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Chapter 19: EIGHTEEN

After the warmups were completed, both teams headed back to their locker-rooms to freshen up for the game.

In Seirin's locker room, the atmosphere was tense as the team were thinking of the upcoming game. The second-year's loss from the previous year was considered a traumatic event for them and each of them weren't wishing for a repeat.

Riko frowned not liking the air and rubbed her chin. Just as she was about to say something, Takumi spoke up instead.

"Why are you guys sulking before the match has even started? I didn't know you guys were this pitiful," Takumi's sharp tongue cut through the tension like a sharp knife. The eyes of the team centred to him.

"I mean, so what if you guys got beaten black and blue last year? It's a new year, you've all gotten much stronger and you've got new talents. Have a bit of faith in yourselves," continued the boy.

The second-year's eyes widened before they descended into grins and chuckles while the first-years looked at Takumi with happy faces.

Hyuga stood up and gave a firm slap on Takumi's back.

"Learn some respect you bastard. But you're right, Seirin isn't as weak as we once were and we've come a long way from last year. This is our chance for revenge!" The captain voiced his thoughts. "Now bring it in!"

The team formed a circle and placed their hands in the middle.

""3...2...1...SEIRIN FIGHT!!""

With the team fired up and no longer in a bad mood, Riko let out a sigh of relief and turned her attention to the boy who successfully diffused the situation.

'Thank God Takumi spoke up. Otherwise, I would've made a fool of myself offering a kiss to them.'

Her lips perked up with a smile and she scribbled a quick note on her clipboard before checking the time.

"Alright, finish up now. It's time to go,"




That was the signal for the players to take position on court. Seirin went with the usual line-up they used which consisted of the first-year duo; Kagami and Kuroko, and the second-years; Hyuga, Izuki and Mitobe.

Takumi sat on the bench and leaned forward on his palm. His face wore a close-eyed smile, a look he'd have when he was feeling smug. Riko pinched his cheek and raised an eyebrow.

"Stop with that look. It's creepy,"

"How rude Riko-chan." Takumi jokingly pouted.

The reason he was feeling smug was because he knew this game wouldn't be like the one from the anime where Kagami was close to being fouled out. In the anime, Seirin's start was exceptionally slow but it wouldn't be like that now.

And for the sole reason of Takumi.

Days prior, Takumi and pulled Kagami aside during training with Riko's permission and had a one-on-one training session with him in a street court.

It couldn't be called a proper match because Takumi was more focused on getting Kagami to control his emotions so Kagami didn't accept that as their first game against each other.

Takumi played the role of Tsugawa and constantly pressured Kagami and riling him up using words. And each time, Kagami couldn't break past the defence because his emotions were clouding his ability to think.

After countless rounds in the heat, Kagami slowly but finally managed to block out Takumi's word-jabs and look to his surroundings. Since it was just the two of them, Kagami couldn't pass anywhere so he tried to find an opening in Takumi's stance.

Not that any of that mattered though because there was no way Kagami could beat Takumi. The main goal of the training was to get the red-head to control his feelings and not let it affect his play.

The current game against Seiho proved the training to be effective.

Like Takumi had 'predicted' Tsugawa talked a lot of trash about Seirin as he defended against Kagami but unlike the baldy thought, Kagami simply glared at him and chose not to respond.

Instead, he calmly looked around for a free teammate and saw Mitobe on the side signalling to him. He passed the ball and ducked around baldy's defence before running towards the basket as Seirin pressed forward.

Unknown to Kagami, Seirin's bench let out a collective sigh seeing the red-head hadn't recklessly charged in.

"Looks like your training worked," Riko said to Takumi. "Hopefully he can keep this up."

"I hope so too. Baldy is someone who has a natural ability to provoke others into action so I'm worried Kagami won't hold out till the second half." The tall boy agreed.

The current points were 6 - 12 with Seiho in the lead.

[A/N: In the anime, the starting points were 0 - 12]

It seems like the duo spoke too soon because the soon heard a whistle.


"Charging! White 10!"

Kagami's form tensed as his teammates subtly moved closer as if to hold him back should he end up pouncing on the smirking baldy.

"Unfortunately, fouls are unavoidable for Kagami against his match-up. So long as he doesn't get too many, it should be fine." Takumi said.

Riko just slapped her forehead.


"Pushing! White 10!"

That was Kagami's second foul thanks to the same baldy. His nostrils flared showing his anger but for the sake of continuing the game, he swallowed his bursting fury and trudged back into position.

It was the end of the first-half and the scoreboard read; 40 - 46 so Seirin wasn't doing too badly against Seiho's excellent defence. Kagami's stance and performance played a major part in that as he and Kuroko provided the team with openings and positions.

Now it was break-time and the players walked back to the bench where Takumi passed out the towels and water-bottles to replenish their energy. Riko stood up and face the boys whilst holding her clipboard.

"We're going on a roll right now thanks to Kagami's performance. However, Seiho will be going even harder in the next half so it'll be more difficult to overtake them. For now, we need to preserve Kuroko and Kagami's energy."

The duo looked at her with serious expressions.

She continued, "In your place, Koganei-kun and Tshuchida-kun will play."

"Coach, that is...."

Riko grinned and nodded her head at Furihata, "Yes. It's time for the senpai's revenge."

Kagami wasn't pleased but what could he do? He knew how desperately the seniors were wanting to win and the grudge they were holding against Seiho for last year's defeat.

Takumi didn't object to Riko's decision and sat back to watch how it would play out. He already knew Seirin would win so there was no need for him to meddle anymore. To the left, Shutoku was also at half-time and Takumi caught sight of Midorima on the bench.

Shutoku was preserving his energy by benching him and the hawk-eye dude. Midorima must've sensed someone staring and turned his head to see Takumi smiling at him.

'....Seirin's manager?' Midorima frowned. Takumi didn't bother hiding his stare and even gave a small wave before turning back. Something about him sprouted and ominous feeling within the superstitious green-head.

'Hopefully it's nothing major. Oha-Asa is never wrong.'


Author's Note: Because it's been so long, I've given an extra chapter. Till next time dear readers.

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