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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Hey girl, are we good to go now?" Grace asked Julie after putting her luggage in the car.

"Yeah, I am but wait, did I see someone like Jason here? " Julie replied looking out of the window trying to confirm if she really saw Jason drive in with Geff, Grace's boyfriend.

"Yes, Jason's is here with Geff." Grace smirked at her.

"Really now Grace? Why? " She asked  her seemingly annoyed.

" Look here Julie, I'm sorry okay? We both know the guy have been showing some liking for you lately. Why not give it a shot? I mean, he's been a friend of yours for close to four years now. You can't say he's a stranger. So use this trips we go and get to know the other side of him. He's a nice guy after all. " She suggested knowing that her friend was going to overreact.

"Gee, so that's what this is all about. You want to hook me up with this Jason? For goodness sake Grace, how many times have I told you I don't want to get involved with men and love issues? Don't you get it? " Julie hissed at her so she could avoid screaming coz that's exactly what she felt like doing. How was she going to enjoy the trip with this Jason trying to get her be his girlfriend? He was truly nice and handsome but Julie didn't see herself liking him whatsoever. If she was to like him, then she would have done so long ago. Men issues had been a past for her and she never bothered anymore. She was okay with being single even if she got lonely. Life had taught her lessons that she didn't want to encounter again.

"I get it Julie. I do but for heaven's sake, you won't live single forever. Eventually you'll have to find someone and maybe the someone is here but you are busy turning your back on him. Wake up Julie. You are 26 like seriously. Five years of being single is enough." Grace couldn't give up but pushed further. She sure wished her friend could break the chains that she had chianed herself in and give it another shot. She well understood why she had made that choice but she believed she deserved to be loved and to love someone too.

"I don't care whether am 26, 30 or even 60. The choice is mine to make and don't keep pushing me Grace. I've gone through enough already. So give me a break and if you are really so desperate to hook me up with Jason, then you can as well go for the trip yourselves." Julie said sternly as she turned to look outside again.

" You are coming girl. Whether you like it or not. Besides, we're doing this for you not us." Grace told her as she helped her carry her luggage outside.

Knowing how stubborn Grace was, Julie sighed following her outside to where the boys were. She just had no choice since the trip was due to her hit song, but then she was going to make Jason give up.

"And here comes our music star." Geff cheered the moment she saw her.

" Hey Geff, it's been long since I saw you." Julie greeted hugging him.

" A month, yeah. How have you been doing?" Geff asked her.

"Been fine, as you can see your crazy girlfriend hasn't killed me yet." Julie chuckled as she commented.

" I should be the one complaining you know." Grace chuckled too.

" Hey, beautiful." Jason who had been putting the luggage in the car interrupted tyem as he moved forward to hug Julie.

"Hey Jason." She greeted stretching her hand forward to avoid hugging him. Jason noticing that also stopped moving and stretched his hand too.

"You look stunning this morning. I actually like what I'm seeing." Jason commented trying to flirt with her.

" Ooh really? Thanks. Can we go now guys?" Julie rolled her eyes at him as she entered the car and made herself comfortable at the back seat. Grace who was aware of why Julie had the attitude just smirked and entered the car after her.

"Hey Julie, you should have taken the front seat you know." Grace commented when they were all in the car.

" And why is that, woman?"  She asked her knowing exactly what was going on in her mind.

"Because Jason is the one driving. Geff should be here with me as we try to catch up you know." Grace said that and both men in the front seat turned to look at Julie. Of course that was their plan and they expected Julie will buy it.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? Jason better start driving before I change my mind and stop going for this trip." She said sternly.

" Okay ma'am." Jason answered and started driving.

"So what's the plan since you guys didn't involve me in the plan." Julie asked.

" We are driving to the airport, then of course take a flight to Nairobi, thereafter we head to AkotheeSafaris headquarters. From there they'll take over, straight to Masai Mara." Geff explained to her.

