind?"

Angus' voice wasn't scolding as he was forcing himself to stay calm from the excitement boiling in his veins. Although his voice was soothing Cian felt his back start sweating from nervousness as all he could muster was a nod. A loud laugh boomed from Angus as he got up and scooped Cian from the bed to hold into the air.

"My boy is going to be the most powerful wizard! A natural Legilimens and Occulmens! Such talent, oh my boy you are a treasure!"

The loud interaction caught the attention of Kira who rushed in, Gwyndolyn being busy trying to relocate the family for now due to the storm they could feel coming, looked at Angus holding up Cian and shouted. Her voice was filled with annoyance and worry as she sped over.

"Mr. Barclay! Set him down, he needs to rest after going through whatever pain he had!"

The soft yet stern voice, even while yelling at Angus, calmed Cian since Kira was practically like a second mother to him. Angus tensed up and slowly set Cian back down onto the bed for him to rest before abruptly turning to Kira.

"Kira, go search for any and all competent and trustworthy teachers that study occlumency and legilimency; it would be much better if the person studies both at the same time. You can hold off on this until we move but send out some feelers for now, the sooner we find one the better!"

Angus did not wait for a response as he briskly strode out of the room in search of his wife. Kira was left stunned at the sudden event but she soon recovered and tended to Cian for around ten minutes, questioning if he was alright but never probing into the request from Angus since she assumed he wanted Cian to start early in those fields which she approved in her own mind. After making sure Cian was settled she left a small bell on the nightstand.

"Ring that if you need me, sweetie. I need to start looking for teachers good enough for our little Cian."

With a soft smile and ruffling of Cian's hair she left the room where he was now left alone and could take a deep breath. He was correct in his assumption which, thankfully, spurred his father forward on so he didn't have to ask for teachers related to those himself out of the blue. However this would also draw more attention if it was let out, he wasn't scared of the world as he knew he could put it under his thumb given time but it was not close to that time; what he needed now was a plan of action. Ignoring his aching body that felt like it rebuilt itself he moved to the sizable bookshelf that was one of the room walls. What he was in need for was non-magical knowledge since it had its use outside of magic itself and could help in revolutionizing the wizarding world, if he wanted to go that route.

After around fifteen minutes of scanning the spines of all the books he could only find the basic books a non-magical would have until highschool and some outlier books that seemed to delve into the medical field and very basic psychology. It wasn't the best but it was a start, he could purchase more in the future. With the first step of getting these books done he moved them all to his bed and started to read through them as he thought of how to proceed in this world. He did not take too long in reading all the books, no matter how boring, as when he studied more in occlumency he would be able to pull these memories back to study them.

Time passed as it always did; Cian made some rough plans for the future along the lines of expanding his family wealth to the non-magical world and finished reading all the books contained in his bedroom, magical or not. During the passing months and as it went into the new year Cian was trying out a unique way to expand his magical reserves when he was alone; after exhausting himself of the little magic he had in him Cian used the rudimentary level of medical knowledge he had now to pull magic into his empty 'container', which he assumed was like a dantian in Wuxia novels, but instead used the control for magic from his bloodline to force the magic into his bloodstream to soak and saturate his cells with the potent and pure energy that was magic, with the blood flowing it went to his mind as well which sped up many functions but it was not that noticeable for now. It was more than just painful but after getting a portion of his memories back from the time his soul was undergoing a cruel session with that chaotic whirlpool, it was nothing but showing progress in his eyes.

With those months passing Cian went ahead to his parents after they packed up all their belongings in the mansion he was born in to ask them if they could move into a muggle area. This question confused them and when they asked Cian responded with it being a more smooth solution since the Ministry of Magic, although they would become incompetent when Fudge took over as Minister, would protect them more since they would be around non-magicals and they had a reputation to uphold.

The moving was swift because of the expansion and shrinking charms on their belongings, they even bolstered the runes around the mansion before leaving to keep up a small illusion that they still resided there or used it frequently before settling in an area near the northern part of England's countryside for their privacy to remain, especially with Gwyndolyn using her expertise in runes and charms to fortify their home with the help of Angus. With a new home, the starting of the canon, and excitement to get more knowledge in both magical and non-magical fields Cian has prepared for the future. The official beginning to his journey was now underway.

MrNecro MrNecro

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Still dealing with pain after my appointment, but will try to write another chapter today, if not then one will be out tomorrow!

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