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Chapter 8: ) Academy part 2 (R18)

~~~~~~~~Arthur's note ~~~~~~~~

Yo what's good, here it is part two of the Academy, YAY. This chapter will have a couple of time skips alongside different POV'S once again. Also I decided on something that has to do with the MC's mother so I put in a R18 part somewhere around the beginning of the chapter.

Also I appreciate everyone's kindness and nice words regarding my last few chapters. Honestly, I have been creating stories for a couple of months now, but this is the very first one I decided to actually post and put my effort into.

So, as a thank you, I would like to post two chapters next week or after next week or maybe next next etc.,; one will be typical with 6,000+ or more words and another with maybe slightly less, but you can expect a second chapter in the next following weeks.

Also what the fuck, almost 3000 more words then the last chapter, so please read when you have time.

Anyway, that's it from me. Enjoy your chapter, and like always, if you have any questions, ask right here. I will try to answer what I can.


(50 minutes ago) Tsunade POV


'Tsk, had to take that extra patient, didn't you Tsunade.'

As I trudged my way back home, my eyes couldn't help but droop shut in exhaustion. The day had been long and tiring, spending the whole day attending several patients with various injuries. However, it was the last patient who weighed heavy on my mind. He had broken his arm after taking a nasty fall off a slippery roof and was inconsolable. Despite my best efforts to soothe him and alleviate his pain, he continued to cry uncontrollably. Eventually, I resorted to using my medical expertise to put him to sleep with a quick jab to the jaw. Luckily, that seemed to do the trick.

As I was strolling back home on the dimly lit street, my attention was drawn to a small family seated at a roadside stand. A mother and daughter duo were relishing a late-night meal, and their warm interaction reminded me of my dear little niece. It's been quite some time since we have had a chance to dine out together, and this sight made me nostalgic.

'I should ask Yuzuriha and Yoruichi if we can hangout sometime.'

The walk back didn't take much longer as within 2 minutes I finally was able to see the house in my sight.

As I approached the front door. I reached out and grasped the doorknob, turning it slowly as I pushed the door open. As I stepped inside, I realized that Yuzuriha was not there. However, I could sense her daughter's presence somewhere within the house. Making me call out to Yoruichi,

"I'm home! Hey Yoruichi where is your moth-…"

As I was about to ask Yoruichi if she knew her mother's whereabouts, I noticed a note written in Yuzuriha's handwriting that was attached to the door by a knife.

As soon as my eyes scanned the words on the note, a sense of urgency flooded my mind. The message was crystal clear - she was in dire need of help and time was of the essence. The alarm bells inside my head started ringing incessantly, prompting me to act fast as I pull the knife out of the wall, and secure it to my hip while I yell out to Yoruichi that I needed to go as I run full speed past the door, slamming it shut behind me.

While I was running I couldn't stop my panic as I prayed in my mind, hoping that she was safe, and that I could make it in time before anything serious happens.

'Please be fine, Please be fine, Please be fine, Please be fine, Please be fine, Please be fine, Please be fine,'

Yet despite all that I still felt as if someone was digging a whole in my gut as I picked up my pace by utilizing the body flicker technique.

As I was approaching the general location, I couldn't help but notice an unusual increase in the number of ninjas patrolling the area. Which Struct me as odd, considering how remote and secluded the corner of the village was. Before It immediately raised a red flag, and my instincts told me that something must have gone amiss.

'Please for the love of Kami be safe.'

When I finally got close enough to identify the ninjas, I quickly noticed that they seemed to be wearing white animal masks making me come to two conclusions, that was until I noticed that they seem not to bear the mark of the Anbu on their shoulders. Narrowing it down to only one.

'Root ninjas…'

It looked like I was also seen by them as I noticed three of their members separate from the rest as they quickly make it to my location.

"Halt, you can't pass."

Feeling a rising frustration within me, I clenched my teeth tightly together and focus on moving my chakra throughout my body. With every passing moment, I can feel the energy coursing through me. And then, with a sharp edge to my voice, I spoke out my words, making sure that every syllable drips with venom.

"Move, before I make you."

Yet to my surprise, they didn't seem to be frightened by my words. Instead, they got into their combat stances, ready to chase me away themselves.

I furrowed my brow as I was getting ready to bulldoze my way through them when suddenly another person burst into the scene, yelling at the group to stand down and let me pass.

"Let her through! Commander's orders!"

And like machines the three men backed off as they take several steps to the side, allowing me passage into poorer side of the village.

Instead of thanking them for potentially wasting my time, I instead increased my pace as I was able to sense Yuzuriha's Chakra signature after moving about 50 meters away from my previous location. Making me rush towards her, only to realize that she wasn't alone.

(Yuzuriha POV)

"I will ask one more time, What happened here?"

"Like I told you the last four times, I don't know!"

As my frustration reached its peak, I was just about to leave the scene when one of the individuals wearing a mask suddenly clasped onto my arm, preventing me from walking away.

"Hey! Where not done ask-…"


As the adrenaline rushed through my veins, I felt my hand clenching into a tight fist, ready to strike. But before I could act on my anger, a loud yet pleasant voice caught my attention from my left. I turned my head to see Tsunade, who had just landed gracefully beside us after leaping off the roof of a nearby house. Her expression was a mix of relief and fury, making me smirk. As she stood beside us, her presence alone was enough to calm me down.

"Take that hand away, before you lose it."

Almost like her words were magic the masked man released me, and took several step backwards before turning around alongside his comrades and disappearing from view.

As soon as I turned my head back towards Tsunade to express my gratitude, I felt a sudden and powerful force that pulled me into a tight and crushing hug. Tsunade wrapped her arms around my back, enveloping me with a strong embrace that left me momentarily stunned. After a moment, she released me and quickly scanned me with her eyes, before finally asking me to recount what had happened after seeing I was fine.

After explaining to her what lead me to come all this way, I began my story on what I found when I arrived.

"I made it to the meeting point but couldn't see anyone in sight; just as I was going to rush back home, fearing that it was all a trap to get to Yoruichi, I was surrounded by those same men as they began questioning me on the cause of death for Saito because apparently, I was the closest ninja present at the time."

After getting into more detail, I finally took notice of Tsunade's expression. I found her shaking in anger from my words as she dug her nails into her skin, leading to her palms bleeding before she muttered something under her breath.

(Tsunade POV)

"How, fucking, dare he."

I began thinking of many torture methods before I forced myself to calm as I told myself that he is already dead, and sadly was safe from my hands.

Taking a deep breath I look back into Yuzuriha worry full eyes before doing something that I might come to regret later as I put one hand on her cheek before leaning in to give her a kiss, but before my lips could make contact with hers I quickly came back to it and instead positioned my lips awkwardly to the top of her forehead making her blush as she probably noticed that it wasn't my initial target.

Trying my hardest not to blush in embarrassment I kept a straight face as I told her that I'm glad she was alright before telling her that we should begin making our way back, making her nod and cough into her hand as if trying to forget what happened.

"Y-Yes, let's go!"

Turning around almost mechanically, which I found just adorable, she began making her way back with a kick in her step, forcing me to let out a chuckle with a smile as I couldn't be any happier now that I knew she was safe, and back to her previous self.

I then began following behind her but as we were passing a more crowded area I secretly listened in to the locals conversations, trying to get a better picture of what actually happened.

"Did you hear them?"

"Yea, yea, the screams were so horrifying, what could possibly cause them?"

