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Kunai's Don't Work On Dragons! Kunai's Don't Work On Dragons! original

Kunai's Don't Work On Dragons!

Author: BurgerNoTomatoes

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Despair Ridden Arrival

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on Naruto, which belongs to its respective creators. I do not claim any ownership of Naruto or its characters. This is purely a creative project for entertainment within the fanfiction community. Please support the official Naruto releases. Thank you! I only own the OC. Probably?

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Story Start!-

The situation was indeed grim for the Leaf Shinobi. The Sandaime, Hiruzen Sarutobi locked in a tug of war with his former student Orochimaru. Reaper death seal active. A true battle to the death with their very souls at stake. Whilst Sound and Sand shinobi swarm the inner structure of the village, locked in combat with the struggling Leaf Shinobi. Having only barely caught on to the prospect of a sudden betrayal from sand. A sudden and unexpected move they were ill-prepared for.

As for our Heroine, Naruko Uzumaki. Her situation is, similarly precarious as her fellow shinobi.

-Mid Day, Outskirts Of Konoha-

Gaara's desert spirit possession has reached it's final stages. He towers over the entire forest surrounding him and his prey. The spirit's name? To some he is known as Shukaku Of The Desert. The One-Tailed Beast.

Naruko, being the center of attention for Gaara's assault, got caught by Gaara's sand, slowly it encloses on her, starting to put pressure on her body. Threatening to crush her under the sand's weight.

Sasuke, unable to anything, gapes helplessly at the defenseless Naruko. His curse mark, chakra exhaustion coupled with his wounds. Make him unable to even move a muscle.

'Damn it! MOVEEEEEE!' He screams at himself, in utter fury and despair. Memories of his helplessness against his brother. The countless corpses of his brethren, spread around in the compound. The bodies of his parents. He couldn't do anything. And here... He can't do anything as well. And that. Was killing him.

Sakura, useful as always, was stuck to a metaphorical time bomb. Sand slowly encroaching on her to crush her body and limbs.

Pakkun, Kakashi's ninja dog, spectated with a grim line on his face. Knowing full well he has no way of aiding the poor Genin.

Gamakichi, the result of Naruko's failed attempt at summoning the Chief Toad Gamabunta. Was utterly bewildered and scared for Naruko's safety, watching as she is about to get crushed.

Temari, the sand Genin and older sister of the current headache was fearfully hiding in a perpetual loop of anxiety for both her and her wayward brother's safety. Odd.

All in all, Team 7's situation was not looking too pretty. Sakura was on a time bomb. Naruko's about to get crushed. Sasuke is having a mental breakdown at his own weakness for the umpteenth time. Not a good time for them at all!


"Fear not! Naruko Uzumaki will stop you!" The knuckleheaded girl roars aloud, with what seems to be mock confidence, judging by the sweat of effort and cracked, bloody smirk she is currently wearing. Truly a bold statement, considering she is only a few seconds away from exploding via sand crushing.

'Don't worry Sakura-chan... I'll save you and stop this bastard! Even if it kills me!' Naruko reinforces her resolve to protect her important people. Remembering Sasuke's own words:"Naruko, save Sakura. Even if it kills you." Naruko truly felt ashamed at being fearful when her important and precious friends were in danger.

As the sand encroaches on her, she initiates her master plan.

*Flick* A flick of her finger across the blood on her mouth, she begins to make hand signs.

*Boar* *Dog* *Bird* *Monkey* *Ram* The hand signs are expertly woven by the usually incompetent Naruko.

*Slam* Her hand slams to the ground the moment the sand has reached her and has begun to crush her.

"SUMMONING JUTSU!" She roars out as her chakra flares brightly, a blue aura signifying the literal monstrous chakra capacity the girl has.

A seal mark is made on the ground, confirmation the Summoning Jutsu has been properly executed.

*Bzzt* An unfamiliar sound comes out of the seal.

"Heh? Bzzt? Where's the poof?!" Naruko manages to voice out in confusion, a puzzled look painted her face as the sand began to cover her eyes and mouth.

'T-This is bad Dattebayo...' She thinks to herself as pressure on her entire body get progressively stronger and more life threatening.

The spectators watch with held breath, non more fearful and worried than Sasuke himself, whom voices out his concern in a rather out of character outburst.

"NARUKOOOOOOO-OOOOO!" He roars out in a panic. His voice cracks at the amount of emotion delegated to his outburst.

But then, A bright white light, brighter than even the sun itself, originating from Naruko's exact location burst out instantly. The light begins to tower over even the possessed Gaara. The bright light flashes all who stare at it, making them cover their eyes and look away. Even the nearest Land to the Leaf Village could see the light, to emphasize it's sheer size.

