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Chapter 3: February 6, 1865. "Magical Bonds."

So Samuel returned and I of course had to keep a professional appearance in front of him and all the servants in the throne room as we welcomed him and his father's return. I didn't think much could change in three years but I was wrong in more ways than one. I knew he would grow taller of course and bulk up a bit like his father but surprisingly he didn't bulk up as much as his father. Instead he was taller, like a whole head taller than me, and he was more slender than I thought he'd be. His facial features where the same as they were when he left. Jet black hair combed back, skin a pale as snow and eyes dark as the ocean floor. At first I thought his personality was changed permanently. He was so lifeless and monotone when speaking to both me and Father. He took his place standing beside me in the throne room a feet back as well as if to hide in my shadow. I tried to talked to him to start up a conversation with him but he brushed it off and kept looking forward as a few members of The Council came in and discussed things that appeared to be happening in our kingdom. I had no say in any of the matters and I was only an "observer" as Father put it. Eventually I was dismissed as more pressing matters came up meaning it was "adult" time as I call it. I just got up and walked out heading for my bedroom as Samuel followed me like a lifeless doll.

"I guess time changes us for the worse huh?" I asked him not really expecting him to answer but leave it up to Samuel to always pull out surprises.

"I'm not to sure about that. I mean I think I got handsomer with time and you're still a short little prince that needs his best friend to keep him out of trouble." You could just see how snarky his voice was with that statement as I turned around and was instantly picked up in a hug that squeezed the breath out of me.

He set me downed and pat my back laughing as I could hear that old joyful time of voice he had as kids. Honestly I couldn't help but smile as I saw my old friend standing in front of me back to his same old self. Of course he ruined the moment making a remark that I must he falling for him since I kept staring at him. I just rolled my eyes still seeing that ego of his was as large as ever. You get a kiss from a girl two years older than you as a kid and suddenly he becomes a prince charming all of his own in his head. Well before he could inflate his ego any more (if that's even possible) I quickly brought up his sister and asked why wasn't she with him upon his return. I had thought she had gone with him to train as well in case something happened to him. He said she was with us the whole time and I of course took that as a sign that something happen to her while she was training. Of course that thought was pushed to the side as I heard a voice appear behind me.

"Do I need to wear a girly dress and complain about getting dirty for you to notice me?" A tone of voice so familiar yet different that it made me feel out of place. I instantly turned around and jumped back landing against Samuel as he held me up assuring me everything was fine.

At first I thought this strange girl was an intruder of sorts but after further examination I realized that this tall beautiful and slightly scary warrior was none other than Sarah. Gods I had mixed feelings about her because one: I was happy to see her and two: she color snap my neck with just a flick of her wrist. She wasn't this little girly girl I remember as a kid. In fact she look like she was supposed to be the older twin and my personal bodyguard unlike Samuel. She just smirked making a snarky remark that I must he falling in love for her now because for once I'm scared of her. That may or may not be true but all I know is for now on I'll have to be on her good side unless I want to hide in fear and hope she forgives me for whatever future mistake I might make.

What made this reunion more interesting wasn't the fact that the twins got a makeover and became the two coolest people I know it was the next thing that Sarah showed me. When she first appeared behind me I thought that maybe she snuck up and hid in the shadows waiting for the right moment to strike. I wouldn't hold it against her and Samuel to come up with an elaborate plan to startle me. Instead what came next is hard to believe but I saw it happen with my own eyes. SARAH BECAME ONE WITH MY SHADOW!

I can't stress this enough when I say that this girl literally melted into my shadow. Her body became black the lower she sank into my shadow and the next thing I know she's reappearing in Samuel's shadow. They told me that they were taught ancient dark magic and said shadow walking was a basic lesson for them. That they could pretty much travel from anywhere so long as it's in eyesight and has a shadow wide enough for them to appear in. I of course asked if they could teach me and they both gave me a look that said plenty. It was the look everyone in the castle had when it meant they couldn't teach me because Father forbid it. Father said I won't need to be taught anything because I'll already master it the second I become king. God it so annoying knowing that my old man keeps me in the dark about everything and expects me to understand everything when he passes away. Was this how his father raised him? Because if so I'll be sure I don't raise my kid the same way everyone before me has.

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