"Forget about the screaming, what about that pressure that we all felt after the screams."

"Oh don't remind me, I have never in my sixty three years of life ever felt closer to death than then."

"Yea I feel you old timer."

'Pressure?… It couldn't be her… can it?'

Hearing there words made me remember a certain feeling I had a while ago when Yoruichi had her chakra unblocked, more specifically when her second burst of chakra exploded from her body, or rather spiritual pressure.

'Hopefully I'm wrong.'

Taking my attention away from the crowd I look back at Yuzuriha's disappearing back as she picked up her pace almost to the point of running. Making me shake my head in regret as I seemed to have chose the wrong time to show my hidden affection that I held for her.

'Of course it's the wrong moment, she was about to get raped for Kami's sake.'

Sighing internally I pick up my pace as we continued our way back home.

(20-ish minutes later)


"Shhh, let's not wake her up."

Yuzuriha gestures silently by placing her index finger over her lips while speaking in a low, hushed tone. Which I acknowledge with a nod of my head.

Getting past the doorway I closed the door quietly behind me, before making it to the couch in the living room, where I took a seat, and rested my back against the armrest while kicking my legs up onto one other, sighing in content.

"*Sigh* finally can relax…"

Yuzuriha, after going up stairs and checking on her daughter, made her way down as she seamlessly looked less worried then before, after finding her daughter fast asleep.

"She asleep… *sigh* today was a long day. I'm going to go take a quick bath, can we talk afterwards please, I need to relax a little bit."

I closed my mouth as I was about to ask her more on what happened, and instead just nod, telling her to go ahead as I will wait for her down here.

Saying thanks she began making her way back up, yet just as she was about to walk away, she paused and turned back to face me. She gazed into my eyes, held the eye contact for a few moments before finally breaking it and walking away. As she left, I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking or feeling in that moment. But decided to ignore that thought as I instead began recalling what I had witnessed.

'What was the Root doing there? Are they investigating us or was everything a coincidence?'

While thinking more deeply, I didn't notice the time pass until I heard someone making their way down the stairs.

Getting out of my thoughts, I instead looked up to the stairs to find Yuzuriha coming down, with nothing under her waist except her panties, while on top she wore a white tank top that stuck to her skin, highlighting all her curves, and exposing her stomach alongside a jacket that wasn't zipped up at all, revealing her whole body to me. Which in turn made it hard to keep my eyes away from her.

"Sorry I took so long." She spoke with her eyes closed while she was trying to fix her hair before she finally opened them after putting her hair in a messy ponytail.

(🔥Sexy Yuzuriha IMG)

Her words managed to bring me back to it, as I mentally recovered from such a sight before answering her while trying my hardest not to look at her bouncing tits while she makes her way towards me.

"…it's fine"

'dam it, she's not making it easy.'

When she finally reached close to me she asked if I can move my feet, I obliged and sat straight on one end of the couch while she took the other, almost resulting in our shoulders touching because of the size of the couch.

When she sat next to me I noticed that her nipples and boobs were fully visible as she wore nothing underneath her white tank top.

Although I have seen her naked on multiple occasions, seeing her current appearance just makes me want to push her down, and do things to her that I could have only dreamed of.

Yet I once again ignored my thoughts, and instead stood up from the couch before making my way up the stairs as I let her know that I'm going to get cleaned up myself and asking her if she can take out couple of bottles from the cubby, since I think we both need a drink after all this.

"Sure thing, I'll begin without you," she says, waving her hand in my direction, urging me to head upstairs. I turn and make my way toward the bathroom while she strides confidently into the kitchen, her footsteps echoing off the walls as I close the door behind me.

I didn't take long in there as upon exiting the washroom, I felt refreshed after quickly cleansing myself with a few buckets of cold water. I gently patted my skin dry with a soft towel, taking care not to rub too hard. With a renewed sense of energy, I made my way back to my room to change into fresh clothes.

Once I arrived at my room, I closed the door and dropped my towel, revealing my body to no one. I then walked over to my closet and put on some white panties along with my nightgown.

Yet, before I put on my pink nightgown, I first considered whether I should wear a bra. I decided against it, reasoning that Yuzuriha didn't wear one, so why should I?

After getting dressed, I left my room and headed back downstairs. That's when I noticed Yuzuriha sitting on the couch with four bottles, one of which was already half empty.

"You sure were busy," I said, making my presence known as I took a seat next to her. Our shoulders grazed each other, causing Yuzuriha to lean my way before catching herself. She then shifted slightly to create space between us.

"Sorry, just haven't had a drank in a while… Pink looks good on you by the way."

(🔥Tsunade nightgown, IMG)

"Thanks, so how was class?"

As the night progressed, Yuzuriha and I sipped on our drinks, discussing a range of topics. The atmosphere was pleasant and the conversation flowed smoothly, until we found ourselves side by side, with empty bottles scattered around us. It was at that moment that our discussion took a slightly heated turn.

"-Can you believe her, there was no way she can possibly have done it." Yuzuriha spoke in an exaggerated tone while making hand gestures to explain herself.

"Yea…I guess you're right." I just nodded and agreed with her.

"I mean come on, having not one not two not even three but four different hot guys doing that to her is almost impossible. I mean she isn't really known for her looks, you get me."

"Yea I get you." I reached for the shot glass as I pour myself the rest of the bottle before taking it down my throat.

"… say, would you like that?"

Putting the glass down, I make eye contact with her before asking her to elaborate.

"I mean, would you like to have different men pleasuring you?"

I stayed silent while I contemplated her question before shaking my head no.

"I don't think I will, you see I never once had any experience, but I did hear from some colleagues that sex with men is not that pleasant. Since all they care about is their own pleasure, while completely forgetting about their partners after they had finish once or twice." I spoke without thinking as I told her one of my secrets that nobody else knew. Which I didn't catch, until she repeated what I said, with a tone of astonishment and surprise.

"…Wait, you never had any experience? So does that mean you're a virgin!?"

I once again did something without thinking as I nod before freezing and shaking my head while doing the same with my hands.

"AAaa, I mean yes, I mean no, I-I…"

Still in panic I take a look at her shit eating grin before signing, and just owning up for it, telling her the truth.

"*sigh* … Yes I'm a virgin, But its by choice you hear me."

She covered her mouth with her palm, acting surprised with a giggle, before leaning against my body, which resulted in our breasts pressing together as she whispered in my ear, "Oh, by choice, are you perhaps saving it for someone?"

Shivers went down my spine as her sensual voice tickled my ear. Not wanting to be caught with my pants down, I grabbed onto her shoulder and spun us around, pinning her against the couch before speaking out and asking her to stop teasing me.


Yet strangely enough I didn't hear a response, after taking a better look at her, I noticed that she was looking at my chest while blushing madly resulting in me gaining a curious look as I looked further down and noticed my boobs seemed to be on the verge of spilling out as you can practically see the nipple peeking through the see through mesh.

Blushing I tried to reach over and fix my appearance. Before I could finish however, Yuzuriha's hand reached out and grabbed me, pulling me back down towards her. I felt her hand behind my head, the other on my back, drawing me into a deep and passionate kiss.

I was confused for a moment only to realize what was happening when she started sucking and biting my bottom lip resulting in me opening my mouth and giving her entry to my tongue as she made me look like the virgin I was, by making me moan out in pleasure.

