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Chapter 16: Floo Flame Network

Some minutes passed and Kai woke up finding Jörmungandr and Fenrir covering him while Huninn and Muninn were watching over them making sure nothing disturbed his rest.

"It seems I have lost control once again," says Kai remembering some bits of what happened after the sword pinned him on the ground.

He petted Fenrir and Jörmungandr as they moved down of Kai before Jörmungandr coiled himself around Kaiser's body while Fenrir howled at Kai wanting some more pats which Kai followed through as he petted Fenrir a bit more when he turned to Huninn and Muninn who were resting on a sphere which has a lot of Ancient Magic stored inside.

They flew toward Kaiser and landed on his shoulders when he hears, "It seems the Mighty Berserker has awakened from his beauty sleep."

"I got careless," says Kaiser back as he looks at his Ancestor.

"I heard the same from Odin himself," says Morrigan while looking at Kaiser who seemed to have recovered completely from the fight against the Knight.

"So I wasn't imagining Havi being here," says Kai happy that it wasn't just his imagination.

"Yes, but you should claim your reward," says Morrigan curious about what Kaiser would do.

Kai looked at the sphere and touched it before removing his hand while saying, "I don't need more power. If I were to absorb the energy inside of the sphere I would destroy all those years that I trained under my teachers."

Kaiser turns around leaving the sphere where it was when he says, "I might have a person in mind for who could use the energy inside the sphere. But it won't be me."

This confused Morrigan a bit before a smile appeared on her face seeing that Kaiser wasn't interested in power that wasn't his own which made her happy.

"And who do you have in mind? Is it the cute blond girl which who talked with in class or your childhood friend?" asks Morrigan curiously as Kaiser stopped in his tracks.

"That would be my secret," says Kaiser trying to evade this question when the four Keepers in the mirrors appeared again.

"Wait a second, young man," says the oldest of them stopping Kaiser wanting to talk to him.

"And you are?" asks Kaiser curiously since he never saw his moving painting in Hogwarts.

"Ah, right, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Percival Rackham. I used to be a Professor in Hogwarts and the Leader of the Keepers," says Rackham introducing himself before introducing the other three by saying, "Then we have a face that you should know. She was the Headmistress of Hogwarts, Niamh Fitzgerald."

Niamh waves her hand at Kaiser seeing that the boy was a pure soul since he didn't take the power stored inside the sphere standing before them.

"The next would be Charles Rookwood he was a Professor for Transfiguration in Hogwarts during the same age as us and the last is San Bakar, also a Professor but for Magical Beasts," says Rackham as both Professor gave a slight bow to Kaiser.

"Alright, and what do you want from me? You wouldn't have stopped me from leaving if you didn't want something," says Kaiser knowing that they wanted something from him when Rackham coughs twice making San Bakar laugh lightly while smiles appear on Niamh's and Charles' faces.

"I wanted to help you unlock the room for you. It will help you in the future as it helped us and the Last Keeper before you," says Rackham as the whole room suddenly illuminated and the marbled ground showed a detailed map of Hogwarts and its surroundings.

"Many places might have changed over the last century but the Last Keeper did actualized the Map frequently before he died. He also left this behind," says Niamh as a key appeared out of nowhere and floated toward Kai who opened his palm and the key landed in it.

"What does the key open?" asks Kaiser curious now when all four keeper lifted their shoulders not knowing the answer.

"It was handed to us by the Last Keeper it almost was like he knew that he would die soon. The key should open the door to his treasures but we don't know where nor what he stored behind that door," says San Bakar knowing that it was a secret that Kaiser would have to find out himself.

"Is that all?" asks Kaiser as Rookwood coughs now taking Kaiser's attention.

"I have reactivated the Floo Flames Network in Hogwarts and its surrounding. It should help you to navigate easier around the castle now," says Charles Rookwood when he looked at his clock hanging behind him and he says, "You should test it out right away or you will be late for dinner."

Kai looked at the same clock and thought that he would be late if he doesn't move now when he stored the key away and he hears Rackham say, "We will be here if you ever need advice on something."

"Uhm, thanks I guess," says Kai before sprinting of when he sees green flames which represent normally the use of Floo Powder.

"Oh, how long has it been since the Floo Flames Network was deactivated?" asks a female voice coming from the same direction as the flames.

"I don't know, I don't care," says Kaiser as he takes a bit of ash that was beside the flame and tries his luck by saying, "The Great Hall."

