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Chapter 12: Taking Care Of Some Loose Ends

Nezan POV:

Two months have passed since the unfortunate demise of the Malfoy patriarch, and as expected, the wizarding world is in flames as the Aurors investigated many families, and as they had very damning evidence, the trials were merely a facade. Step by step, I watched the dark lord's support fall one by one. The only ones left were those who ran away and that werewolf, whose name, I believe, is Fenrir Greyback.

But for now, every daily newspaper I receive shows the virtual collapse of the former supporters of the Dark Lord, and with most of them being cowards, the dementors will be having a feast for days. 

The stragglers are too few to mount anything of worth, and they have lost all their money and assets. While this will leave the innocent families of those charged with less, they still have access to a decent sum.

In comparison, they will no longer be able to live in their own estates manned by servants and house elves and will be reduced to normal two-story housing. Woe is them. If people can live in rooms barely the size of a normal person, they can live in normal housing. But with those complaints out of the way, my training in Magic has been fruitful as I have been able to master short-range apparitions as well as long-range teleports.

Regarding my training in charms and transfiguration, the former I have been focusing on heavily, I have become a competent duelist if I do say so myself. Still, it is hard to gauge my skill level without anyone to compare it to. Another development was ironically from a drawback of all things as the drawback I took that made teen drama a thing at age 14/15 has surprisingly made me physically mature at a faster pace. 

Nothing ridiculous, might you, as I will not be an adult for a long time, but in comparison to a normal 10-year-old, I have the body of around a 13-year-old, and receiving decent nutrition and a good exercise regime has made my form all the more comfortable. Don't mind the fact that I'm not going to be benching hundreds of pounds anytime soon, at least physically, but I am definitely above average for the teenage archetype. 

All the better as the inmate has arrived, and I have managed to lure him into an abandoned part of London so the statute of secrecy will not be broken. Also, the trace will activate if I cast Magic near-aware muggles. So I sit behind a large crate as the warehouse doors open with a large creaking sound, and the man who sounds utterly mad walks in after closing the door and using an incendio spell to fuse the doors shut.

"Come out, freak! I know you are here! I can smell your dirty blood from here just like that wench, Lily." The insults do not land as I am way too pragmatic for them to land, and I am not Harry, so instead of doing that, I wandlessly darken the room to pitch-black darkness.

"Darkening the room huh? Smart for your age, it almost makes me sad to kill you, but I would be lying, so let us end this, shall we?" Chuckling, I place my goggles over my face and send out a variant of the Lumos spell that flies right into his face, blinding him.

"Bugger me! You're a piece of shit, you know that! Do you have no honor!" Running to another part of the room, I shouted, "Coming from the rapist and attempted murderer, that is almost a compliment, you worthless man." 

This does not phase him as he waddles around in the dark, which I take advantage of to cast a caligomentis that produces a magic mist that envelops the warehouse. As the man finished rubbing his eyes, he looked to see a gray mist in front of him.

"Is this all you have?! Petty tricks! Your dueling is as proud as your heritage! Lackluster in all regards!" Before he finishes, I cast an expelliarmus spell, knocking the man back into the wall hard, and as he groggily gets up, he waves his wand, summoning air that disperses the mist. Seeing me for the first time, he grows a smirk as he says, "Your eyes are just like hers. Disgusting green, if not for James, I would have gouged out those eyes."

Grasping his wand, he attempts an unforgivable, which I immediately dodge as the green energy flies past me, too. I counter with a blasting charm followed by a binding charm that hits center mass as his senses and body have been dulled by his time in Azkaban. 

I imagine the only reason he is still cognizant is because of the drawback and as he groans on the ground I hit him with a sectumsempra cutting his wand arm off and then using accio to take it in my hands and break it over my knee.

With his wand gone and his arm a bleeding stump, he mutters on the ground incoherently, "I can't lose to filth like you. I can't die like this. I won't be overshone by the son of that whore again!" 

Hearing this, I take his wand that had a sharp end and stab the man through his right eye, to which he screams out in pain. While I can't use an unforgivable quite yet, it does not mean I cannot inflict pain my own way.

His insults could not stand, so in the next hour, I cut off each of his limbs one by one and kept him awake through all of it, but after that hour, I saw no point in continuing this and simply said, "Well, this has been enlightening but its time for this to end and do you know what's funny I don't even know your name. You were so forgettable that even the paper that was released showing your Escape did not even remember your name. So die and be forgotten."

I take his own wand and stab him through the chest, right through his heart, and as he looks at me with utter hatred in his eyes, all I feel is indifference. Because what I was dealing with was not a person but a roadblock created by my own decision, he was born to kill me, so this ending was inevitable. 

