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Jujutsu Kaisen: Hurt Jujutsu Kaisen: Hurt original

Jujutsu Kaisen: Hurt

Author: Resounding_Echoes

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1 - Bounty Hunter!

( " " = Dialogue )

( ' ' = Internal Monologue )

( * * = Sound effects )

( ——— = Setting changed )


August 2017

A man dressed in a sharp black suit stood atop a rooftop, his keen eyes fixed on the bustling scene below. The city lights illuminated the surroundings, and the sound of distant footsteps echoed in the night.


Behind the man, a door creaked open, and a figure entered, appearing to be a young man in his teenage years. Half of his face was concealed by a hood, revealing only his mouth.

"You've arrived," the man in the suit remarked, his gaze never leaving the panoramic view. The young man remained silent, waiting for further instructions. "As quiet as ever, I see. No matter. Let's get straight to the point: you have a new target, and this one is more challenging than the previous ones."


The teenager's phone alerted him to a new message as the man continued speaking. "The target's name is Gima Dai. He's known for his extraordinary control over Cursed Energy. Despite lacking a Cursed Technique, don't underestimate him. I have confidence in your abilities, but this man possesses not only strength but also cunning."

After the young man read the message, he found a list of information about the target:


Name: Gima Dai

Age: 28

Strength: Exceptional Cursed Energy Control

Appearance: Wavy Black hair, Brown eyes, ear piercing on his left ear

Location: XXX XXX XXX ( Not Precise )


"You've got a 48-hour time limit. I'd recommend getting started before other potential contenders beat you to it... Though, I doubt anyone else could take him down before you do. Right, Yuji Itadori?" The man's face wore a mischievous grin.

"You're quite the chatterbox. How about you give your mouth a rest once in a while?" Yuji Itadori retorted as he went through the target's information. "You can be quite merciless... Anyway, do you want to hang out after this?" Before the man could finish his sentence, the young man abruptly vanished, showing no interest in hearing more.


Gima Dai's Perspective:

"A bounty has been placed on me, huh? Well, well, well, that sounds like quite the adventure. Whahaha..."

A knife hurtled through the air toward Gima Dai, but he skillfully evaded it by tilting his head slightly, narrowly dodging the attack. "Hold on there, partner. You could've let me finish my sentence."

A figure clad in a black mask stood across from Gima Dai, appearing to be yet another bounty hunter.

"In that case, if you're so eager to meet your end, then let it be as you wish!" Gima declared as he charged at his oponnent, the other hunter doing the same.

As they neared each other, Gima feigned a right hook aimed at the man's face. The man moved to block the blow, but suddenly Gima seized the side of the man's cape and maneuvered around him, ultimately placing a knife against the man's neck, ending his life.

"How boring. Well it doesn't matter, as there's another VICTIM FOR ME! WHAHA"

Suddenly, another figure appeared in front of Gima, wearing a black cape that concealed half of his face. This newcomer, was none other than Yuji Itadori.

"Let me pose a question to you: Are you absolutely certain about challenging me? I have no intention of letting you walk away, but wouldn't the wisest course of action right now would be to flee! You've had a showcase of my power, as you've been observing. Ah, I should probably stop talking and simply end this. Sometimes, I do tend to chatter a bit too much."

The man rushed at Yuji, attempting to strike him, but Yuji swiftly evaded the blow. the man's punch struck the ground, creating a big hole. Itadori seized the opportunity to attack from behind, taking advantage of the man's momentary vulnerability. However, just as Itadori's punch was about to land, the man had a faint grin.

Gima swiftly leaped backward, successfully avoiding Itadori's attack, he then grabbed a knife from his pocket, and charged toward Itadori, attempting to stab him in the back.

From within his cape, Itadori's right hand emerged, revealing a knife that bore a resemblance to a dagger.

[ image ]

Itadori reacted swiftly, turning around and waved his knife.

"Indigo Wave," Itadori whispered softly.

With a fluid motion, he swung his blade, sending a slashing attack in Gima's direction. "Hmm? It seems like you missed, Whahaha," the man erupted in crazed laughter. No visible wounds or marks were left, indicating that Itadori's strike had seemingly failed. Nevertheless, Itadori remained stoic.

Undeterred, Gima rushed at Itadori once more, attempting to punch him in the face. However, as he extended his hand, an unexpected and sudden loss of strength overwhelmed him.

"Wait, what's happening? I...I can't sense any Cursed Energy..." Gima's fist halted mere inches from Itadori's face. "Hey! What have you—" Gima's sentence remained unfinished as a knife swiftly sliced through his neck, cleanly decapitating him. The blade glided through his throat as smoothly as water flows in a river.

Itadori retrieved a bag concealed within his cape and placed Gima's head inside, providing undeniable proof of his successful bounty kill.


Narrator's Insight:

What Itadori just demonstrated is a remarkable extension technique, an aspect of his Cursed Technique.

This technique, known as the "Indigo Wave," essentially enables him to unleash a slashing motion with his knife. Upon contact with the target, it doesn't leave any cuts or wounds. Instead, its effect is to hinder the target's movement, it also renders the victim incapable of manipulating Cursed energy on the place they were slashed.

The effectiveness of this technique varies depending on the opponent's strength. Skilled sorcerers may have the ability to counteract it by exerting control over their own Cursed Energy.


Chapter 1 Concludes

(Author's Note: I hope you all had an enjoyable experience with this chapter. Please consider showing your support, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one... Fingers crossed! ✌️)

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