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Chapter 2: Cool guys are so hot!

Rising from my slumber I began to wash my face, clean my teeth, scrub my body and watch my classmates wake up in silence.

Since I was pretty much invisible the only time I could talk with others was when there were little to no people.

In this case the only person that woke up early as I did was Jin. "Morning Jirou!" I see the most popular guy inching closer to me with a genial smile.

Smiling back I tried my best to hide my disdain for him. "Good morning." It wasn't like I absolutely hated him though it was just that his smile somehow made me feel so frustrated.

Whenever I saw his face I would feel my danger sense blaring. I was absolutely sure that this guy had no goodwill towards me.

If only I had Neuropath right now, she was extremely useful in these cases. Neuropath was a special telepath that could read minds however she had one special feature.

She was able to grant telepathic abilities to others as well. By emitting neurotransmitters and brainwaves she was able to connect others synapses and send messages through electrical signals.

She really was my favourite S-Ranker. Too bad I couldn't see her much due to her job. While the other S-Ranks were stuck with boring jobs since I was just a kid they let me go freely.

Although they still kept an eye on me once in a while and kept my identity a secret. Then again I wouldn't have assassins coming after me if it weren't for those corrupt officials covering my power.

They believe that with my power I could grant others power as well. This was true however not in the way they thought I could.

I once experimented on my family with their consent trying to see if I could grant them powers as well.

Turns out I could only open the pathway to becoming an ability user but not become one instantly.

My sister for example was only Level 0 when we tested her but she nurtured her latent talent into something more.

Now she was able to reflect, refract and absorb light all by herself. She could even send light throughout her cells causing her entire body to become completely transparent.

As such it was named by the government as Prism Cloak. My family lived a comfy life integrating their abilities discreetly in their daily lives.

I knew that they would be fine since they were well versed in combat. Even my grandparents were able to handle themselves in a fight!

But that's only because I gave them water from the fountain of youth. But even if they couldn't handle themselves I'd just tame some animals and have them fight.

"Are you okay? You look so tired." Jin began to be worried for me, turns out he was a real worrywart when it comes to the safety of others. So replied.

"I'm fine, I had to take care of a little errand last night." But that somehow made him even more worried.

Stepping out of the door he looked back to me and said. "Be careful okay?" Unsure of what that was about I began to sweep through the hotel before getting out.

Whistling as I passed by the doors, walking on the red carpet. I sensed no emotions that resulted in either bloodlust, killing intent or even hatred.

Although I did find some greed but I worked that out by exposing the employee's embezzlement and theft.

I had gotten used to doing this after all the most corrupt people in the world were the government.

Well them and society as a whole really. Discrimination, racism, sexism all sorts of traditional and old fashioned conformities.

Usually I could just sweep through them but when it comes to the entire globe even I was afraid of what might happen as a consequence.

I may be able to wipe out an entire army but the whole world it was plausible yet unlikely. My power was too valuable to the government.

Which was why I decided to erase the memories of all involved in the project to grant others abilities.

All data and hard earned money went down the drain. While I was at it I even destroyed the files containing my fellow S-Ranker's weaknesses.

Typically speaking they should know better that if we wanted to we S-Ranks as a whole could destroy them from the inside out.

But they still chose to side with the government, reason? Not really sure.

Physically, mentally, emotionally, financially. In a blink of an eye I could ruin one's entire lives and make sure they would stay like that forever, well everyone could do this but mine was more torturous than the others which was instantaneous.

I had no idea why though, but my maybe it had something to do with my favourite spell. Stopping in my tracks I began to smirk recalling the word the government hated the most.

My favourite word and spell. "Karma." Then all of a sudden an invisible wave shot out from my body engulfing the entire city.

As of now everyone would get what they deserve in the next few seconds. Since I was in a joyful mood I may as well see the sights with my classmates.


Praying at the temple and eating some yakiniku straight after is the best! Chomping down on the grilled chicken in my hand I began to lick off the sauce from my fingers.

Thank god I swept the temple and markets as well. Too bad they were just minor Level 2's they had potential yet they wasted it.

Well not really a big deal. Ability Users would face this problem each day. "Closed Clock." Stopping time I try to find the root of all evil.

Jumping in the roofs I began searching high and low until I realised that the root of all evil was emitting from the hotel I went to.

