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Chapter 43: Time to Act

Appearing from folding space Atlas emerged in front of Geto, his face deep in serious thought. He had a long discussion with the spirit about its motivations and found them… odd.

It was eye-opening to see a spirit that wasn't very aggressive towards humans. To be fair, they had attacked it first. And it had fought back, yes it had killed people that came into its domain but it had done so to keep word from spreading, it was trying to stay hidden and it had been doing a pretty good job at it.

Were there other spirits based on concepts that people feared the most out there as well that didn't want to destroy humanity?

That probably wasn't the case, darkness was for whatever reason just an exception.

"Geto, I have someone for you to meet, it's a spirit," Atlas said, speaking as he walked forward to the two young boys that looked up at him.

Clearly, they had been talking about something important.

"Is it whatever that thing was that brought Riko back to life?" Gojo suddenly asked as he stood up, he didn't seem that bothered by what they talked about. But his eyes were a bit cautious when he looked at Atlas.

"No… it's someone else." Atlas responded, turning to Geto. He had probably revealed that he saw Frank. Seeing the boy's hesitance Atlas sighed and said. "Look, it's just like the spirits I used to take you to when I finished a mission. This one can speak however and might be willing to join you."

Atlas didn't actually know if Geto could release a spirit that he consumed but it shouldn't be impossible. He would have to talk to him about it later.

While he was bothered that Geto brought something like that up as it made things complicated he to an extent could begin to understand. It didn't change the fact that he was annoyed however, after everything he had done Geto still couldn't keep it to himself. At least it was just Gojo... the boy would have found out sooner or later anyway. But the trust was still broken.

It just meant that he had to push forwards his plans of getting Geto and Gojo involved in taking down Kenjaku. Of course, he would prefer to wait until they were stronger but maybe it was for the best. He shouldn't give Kenjaku time to prepare.

"The spirit has sentience?" Geto said, shocking both him and Gojo as they forgot about what they were talking about.

"Remember Geto, I told you, this world is changing and things are happening, I am sure that more like him exist out there, this world is complicated, so we best be prepared. That is why I want you to consume him so that we can have another strong ally." Atlas said, his voice deadly serious.

He had sent Mizuki out of the hull when he left and told her to wait for him which she now seemed very happy to listen to him. It was mostly so that she didn't hear this conversation or what he was going to say when they were there. Of course, she knew about Kenjaku now but that was a later worry.

"I know that tensions are high right now. That is why we need to work through them. Whatever questions you two have, I am more than willing to listen to and answer, I can explain what really happened." Atlas offered, the quicker he could show these two what scumbags that Higher-Ups were the quicker he could get rid of the annoying pricks in his side.

"For now how about we go talk to a spirit." Atlas offered, finishing the conversation as he motioned to the portal. "You're welcome to come to Gojo."

Nodding his head Geto said, "Alright, but you owe us both some explanations. About Riko and about what is going on. You're involved with Frank and Toji, both known criminals. So… I am finding it a bit hard to trust you right now."

Nodding his head Atlas responded, "I can see how things must look, it's understandable that you are concerned. But do not be mistaken Geto, I owe you nothing. I didn't have to do everything I did to help you, sure I have made mistakes, but there are things you don't understand yet. If you want answers, you will find them one way or another. And after you hear what I have to say it is your choice to choose a side to stand on." His gaze grew colder as he talked.

Watching them both nod, not responding to what he said he followed them through the portal and into the hull of the ship. The twisting cloud of miasma swallowed the three up as they entered. "Let's make this quick, I have a friend waiting for me outside," Atlas revealed as he looked up at the twisting mass of fog. Without any proper light, the only source came from the faint blue glow of the portal behind them. The spirit was once more wreathed in its black sheath of darkness.

"So you have brought the one that can enslave me?" The spirit said, the slow hiss rasping over their ears as the sound of scales grinding echoed throughout the domain as the giant body of the snake coiled around their position.

Seeing Gojo get into a ready stance and a few black portals open Atlas chuckled.

"Your wording makes it sound like you are going to be aggressive. Shall we talk about it more as a partnership for now? I am sure that you and Geto will get along wonderfully." Atlas said motioning to Geto.