In the middle of the make out session I felt her let go of my back before feeling the same hand reach my right boob as she pulls it out it's containment giving it the chance to breathe before she begins to massage it making me squirm in pleasure.

"Mmm.. Chu. mmm…smooch*. hmmwaaa ha *heavy breathing*."

I finally was released from her clutches as I use on of my arms to pull myself up while I use the other to trace my lips as I couldn't imagine what just happened.

"Ha, W-Wha-What Was Th-.."

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, she interrupted me in the most unexpected way. She lightly placed her finger on my lips, silencing me instantly, and then gently caressed my cheek with her other hand. The warmth of her touch sent shivers down my spine, and for a moment, I forgot what I was about to say.

"Shhh, it's ok, let me take care of you."

My face flushed red in embarrassment at the way she was handling me, making me question myself, if this really is happenings since this all feels like a dream.

Feeling embarrassed, I was about to stand up and excuse myself. However, when I looked into her eyes, I noticed the longing and lust in her gaze as her hand reached back to my top and dragged it down to release my other breast, making me moan once more as she began playing with them and occasionally pinching my nipples.

In that moment, I made a conscious choice to let go of my duties as the protector and the elder sister of the woman laying under me. I wanted to experience something different - to live like a woman, to embrace my femininity and to allow myself to be vulnerable. I recognized that I was craving love and affection, and I decided to prioritize my own needs for once.

Unlike last time, I was the one who took advantage of her distraction by leaning down and capturing her lips in a kiss. Although the kiss didn't last long as after couple of seconds, I stood up from over her and took her hand in mine and began dragging her into her room since it was closer than my own.

While walking I also shook and swayed my hips more aggressively then normal making sure that my gown would lift up just enough to wear she would notice my white see-through panties, and my wet throbbing pussy.

It looks like it did the trick because when we reached the top of the stairs, I was pushed against the wall, causing my breasts to squish against it.

I let out a grunt in surprise before breathing in sharply when I felt the cold air against my skin after Yuzuriha violently ripped my gown in two, before pressing her body against mine while she wraps her arms around my body. reaching for my pussy, and slowly rubbing my outer lips while slightly flicking my clit making me moan out.

Yet before I could get any louder, I had my mouth sealed shut by her other hand as she leaned in further; I could feel her tits on my back before she pressed her soft lips against my earlobe, giving it a small bite and then speaking out in a smooth but commanding tone.

"Shhh, we don't want to wake Yoruichi, don't we." She gave me a kiss on the cheek as she sticks her finger into my pussy making me reach a small orgasm, while I whined out against her palm, squirming slightly.

Bringing her lips back to my ear, she gave them a light kiss before taking her hand away from my pussy and mouth. This resulted in me taking a sharp breath before it was sealed once more with her hand. Unlike before, she managed to slip her fingers into my mouth, making me suck up the juices that came out of my vagina.

"Mmm..hmm… MmMm." I sucked on her finger for a little while until she pulled it out of my mouth and brought it towards her own, giving me a show by licking her own finger in a very sexual manner. I shivered as I noticed her tongue bending and moving in ways I can only used to imagine.

Pulling her finger away, she sighed in satisfaction before bringing her mouth back to my ear and whispering to me to hurry up and get moving. This resulted in me getting off the wall and walking a few steps before almost falling on my knees as my lower body wasn't used to such pleasures, even from the toys I hid in my room.

Luckily or unluckily she noticed that I was having trouble walking so she took my hand in hers before helping me walk the rest of the way by keeping one hand on my ass.

After we arrived at the door, I pulled it opened in haste as my body craved more, which resulted in Yuzuriha letting out a chuckle at my inpatientness, making my already red face even redder from embarrassment.

Making my way inside I noticed that unlike downstairs it was pretty dark, with the only light source coming from the big window that was located over her coffee table.

I wasn't given any more time to inspect her room. After hearing the door lock behind me, I turned back around to notice that Yuzuriha was in the process of taking her top off, revealing her nice, perky tits for me to see.

After doing that, she turned to her right, where a lone chair stood against the wall, before sitting on it and spreading her legs to reveal her black lace panties.

She then locked eyes with me before indicating with her finger to get on my knees and start crawling, making me finally realize what I had signed up for by not walking off after the first kiss.

'Oh Kami, I'm about to get absolutely dominated, aren't I?'

Yet, for reasons unknown to me, I noticed my pussy getting even more soaked alongside my body heating up when I acted out the command by going on my knees and crawling towards her, making sure to give her a good show by swaying my tits and ass side to side.

'I think I can get used to this.' was the thought that last played in my mind before I got in between her legs and began my kisses up her leg, before finding my goal covered by her black lace defense.

Just as I was about to pull them down with my hands, I noticed one of her legs swing out and hit my face, taking me by surprise until I heard her speak out and order me not to use my hands.

Although I was surprised by the kick, I once again noticed that, for some reason, it only made me more horny to be degraded by her and treated the way I am.

'I'm a Masochist… No, I'm her Masochist.'

(Same Time, inside MC's Inner World) Yoruichi Shihouin/MC POV


With a firm grip, I clutch my Zanpakutō using both hands, successfully pushing Elora's blade away. I quickly shift the sword's form from its swift mode to the Claymore form. The transformation causes the blade to grow in size and gain a more extended reach. Moreover, the Zanpakutō's weight and power increase as it absorbs some of my energy, resulting in a bluish hue emanating from the blade.

With a swift motion, I swung my blade down, unleashing a powerful surge of stored energy from the tip of the blade. The release of Chakra and Spiritual energy created a brilliant arc, shooting towards Elora, who had quickly separated from me and jumped backwards to avoid the attack. The energy from the blade crackled and sizzled as it surged through the air, creating a dazzling display of light and power that illuminated the battlefield.

As the powerful arc of energy came hurtling towards her, she reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. In a split second, she transformed the Gladius sword in her hand into its Bracelet form, which was better equipped to handle the incoming attack. At the same time, she summoned all of her energy to create a protective prism dome that encased her in a shimmering, translucent shield. With a burst of strength, she sent the dome hurtling forward toward the oncoming energy, meeting it head-on in a dazzling display of power. The two forces collided with a tremendous blast, sending shockwaves rippling out in all directions.

Despite the intense pressure, she stood her ground, her Bracelet and dome holding firm against the onslaught, unlike me, who had to take several steps back while closing my eyes to protect myself from the dust.

When I opened them back up, not even a second passed. Elora didn't even need half of that as my eyes met the tip of a blade just inches away from my face.

With a deep sigh, I let my guard down and collapse onto my back in utter defeat.

"*Sigh* I give… How do you even make your constructs so fast."

{because I'm me}


Still lying on the ground, I raised my hand while willing my Zanpakutō to appear in its Gladius form. In an instant the blade appears making me admire its looks.

Standing up, I let out a sigh and willed my Zanpakutō to disappear. Before I proceeded to dust myself off.

"I think it's time for me to go, thanks for-…"

{i would stay and continue training your abilities if i was you}

'There she goes again'

Shaking my head I place my hands on my waist before speaking up.

"Oh I would love to, but I can't even hit you so what's the point since the Zanpakutō's main ability requires me to make contact with someone."

{so your saying i'm too strong of an opponent}

"What, no it's because-…"

{very well, i was going to save this for when you unlock your Bankai, but if things continue as they are now, you won't even be able to unlock it in the next century}


Just as I spoke I noticed her hand raising before she spoke a single word that sent shivers down my spine.


