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Chapter 79: Merge Souls

Gabi pov

The gut-wrenching scene of young Gabimaru mercilessly slaughtering his own mother replays in a never-ending loop, each time chipping away at his already shattered soul. Adult Gabimaru stands far away, but the agonizing pleas of his mother still ring in his ears as he tightly covers them with his hands and shuts his eyes, unable to bear the weight of his guilt. The once pristine hallways of the Gojo residence are now permanently stained with Mrs. Gojo's blood, coating the wooden floors in a sickening crimson hue. Her dying screams continue to haunt the narrow, dark corridors, their echoes forever etched into the walls as a reminder of Gabimaru's unforgivable act.

(Please, please, please stop it.)

Gabi's body writhed and twisted on the eerie ground, which seemed to absorb any hint of light and become even darker. The haunting voice of Higanbana added to the torment, its silky yet chilling tones latching onto Gabi's soul and inflicting further damage. It echoed through the night, sending shivers down Gabi's spine and causing every hair on his body to stand on end. He couldn't escape the grip of this otherworldly presence, trapped in a realm between dream and reality.

"You are telling me to stop? imagine how your mother felt when you killed her. She just wanted to live but you took that privilege away from her." Her voice dripped with venom, each word a stinging dose of poison that seeped into his soul and devoured it whole. Every utterance from her lips felt like a dagger piercing his heart, leaving behind a trail of toxic hatred that festered within him. Each moment spent in her presence drained him of any remaining light, replaced instead by numbing darkness fueled by her malevolent tone.

Gabi's hands become claws as they dig into the sides of his head, determined to rip his ears off and leave him permanently disfigured. With each tug, he feels a searing pain, but he refuses to relent until suddenly, a sharp slap hits his palms, startling him out of his violent trance.

" Do not fall for it, master!" Jorogumo's high-pitched voice pierced through his mind, echoing like a siren as she desperately tried to pull him out of the never-ending nightmare he was trapped in. She shook his shoulders, her eight spider legs clicking against the ground with urgency.

" They need you, Master. You cannot fail them, you cannot fail Misumi. Wake up now!" Determination fueled her as she refused to give up, even though the odds of winning the war were slim. But deep within her, a plan simmered and sparked, ready to ensure their victory. Higanbana, the source of so many problems, needed to be stopped before she caused any further harm to this already fragile world. If they didn't take action now, who knew what other destruction she might bring upon them all? The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her shoulders as she pushed forward with unwavering resolve.

Gabi's heart raced as he fought against the paralyzing fear that gripped him. His eyes remained tightly shut, fearing what gruesome image might appear before him. He shook his head in an attempt to banish the haunting noises that surrounded him, desperately wishing for silence. Even when he recognized Jorogumo's voice, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was all just another sick and twisted game orchestrated by Higanbana. Every fiber of his being trembled with terror at the thought of what horrors awaited him. " Shut up, shut up, just shut the fuck up!" His voice cracked and rose in a frantic state, almost bordering on a scream. Despite his growth into a man, he regressed back to his ten-year-old self, terrorized by Higanbana's world where intense training was necessary for survival. The urgency to hide and escape consumed him as if he were reliving those childhood fears all over again. The dim light of the room cast shadows across his face, making him appear more vulnerable and lost in the chaos of his thoughts. He wanted to run away from it all, but he knew he had to face his fears head-on.

Jorogumo's eyes bore into her master's fragile state, but she remains unwavering in her loyalty towards him. For over a decade, she has devoted herself to his service and is proud to fight by his side. In a desperate attempt to break through the web of manipulation spun by Higanbana, she clings onto him with all her might, hugging him so tightly that her nails dig into his skin. Her heart brims with overwhelming admiration for him, as she desperately tries to dispel the dark thoughts planted by their enemy. "Master, you are not alone anymore. Trust us like how we trust you." Jorogumo kindly whispered, "We need you more than ever. Come back to us." She ran her fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp as she tried to soothe him. The silky strands felt like a soft caress against her fingertips, and she could feel the tension in his body start to ease under her touch. She whispered words of comfort and love, hoping to bring him peace amidst his struggles. "Let's beat her down together."


Author pov

On the blood-soaked battlefield, Higanbana's maniacal laughter echoes through the air as she towers over the two sorcerers beneath her. With contempt in her eyes, she sees them as nothing but insignificant ants, squirming in fear and defeat under her feet. She revels in her triumph, taking pleasure in their suffering before delivering the final blow. "The honor one is what people call you, Saturo. I wonder how their faces will be when I have you here laying in the dirt." she changed her sights onto Makima, " And you? The hot-tempered red-haired ice queen. Wow . . . that's a mouth full to say. Hot Tempered is correct but Ice Queen? I beg to differ."

