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Chapter 2: chapter two: Does a Hero Kill?

A/N: Well, in this chapter, some things are going to be revealed in the least dramatic way possible because representing a 13-year-old in these kinds of situations is quite challenging, although I wonder if some already have an idea of what is going to happen.Well, in this chapter, some things are going to be revealed in the least dramatic way possible because representing a 13 year old in these kinds of situations is quite challenging, although I wonder if some already have an idea of what is going to happen.

And thanks for the comments

~~~Start of the chapter~~~

"Lucius, my little hero, wake up," a sweet motherly voice filled with love said to the small 7 year old boy.

"Please, five more minutes," he semi consciously replied, trying to prolong his sweet dream where he was a superhero.

The mother looked at him tenderly and condescendingly, only to resign herself and say, "Wake up, lazy ass. Hurry up, or you'll be late for school!" She shouted forcefully, until he finally got up to find himself in a very different setting from what would be his home.

"Phew, thank goodness I woke up from that nightmare," he joked to himself in a low tone, but was completely shocked to hear his own voice, which sounded too robotic and deep.

"What? Oh, right, all that happened," he said to himself, recalling the events of yesterday, although his memory was confusing, especially in the parts where he was Golden Freddy.

"But when did I fall asleep? The last thing I remember is talking to Nanami until... until I couldn't hold onto control... shit!" Lucius thinks as he realizes he doesn't know what he did or where he is….again.

Determined to find out what happened, he first takes a look at the place he's in, which seems to be a "normal" house, or at least that's what he assumes, as there is a central table in the middle. To the left of the table area, presumed to be the dining area, is the television with the couches, and to the right of the table is the kitchen, something normal, very normal to have ended up here. Finally, there is a hallway that connects to the bedrooms in the middle.

'Well, it seems like a normal house until it isn't. So let's investigate' he thinks before walking as silently as possible with a body like that of Golden Freddy.

As he walks, he somehow smells blood. 'I can smell, despite being an animatronic. In fact, now that I think about it, I shouldn't have any of my senses. I guess that's something I'll investigate later' he thinks as he enters the room where he smelled the blood.

And, as if to break the foolish optimism that Lucius still held onto despite everything that had happened, he sees disfigured corpses all over the room, full of bites and claws, along with looks of terror and fear, showing the unimaginable pain they suffered as they died. Blood was scattered throughout the room, completely staining the image of being in a normal place. "No... *heavy breathing* this..." he says with a trembling voice as he observes the scene worthy of a horror movie.


Upon seeing the terrifying and heart-wrenching sight for the first time, he manages to revert back to his human form. The curious thing is that he didn't actually want to become human again, and upon returning to his original state, he involuntarily vomits everything in his stomach. "*Bleugh* Why? *Bleugh*" he wonders amidst the chaos, with tears and mucus mingling with the vomit.

Some may think he's overreacting, but the truth is quite the opposite. Even though he doesn't consciously think about it or have an opinion on it, Lucius feels a terrible chill in his body while vomiting, feeling worse than sick as he madly watches HIM kill each of the people he sees in multiple never ending hallucinations. Luckily, just like in previous times, his brain starts automatically suppressing these memories as if his body has been adapting to withstand trauma.

"Damn it... What do I do now?" he laments, curling up in the fetal position in the corner of the room, unable to stop looking at the corpses despite the disgust and pain they cause him. Feeling as if something is forcing him to observe them.


Unfortunately, he didn't even have time to mourn, as he quickly realizes with great urgency that he has lost his most powerful weapon, 'The Mask' he thinks while looking around quickly, but he can't see it anywhere. Panic seizes him, just as he was about to fall into a state of deep sadness and fatigue over what has happened and the sudden disappearance of his valuable mask. In an unexpected moment, a shadow emerges from his hand, briefly materializing and then disappearing, leaving Freddy's mask back in his hands as if it never left.

'That's good, but come on, you are now Golden Freddy so we must prove ourselves worthy of the title and move forward without getting hurt until it's all over' he says to himself, in a feeble attempt to motivate himself.

"Okay first *Burgh* I'm going to get some water, yeah" he says after vomiting one last time and heads to the kitchen to get water.