When her words reached my ears the entire inner world shook for a second before stabilizing bringing with a feeling of despair. When the feeling of dread vanished from my body, I looked to the side where I noticed a skeletal knight kneeling to Elora, with his hand over his chest and his head bowed.

"W-What was that! Who is that?!"

{this my master, is Sir. Berthelot, and that was just one of my abilities that are sealed within your Zanpakutō}

(Sir. Berthelot skeleton IMG)

"Sir.Berthelot?? Wait, I thought you were a Goddess of energy not death?"

I clearly remember our recent conversation when I asked her if she used to be a goddess.

{you are looking at it the wrong way}

With a graceful and barely perceptible movement of her head, Elora signals to the knight, kneeling beside her, to rise and come closer. As he stands up and takes slow steps toward her, the rustling of his armor echoes through the wind, filling the air with its metallic melody.

{who is to say that death isn't a form of energy in of itself}

After staring at her in disbelief, I felt a lump in my throat before mustering up the courage to ask her if she could kindly refresh my memory about who she was.

{i'm Elora, your Zanpakutō, master}

"No, before that, what was your title before your death."

{…very well, if you're so curious, i will tell you some of my titles that i was known for}

Suddenly, without warning, the entire Inner world, or perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a dimension, was engulfed in a violent shaking motion. A strange, pinkish-purple glow emanated from every corner, casting an eerie light that seemed to weigh heavily on my spirit. The oppressive sensation was so overwhelming that I found myself unable to move.

I looked back at Elora only to find something flickering around her, almost as if something was trying to merge back into herself.

{i was known as Elora, The Goddess Of Energy, The second born, The everlasting, The End, The True Succubus, and The Second Seat Holder}

At the very end of her words, I couldn't breathe as it felt like every fiber of my being was trying to serve her, Yet that feeling disappeared after she finished, and everything calmed down.

I took a deep breath and looked at the skeleton woman before me. My curiosity peaked. Confused, I shook my head and asked her to explain what that last title meant.

{it means that I was the second most powerful god out of the 10}


I expressed my desire for more information, but she simply shook her head and stated that she would elaborate after I defeated him, gesturing to her left.

As I followed her finger, my eyes landed on a sight that sent shivers down my spine. In front of me stood the knight Berthelot, bathed in an ominous red glow as if ignited by the fires of hell itself. The knight appeared immobile, yet every inch of its body exuded an aura of danger and aggression like a ferocious beast waiting to pounce on its prey. The mere thought that it might be waiting for a signal to attack me made my heart race with fear and anticipation.

{match her strength, Berthelot}

The knight nodded before losing the red oppressive aura surrounding his form and getting into a basic position.

She looked at me before signaling me to get into position while raising her hand.

"Wait, I really need to get goi-…" I didn't get to finish my words, as when her hand dropped, I was blinded by a fist that about to connect to my face.

'What the fu-…'


Feeling as if I was hit by a truck, I was sent flying while bleeding from my nose as his punch likely managed to break it, and I blacked out momentarily from the impact.

Still in the air, I opened my eyes to see the very same knight over me with his foot over his head. Dropping it downwards toward my face.

'Oh hell no.'

Intending to avoid the incoming attack, I focused my energy on the sole of my foot and swiftly pivoted my body mid-air using my hips. As Berthelot's foot came dangerously close to my face, I managed to dodge it by jumping to the side, mere millimeters away from the attack. As I landed on the ground, the impact caused a massive explosion of sand, scattering particles all around me.



{yes} spoke Elora from afar.

I sprang into action as Berthelot struggled to recuperate from his previous strike. In a swift motion, I summoned my Zanpakutō, which appeared in its formidable Claymore form. With my energy coursing through I infused the blade with a significant portion, which the weapon eagerly absorbed.

'This will do.'

I kicked off the empty air while using Shunpo, appearing right over him and swinging my blade down.

'Got you.'

But to my disbelief, using his bare hands, he redirected my blade to the side before spinning in place at such speed that it looked like a blur, kicking me in my stomach and making me fly once more.

As I was flying through the air, I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I knew I was going too fast, but I couldn't stop myself. Before I could react, I crashed into one of the mountains with an ear-splitting noise. The impact was so powerful that it created a huge dust cloud that obscured my vision. For a moment, I felt like I was weightless, but as soon as I regained the feeling of my body, I felt an excruciating pain in every single one of my bones. It was as if they had been crushed to dust. The pain was unbearable.

"Ughh,*spits blood*, what the…fuck"

'I could speak, that's a good sign….'

Looking up, I find the same dam knight running my way, probably to finish the job until the very last second as his fist stops just inches from my face after hearing Elora's words.

{that's enough}

Feeling defeated, I lowered my head and heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Soon after, Elora's voice could be heard from above, breaking the silence.

{are you ok}

"*spits blood* W-what do y-you thin-*bloody coughing*"

{good, you're alive}

I was about to sneer at her sarcasm but stopped, feeling the pain after trying to do so.

{let me} She raised her palm, making it glow a greenish-yellowish hue.

A second later she puts her hand down.

{done, your all healed}

As I gradually lifted myself, my gaze fell upon Elora, and I couldn't help but acknowledge the truth in her words. As I stood up from the human imprint that I had left behind, I was awestruck by the vast array of abilities that Elora possessed, from the power to resurrect the deceased to the ability to heal others. It was a stark reminder that she was not an ordinary Zanpakutō spirit, and her powers far exceeded any of my previous expectations.

Looking behind her, I once again found Berthelot kneeling, making me look at him in awe and slight fear before questioning Elora about his earlier aggressive behavior.

{you killed him, alongside his family}

Upon hearing her words, I looked at her angrily and yelled out.

"But that wasn't me!"


"I didn't kill him or his family, heck I didn't do any of the things you say I did! So why do you keep blaming me for it!"


After I yelled, I remained silent for a while, allowing the stillness to linger. As the moments passed, I began to feel bad for my outburst and apologized for my behavior.

"Sorry, I didn't me-…"

{your wrong} But once again, I was interrupted.

"… excuse me?"

{you think it wasn't you, but it was}

I let the silence drag out again before questioning her on what she meant.

{you kept saying your future self this, your future self that, but all along, it was your past self.}

My eyes opened wide as I instantly denied her words.

"No, there's no way, I'm not her, I was Michael in the past, not-…"

{but you're wrong} she interrupted me again. But I didn't mind as I was busy thinking, trying to make sense of it all.

Elora shook her head in disapproval before fixing her gaze on Berthelot and nodding towards him as he collapsed to the ground. His bones and armor fell heavily as if instantly drained of life.

She looks back at me, asking me to follow her. I didn't respond but chose to comply, as I followed behind her every step.

As we trudged on for a few minutes, we finally reached the ruins. Uncertain of our destination, I turned to Elora and asked her where we were headed. She didn't utter a word in response, and instead continued on in silence, leaving me to ponder where she could be taking me.

But it looks like my question was answered as we returned to the throne room.

Looking up I take in the sight of the glorious black throne before looking back to Elora and asking her why come here.

{that will answer all your questions}

She points up to the throne, making me look back at it.

"… if I take the throne?"

{yes, but beware, the path you are looking to take will not be an easy one}

Looking at the throne, I hardened my resolve before lifting my foot and trying to take another step.

As opposed to the last time when I was forcefully thrown away, this time, I succeeded in taking a step forward on one of the steps. I couldn't help but smile.

