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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: The Masquerade of Peace

There are four kingdoms; Viridian, Sapphire, Onyx, and Crimson. Ever since the war began eighty years ago, each kingdom has been color coded. They are run by the most powerful people in all the lands, and nobody denied that they could keep everyone safe from the impending doom of war.

CRIMSON was red. Nobles and Royalty held the most power, magic, and strength. VIRIDIAN was green. Royalty held power over most, but they were run mostly by rich men as the women weren't allowed much more than marriage. ONYX was black. Their city ran under the queens gaze, her four sons making most of the changes in their kingdom. They had the strongest army out of each kingdom, and the sons each ruled with their own little twist. And lastly, SAPPHIRE was blue. Their queen and king had no children, but they were the youngest rulers and expecting. The kingdom flourished, but it was heard they were much crueler than most kingdoms.

This particular day was December 31st. Every year for the past thirty years there has been a party held by one of the kingdoms to hold peace for just those hours. Every kingdom would gather in the hosting kingdoms walls and they would agree to have fun and enjoy the new year together. Of course, it didn't seem like a stable idea, but nobody disagreed. And the peace has always been kept. This year, Crimson held a masquerade ball for the other kingdoms. As this was the most important day for the Crimson Royals.


"Rosewood?" A strong yet disgusting voice made its way to the princess's ears. She groaned internally before turning her head with a fake but innocent smile plastered to her porcelain skin.

Princess Rosewood was the eldest daughter of the Crimson Royal Family. She was seventeen and claimed to be the most independent of all her brothers and sisters. Which, in all likelihood, was true. Rosewood had the prettiest smile and glowing gold eyes just like her mother. The only difference was that she refused to dye her head red. Instead she kept it her natural black, claiming it helped her stand out. Her family disapproved, but she was a good girl and never argued with anything else.

"May I help you?" Her voice came sweet, hiding the irritation perfectly as she glanced at this unfamiliar man in her bedroom.

"Yes, actually! I was hoping to spend the night in your bed…" He trailed before chuckling. Rosewood tilted her head, afraid she might gag.

"In my bed? Do you not have your own home?" She continued with her sweet voice, deciding to play dumb. She was already late to the masquerade.

Rosewood glanced back at the mirror on the vanity she was seated at. She wore very light makeup. Red lipstick, some blush, and eyeliner. Besides that, she didn't need much. Her black hair curled at her chest and her red dress flowed with every movement she made. The heart shaped chest gave her the look her mother had, as her laced cape flowed behind her dress. She was beautiful, but she didn't care. It only caused her trouble.

"I am from Viridian, your highness." The man stepped more into her vision, revealing his dark green suit. Rosewood's eyes widened.

"Viridian? How did you get into the castle?" She carefully stood from where she was. Viridian men disgusted her more than the average creep.

"I walked? Now, come here-"

"Rowan!" She screamed, causing the man to stop in his approach. She took that opportunity to run past him, clutching onto her bejeweled red mask.

Rosewood didn't bother looking back when she heard the loud scream of that man. Her guard would take care of him. She rushed out of the castle, way later than she expected. It was already eight, her parents would scold her for her lateness. She accepted the hand that helped her into her carriage, watching as her guard exited the castle with a body bag. She smiled to herself, although, he didn't have to kill the man. Hopefully the Viridian royalty wouldn't notice.

She stated out the window as the carriage began to move. The ball was held in Crimson's most extravagant building. It was used specifically for parties and events just like this one. Rosewood never fancied these things though, despite the kingdoms love for flare and drama. Her mind was elsewhere.

The carriage came to a stop theory minutes later. It was already a little past nine and she needed to greet her parents and the other kingdoms quickly. Rosewood climbed out the carriage and ran into the building, pushing past the dancing people and heading to the stage where her parents rested along with the other royals. She greeted her six siblings before giving a small curtsy to the adults and children from the other royal families. They greeted her back before her mother stepped forward.

"Rosewood Emilia Crimson!" Her mother used her full name, the one that had been passed down her fathers family.

"Mommy…" She batter her eyes innocently, a small quiver on her lips.

"You are beyond late, the ball started hours ago! To think I should have taken the carriage with you…we have been worried sick!" Her mother, Annabelle Crimson, yelled. The yell only a worried mother could manage as she spoke to her eldest daughter.

Annabelle Crimson was a beautiful queen. Her hair was a candy apple red and her eyes the same gold as Rosewood. She wore a ruby ring on her left hand, proof that she was married to the king. Her gown tonight was covered in the most dazzling clear diamonds that stood out upon her dark red dress. Her masquerade mask resembled her favorite bird. A sparrow.