He suddenly was standing before the same fireplace but not in the same room as he was standing inside the Great Hall with his back to the tables.

Everyone was confused with what was going on as they looked at Kai who appeared out of nowhere when they notice the green flame behind him and they hear, "You are quite rude, young man."

They all thought it was a ghost speaking when they saw it was the placate of the inventor of the Floo Flames, Ignatia Wildsmith.

"It seems it was deactivated longer than I thought," says Ignatia Wildsmith seeing all the changed that happened to Hogwarts through all of he Floo Flames Locations.

"What is going on here?" asks Professor Snape looking grimly at everyone followed by Professor Moody as they focus their attention on Kaiser.

"Mister Master, not even a month here and you are creating trouble for the school it seems," says Snape seriously glaring at Kai who was for a long time on Snape's radar but until now he never lost points for his house but gained some since he could improvise with the ingredients at hand to create a Potion of his need.

"I don't think, Mister Masters is at fault," says Moody defend the student when Dumbledore appears behind Kaiser using the same method he did a second ago.

"I thought that the Floo Flame Network was deactivated by Headmaster Black back in my school days after Terry Right abused them too much. It's good to hear you again, Ignatia," says Dumbeldore telling the last sentence to the inventor.

"Oh, the little Albus, I see that you became someone great," says Ignatia Wildsmith recognizing some features on his face which have grown old.

"Indeed, but it seems the reactivation of the Floo Flame Network is because of Mister Masters it seems," says Dumbledore looking at Kaiser before saying, "That needs a reward."

Dumbledore was thinking about how much points he would give Kaiser when he says, "Twenty-Five Points for Ravenclaw for uncovering a forgotten device and reactivating them again."

Dumbledore then began to explain then told everyone to sit down as he would explain the usage of the Floo Flames after an important matter as everyone sat down Fenrir rushes through the door followed by Huninn and Muninn since the three got left behind at the Floo Flame near the Map Chamber.

They rested beside Kai or on him in case of Huninn and Muninn as well as Jörmungandr when Dumbledore coughs twice taking everyone's attention.

"Now our guests for the Triwazard Tournament have arrived," says Dumbledore as the doors of the Great Hall opened widely before a group of students clothed in blue uniforms.

Kai looked closer and found out that they were all girls as they strided forward trying to present themselves properly when blue butterflies flew around them enchanting their entrance followed by a big woman introduced by Dumbledore as Headmistress Olympe Maxime.

They then sat down at the Raveclaw table when Kai notices some male students mixed in-between the female students that performed the entrance when their attention got taken by something hitting the ground.

Now a group of male students in brown uniforms which seemed cozy entered the Great Hall hitting the ground with sticks or staffs in Kai's eyes as sparks were generated with every touch to the ground.

Dumbledore introduced them as Durmstrang students and their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff as he saw the students take their seats at the Slytherin table while some of the students were out of themselves because the Seeker of Bulgaria, Viktor Krum, was between the students while Kai saw female students in-between the male students of Durmstrang when he suddenly sees a hand waving before his face.

"Are you alright?" asks one of the Beauxbatons students in a heavy French accent as Kai looked at her seeing a beautiful girl with silvery-blond hair and dark blue eyes.

"I am fine, I was just observing everything," says Kai a bit flustered not knowing why when his amulet began to shake bit not as much as normally when a monster or magical being was around but it did shake lightly.

"You have many animals beside you. You must have quite an affinity with animals, am I right," says the teen as she looked at Huninn and Muninn before her eyes fell on Jörmungandr and Fenrir who were all observing her.

"You could say so," says Kai not knowing with who he was speaking when he says, "I am Kaiser Masters, but you can just call me Kai."

The moment Kai dropped his family name everyone in the room that didn't know about it turned fearful of him even the teen beside him who kept appearance as if she didn't know and says, "I am Fleur Delacour, nice to meet you, Kaiser Master."

Kaiser could hear the fear in her voice but didn't say anything since deeds would speak louder than words since many students of Hogwarts that were scared of him because of his family warmed up to him finding out that Kai was just like them.

Dumbledore then began to explain to everyone what happened before and how to use the Floo Flame Network before warning the first and second years to not abuse it to get to Hogsmeade since they are kept in the castle because the way to Hogsmeade can be dangerous even for an older student.

Dumbledore then clapped his hands and was ready to let the elves serve the food when they heard a loud Thunder and Lightning hitting near the Castle.

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