After drinking water, he decides to look for some food although he starts to notice that he hasn't felt hungry or the need to go to the bathroom. 'I should make a list of all my apparent new abilities, and I should also try to learn how my powers work and control them, but first I'll do some research about this world and look for a backpack to carry some useful things like money and knives, but first I should watch the news in this world and see if there's anything that can give me information about where I am' he thinks to himself.

"Bingo," he says as he sees a bag of chips and then takes out ketchup and mayo from the fridge to put on the chips. (A/N: I got hungry while writing this)

He then walks eating his chips calmly towards the couch and sits down to turn on the TV, watching the news, just at the typical moment when they give the weather report, noticing that it is already 9:26 PM, so more time has passed than he thought.

However, what really makes it clear to our protagonist what is happening is seeing people on the news with Asian features. Somehow, he was able to read and understand what was being reported on the news, which provided him with the basic information he needed. "I figured, I'm in Japan" he can't help but exclaim dramatically as he continues eating his chips, as if he had just witnessed a grotesque scene and there were no corpses in the next room.

Lucius continues flipping through news channels, observing different events as he learns about some things, like it being the year 2018 and that it's January. "Maybe I can invest in bitcoins" he thinks amusingly at the idea of becoming a millionaire, but quickly dismisses the idea because he still plans to return home and already has enough things to do without adding that to his list.

"*Sigh* I don't want to do anything," he says with a tired voice. 'But my parents didn't raise a lazy person' he thinks before getting up and searching for useful things in the other rooms, luckily without finding any more corpses.

'So, I have a backpack with pencils and notebooks. Also, I'm carrying a flashlight, something mandatory if anything is involved with Five Nights at Freddy's. I also brought some knives, bags of chips, and lastly, my water bottle' he thinks satisfactorily about what he has found.

And with one less thing to do before leaving the house, he decides to try and control his powers, especially when remembering the words of the mysterious voice.

"Let's see" he thinks before sitting on the floor in the lotus meditation position and focusing deeply. For the first time since arriving in this world, he starts to try and understand his powers, particularly that ability to conceal his mask in the shadows. Or maybe that shadow attracts his mask. There are plenty of possibilities on how it works, and each one opens doors to different types of uses.

Then, Lucius manages to reach the shadow, but unlike what he thought, it surrounds him like a pure aura that constantly envelops him. "Agh!" he complains as he grabs his head due to the fear and pain he felt upon making contact with it. *Heavy breathing* "That's to be expected from something from FNAF," he says while curling up in a corner with fear flooding his entire being. Although, despite that, he has become somewhat accustomed to the feeling of fear and the hallucinations it causes.

"That could be a remnant. If is remnant, that partially explaining its abilities and properties, also explaining the fear and pain, but why does it remain inactive when I don't use it?" our protagonist wonders with curiosity when the effect of fear surprisingly faded quickly.

'And if it is a remnant, it's a bigger problem since we never fully understood how it worked and there were only theories, and we only knew something about its effects but not how it functions' "I don't know if I should be happy or sad," he murmurs to himself while realizing that he could now be immortal due to the effects of the remnant. 'Still, I shouldn't rush, it could be something else and not necessarily a remnant. Remember, you're in a world of drugged sorcerers' he thinks to himself.

'Thinking about that, maybe I should try to learn how to harness the cursed energy. That should be safer to learn, and that way, I can strengthen myself. And when I experiment with my other powers, I won't be defenseless' he thinks after careful consideration of his options.

'Controlling cursed energy according to the anime was difficult and required rigorous training and emotional control. However, a large part of the results will depend on my talent' he thinks, getting a little excited at the prospect of having powers or acquiring his own cursed technique, completely ignoring his previous failure.

Then Lucius stands up and places his fists in front of him, trying to control and once again feel the cursed energy to reinforce his arms with it.

And as if opening his eyes again, he starts feeling the cursed energy not only in his body but also in the surroundings, which surprises him and breaks his state of concentration, causing him to close his "eyes" with which he saw and felt the cursed energy.

"Wow, that was amazing" he can't help but say as a smile forms on his face, seeing how despite technically not achieving anything, he was able to feel not only the cursed energy in his body but also that of the surroundings, which would take days, months, or even years unless you are Gojo Satoru, and Lucius knows that he has at least some talent, which should not leave him defenseless, or so he believes.