As I lifted my other foot to take the second step, the fleeting smile adorned my face was short-lived, for the moment my foot landed, I felt an immense weight bearing down on me, forcing me to push my energy through my body to keep standing. The pressure was suffocating.

'What the fuck.' Not expecting the pressure, I cursed inwardly before looking up at all the steps and counting a hundred in total.

'It doesn't get harder, does it.'

As I attempted to take the third step, I felt an immense pressure that felt suffocating to my leg. Despite the discomfort, I pushed forward, only to be instantly blasted off the step. The force was so intense that I felt every single bone in my leg crushed, and I was left writhing in pain. As I looked down, my worst fears were confirmed - my leg was utterly flattened, resembling a pancake.

"Ahhh Fuck!"

Falling back down to the very beginning I tried to reach down to my leg only to find a bleeding stump as everything under my knee was ripped off from the fall.

Elora seeing my predicament just shakes her head before healing me again making me calm down as I grab onto my leg.

"What the fuck was that!?"

{the first fifty steps, the steps that increase in pressure for every step you take, what you just felt was the weight of an entire mountain pressed against your leg}

"that was only the third step? What the hell is the fiftieth?"

{the weight of a dying star}


Sighing I stand up while looking up to the throne, before shaking my head in disbelief, and turning back around to look at Elora.

"I think I need to sleep this off."

{very well, we will continue your training with sir. Berthelot, when you return}

As I tried to utter a word, she abruptly turned her back to me. My vision blurred, and I knew then that I was being kicked out once again.

Suddenly, I jolted awake as my eyes fluttered open, and I found myself back in the real world.

"*Sigh* why is she always like this."

I looked to my right towards the window, finding it to be still dark.

"I wonder if Mom went to sleep yet?"

As I felt slightly restless, I stood up, shuffled towards the door, and turned the handle. Pushing it open, I peeked out into the hallway and scanned the area, looking to my left towards the stairs. My eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light, and I noticed that the lights downstairs appeared to be switched off, shrouding the lower floor in an eerie darkness.

'Looks like she went to bed.'

Just as I was going to turn back around and go to sleep, something caught my eye.

'Hmm? Isn't that Tsunade's?' I wondered as I walked to the wall adjacent to my door, where I noticed a pink nightgown lying on the ground.

As I picked up the nightgown, I immediately noticed that it felt damp to the touch. I initially thought that Tsunade must have just washed it and accidentally dropped it. However, upon closer inspection, I realized the nightgown was torn apart from the front. It was as though someone had grabbed onto both ends of the fabric and forcefully pulled them apart, leaving a large rip in the center. The damage seemed intentional.

'Why would Tsunade do this? It was still in good condition."

As I held it in my hand, I couldn't help but notice a pungent odor emanating from it. Curiosity got the better of me, so I lifted it closer to my face and took a deep sniff.

'Alcohol? Why would Tsunade drink in this, and why is it ripp-…' I froze.

"No fucking way." Then looked over at the only other closed door that was slightly farther away from my own.

That's when I noticed that Tsunade's door was wide open—making me gulp as my face reddened a few shades.

"Are they…"

As I turned around, my gaze landed on the closed door. I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity wash over me, prompting me to step closer.

Without any conscious effort, my feet began to move, bringing me right in front of the door.

'I mean, I always knew they had a thing for each other, but I just need to make sure, yea, just to make sure everything is alright with them…'

I leaned in towards the door, pressing my ear against its rough surface, hoping to catch a sound or two. However, to my surprise, I heard nothing at all. I was puzzled and wondered why there was no sound coming from inside the room. It was only after a moment that I remembered Granny had installed privacy seals around the house, which activated as soon as someone locks one of the doors.

'Should I break in?'

Just as I was thinking of breaking the door down, I paused and thought about my actions.

"What the fuck am I thinking… I should just go to sleep."

Dropping the teared nightgown by the door, I turned around and began making it back to bed, trying to forget that anything had happened.

(Next morning) 03/13/54 Tsunade POV

Opening my eyes, I came to notice that the ceiling over my head was different from the one I'm used to seeing. Making me question myself where I was until certain memories came back to me, resulting in my eyes to widened beyond belief.

'No way that happened.'

Yes way it happened, because after looking to my left I noticed couple strands of purple hair peeking from underneath the blanket.

Feeling a sudden rush of blood to my face, I gulp nervously as I slowly raise my hand towards the edge of the blanket. With a slight hesitation, I grasp the edge of the fabric and gently lift it, revealing the sexy naked body of my adopted sister.

Carefully and gently, I placed the soft, cozy blanket back down over her body, trying not to disturb the sleeping beauty. After that, I turned my body away from her and slowly shut my eyes, hoping that when I opened them again, I would find myself in the comfort of my own bed. The thought that all of this could be just a dream lingered in my mind, making me feel both hopeful and uncertain at the same time.

But after closing my eyes and waiting for couple seconds, I quickly notched that I wasn't waking up so just to make sure I go ahead and pinch myself making me feel a slight sting in my arm before my eyes opened wide once more.

'This is not a dream!!!!'

Quietly and cautiously, I turn back around and lift the blanket to get a better look at her.

And lo and behold that's when I noticed her pink puffy nipples, alongside the various kiss and bite marks all over her tits and stomach.

With embarrassment flushing my face, I hastily rose from the bed, my movements as quiet as possible. Before I began to search for my clothes, only to find my panties, ripped on the ground.

'They were my favorite pair.'

Looking around for my nightgown I remembered that Yuzuriha managed to take it off me in the hallway.

So quickly unlocking the door I opened it up, and about to walk off to where I remember it to be, only to stop myself after taking couple steps past the door as I seemed to be dragging something under my feet.

As I lowered my gaze, my eyes fell onto a familiar sight - the same pink nightgown that I had worn last night, now lying crumpled under my feet. A wave of confusion washed over me, as I couldn't fathom why it was here. Suddenly a terrifying thought crossed my mind, causing my eyes to snap open in fear.

'Oh please Kami, let me be wrong on this one.'

As my eyes darted towards my right, I couldn't help but notice that Yoruichi's door remained tightly shut. A moment of relief swept over me, thinking that perhaps we had not been caught in our act. However, my relief was short-lived as I heard a faint clicking sound, and before I knew it, the very door I had been staring at was slowly opening.

Out walked a groggy Yoruichi, rubbing her eyes as she stumbled forward. But as soon as her gaze landed on my exposed body, she froze in her tracks, and a deafening silence filled the air.

'….Yuzuriha will kill me.'

As I was lost in my thoughts, pondering over the regretful realization of being a bad aunt, I failed to notice Yoruichi's keen eyes thoroughly scanning my body before nodding in approval.

"Why are you naked?"

Hearing her words made me realize that she's only five years old and shouldn't know why I was walking out her mother's room. So hoping that I could still save my reputation I went ahead and lied.

"U-um, *clear throat*. Good morning Yoruichi, I forgot my towel, did I wake you?"

I think I noticed a glint in her eyes but forgot about it after I found her giving me a beautiful smile.

"Nope, you didn't. But wow you have big boobs!"

Hearing her words made me slightly embarrassed as not long ago these big boobs were but a play thing for Yuzuriha as she bit and played with them all night long.

But just as that thought crossed my mind, I panicked again as I forgot that she can probably see all the love marks that were left behind.