" Awesome. 'Akothee Safaris' is the real deal." Julie said happily clapping her hands. She was a fan of Akothee Safaris', since the CEO, Akothee, was her favourite celebrity. They shared a lot in common and she always longed to meet her someday.

" Eiish, easy now. We all know Akothee is your woman. So relax. That's the reason why we actually chose Akothee Safaris'." Grace told her.

" And I appreciate it." She replied happily.

" But really Julie, what makes you love that woman? She seems crazy and misleading to me. I mean many Kenyans can testify that." Jason commented

" Hey look here Jason. Why I love her is non of your business. You people who hate her have no absolute reason for that. You are just quick at judging her but still it won't change my perception of her. She's still my favorite. Got that?" Julie bawled at him meaning every bit of word she said.

" Hey Jason. You are over stepping the line dude. If you want Julie to like you, then better be a fan of Akothee. Otherwise you'll be enemies in no time." Grace chuckled

" My girlfriend is right dude. You better start being a fan if you want to win her." Geff whispered to Jason in the front seat but the women at the back could still hear him.

" Can you please stop talking about me when I'm just right here?" Julie complained.

" Okay, Julie. I'm actually a fan of hers too. Just that I was commenting on people's opinions. So since I'm a fan, can you please like me back?" Jason teased her.

" You must really be mad if you think I'm ever going to like you Jason." Julie smirked at him.

" You've got a lot of certainty I see." Jason continued to tease her.

" Of course. It's Julie Blacks we are talking about here."  She rolled her eyes at him.

" What if I say that I'm going to prove you wrong huh?" Jason said meaning what he said. It looks like he had plans to sweep Julie off her feet.

"If that's the case, then I'll just say you are being too full of yourself Mr. You should go easy on yourself." Julie sarcastically answered him.

" You are the one who should go easy on yourself Julie. Infact you should go easy on your heart and let it love once again." Grace who had been quiet following their conversation commented.

"If I'm still on my right minds, I think I wasn't talking to you Grace. Neither did I ask for your opinion. So kindly shut it." Julie scolded her.

" I actually second her Julie. Grace is right. You should go easy on your heart. Give Jason a chance to love you. He's really been trying to make you see that he is interested in you but you are pushing him away." Geff supported too. He knew his friend had been interested in Julie for quite sometime now but Julie had proved stubborn.

"Geff, I didn't know you were also part of this. Anyway how much is Jason paying you guys? You know I can always pay even a triple amount. And if he is going to fund your engagement celebration, you know I can always fund your wedding plus your honeymoon." Julie sarcastically said addressing Grace and Geff.

"Damn, really Julie?" Grace said hitting her shoulder.

" Ooh now you are hitting me? And if I may ask, when are you guys going to get engaged, you've dated for so long. Looks like me who is single now can even get married before you do yet you are here acting all knowing in my love life." Julie said with her tone of sarcasm.

" And how does that concern you. As long as we love each other. What's the point of rushing things." Grace tried to defend their love though what Julie said actually hit her. They had dated for almost three years now and Geff hadn't shown any signs of proposing or talking about marriage. She had always assumed that he was waiting for her to get done with her studies, but she had completed her masters degree a year ago and nothing had happened. Nevertheless she didn't want to let her friend's sarcasm get into her.

"Haha, rush you say? Then why do you guys want to rush my life. Anyway, 'msijali, mtaachana tu.'( Don't worry, you'll just break up)". Julie couldn't stop her sarcasm though a part of her felt it was going to happen somehow. She really didn't wish her friend any bad luck but  she felt Geff might be playing with Grace's mind.

"Julie, for goodness sake! Your sarcasm isn't really pleasant to the ears you know." Grace hit her shoulders again, this time looking at her with a hurt-like face.

"Okay okay, guys. Stop fighting we are here." Jason cut them shot when they reached the airport. " Everyone out." He ordered.

They all stepped out and headed in. Seems like their fight ended there, but the look on Grace face showed that they were going to revisit it. The two of them, Julie and Grace.

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