'Now yes' he thinks before concentrating again and reaching the same previous state, 'now I must bring the cursed energy to my arms,' he thinks while focusing deeply on bringing the cursed energy to his arms, visualizing not only his own energy but also that of the surroundings filtering into him as his emotions go into a surprisingly fast neutral state, and he achieves it according to what he sees and feels. "Wow, I wonder how strong I am now" he says while happily looking at the result, curiously observing his arms, although suddenly the energy flickers and strengthens or weakens, demonstrating his lack of control over it.

But to verify that it really works, Lucius takes the armchair and realizes that he can hold it relatively easily, but in a careless move due to not reinforcing his legs with cursed energy, he ends up falling onto the armchair, and while trying to regain balance, he ends up breaking the entire armchair with his arms, causing a loud noise.

"Oops," he says while looking at the mess he made. 'Well, at least I was able to learn a new skill, and I'm not so defenseless anymore, although using it in battle or continuously will require training,' he thinks to himself.

While looking at the whole disaster, he begins to realize that all the noise and the fact that someone probably lived here could make a neighbor think that something happened and call the police or come to the house to ask if something happened. Keeping that in mind, along with the paranoia he is acquiring from everything that has happened, he decides that it is time to go out on the street and go sightseeing. ' I'm probably being a little paranoid, but I prefer to be paranoid than dead or in prison, so I'm leaving. But first, I'll take the money' he thinks before going to do the last thing he had to do in the house, the thing he really doesn't want to do, but the circumstances force him to.

So he puts on his backpack with his things and walks slowly towards the room with the corpses. As he walks, he feels the hallway expand and starts to hear voices that make no sense. But despite all this, Lucius remains unfazed. In fact, he has become accustomed to these things almost completely, and the voices telling him, "Put them in an animatronic suit and force them to serve you to seek revenge!" or the other voices saying, "Don't play dumb, we both know you killed them for a just reason and they are paying for it. Why do you fear justice?" no longer affect him."

'*sigh* I hope the souls of these guys don't seek revenge on me' he thinks as he enters the room where the bodies are and once again feels a deep disgust just by looking at them. His breathing quickens, and the urge to leave only grows, but his parents didn't raise a coward, so against his very being and suppressing the urge to run and vomit, he slowly approaches the bodies, crouching with utmost care. When he's close enough to the bodies, he slowly extends his trembling hand into the pocket of each corpse and takes out a wallet, repeating this action with each of the bodies until he had four wallets since not all the corpses had wallets.

He then leaves the room and takes the money from the wallets, but then he sees the identification of one of them and suffers a flashback:

"You think that by killing me, you'll save those girls!! They're already dead, accept it, I won! So give up and call the police!" A teacher yells at Golden Freddy, but he doesn't respond or show any apparent reaction and just walks slowly while cornering the adult.

Lucius's vision goes black again until he sees another memory.

"Come on, friend, we can make a deal" says a muscular man as Golden Freddy approaches him with clear intentions.

"Wait... AGH, please stop!" he cries in tears as Golden Freddy kicks him in the leg, ripping it off in one blow.

"Please, wait..."

And as if Lucius's luck returned, he snaps back to reality without the chance to see everything that happened.

Unfortunately, this affects Lucius in any case and he starts to tremble, but like all the things that have happened to him recently, he pushes them to the back of his mind, focusing only on what is essential and the information, momentarily delaying most of the trauma. 'What was I doing? Oh right, the money' he thinks as he regains composure after seeing a memory that was both his and not his, and his recent memories gradually become blurry, only possible to relive through greater control over his powers.

After all, until he is able to survive on his own, he will be protected by himself.

'Let's see, it should be around 90,000 yen, but I don't know how much that is. I need a cellphone to get an idea of how many dollars that is' he reflects and puts the money in his backpack, preparing to leave as quietly as possible.

"Well, it looks normal," Lucius says to himself as he exits and walks as normally as possible on the street. 'I wonder where they sell cellphones' he thinks, already having a next objective in mind and a clear path to follow.

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: I hope I have achieved the goal of properly showing how your mind and body work despite being a child, although outside of that, it is quite a challenging chapter for me. I mean, I would prefer to write fight scenes, to be honest. Writing a character correctly without making them seem like a robot and making them feel like a distinct being is easier for me (Fighting scenes are the easiest writting for me).

Sans_722 Sans_722

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