So quickly looking down I sighed in relief after noticing you couldn't see anything, as I thanked Kami that I was born as the granddaughter of the First Hokage.

Looking back towards Yoruichi I give her a gentle smile before boldly presenting my chest to her, allowing her to take a good look.

"Thank you, I'm pretty proud of them myself."

Yoruichi nods before making her way towards me.

"I'm going to mommy, is she awake?"

In a state of panic, I swiftly reached out and grabbed hold of her shoulders with a firm grip, preventing her from peering inside. With a sense of urgency, I then proceeded to pull her forcefully into my room.

"I think she's probably still asleep, so how about you help me get dressed for the morning."

As I tugged her inside my room, the door creaked shut behind us. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I made my way to the closet.

"Ok… I can help but you should dry yourself off first."

Racing an eyebrow after hearing her words, I turned back towards her and asked where I was wet, making her walk up to me and point down to my vagina and inner thigh area.

"right there."

After looking down and confirming that I indeed did get wet from the thought of getting caught, makes me blush up in shame as I mentally cursed myself for being such a perverted woman.

'Kill me now'

(10 months later) 01/11/55 Yoruichi Shihouin/MC POV

"Yoruichi you're going to be late to class."

"Coming mom."

Jumping from the stairs I began walking to the front door.

"Don't do that, that's dangerous."

I froze after hearing my mother's words as I turned her way giving her one of my 'are you serious' looks, making her chuckle.

"Fufu my bad, forget for a second, now hurry up, we don't want you to be late."

Nodding, I ran off towards the academy as I had an end-of-the-year exam waiting for me.

'I wonder what we'll have to do, probably just demonstrating the Academy taijutsu.' thinking so I ran with confidence, confident that I have this one in the bag.

In the middle of my run I began thinking about all that had happened in this past year.

For instance, it seems that Mother is unaware that she had a sexual encounter with Tsunade. Although, she may be pretending to be ignorant because she acted as if nothing had occurred when she woke up.

As I recalled the memory, it seemed amusing to me that Tsunade had a look of disappointment on her face after seeing mother so ignorant. Her expression was almost enough to make me abandon the innocent and clueless facade that I was putting on at the time.

Then there was also that one incident involving Obito, who had suffered a minor injury during practice. His partner at that time, Nohara Rin, had taken it upon herself to look after him for the remainder of the evening. As a result, the young boy blushes nowadays every time they cross each other's paths.

'Still can't see what's so special about that girl, only that she's slightly kind.'

Speaking about kindness, there is someone I know who holds none of that in regard, and his name is fuck face- I mean Berthelot.

Seriously that guy shows no mercy regardless of the opponent he's facing. I remembered he even made me question Elora if he was ever loved as a child, because no child who received love would rip another child's arms off.

Her response to that question was that he did, but I killed them in front of his eyes. So maybe I understood the guy, if only slightly.

Getting out of my thoughts, I finally made it to the academy grounds, where I quickly noticed the big red doors. After making it past them and turning left, I continued to class.

While walking I took notice that there were other students also arriving late, and one of them just so happens to be Nohara Rin. So not seeing a reason not to, I got close to her before starting a conversation.

"Hello there."

"Umm? Oh, Hello Yoruichi."

I raised a brow in surprise.

"You know my name?"

She nods with a happy smile before telling me that everyone in class knows who I am.

"Really? I didn't do anything to stand out though."

Which was true, as I purposely only scored average in each class, just so I wouldn't be gaining any unnecessary attention.

"It's because of your dark skin." She replied with a happy smile while looking at my arms.

I rolled my eyes as I nearly forgot that I'm probably the only dark-skinned individual in the whole village. However, I stopped paying attention to other people's reactions long ago.

"Right, I guess that makes sense, so are you ready for the final exam."

Nodding happily, she let me know that she had studied super hard as we neared our classroom door.

When we reached the door, I stepped back, letting Rin knock on it since I couldn't be bothered.

As the door opened, I caught sight of our new Sensei, who was appointed after the fiasco with the last one.

"Right on time ladies. Go ahead and take your seats. Class is about to begin," he said.

We nodded and went to our assigned seats. I sat at the very back row.

After taking my seat, I noticed something under the Sensei's chair, which made me smirk and look over at the grinning Obito, who was struggling to contain his amusement.

"Now that everyone's here, let me proceed with instructions and rules for the final exam," the Sensei continued.

Everyone became serious at his words, except for me, who just snorted.

"This will be an individual examination, where someone will take each of you into a different room one by one to complete the exam. If you fail, you will be asked to leave the ninja academy for good," he explained.

Hearing this surprised me, as I wasn't expecting it.

Murmurs filled the classroom as students discussed and questioned the reasons for being asked to leave.

Ignoring the murmurs, the Sensei told everyone to stay quiet before he walked out the front door and returned shortly with another person.

Once they both entered, the other man escorted a student out, leaving the rest of us anxious.

The uncertainty spread among the class as the man continued to lead students away.

After some delays caused by certain exams, it was finally my friend Asuma's turn.

Obito was anxious, but Kurenai calmed him down with a stern punch to the head.

After each student's turn, the man returned alone, providing necessary information to the Sensei.

Following Asuma, it was Obito and then Kurenai's turns, as they were seated next to each other. Interestingly, Obito took the longest.

Finally, it was my turn after the entire class. I stood up and followed the man outside the class.

Once outside, he asked me to follow him to another room, which I did. Once there, I came to notice that there was nothing inside, making me raise a brow.

But the man didn't seem to notice as he walked around me and pointed over to an empty spot in the room before speaking out.

"I want you to kill it."

When I looked over where he was pointing, I just squinted my eyes, thinking that he was pointing out to a bug. But after not seeing anything, I looked back to him and asked what exactly am I supposed to kill.

"You don't see it?"

"Um, sorry, all I see is a wooden floor. Was I supposed to see something?"

"… you passed."


He walked past me before pointing out the door and speaking out in his normal tone.

"The exit is that way, you can head home," before walking away, making me look at the door he walked out of in confusion.

'What was that all about.'

{he failed to put you into an illusion}

'Oh, that makes sense… Wait, Failed!? Why, how?'

{it's part of my contract}. Feeling annoyed at the lack of information once again, I asked her to elaborate.

{i'm not to allow you to fall into any illusion, no matter what}.

I didn't ask her anything after that, as I was busy thinking on why I would need to be protected from illusions.

'Is it to protect me from someone? From whom though? Madara, Aizen, or maybe someone else, someone more terrifying?'


'Well, I will get to it when I get to it.' Thinking so, I walk back home, completely ignoring the chaos I've created without even noticing.

(Examiner POV)

'What the hell is wrong with that girl?'

I couldn't get it out of my mind. After I failed to put her through the Genjutsu, I tried multiple other times, only for all of them to fail. No, it would've been normal if she noticed my attempts, but to not even notice, and still not being affected, means either two things.

One is that her mind and Chakra are more powerful than my own, which should be impossible according to the reports. Or that she can't be affected by Genjutsus, which is even worse.

'The Hokage needs to know this.'

(Yoruichi Shihouin/MC POV)

"I'm home."

"Welcome back. How was your exam?"

I looked up to find Mother walking around the dining table after she placed something on it.

"Probably one of the easiest things I've ever done."

She raised an eyebrow at me before asking if I was sure which got me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I had to go through with it, I almost cried when I had to kill that bunny."