Slowly, the light begins to disperse, leaving only befuddled and confused onlookers from afar, puzzled at what exactly that was. This, is not much different from those close to the source of the light, as they immediately turn their head to focus on Naruko. The one the light originated from. What their eyes meet was something they have never seen or heard of before.

For one, the sand enveloping Naruko's body that was threatening her life was completely gone, dispersed by, logically speaking, the light that just appeared.

But the 2nd thing all onlookers noticed, was the truly puzzling thing.

A Puppy sized, Winged Serpent like being. Of the most Divine golden scales, Eyes of brilliant amethyst and amethyst lines in between the gaps of the Creature's scales. The creature radiated the utmost majestic and royal like aura.

A befuddled look colored the faces of all who saw the strange creature. Their thoughts, emotions and focus on the life and death situation came to a sudden stop. Their mortal brains wanting, Nay, needing to comprehend... Whatever this is.

"I've never seen or heard of such a Ninja summon. The serpent nor the snake clan have any of their members with wings. What animal clan is this animal from?" Pakkun, voiced his confusion aloud, questioning himself rather than others as he observed the "Animal" that was standing on tree trunk near Naruko.

Thoughts, such as Pakkun's echoed aloud in everyone's mind. Everyone except our unique Heroine of course! Her reaction was priceless. If I do say so myself.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT- DATTEBAYO?! WHERE IS CHIEF TOAD?!?!?! HOW'S THAT GOING TO HELP ME?!" Naruko yells out in frustration and bewilderment, stupidly pointing at the creature she summoned, crying crocodile tears. Proceeding to pull her twintails in frustrated agony.

'It has no chakra...Useless' Sasuke, in reflex, activated his Sharingan to appraise the animal? Naruko summoned to - hopefully flip the tables on the possessed Gaara. He grit his teeth further at the unchanged status quo. This animal will not save them from the monster overlooking them, was the conclusion our gloomy Uchiha arrived at. Glaring pettily at the animal with rage, as if hope had been snuffed out as a result of it. No chakra lines at all in the Animal's body. Useless indeed. Or is it?

The animal, turned to meet the eyes of the Uchiha boy. Red Pinwheel eyes met Brilliant amethyst. Sending a chill through the young Uchiha's spine as he felt that the animal was appraising him back, judging his very soul.

"That's a familiar face." The animal voiced out aloud amidst the silence. it's casual voice sliced through the uncomfortable and tense silence like a sharp knife through butter. A tilt of it's head, upon concluding whatever it has concluded, moving on to stare at the treebound and unconscious Sakura.

"Also familiar." It formed a similar conclusion upon completing it's analysis of the unconscious pink haired girl. This time however, the casual voice begins to show signs of trembling. Whether from fear or excitement remains to be seen.

"Hey! Stop staring!" Gamakichi, the toad initially summoned by Naruko voiced out in fear, creeped out by the soul piercing gaze the newcomer sent him.

"Familiar frog." The animal trembles as it voices out, causing the other onlookers to raise their eyebrow at the creatures tone.

'Why isn't Gaara using this opportunity to strike them down?' Pakkun, the more battle-hardened of them all, notices Gaara's inactivity, having been able to easily use this opportunity to prove his existence.

'No... He's carefully observing the animal that came out of that mysterious light. An unknown factor. Or is it instinct? is it dangerous?' Pakkun, upon further thought, came to his own conclusion at Gaara's silence. An awkward scene to be sure, giant sand Tanuki just standing there... Menacingly.

"Familiar dog." The animal voices out near breathlessly, his body twitching as he completes his creepy analysis of the poor dog.

The creature's head moves to meet the eyes of the behemoth Gaara. No outward reaction was given by Gaara himself at the bone chilling gaze.

"Familiar Sand thingy. Heh." The animal continues with it's progressively worsening trembling, a small chuckle, barely heard by the others lets loose from his mouth.

And finally, he turns to meet the eyes of his summoner, who is still pulling on her twintails in frustration. Who, upon noticing the bone chilling gaze directed at her, immediately stops her irritation fueled flailing in favor of making eye contact with the product of her actions.

Sapphire eyes meet Amethyst, as the Amethyst eyes widen upon closer look at the hyperactive blonde.

'Is that... A bloody Genderbent Naruto?' The animal thinks to itself in utter bewilderment, mouth opening as all of it's own lines of though stop. Jaw nearly dropping on the floor at the unexpected... Gender, of it's summoner's predicted identity.

Naruko, notices the Animal's shocked and expressive reaction, couldn't help but smirk confidently.

"Shocked of my awesomeness? Puppy Lizard!" She points at herself with a toothy and confident smirk, disregarding the whole time bomb thing on Sakura and the situation itself as a whole. in classic Naruko fashion.