After using a spell to absorb all the blood off of my body into a ball, I disintegrated into nothing and did the same with his body. After leaving the warehouse, I saw Kreacher waiting outside. I asked, "Did you just get here? I could have used some help, you know."

Kreacher then forms an almost smile as he says, "Lord Potter, even Kreacher knows that is a lie that man was at his wit's end and was exhausted by the chase y ou made him undertake. If you lost, you would have been a failure to your ancestors."

It seems my house elf has managed to become a bit cheeky as I snort, with him snapping away to take care of the rest of the evidence that I may have missed. I take some time to clean off the blood from the killing, and I then disappear back to the Dursley's home. 

With my Mastery of mind magic, I have been able to systematically make it so that they don't even acknowledge my presence anymore, as I am both visible and invisible. This works to fold as while they now provide me with basic meals that I don't have to cook anymore, even though I mostly do them, memories will show that they have been interacting with me.

The problem with straight-up erasing people's memories is that it leaves blanks that people can obviously see, and as such, you'll need to create new ones to fill in the blanks, which takes a lot of work, so why create and destroy when you can simply manipulate perspective and the thought process. If any of them were Wizards, it would have taken far longer as magically inclined beings are much more resistant to mental manipulations.

But now that the inmate has been taken care of, all that is left to do is to deal with Tom, and it is simply only a matter of time now as when I arrive in Hogwarts, I will deal with the diadem as well as the Basilisk as I do not want to keep a large murder animal in the basement of a children's school. Regarding Professor voldie face I will most likely take care of him during the first year while dealing with the diadem and the Basilisk all at once.

The next step is going to be dealing with the ring in the Gaunt house, which I have been able to locate with some good old-fashioned record checking. Even Wizards have to be a part of the census, so after a decent number of hours looking through books at the library, I found the address. Looking at Dudley as he snores on the couch, I shake my head and my small break and appear over to the Gaunt home.

I appear outside the door, and even now, the place feels uncomfortable as it seems like the Horcrux within my soul spaces reacting to this place, and while the curse is in, charms are keeping it down. It's kind of like having an itch you can't scratch. 

Before I even attempt to enter the home, I place many disillusionment charms and notice my nots and concealment wards as I begin to work against the home's curses. Luckily, it seems like they have waned over the years due to not having anyone to power them, and they broke as easily as a pair of scissors cutting through a couple of pieces of paper as there was some resistance.

Upon opening the door, I see the entire house in disrepair and covered in cobwebs and dust. But due to my innate Soul Magic, I can feel the imprints of depraved emotions coming from everywhere as masses of anger, insanity, and sadness have flooded this place. Seeking to leave as quickly as possible, I locate the ring simply lying on the ground under the table in what I assumed was a kitchen.

Before even touching it, I use my wand to telekinetically float in front of me using a variant of the accio spell and begin to systematically disable and not break the curses on the ring as I need them as a means to end Dumbledore if I need to rely on this plan. The process is rather slow, but because a younger dark lord made the curses, I am able to get through them after hours of curse-breaking charms and various other spells.

While I'll never admit to being a master of the dark arts, my proficiency has become a bit of a journeyman as I hold the curses in the air, grab the ring, and magically pry the resurrection stone from the ring's gem slot. As I hold the second Deathly Hallow, I can feel it urging me to summon various spirits, but I ignore it as this is not the place to summon any spirits.

As I reconnect all the curses to the ring I take a rock I found outside and transfigure its shape and color to be the same as the resurrection stone. So when Dumbledore comes knocking and finds the ring, he will place it on his finger and die, if not by the curse or by some other means. Before I can pat myself on the back, there is one more thing I need to do.

Heading over to the cemetery in the town where the Goblet of Fire's climax would take place, I go over to the graves of the Riddle family and, using a form of sectumsempra, I cut a large square into the grave of Tom Riddle Senior and destroy every single bone in that grave so that Voldemort cannot reform a body. Placing all the dirt back onto the ground, I immediately teleported back to the Dursley's home and headed into the trunk.

But not after replacing the bones with another random body in another grave that was female of course.

As I climbed down the stairs into the various rooms of the trunk, Priscilla was there to greet me by flying over and perching on my shoulder and looking over me as if looking for injuries. I pet her softly as I say to her, "You have no need to worry, princess. It will take a lot more than a rotted former prisoner and a couple of curses to keep me down." Priscilla raises her eyebrow at this but remains still as I lay on the bed and go to sleep, satisfied with a job well done.

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