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Chapter 11: Outcasts, Friends and Family

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Toji asked, his voice filled with scepticism, the heavy air of intensity lingering like a pressing weight.

"Do I have another choice? It's been a while since I fought anything other than my old man or you. And you know, good appearances. Try to stay hidden will you, not that I need to say that." Atlas said with a small snort, Toji being found wasn't going to happen if the man actually tried to stay hidden.

Stepping towards the ledge he looked down, seeing the large cursed spirit moving beneath them, curling through the lobby of the mall. Looking up he saw the black curtain slowly expand from the sky down, he really needed to learn how to do that. Looks like they were here.

Dropping down as he was growing so used to doing he had to admit it was getting kind of old.

But it was effective. The heavy ripping of the air rushed past him pulling away the noise of his sword hissing from its sheath. Filling it with cursed energy he slammed into the top of the giant beast, a coiling worm-shaped cursed spirit.

Hitting it the entire beast shook, the impact enough to slam it hard into the ground with a responding crash that echoed through the air. The splitting of the lobby tiles filled the air with sharp shards of stone.

Grinning he pushed his cursed energy into the creature, the negative energy travelling throughout the beast sounding the chimes of bells that bounced between the spacial shards that started to form. The echoing of power within his mind. Letting out a deep breath he sent the final pulse through it all.

The network of cursed energy suddenly shattered space in and around the creature as the border between the planes frayed and opened. A network of shattered space branched out, showing bluish miasma-like gaps that opened between the planes. Splitting the creature as large cuts suddenly ripped through its flesh.

Stabbing his sword down he held onto the handle as the blade impaled deep into the beast. Holding him on its back as it started to writhe around on the floor.

Feeling it start to roll over he pulled his sword out and leapt off its back, passing through the air until his feet hit the wall, getting ready to spring back off it.

Shooting from the wall like a bullet he crashed back into the creature slamming it into the far wall before he flipped back and landed solidly on his feet. Raising his blade high he felt the air around it start to distort as the blade fazed in and out of the folding space around it. Cursed energy thickly imbued the blade with his special property.

As the beast wriggled around, turning to face him as giant maws split open all over its head and showed gigantic rows of thousands of sharp teeth. Its crashing body twisted and turned as it started to crawl its way towards him in a mad rage. He simply closed his eyes focusing on his intent.

As the world slowed he heard the footsteps approaching from behind him stop. The swing of his blade filled the air with the shattering sound of space as thousands of cracks webbed from his weapon.

The border between dimensions became so thin that reflections of his motion could be seen. A wave of energy washed from his blade as he tore through the air towards the oncoming cursed spirit. The chiming of hundreds of bells sounding as folding space resembled both shattered glass and mirrors. A blade made out of that folding space sliced through the air from his sword.

A large arcing split shooting from his blade and continuing its destructive path towards the cursed spirit, slicing through it from front to back in one clean motion, the wave of energy finally stopping as the beast stilled… and then vanished. Exorcised.

Smiling Atlas slowly sheathed his sword. So that was a special grade cursed spirit? People's fear towards worms personified.

The curse wasn't that impressive, what was however was this. Walking forward Atlas picked up the horrid red finger from the floor, sliding it into a pocket at his waist before turning to the oncoming Jujutsu High students. Two third years, and a second. All radiating impressive amounts of cursed energy, especially the leading third year who said immediately.

"Who are you! Explain yourself now curse user or I will kill you where you stand!" His voice was low and harsh as he got into a fighting stance, the two people behind him following suit as one drew their sword. Looking between the three of them he knew that only the leader would be a problem if they did fight.

He had a short buzz cut and was wearing the stock uniform that Jujutsu High used, a blue over jacket with blue pants. It was simple and boring, just like the guy seemed to be a solid rule follower. The way he was holding himself was enough to give that detail away.

"Me? I'm Atlas, you probably haven't heard of me yet but I'm joining next year, ask your principal. Anyway, on another note, you guys can handle cleaning up right? Awesome, thank you. Cya round buzz cut!" Atlas said as he waved his hand and stepped into the folding space that he formed behind him. Going to another plain of the third dimension.