"Unfamiliar gend. Pfft. Gender. Pfft. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" The animal, after a scant few seconds pass, manages to collect itself. Allegedly, as it voices out it's final analysis. Bursting out in deranged laughter at the absurdity of it all. Much to the confusion of all the onlookers.

The onlookers, especially Sasuke, found the animal ridiculous, and immediately lost any semblance of respect and caution towards such a mysterious and unknown creature. it's deranged laughter and enigmatic words not doing it's first impressions any favors.

'Should I just kill them now? No. Continue to observe. My prey can't run. I will prove my existence." The edgy sand boy plotted sinisterly. Surprisingly coherent enough to be capable of conscious thought and plotting, considering he is getting possessed by a sand spirit as we speak.

"Oi Naruko! You were supposed to summon my Pa and this is what we get instead? Your pretty lame!" Gamakichi comments mockingly, sending a disappointed look at the bewildered blonde, causing said blonde to throw an offended glare at the tiny toad.

"WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO! I was sure I put as much chakra as I could into the jutsu!" Naruko tries to pointlessly defend herself, throwing an accusing finger at the little toad, an offended look firmly plastered on her face.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sure..." Gamakichi didn't seem to believe it.

As the exchange between toad and blonde went along, the Animal was finding this new? situation of his, absolutely fantastic!

'What a riot! The first anime world I've come to, and that world is the Naruto world! Now, I expected to find myself bound to Naruto as a Hero mentor. But what do I get instead? A Familiar pact with... Pfft, Genderbent Naruto! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. So exciting! 4th world of my Hero mentoring journey and I got this lucky! Hope the settings I made aren't too favorable that it allowed for something like this to happen so soon... Will have to review that on a later date! Anyways, guess I'll have to set up my first impressions! (Little did the animal know, his first impressions were already thoroughly fucked up.)' The animal though to himself in absolute joy and humor, thrilled at where he ended up at and simultaneously confused at his absurd? luck. Whatever that means.

*Cough* A loud and deliberate cough brought attention back to the unknown factor.

"Did I come at a bad time?" The animal with a very new and extremely irritating smug grin, asked with good cheer. His eyes firmly set on the blonde. Who turned her head to politely and calmly respond to his mocking question.

"LIKE HELL YOU DID! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A BIG BOSS TOAD! AND NOW I HAVE YOU! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH - THIS! NOW?!" Naruko erupted and let out all her frustrations at the tactless animal who's tone reminded her of her own sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Accusingly pointing at the poor animal as if all of this was his fault. Proceeding to also point at the possessed Gaara simply looming above them, observing their interactions with fitting? caution.

"Wait. You're meaning to tell me, that instead of summoning me. You were intending on summoning a giant toad to combat the large sand thingy over there?" The animal questioned slowly, repeating the conclusion of Naruko's own words to her. His voice trembling with anxiety and slight fear? Wonder why. A worry filled expression plastered on animal's scaly face.

"YEAH! DAMN IT!" Naruko yelled out confirmation to the Animal's worst fears.

The animal's face pales at the news, despite his own physiological limits that realistically do not allow his face to pale at all. The reason? Well, just hear his own thought at the matter.

'Did I just fuck up canon by my sheer existence?! NOW WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!' The animal yelled out in the depths of mind, crying out for salvation. That will never come. Because he definitely does not deserve any.

(His name will be revealed next chapter, or if your already familiar with his name from my first story then you already know! :D)

-To Be Continued!-

- Author Note Start-

Thoughts On First Chapter!?!?!

Hey guys! You may or may not be new here, but this is my 2nd parallel story in what would be termed: "The Multiversal Mentor: A Dragon's (Mis)adventures in Hero Training" Series (Subject To Change). Now, if you'd like, you may also read the first story it's 100,000+ Words by now! Although the quality at the start would be (probably) worse than it is here. A difference of experience I'd wager! Never mind that though. Do enjoy the story and tell me of your thoughts!

Originally, this was a decision between A Naruto, RWBY or Fate story. But has chosen! And Naruto it shall be! or is it Naruko?!

Full credit goes to user:"JapaOuO" on the Naruko idea in tandem with the OC's state in this world!

Remember people, I am merely a mediocre writer and an even worse idea blender. if you've got amazing or interesting ideas or suggestions to give me, don't be shy! I may actually use them. No doubt, statistically speaking, most of you are going to be more creative than me. I'm just translating your ideas on pages. So to speak!

Reviews, Feedback, Ideas, Suggestions, Comments and Truthful constructive criticism would be a major help and motivator for me to continue writing as well as improving in the aforementioned writing! Thanks!

-Author Note End-

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