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Chapter 7: Chapter 6

"Well are you coming?" Abi asked, turning to face me.

"Wait what happened?" I asked, more to myself.

How was I back in school? I looked around, and no time seemed to pass during my trip to wherever the hell I was. I looked at the floor and everything was in it's place, no damages. No one seemed to notice what had happened. I looked behind me, trying to find the shadow I passed through, but it was gone.

"Whats wrong?" Abi asked, a frown forming on her face.

That's when I noticed the difference. Off to the side, standing behind some of the lockers, stood Jason. He had on his usual black t-shirt, but this time a black leather jacket was hanging over his shoulder. His messy black hair looked perfect, stray hairs dangling over his strong face, his blue eyes burning into mine. Everything would have seemed normal, if it wasn't for the bewildered expression on his face and the shadow lurking behind his back

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Abi helped me find my classes, and spent the day showing me around. After my visit to wherever, I wasn't in a talkative mood. Most of the day passed by in a blur, a few of the kids even introduced themselves, saying how sorry they are for my loss. I noticed Abi was right about what she said earlier, she didn't have any other friends. That made me determined to be her friend even more. I had Jason, and the two girls from the diner, in all of my classes. That seemed to be normal at such a small school. Other than the time Jason looked at me in the hallway, he hadn't looked my way since. The two girls were too preoccupied with Jason to bother noticing me, which I was thankful for.

I sat with Abi at lunch and we talked about joining the after school art program. I figured that would be the best way to meet new people, get me and Abi a few new friends! It would also be a few hours of distraction, which I was grateful for. As Abi walked me to my last and least favorite class, English, I felt a knot form in my stomach. I had never been afraid of being left alone before, but since the accident, the thought of being alone made my stomach churn.

"Alright, are you good from here?" Abi smiled sympathetically, pushing her glasses up.

"Yeah, i'll be fine!" I said, trying to let go some of the anxiety I felt. I can't glue myself to Abi and expect her to want to be my friend.

"I'll meet you at your locker when the bell rings!" Abi called as she began rushing to her class. I smiled at her back, grateful to have someone to show me around, minimize the chances of me getting lost.

I made my way to the teachers desk, where the teacher sat.

The name tag on his desk read: Mr. Williams. The man sitting at the desk looked less than eager to be here. He was a plump man, with small tuffs of grey hair on his head, and a grey mustache to match.

"Uh hello, I'm Corinne, where should I sit?" I asked awkwardly, causing him to look up from his newspaper.

"Ah Corinne, welcome. You can take a seat in the back by Jason." Mr. Williams said gruffly, giving me a small smile.

Of course it would be my luck to have to sit next to Jason. As if on cue, Chelsea and Katie, began to skewer me with their eyes. For the first time all day, Jason looked at me. I couldn't read the emotion on his face. Anger or contempt? I sighed internally, repeating the words my mother would tell me when I came home from Elementary School, crying over bullies. "If someone doesn't like you, that's there problem. Don't let it bother you."

With a forced smile back at Mr. Williams, I made my way to the desk in the back of the classroom.

The one right next to Jason Cain.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I couldn't help but watch Jason as I made my way to the back of the classroom. The shadow that trailed behind him wasn't with him this time. I wondered what it could've meant. I've seen shadows follow people around before, though it's rare. From what little experience I have, it could mean the person lost someone recently and their spirit follows them around. I tried to remember the shadow that was with Jason the first time. I wasn't sure if it was the same shadow as the one that followed behind him in the hallway.

I pulled out my sketch pad and began drawing, letting the memories of my experience this morning absorb into the paper. I noticed someone watching me sketch, Jason was watching me intently, his face blank of any emotion I could place. I let my mind wander, while my hand took control. I drew the giant trees with their deformed branches, the blackened grass and soil, I even drew the boy who had spoken to me. The boy who urged me to leave and never come back.

"So Jason, what're you doing this weekend?" I heard a girls voice ask, causing my head to snap up, back into the world of classrooms and asshole next door neighbors. Jason stopped watching me, and turned his attention to the girl.

Chelsea, the brunette from the diner. Her long brown hair flowing down the pink blouse she was wearing, she took a seat on Jason's desk, Katie at her side. While Chelsea was skinny and quite tall, Katie was the opposite. She was short, with a bigger chest and fuller hips. Chelsea noticed Jason watching me sketch and scowled.

"Well what are you doing this weekend?" Chelsea asked, her tone becoming more impatient. I tried to focus on my sketch, but my concentration was broken, and I couldn't help but listen to their conversation.

"Nothing I suppose." Jason shrugged, sounding indifferent.

"Well, my parents are going away for the week and I want you to come over." She stated with finality. The way she talked made it sound like he didn't have a choice either way.

"We'll see." Jason said with a straight face. I rolled my eyes, in my head of course, and tried to stifle a laugh as Chelsea's face began to turn red.

"Yeah. We will see." She said, glaring in my direction. With a huff, her and Katie made their way back to there desks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The rest of class continued with minimal issues. Unless you count working on essays an issue, which I definitely do. Jason didn't look my way for the rest of the class, although Chelsea and Katie kept sending glares my way. I had to resist the urge to smile sweetly back at them. I'm not a pushover, but I also don't plan on instigating anything.

Finally, the bell rung and the classroom began to clear out. Chelsea and Katie stood by the door, waiting on Jason, I assume.

I gathered by books, and my sketch pad and began to make my way to the door.

"Corinne." I heard my name called from behind me. What on earth would Jason want. He had nothing to say to me all day, and now he wants to chat.

"Yes?" I asked, mustering all the willpower I had, to make it seem I wasn't waiting for him to talk to me the entire class. As his blue eyes stared into mine, for what felt like ages, the butterflies in my stomach began to swarm. I made a mental note to get those under control once I left the classroom. I scowled as I began to feel the blood rush to my cheeks. His sly smirk at my discomfort only made my heart race faster. Something about this kid made me want to punch him. His better than everyone else attitude, or because he assumes every girl will faun over him.

"I just wanted to say, that was a cool sketch." Jason said, his smirk fading from his handsome face, his blue eyes burning holes into mine.

"Thanks." I said, beginning to walk to the front of the class room.

"One last thing." He said, placing a hand on my arm, only to quickly bring it back to his side.

"Yes?" I turned again, eyebrow raised and cheeks warm.

"Your problems won't go away if you run from them." He said, his face serious at first, until his smirk returned. 

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