Emerging from the black fog willingly was the towering form of the dark serpent. Its red eyes reflected the blue cracks of the portal. "It is a pleasure to meet you spirit shaman." The serpent spoke, its tongue flickering out as it hissed.

"The pleasure is all mine?" Geto said, unsure of himself in this situation.

Deciding to let them talk Atlas stood next to Gojo and listened in.

"hmm, your manner of speech is odd. But alas, that is not a deal breaker. Your benefactor, Atlas, has suggested that I work with you to take down a man called Kenjaku who is trying to ruin the peace I live my life in because I refused to work with him." Darkness explains as he rests his head on the floor. Despite standing up Geto still had to look up to see the spirit's eyes.

"Kenjaku? The man who is trying to take over my body?" Geto says, turning to look at Atlas getting a shocked look from Gojo who looked between them both. Deciding now was the best time to reveal some things, after all, he did want to keep Geto on his side. He wasn't so petty that a bit of annoyance would make him change his plans.

"Yes, he for whatever plan he had, tried to get Darkness here to side with him but as you can see he refused. Now Kenjaku has started causing trouble for him but sending more and more sorcerers after him using his connection to the Higher-Ups that he is manipulating the society through." Atlas revealed getting shocked looks from both Geto and Gojo.

"Wait what? Kenjaku is manipulating the Higher-Ups!" Geto said suddenly, some things making much more sense with Atlas' behaviour and distrust.

If it was true was still a big question though.

"Who the fuck is Kenjaku and why is he trying to take your body?!" Gojo suddenly says, knowing the least of what is going on here.

"I feel that some more communication could have been achieved before coming here." Darkness voiced sagely as he looked between the arguing humans.

"Stay out of this four-eyes," Atlas said quite literally, he disliked that the snake was probably right. He could have revealed some of this sooner. "Okay, Gojo, Kenjaku is a man that can swap bodies and he is trying to take Geto's body because of how useful his technique is. Kenjaku killed Ayumu and then framed Frank for the murder, manipulating Frank's mind with his cursed technique to break him and make him believe that I am some killer asshole so I knocked him out until I could fix him and hid him in the tombs since no one goes there. Got it?" Atlas explained quickly.

"Nope, not at all but move on," Gojo said looking between Atlas and Geto, was there so much that he was unaware of? How come Geto knew? He felt like he was missing out.

Hearing that Atlas shrugged, at least he was taking it better than Geto. He knew that Gojo had started to have doubts about the Higher-Ups ever since the entire incident with Riko.

"Alright back to it," Atlas said pulling them back on track and motioning for Darkness and Geto to continue their talk.

Nodding his head Geto looked back at Darkness and not really knowing what more there was to talk about said, "Well… do you want to help then?" Holding his hand out palm up as if offering Darkness to come to him.

"Can you free me after so that I may live my life in peace after? Atlas has already offered my very own dimension so that I may not be involved in a future conflict." He voiced, approaching closer but not making contact with Geto.

"Of course. I have never freed a spirit before but I know I can, I just never thought that I would need to do such a thing." Geto explained.

Nodding slowly the snake moved closer to Geto before he touched his nose to Geto's offered palm. "Then I shall serve you for now. Only as insurance of my goals."

Nodding his head Geto used his cursed technique. And for the first time in forever, he felt that he just… couldn't. The power of Darkness was too much and easily resisted him but it was only for a moment before Geto's power was accepted.

Condensing down Geto held the softball-sized compressed spirit in his hand. The swirling miasma within was condensed and almost liquid, unlike any other condensed spirit Geto had seen. Sighing Geto looked at the ring, feeling a flash of guilt as he saw it knowing that his doubt towards Atlas was unfounded... he just wanted to do what was right. The ring wouldn't be able to help with this one but he just maned up and forced it into his mouth.

Watching Atlas saw the light start to come back into the hull as the domain broke apart without the spirit there to maintain it.

The rusted hull of the ship came into full view in its decayed glory. Looking back at Geto who was looking baffled he turned to Atlas and said, "It tasted like nothing?" His voice was clearly confused.