Realising this I chose to warp and take care of the problem beforehand. In the middle of the room was a man in black with his face covered by a ski mask.

Really? Who are these people? Is there a bounty on my head? Actually no one would be stupid enough to try and kill me to get more money.

I mean if they knew I could just make money for them they'd totally stop. But that wasn't any fun, right?

"Chronological Reversal." A blue light shrouded the sneakily clothed man. I was about to erase him from existence.

Reversing time on his body I made sure that he was reborn and wouldn't be born until? 30 years or so.

It was a time reversal spell but I made good use of it and it's reincarnation abilities. The only problem was that I had no idea when they'd be reborn.

It was a hard thing to do even for me. If only Kurono was here right now. He could instantly figure it out with just a flick of his hands.

Warping back to my location I resumed time as normal and felt tranquility wash over me.

Feeling homesick I began to sit down and rejuvenate myself through the sun. Calmly watching my classmates have fun.

Exhaling a turbid breath my muscles began to relax. I had already guessed who it was. "The tranquil serenity, Master Serenade." Despite the name Serenade was actually just a man that had an unusual personality.

By day he was calm and serene but at night. He was a pleasure seeking lord that did not discriminate genders and played with anyone.

Sighing I began to create another battlefield. Standing straight I took out my charm and through it into the air.

"Field Open." A dazzling light flashed and the entire park disappeared revealing an empty place with the moon and stars above our heads.

The man in front of me reverted his age from 50 to his teenage years. I still couldn't handle seeing this sight. "Yo, I see that you're still alive shotacon freak." At the start he attacked me emotionally with a derisive handsome face.

"I could say the same thing to you lolicon bastard. Has the FBI caught you yet? I hope they haven't cause I haven't had the chance to break you apart yet." Changing my stance I floated in the air.

"Levitation!" Serenade grinned knowing that his powers only affected those in the same level as him.

What this means was that if he was on the ground as well as his opponent it would be more likely for them to be affected.

As long as they were within each other's vicinity Serenade could affect them nonetheless.

But if I was up in the air rather than on the ground like he was his chances of defeating me were slim. "That's no good! Remember that night we spent together?" Winking he seductively caressed his body.

"You're making me sick. That's so gross." It was the truth, he was really weird to do such things in the middle of a fight.

Then I realised he was wearing a cape. "Eh? A cape, no wait the only person who would force you to wear a cape is-?!" The white cape billowed in the air forming into two seperate feathered wings.

"Wright Brothers!" The Wright Brothers, their abilities allowed them to grant wings to others for flight. In addition the wings the brothers had were able to shoot out metallic feathers a feature they couldn't grant others yet.

"Level 4, A-Rank Ability: Mirai no Tsubasa." With an arrogant tone Serenade activated his power full blast.

"Serendipity: Song of Serenity." Serenade had the ability to manipulate sound waves to create a calming mood.

He forced others to relax and the vibrations from the sound waves massaged their muscles gently enough that only those with sensitive senses could notice.

But I knew this would happen. Charging straight at him I casted. "Nihility Wave." Nullifying all sound in the vicinity I inched forward but he had already dodged.

Despite his players tendencies he was powerful in his own right. Catching me off guard he punched my abdomen, twisting his body he kicked at my solar plexus.

The impact forced me down to the ground creating a massive hole where I was laying down. "Come back to us, its easier this way."

Coughing painfully Serenade reached out to help. Looking up I pulled on my left eye and stuck out my tongue. "Idiot~ a wise woman once said. 'No capes!' And she was right."

Smilingly I had taken him aback I inched closer and touched him. "Cloak and Dagger." The cape began to go haywire and thrashed him around.

Moving on I began to blow some pink dust at him. Swirling around the dust bean to spin round into aborted and took him away.

By the time he had arrived Serenade would have been trapped inside a human shaped dagger.

Laughing wildly as he exited I stretched my body. Realising that it was night time I went back to the hotel.

Tomorrow was the last day and I would not miss it for anything else. It seems like I was the last person to come.

Well either way they wouldn't care. When I arrived in the room I saw Jin having a forlorn expression on his face sitting down as the moonlight shone through the windows.

It gave him an ethereal quality. Really cool guys are the best!

Eternal_Angel Eternal_Angel

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