"Wait!" The leader called as he slammed his hands together and a shattering shock wave ripped through the air blasting the ground where he had just been standing into powder. The shaking of the entire building showed the strength that the attack had carried.

Blinking in surprise Atlas looked at the destruction glad he had stepped into another plain. That looked like it would have hurt. He could still see his original plain, it just looked like it was underwater with strange reflections sometimes folding through the space around it.

Nodding his head he ran, he couldn't stay fully in another plain for long so he had to find Toji and get out. Climbing back up the building he got to where he had left the man to see him lounging, his back against a pillar as he looked down at the three students that madly started to dash around trying to find Atlas.

Walking out of the folding space he furrowed his brows in annoyance as Toji looked at him before he even started to emerge.

"God damn it I can never sneak up on you," Atlas said with his voice filled with annoyance. "God damn it."

"You've got a long way to go before you can surprise me brat. Also so much for good first impressions. Look at them, they are probably gonna have negative feelings towards you when you join now." Toji stated as he stared down at the small figures.

"Negative feelings? Since when did your language get so formal." Atlas said, focusing entirely on the wrong detail.

"Met a girl, she says I should watch my tongue, damn annoying that is what it is. She is kinda cute though." Toji said, his willpower failing to stop the corners of his lips from curling up slightly as he thought of her.

"Awh that's so sweet. Look at you growing up, you're gonna make your old man cry you know?" Atlas said as he went to pat Toji on the shoulder only to get a fist swung at his head with enough force to level a house. Luckily for Atlas, he was good at using positive energy to dodge surprise strikes now.

"In all seriousness, good on you, you need a woman in your life to take care of you," Atlas said, his voice sounding along with the faint cracking of glass and the chiming of bells as he projected his voice through the dimensions keeping his head safe from any sudden attack.

Standing up Atlas dusted his pants off, glancing at Toji he saw the man's face was showing some emotion, which was rare. After a moment's thought Atlas spoke up changing the conversation to something more comfortable. "I'm thinking of getting some tattoos, want to get matching ones?" Atlas asked, joking around as he started to walk to the edge of the roof and away from the skylight and lobby they were looking down into.

"I can't get tattoos, you know how hard my skin is," Toji said as he started to follow Atlas.

"What about a drink or two then?" He asked, his face masked with a chill smile.

"Sure… You're paying." Toji said after thinking for a moment, shaking his head a bit as they both leapt off the edge of the roof and towards the ground.


Walking through the streets. The mid-day sun shone brightly down onto the crowd of people that walked through the bustle of the city. The chatter filled the air in a cacophony of hundreds of voices each trying to speak above the noise.

The sound of cars whizzing down the road and the hammering of hundreds of feet.

Countless sounds drowned out the small sound of chimes. A soft bell rang through the air as space cracked enough for a young man to step out of the air. No one paying him any mind. They couldn't see the energy, he had simply always been there. Walking amongst them with the crowd being none the wiser.

Making his way through the crowd, Atlas expertly weaved between shoulders and took gaps that he could, soon finding himself walking through the decorated doors and into one of the best jewellers in Tokyo.

With a small smile on his face, he made his way up to the counter. His eyes passed over the earring that he had been eyeing for what felt like months now. He was so close to having it.

"Hello sir, how may I help you today?" A young woman asked as she stood behind the counter smiling brightly at him.

Since he was dressed in his haori, the blues pulled out the dark colour of his eyes and the more formal clothes making him look like someone of status. His handsome face made everyone more welcoming as long as he wasn't dressed like a homeless man.

"Ah, hello, I am here to buy the earring in the window. The one with the sapphires that is currently on display." He said as he reached into one of his pockets placing his hand on the large wad of cash that he had with him. 60 10,000 yen notes.

Carrying around this much cash made him a bit nervous despite how easy he had gotten it, it was still… odd.

"Just one moment then, may I see proof that you are able to make the transaction before I go get the item?" She asked, a polite smile on her face showing that she was a bit sorry but she had to do this as part of the business she was in.

"Of course," Atlas said as he took out the money and put it on the counter. A smile on his face as he did so, counting out the 50 notes that would be required before putting them down and putting the rest back in the clip he was using and then back in his pocket.