Makima's lips curled into a sneer as she glared at the woman in front of her, her eyes blazing with hatred that had been building for this whole night. She could feel her fists clenching and unclenching, ready to unleash all of her pent-up anger " I never named myself that and I don't care for names but Higanbana? Sounds like a bitch begging for attention." Makima clenched her fists and pushed herself up, her eyes locked with the woman towering over her. The tension between them crackled like electricity as Makima refused to back down.

With a furious glare, Higanbana notched an arrow onto her bow and aimed it at the younger woman. She gritted her teeth as she saw the dismissive expression on the other woman's face after being insulted so casually. "You have some fucking nerves-" Higanbana's voice was drowned out by the deafening roar of the earth beneath them. The ground shook violently, threatening to tear apart at any moment. Suddenly, massive rocks began to converge and spin in a frenzy like a swirling vortex, shooting up into the sky with ferocious speed. The three beings on the ground were struck with shock and confusion as they watched the broken terrain transform into a menacing eye in the sky. The fiery red clock in the center of the eye glowed with an ominous aura, casting an eerie light over everything below. Higanbana's heart dropped as she recognized the sign - this was a warning of impending doom, and she knew she was in grave danger. Fear seized her body as she realized she may not make it out alive.

As Gabimaru emerged from the shadows, his once familiar appearance was hardly recognizable. His hair now flowed in long, wild waves of oily black, and strange markings covered his toned, muscular body. But it was his eyes that struck fear into those who dared to look upon him - cold and deadly, burning with a deep hatred for the one person who stood before him. No one would believe this was the same man who had shed tears just moments ago. His aura radiated with darkness and malice, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who crossed his path.

"Gabi . . ." Makima's voice was barely a whisper as she spoke, and even though Gojo stood right beside her, he strained to hear her words.

"Gabimaru, what happened?" Gojo asks the question that everyone wants to know.

"I see you found out that secret move. I never told you about it and you found out anyway. That's quite alarming." As Higanbana stood her ground, her fists clenched tightly at her sides and her eyes narrowed determinedly. Though she could feel the tables turning against her, she refused to show any sign of fear or weakness. Her pride simply wouldn't allow it. " Since you are here for business no need to prolong things here." With a fierce determination, she thrust both hands into the air and clapped with such force that the sound reverberated through every inch of the area. In an instant, the ground began to tremble violently, causing a chaotic frenzy as hundreds of curses from special grades to grade 4 erupted in unison. Like rabid dogs, they all sprinted toward the center of the field, their blood boiling with anticipation and adrenaline.

Without wasting a single moment, Gabimaru's eyes burn with an intense determination as he trusts his companions to handle the cursed beasts. He sets his sights on one target - Higanbana - and his vision is finally able to see her true lifespan now that she no longer has control over him. With lightning speed, he charges into the chaos, tearing through any curses in his path with savage prowess. Their heads are ripped off and their blood drenches Gabimaru like a badge of honor. With the aid of the ominous evil eye in the sky, there are no weak spots for his enemies to exploit, as it alerts him to any possible attacks before they can even strike. Nothing will stand in Gabimaru's way as he fights on with unrelenting ferocity.

"I believe in you, Master. Remember you have limited time to take her down." Jorogumo spoke within his soul.

" I won't waste it, especially since it costs your life. I'm going to end her."


"Master, my memories are still scrambled but I do remember a few things that came to me tonight."

" What is it?"

" The night you killed your mother, so quickly because you can suck the lifespan of others once you awaken your eyes. This gave me an idea on how to take her down."

Gabi's jaw clenched as his hand instinctively moved to rub his forehead in frustration., "It's not that simple, she is an ancient curse. Me taking away some measly life from her won't do any harm."

"That's the case where I come into play."

" What do you mean by that?"

" As far as I know, I've been part of her inner circle for 2,000 years. That puts her around the same age since she was a young and ruthless killer back then. When you awaken your eyes you can take away 10 years of someone's life. When we merge our souls, it will go up to 100 years."

" What -"

"We both know what I mean, Master. I will give up my life to you. Only people in her inner circle can do this and I doubt the other four want to lose their life. Since she gave her circle to you, we must take this chance."

"I can't do that . . . you are asking the impossible right now."

"It's a wise decision to make. Your emotions are clouding your rationality. To safeguard one, you must relinquish the other. I'm willing to sacrifice my life for yours. But time is of the essence; you must defeat her before the black markings on your skin fade away."

Flashback Ended

"I won't ruin this chance. Believe that," he grunted as he closed in the distance between him and Higanbana.

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