'So they made you kill a cute animal for a final exam. What monsters.'

Not wanting Mom to know I didn't get affected by the Genjutsu, I told her that I did feel sad after doing it.

"Oh baby, come here." But I instantly regretted it after getting pulled into a crushing hug.

(5 months later) 06/09/55

I can't do this anymore." I slumped my head against the table, as I stopped paying attention to the lecture we were given.

{why don't you just graduate early}

'I thought about that, Elora, but I want to try and get in a squad with my friends at least, since I'm going to spend most of my time with them. Also, Mom probably wouldn't let me.'

{then why not create a clone to go to class for you}

'I can't just steal the forbidden scroll like Naruto did. The only way I will learn it is if I can get someone to teach me, but we both know no one is crazy enough to teach a six-year-old kid a forbidden Jutsu.'

{you can black-mail someone into doing it}

Her words made my eyes light up for a second before they dimmed back to there board dead state

'But I have no black-mail material.'


For a while, I remained in the same position with my head drooped down, lost in deep thought. Suddenly, my eyes widened, and I jolted upright, slamming my hands hard against the desk in front of me, as if struck by a sudden realization.

"I got it!"

"…" x18

'… Opps.'

(Hours later, after class)

"I'm home!"

"Welcome back, how was class."

Walking through the door, I greeted my mother with a hug before telling her that my day was fine.

"That's good, why don't you go upstairs and get yourself ready for lunch."

After receiving the suggestion, I nodded and proceeded to head upstairs. I closed my door behind me as I followed the advice.

'Ok, all I need to do is to wait for tonight, and proceed like planned.'

{you know what your planning to do can ruin your relationship with Tsunade}

'There's always a chance but I need to risk it.'

After changing into casual attire, I descended the stairs to see my mother patiently seated at the table, waiting for me to join her.

'Gosh I sure am lucky.'

(5 hours later/ night time)

"…-and he wouldn't stop screaming, so I had to put him to sleep before realigning his bones back in place."

"What a wuss, if it was me I wouldn't even let out a peep." As I uttered those words, Tsunade just chuckled, oblivious to how serious I really am. It's not her fault though, she wouldn't know that I have to fight for my life every time I go to sleep.

As Tsunade finally managed to suppress her laughter, she was just about to say something when the sound of footsteps interrupted her. It was Mom, who appeared at the top of the stairs and called out to me, telling me it was time to go to bed.

After saying goodnight to Tsunade and Mom, I nodded at them and headed towards my room. The cool breeze blowing through the windows and the moonlight illuminating the way made for a peaceful walk. As I walked, my footsteps echoed in the quietness of the night and cast shadows on the walls. Eventually, I arrived at my room, closed the door behind me, and sat on my bed, waiting for the perfect opportunity to execute my plan.

(Tsunade POV)

"What were you laughing about?"

As I gazed into Yuzuriha's eyes, I felt a strange pull, as though I was being drawn into the deep pools of her gaze. The intensity of her eyes was almost overwhelming, and I found myself quickly averting my gaze, not wanting to get lost in their captivating depths.

"Nothing, just a bad joke."

As Yuzuriha opened her mouth to speak, I abruptly interrupted her by getting up from my seat and heading up the stairs. My sudden movement seemed to have caught her off guard, and she remained silent as I made my way up.

"I need to wake up early for a meeting with my old team, so I'm going to bed."

"… ok, good night, Tsunade."


Upon reaching the top of the stairs, I stopped at Yuzuriha's room, taking a moment to gaze at it before clenching my fist and continuing towards my own room.

'It was a mistake Tsunade, get over it.'

I pushed the door shut and paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as I surveyed the room. Then, with a heavy sigh, I leaned my back against the door and let my hand fall to my forehead, for a moment, I simply stood there, lost in thought.

'*Sigh* who am I kidding, I won't ever get over it… should I just, confront her?'

Thinking seriously for a second I concluded that it would be better if I just tried to forget about it, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to do so.

With a heavy sigh, I trudged towards my closet, feeling the weight of the day on my shoulders. As I slowly peeled off my clothes, one by one, before slipping into a comfortable black nightgown that hugged my body in all the right places. As I adjusted the straps and smoothed out the fabric, I instantly remembered that it was a nightgown of the same design that was ripped apart by Yuzuriha's very hands.

I shake my head vigorously, trying to erase the vivid memory that keeps replaying in my mind, yet I couldn't seem to shake it off. Making it to the bed I close my eyes, hoping that tomorrow would come by quicker and that I would finally be able to move on.

(Yoruichi Shihouin/MC POV)

'Fuck, she isn't masturbating.'


'Ok plan B.'

I withdrew my ear from Tsunade's door, having only caught the sound of her soft breathing, a sign that she was fast asleep. Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand and knocked on her door, my heart pounding in anticipation of what was to come.

-knock- -knock-

I waited for a couple of seconds before the door slowly opened, revealing a sleepy Tsunade dressed in a black nightgown.

"What is it Yoruichi?"

'Ok here goes nothing.'

"Can I talk with you?" I tried my hardest to appear nervous and sell my act.

"Sure, come inside." She moved to the side, allowing me passage.

As I walked past her, I couldn't resist taking a quick glance around the room to take in my surroundings. After that, I took a seat on her bed, patting the spot next to me and politely asking her to do the same.

As soon as she settles down beside me, she gently rests her hand on my head. Her fingers move slowly through my hair, creating a comforting sensation that instantly puts me at ease. With a soft tone and a warm smile, she asks me what is on my mind.

"Can you teach me the shadow clone Jutsu."

'Plan B, try your hardest to convince her.'

"… why, would you need it?"

'Ok, she's not out right rejecting me. That's a good sign.'

"So I could skip class." She frowned.

'Aaannnd, you just blew it.'

"You want to skip class? You know I can't allow that."

'It's ok it's still salvageable.'

"But it's way too easy, and I don't learn anything anyway, since I learned everything by myself." She nodded at my words, making me internally pat myself on the back.

"True you are a monster in that sense, but-…" I didn't let her finish as I interrupted her.

"Exactly I know everything they are teaching me, I'm just wasting my time there. I would rather be training how to control my spirit energy, since you know, I'm the only one in the entire nation that has it."

"…*sigh* why don't you just graduate early then?" She questioned me while massaging her forehead.

"Because if I do I would have to join a squad with older kids, and I don't want them to bully me because of my age."

"You're lying."

'Dam it.'

"Fine it's because I want to stay with my friends, because I know they will need me when the time comes."

"…*sigh* I can't believe I'm saying this, but fine, I will get you the scroll for the Shadow clone Jutsu."

Hearing her words made me smile in victory as I mentally stand up and shout out in happiness.

"But… You will have to learn under me at the hospital, three hours a day, every day."

I smiled even more brightly after her words, since that was going to be the next thing I was planning to ask of her.

So before she can reconsider I take her hand in mine and shaking on it.

"Glad to be doing business with you."

She just shakes her head with a smile before pushing me off the bed and telling me to go to sleep.

Yet before I left left her room I decided to give her some advice.


"Hmm? What is it?"

"You should totally let Mom know what happened that night, it really hurts seeing you so upset over it. So go for it." I gave her a thumbs up while winking at her, before running out the room as I noticed her face heating up as she began shaking and stuttering.

"Y-Y-You, K-Knew!!"