"I apologize, mother! You wouldn't believe what I've been through!" She forced her lip to quiver more, her voice shaking. Her eyes opened wide underneath the mask. "A Viridian peasant had arrived at the castle and asked to spend a night in my bed!"

"What!?" The queen was angry now. The Viridian kingdom was known for its laws, men could have whatever woman or little girl they pleased. Rosewood knew that telling her mother might cause an even worse war after the night would end, but she still had to get her revenge, even if the man was dead.

"It was awful mommy! But Rowan came to my rescue and I got here just now." She gave her saddest smile. This innocent girl act had become perfected ever since she was a child.

"My sweet baby…" Her mother's aura softened immediately until her eyes trailed to the Viridian king. An old man, much older than the other rulers. Rosewood had always been disgusted by him. "King Raymond!" She seethed.

"Queen Annabelle, what is the matter?" The king stood tall and walked over. Rosewood couldn't help smiling at her father's defensive stance as the old man approached.

She let her eyes gaze around. The other royals were all looking at them, as well as some of the dancers. She noticed one pair of eyes glued to her, but she didn't rest them there. Instead, she turned her head and focused on the conversation between her mother and the Viridian king.

She hated the old man. His people were creepy and none of them seemed to have any manners. King Raymond wasn't much better. In his youth it was said he had married his current wife and slept with multiple maidens on and off. It rumored around that he was awful to the poor queen and he never bothered to look at her. Even the crowned prince seemed to care very little for his mother.

"I'm sorry, Annabelle, I had no clue about this. I'll have a stern talk with that man, do you have a description?" The king turned to Rosewood at his last words. The Princess shook her head, a frown etched on her face.

"He wore a mask, your highness…and he stood in the darker area of my room. He did have gray hair." She mumbles the last part, looking down and wiping a pretend tear from her eye. The Queen immediately pulled her daughter close and gave a kiss to her forehead.

"Raymond. I better not hear of this again, or peace will be the last thing that we get tonight." Queen Annabelle finalized the conversation. She dragged Rosewood to the throne, allowing the girl to have a seat by her feet. She loved to hold onto her mothers waist as she engaged in conversation in her throne.

The masquerade continued, a few young boys asking her teenage sister to dance. A few girls even asked her younger brothers. Rosewood decided it was a perfect time to speak with her siblings for the first time that night.

The Crimson children were each known for their special talents and powerful magic. Seven of them in total, Rosewood being the eldest and most powerful. Next in line was her younger brother, Flynn. A sixteen year old boy, almost two years younger than Rosewood. He was strong willed with burnt red hair and brown eyes like their father. He wore his princely attire, always trying to look his best. He was a major flirt though, always flustering the other women around. Then there was Rachel. Rachel was fifteen and the happiest child you'd ever meet. Her short light red hair bounced around her face perfectly, her brown eyes big and curious. Her smile was to die for. Then there were the twins. Harper and Helios, both only fourteen. They liked to cause trouble and play mind tricks. They looked identical to their mother, Helios having more of his father's features. Then there was Ari. A shy young boy at the age of thirteen. He never threw fits and he admired the other boys in his class from a far. He'd only admitted it to rose, but he wished to marry another boy rather than a woman. His hair was the darkest shade of red and his eyes the same golden color as his mom. And lastly, the youngest Crimson princess. Carmine was only six and a surprise to the whole family. Her brown eyes had everyone entranced and she loved to sing small lullabies. Her hair was so light it almost seemed pinked.

"Rose?" Ari scooted himself closer to his older sister, cuddling into her chest. Rosewood didn't protest as the boy hated these parties.

"Yes, Ari?"

"I got you a birthday present this year." He looked up at her. She smiled brightly at her brother as he grinned.

"I got you a gift too!" Harper giggled, turning to them. She stood beside Helios with a mischievous glimmer in her dark gold eyes. Helios leaned over and gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you both very much." Rosewood smiled. Only one hour left until her birthday.

"I too got you a gift, princess."

Rosewood turned her head to see a man dressed in all black from head to toe. The only difference was his platinum white hair that made him look younger instead of older. She scanned his body. He seemed fit, but not too much. He had a princely figure and a nice smile. His skin was a perfect tan, which seemed to intrigue the princess. In his slender hands he held a box wrapped in what looked to be a black blanket.

"And you are…?" She trailed, letting her eyes glance over him. She wasn't much into romantic gestures, especially from people she didn't know.