Nodding her head she soon came back with the item in a box. It was surprisingly simple buying something this expensive he expected it to be a bit more difficult but… she only had to go get a key from the manager and then the item was in his hand.

After thanking the woman for her service he left the building. Finally, using the piercing in his lobe.

It made him feel fancy…

It was a waste of money but at least he looked fucking gorgeous.


"The fuck are you wasting money on that for! You piece of shit." Frank yelled at him as he pointed at the earring with a wooden spoon.

"Oh shut it old timer. I spent most of the money I made to get you something resembling a house so shut it and stop complaining." Atlas said as he walked down the hall and into the small living room. Being able to see right into the kitchen over the kitchen island that was separating the two spaces.

Turns out Frank had citizenship and everything, using that he had managed to get a small house with the majority of the money he had taken from the gangs he had beaten up. It was getting hard and harder to find them though so he was happy that he would soon be making money for beating the shit out of curses instead.

"You know I was perfectly happy with where I was lad…" he said, his head hanging a bit as he went back to stirring the actual nice pot over an actual burner. "I can't have a fucking fire in here." He said with a grumble to his voice.

"You don't belong there as much as you said I don't. I know you have your… reasons for wanting to live there, whatever your past is with that place I think that it is time to put it behind you." Atlas said, having this conversation again, hoping that he would get through to the man this time.

"You wouldn't understand," Frank said, a small sigh leaving his lips as his shoulders sagged.

"Maybe not, nor do you need to try and make me. How you view yourself is up to you. But I view you as a person, a mentor and a father figure. So I am not going to let someone that I think is good rot out there like that. So I don't care that you don't think that you deserve this, I think you do. So respect me, and take care of yourself. You're getting old… you need an actual bed." Atlas said, his voice surprisingly soft.

"I know, I know. Thank you lad… means a lot." Frank said, glossing over his feelings. "It looks good, piercings suit you." Frank finished as he took bowls out of the cupboard.

"Thanks, my biological father would have rather shot himself than say that," Atlas said, actually smiling, it was nice just being complimented for something that you thought looked good or would look good. "Oh, also grab another bowl, Toji is coming over."

Atlas said, suddenly springing the news on Frank as he stood up and made his way to the cutlery draw. Taking out some utensils as Frank suddenly looked up at him and said. "The fuck! Why is he coming here!" His voice filled with shock and honestly a twinge of fear.

"Oh don't worry, I have fought you both and you are around the same strength he is. And I'll kick his ass if he tries anything. He's coming over because apparently, I have a soft spot for old outcast bastards who pity themselves." Atlas said, poking a jab at Frank.

He didn't know what Frank's story was, yes he wanted to, but he wouldn't pry. He figured the man would tell him when he was ready, until then he would just take care of him like Frank had done to him when he first came here. Keeping him safe and letting him learn.

He was a good man.

"I heard that you brat!" Toji said as he opened the door and just let himself in without knocking.

He wasn't a good man.

"Oh, not you too!" Frank said as he pointed his spoon at Toji and said, "Shoes off before you enter the house and for fuck sake knock! Atlas already phases through the door and scares the shit out of me I don't need another invisible person letting themselves in unannounced! Or I'll turn you to cinders lad!" Frank yelled some fire back in his eyes, despite everything that had been talked about.

Smiling Atlas backed away as Toji gained the most baffled look, he had never been just outright spoken to like that by someone he didn't know. Just before he could ask Frank if he knew who he was Frank beat him to it. "Grab that fucking broom outcast and sweep up the dirt. Honestly, Atlas, your boyfriend is an asshole, you could do better."

His smile flipping into a frown faster than he could realize Atlas suddenly yelled, "I would never date someone with a prick as small as his!" Despite the frown, he was enjoying himself.

Standing there with a look of bewilderment Toji looked between Frank and Atlas as they started arguing before shrugging and grabbing the broom. At least Frank was like Atlas, he could get along with him.

The name rang a bell too… he would figure it out later. If they had been taking care of Atlas then he would trust them. No reason not to, they seemed like a good guy.

Sitting down at the table Atlas couldn't help but openly grin… he liked gathering outcasts… hell, he had been and was one himself.

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