"Maybe it was because he did so willingly?" Atlas guessed though it wasn't that important to look into right now. "That's awesome." He said.

"Someone better give me a detailed explanation or I will kick both your asses." Gojo threatened as he looked between Geto and Atlas.

"Well good luck with that Geto, also don't tell anyone what I told you because if Kenjaku finds out you both know he will probably kill you both." Before using his power to push them back through the portal and snapping it shut.

He knew they would have a lot of questions but he couldn't tell them much more without revealing that he knew the future or a version of it which he was not willing to do. He knew that Geto wouldn't jump on anything big without proper reason so he shouldn't say anything at least for now to anyone but Gojo, but he was here. Gojo however didn't like the Higher-Ups or Authority, he was also smart enough to put some pieces together himself.

Nodding his head he made his way out of the hull before going up to Mizuki who was sitting there. Looking at him in awe as he approached her.

"You really did it didn't you? You killed such a powerful spirit?" She asked, her eyes a bit wide as she got up and followed behind him. "Teach me to be as strong as you." She suddenly asks, her voice gaining a cheer to it as she ran to catch up with him.

Looking at her he raised his eyebrow and said, "I can try, but I doubt you will be able to." Atlas said with an amused voice, challenging her a bit to see how she would react to it.

"Oh really? Then give me a few tips and a month at most and I'll be strong enough to defeat spirits like the one we just fought. I'll be special grade too." She declared as she kept pace with him as they both stepped through the portal and into Kyoto's school grounds.

"Alright, I'll give you a lesson or two, let's report this mission first though." He said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He needed more strong allies in the times coming. And she could be one of them. However, because of who she was he figured she must have something to do with Kenjaku, he would rather keep a close eye on her than let her run off.

Something wasn't right with her appearance followed straight away by Darkness.

Walking to the principal's office he walked up to Gakuganji who was sitting down and reading some papers. Looking up at Atlas as he said, "You should knock before entering, don't teach my students bad habits Atlas." His tone was calm despite how annoyed he was.

"I defeated the spirit. It's exorcised now and won't be a problem any further." Atlas says, it was best that everyone but Geto and Gojo thought that it was exorcised, if Kenjaku found out it had sided with them who knows what he would do.

"Very good. You may go." He said waving his hand and dismissing them. Although Atlas didn't miss the look that pierced into the back of his head. Something was up. There was a tension in the air that he felt he could cut with a knife.

"I'll see you around Atlas, I look forward to whatever lessons you are going to teach me," Mizuki said, an excited smile on her face as he left, for some reason she decided to stay behind in the principal's office.

Catching the fading conversation of her wanting to transfer to Toyko he shook his head.

Of course, she did.

Walking towards the front gates Atlas' eyes narrowed as he looked at the figure blocking his path. "What do you want Minori." His tone was on edge, he wasn't in the mood to deal with this asshole in front of him.

"What's wrong Atlas? You seem on edge. Well if it helps you relax you no longer have to worry about the curse user Frank. I found him! Isn't that amazing news!" He said, walking forward with a beaming grin on his face.

Doing everything in his power to not kill Minori now Atlas glared at him waiting to hear what he had to say next, wondering what shit it would be.

Getting closer Minori said close to Atlas' ear, "I can't wait for you to be branded a curse user. Then I will finally be allowed to kill you." His voice sounded genuinely happy about it all.

"If I become a curse user Minori I will kill you first. Got that? And I won't make it quick." Atlas said, genuinely worried about where Frank was. Had they already killed him or were they planning an execution. They couldn't have, they may have found him but they couldn't move him while he was in another dimension much less hurt him.

Seeing Minori walk off to the principal's office he knew that was why Gakuganji had been looking at him.

They had found Frank protected by his powers.

Things just got a lot more complicated.

He had to act now.


Hope you all like the chapter! Thanks to everyone that is supporting this book, I'm glad that a lot of you are liking it!

Big thanks to everyone on Pat reon as well. It means a lot that people would chose to support my work that much.

Romance will be coming soon so let me know who you all think is a good paring for the MC that is around his age. Already seen some support for Yuki and Mei Mei but let me know if there is anyone else.

Thanks once again!

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