I didn't stay to deal with that as I instantly closed the door behind me, skipping my way back to my room while giggling, imagining the conversation that will happen tomorrow.

'Should be fun.'

(Next morning) 06/10/55

Opening my eyes I groaned while thinking about a certain someone, who loves bashing my skull into the ground.

'Fucking Berthelot, I will get you next time.'

I don't know why but I mentally imagined a smaller version of Berthelot scoffing in my direction.

"At least I can keep up with him now, unlike before." Thinking about it, it's kind of crazy how I didn't know how to use my body to its maximum potential until recently.

Luckily I have a knight on steroids, who's like the perfect teacher. If he didn't try to rip me to shreds every single time we fought.

Deciding that I had had enough of lying around, I stood up and began my morning routine before making my way downstairs, where I found my mother reading a book on the couch.

"Morning Mom."

Taking her eyes off the book, she sets it aside and walks towards me.

"Good morning baby, did you have any good dreams?"



She smiled and asked me about it.

'Well, Mother, your daughter is fighting a crazed knight every night, and she is trying her hardest not to die.'

"I had a dream that me and Kaguya ruled the world, and had many children together."

"Oh my, my daughter dreams to get impregnated by a stuffed bunny, what ever will I do."

I narrowed my eyes at her before speaking in a no nonsense manner.

"It's the other way around."

She looked at me confused, seemingly unaware at what I'm speaking about.

"I will impregnate her, not the other way around. I will be the Daddy."

"…" she looked at me like I grew a second head, making me realize what I just said.

'Oops, spoke my true thoughts.'

"Honey…" she called for my attention.

"Yea mommy."

"I think it's time me and you have The Talk."

Knowing what she's implying, I shrugged since I guessed they teach them young in these times.

"Sure, we can talk about sex."

"Excuse me?"

'Oh dammit.' Just as I was going to come up with an excuse for my choice of words, I noticed in the corner of my eyes Tsunade heading down the stairs. So seeing the perfect opportunity to change topics, I walked over to her.

"Mom, Tsunade has something she wants to say to you."

Tsunade froze at my words as she stared at me in disbelief, while Mother just shook her head at my blatant change of topic before looking over at Tsunade, and asking her what she wanted to say.

"Umm, can we talk in private."

(Yuzuriha POV)

Nodding, I look at Yoruichi and tell her that breakfast is ready and she can leave after getting dressed.

Getting a nod in response, I begin making my way upstairs while signaling Tsunade to follow along.

After making it up, I suggested my room to Tsunade, who in return blushed slightly while nodding with her head down. Making me question myself if there was anything wrong with her.

Upon entering the room, my curiosity was piqued as to the reason for her request to speak with me. As I shut the door behind me, and made sure to lock it, activating the privacy seal that had been thoughtfully installed by my late grandmother, Granny-Mito.

Getting that done I looked up to Tsunade as I gestured for her to get comfortable.


After she sat I again asked her what she wanted to talk about, making her take a deep breath before finally hardening her resolve.

"Do you remember what happened, about a year ago?"

'Oh yea, where I almost got raped.'

"Yea, what about it." I noticed her fists tightening from my words.

"You know what, I'm sorry, just forget about it."

As she was about to stand and walk away I quickly moved to stop her.

"Wait, I want to hear what you have to say." She turned away from me, making me lower my tone.

"Please stay."

The silence was suffocating for some reason but luckily she nodded and took her seat, but chose to not look me in the eyes.

"After everything that happened, you pretended to not remember any of it, s-so I thought, that maybe you wanted to treat it as a mistake, and forget about it."

'Is that what she's worried about, she's so kind.'

"Yea I guess you're right, I do want to forget about it. I mean, it was an unpleasant memory."

"Unpleasant, huh…" when I heard her tone of voice, it made me frown as I felt like something was wrong.

"So it didn't matter to you then..." she spoke out with a whisper.

"… Well I won't say that it didn't matter, but I certainly wouldn't want to go through something like that again."


"Tsunade, is everything ok? You look depressed."

"Am I ok you ask, I was just told by the one person I came to have feelings for, that the sex we had, was a mistake… So yea, sorry, I don't feel the best right now." Her voice was filled with so much pain and sorrow that it struck me to my core. Yet, I found myself unable to utter a single word, as I was frozen alongside my thoughts.

"You know, I first thought you didn't remember any of it, but it turned out you did, but chose to ignore it... I honestly don't know what to think right now." Tears rolled down her eyes as she finally looks towards me, finding me frozen with my eyes open.

"What? You won't even say anything…"

"…w ha ex" I mumbled some words so quickly that even I couldn't hear myself.

She tiltes her head away, facing away from me.

"You can't even talk to m-…"

"WE HAD SEX!?!" She jumped from my yell, and turns her head towards me.

"Y-Yes, weren't we just talking about it."

"No! I thought you were taking about the rape incident! We actually had sex?!"

Getting a nod in response I closed my eyes as I tried to remember that special night. But the only thing I could remember was that wet dream I had where I treated Tsunade as my bitch and used her body for my pleasure.

'Oh gosh, that wasn't a dream.'

"So you actually don't remember any of it?"

"I thought it was one of my usual wet dreams."

"Wait hold on, you dream about us having sex."

Blushing up a storm, I nodded before taking a deep breath and questioning her on some details, making sure this wasn't all a prank.

"Wait, that night, what exactly did I tell you to call me?"

As soon as I uttered those words, I noticed a sudden change in her expression. Her cheeks turned crimson, and she lowered her gaze to the ground. It was as if she was struggling to express something. And then, in a soft and barely audible voice, she finally spoke a single word that instantly cleared all the confusion in my mind.


'Holy shit, I actually fucked this glorious woman… wait, she said she had feelings for me… don't tell me.'

"Tsunade, did you enjoy the sex?"

Receiving a shy nod in response made my heart race with excitement.

"Then." I leaned into her ear making her freeze.

"Would you resist? If I-" putting my hand over her crotch, while whispering the last part in her ear, trying to sound as sensual as possible.

"-make you mine?"

I Pulled my head back, as I looked at her expression. Finding it to be oh so adorable, especially when she nods her head and whispers back to me in her cute soft voice.

"Please do… Mommy."

I didn't even take a second to hesitate as my body moved on its own, resulting in my lips to be connected to hers, and my arms around her back as I pulled her into myself.

"Mmm.. Chu.. smooch*… hmmm chu….more.. MmM "

'Oh Kami, what have I created.'


Almost 13,000 words

Bro I finished writing this in two days, but it took 4 just to edit. Makes me want to cry. (I write fast it's just I don't have lots of time)

Now, I know some of you will be disappointed that MC's mother got to Tsunade before the MC could, but you got to understand it's difficult for both of them to keep their hands away from each other. Also I have a plan so don't worry, all will fall in it's place.

Also how did you like the way I made Tsunade as an sub, I feel like it fits her character better, at least compared to Mommy Yuzuriha who definitely is not a Submissive woman.

Next chapter will be the last Academy arc, honestly, I could've done more with it. I just kinda wanna get to the good parts.

I don't really have much to say so if you have any suggestions or concerns let me know I will get to them soon.

Anyway that's it from me, See you next week you sexy mother fuckers.


Beat_Man Beat_Man

I don’t own anything other then my OC’s. all representives are owned by there own owners.

beeep bop.

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