"Prince Raven Obsidian." He bowed, flashing his purple eyes at the princess. Such a unique color. "A child of Onyx." His voice came playful and smooth. Charming.

"You knew about my birthday?" She rose to a stand, stepping away from her siblings. The prince followed her as she headed towards the drink table.

"Of course. My mother says it's rude not to get the princess a gift…my brothers didn't care much." He stood by her the whole time as she elegantly poured herself some punch. She wasn't quite old enough for the high class wine.

"How thoughtful. It's not a bomb, is it?" Rosewood questioned as she eyes the black queen. Her skin was covered fully as well as her hair. Her purple eyes were the only noticeable thing underneath the black mask.

"Of course not, Princess Rosewood. I do hope you like it more than any bomb." He held the gift out and she took it into her arms before turning to a random guard. She handed it to him and whispered something in his ear. Better safe than sorry.

She then turned back to Prince Raven. He had a playful smile on his face as he watched Rosewood. She had done her research long ago, learning about the Onyx family. The late king ruled beside his wife before a tragic accident during the war. He was killed by a Viridian soldier long ago, leaving his wife with a baby and three boys.

Prince Raven was the youngest prince, although older than Rosewood. Twenty-two? Twenty-one? It didn't matter much though, as in less than hour they'd both be legal adults. Not that she had any idea of doing something him. That would be absurd and impossible.

"Well, thank you, Prince Raven. I'll be going to back now-" She paused in her sentence as a gloved hand snaked into hers. She took that moment to notice his skin was fully covered as well. A common tradition in the Onyx Royal Family.

"One dance?" His purple eyes glimmered as the lights dimmed around them. 'Did he do that?' She thought, entranced by that smile. She nodded hesitantly as a slow song began to play.

It was a wordless dance as they never looked away from the others eyes. His curly white hair and his soft looking lips had Rosewood's heart begging for attention. They moved in sync, as if they were one person. Every step and every spin came right on time. She could feel other people staring as they swayed to the music, but for some reason, she didn't mind. She couldn't be bothered with the most likely disapproving looks from the other people. Right now, she was dancing. She was enjoying her last night as a teenager.

With that thought, Rosewood leaned her head against the prince's chest, allowing him to take over the dancing. She had given him her trust as he swayed them both. They never stumbled or stopped, both having had been trained to dance like this. Rosewood couldn't contain her smile.

Soon enough the dance stopped and so did they. Raven's cape stopped floating as well as her own. She looked up at him, her heart rate picking up. She had just danced with the enemy. In front of everyone. And now her birthday drew nearer than ever. Almost eighteen years ago her mother had stopped dead in her tracks whilst this party happened in the Sapphire kingdom. She had been taken home immediately and gave birth to her first child. Her eldest daughter. Rosewood Crimson.

Now she looked into the youngest prince of the Onyx kingdom's eyes, not sure how to feel. She felt her face become flustered, but she didn't mind. Instead she smiled and curtsied softly. Then she turned her head, greeting people that had been watching with her warm eyes. And just like that, everyone went back to their evening. Rosewood gave a small wave to the prince in black, leaving to stand by her family. The rest of the night would be spent with them and they would sing her happy birthday before taking her home. Just as they had done every year.

"Was that Prince Raven?" Her father, King Adam, asked as she approached. She giggled and took a seat on his knee, looking off at the people of her kingdom as they stood away from the other colors.

"It was, father. Is that alright?" She turned to him, and all he could do was nod. His beautiful daughter was old enough to make those decisions. As long as she understood that after tonight, he would no longer have anything to do with her.

"He seemed to like dancing with you! Look at how he's talking to his brothers!" Rachel clapped her hands happily and pointed at the four Onyx sons. They looked identical with their covered skin and matching masks. But Rosewood could tell exactly who Raven was, as he was the only one with curly white hair and that princely charm.


Rosewood turned her gaze to her family as the entire ballroom looked over. She didn't mind the stares once more as she smiled brightly. The clock struck twelve and the bells rang through the room, her family bursting out into song and cheers. She clasped her hands over her heart and swayed to their out of tune version of happy birthday before hugging her mother and father tightly. Her personal guard then appeared with a red and black cake in hand. Rosewood glanced around at all the people. Her kingdom was cheering and waving at her as well as some others. The other royal families even called out their congratulations to her. It was just like her first birthday, even if she couldn't remember it all that well.

"This year, mother, I'll be just like you." She smiled and blew out the candles, the whole ballroom cheering as the night came to an end.

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