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Chapter 20: Winter Cup Finals. (5)


I appreciate your understanding regarding the length of this game. I believe extending critical games like this one contributes to a more immersive experience for you, the audience.

Also, do you remember how I said I had to take care of something personal? Well, I had to take a certain test. I could've waited, but the sooner I did it, the freer I would become. That's why I haven't posted after the last chapter. I promise we will be doing 4 chapters a week from now on. If something comes up, I will tell you as I always do. 

I'm grateful for your patience and support during this time.





The halftime break concluded swiftly, with the Yuuki Junior High players returning to the court, invigorated by the memory of Koganei's inspiring locker room speech. They were eager to give their all on the court, recognizing that they couldn't match Teiko Junior High in terms of pure talent. However, by playing with unwavering determination, they aimed to bridge the gap as much as possible.

Just before the game was set to resume, Hideki approached Koganei to discuss their tactics for the upcoming quarter.

"What's the plan?" Hideki inquired, his earlier excitement replaced by a focused determination as he pondered strategies to contend with their formidable opponents. He found himself seeking guidance from the one teammate who could offer valuable insights.

Koganei wore a wry smile as he responded, "I'm still drawing a blank, buddy. If I had some genius tactics up my sleeve, I wouldn't need to resort to fiery speeches."

Both players stood on their half of the court, the weight of the reality they faced becoming apparent. Exhausted after playing the entire first half, they knew that continuing at the same pace would lead to potential burnout before the quarter's end.

Just moments before the referee signaled the start of the third quarter, Hideki's expression shifted into one of determination as he shared his idea.

"Listen up," he began, capturing Koganei's full attention. "Forget about playmaking for now. In the first half of this quarter, just go all out and focus on scoring as much as you can. Meanwhile, I'll conserve my energy on the court before adopting the same aggressive approach in the second half of the quarter. Coach Kimura mentioned that Teiko might try to increase the game's tempo and finish it off in the third quarter. We can't allow that to happen."

Koganei nodded, acknowledging that Hideki's plan was their best option.

"That sounds good," he concurred as the referee handed the ball to Mitobe to initiate the game.

"Let's roll with that. I have a feeling Akashi will aim to lock me down and increase his scoring as soon as the quarter kicks off," Koganei added, preparing to receive the pass and signaling for Mitobe and Hideki to advance up the court.

Reaching the frontcourt, Koganei utilized a well-set screen from Asuma to create space on the wing and receive the pass. Akashi, ever watchful, stayed glued to him, regaining close coverage despite the effective screen. However, this set up a one-on-one situation on the right wing.

Koganei held the ball in a triple-threat position, his eyes locked on Akashi. With a quick jab step, he deceived Akashi, causing a subtle shift in the defender's center of gravity. In an instant, Koganei made his move, darting toward the left side along the baseline. He left Teiko's guard momentarily trailing in his wake. However, with Murasakibara looming as the last line of defense, Akashi had time to recover and attempt a reach for the ball.

But Koganei was quicker. After gliding past Akashi, he executed two swift dribbles and leaped into the air, shooting the ball over Teiko's towering Center. The ball arched gracefully above Murasakibara's outstretched hands, finding its mark through the hoop.

The crowd burst into jubilant cheers as the ball fell through the net, slicing the point difference to just five.

Slightly less than a week had passed since the Koganei family uploaded their videos titled "Road to the Semifinals!" and "Path to the Finals." The first video had already racked up an impressive 4.7 million views on YouTube in just five days, while the latter, thanks to the former's success, reached 1.8 million views in just one day. Shinji Koganei's YouTube channel gained another surge of subscribers, pushing the count to 105K.

The documentary-style approach in both videos appealed not only to basketball fans but also to a broader audience. Even Japanese professional players took to social media sites like Twitter and Instagram to comment on the videos. Many basketball enthusiasts were pleasantly surprised by the level of talent in Japan.

Players like Hideki, Mitobe, Minoru, and Hanamiya received praise for their skills and passion on the court.

As a result, fans flocked to the game, packing the gymnasium to capacity. Most of the attendees were neutral fans eager to witness the best young talents in Japan. However, there was a significant increase in Koganei's fan base, with many fans won over by the compelling videos.

For those unable to attend the game in person, they tuned in on TV, leaving the operators of J-sports 5 astonished. They had never witnessed such high viewership for a junior high school basketball event on their channel. The game registered an impressive viewership rating of 1.8, which meant that approximately 684,000 viewers were currently watching this junior high school basketball showdown.

This provided a golden opportunity for the players on the court to showcase their skills in front of a sizable Japanese audience.

The game continued with Akashi in possession of the ball after receiving Aomine's inbound pass. Slowly, he began to dribble the ball up the court. With a subtle signal, he directed his teammates to spread out, setting up an isolation play against Koganei, who had been a thorn in his side throughout the game. Koganei had managed to score on Akashi multiple times, and the fiercely competitive Akashi was eager to strike back. After all, nobody likes being outplayed, especially during a finals game.

Akashi's dribbling skills were impeccable. He smoothly executed a between-the-legs dribble, followed by a quick crossover move that left Koganei slightly off balance. Yet, Koganei, not one to be easily shaken, managed to keep up with Akashi's quick footwork. However, Akashi swiftly regained control by dribbling the ball behind his back, forcing Koganei to momentarily halt his defense. Before Koganei could regain his balance, Akashi executed another lightning-quick behind-the-back dribble, bypassing Koganei entirely. With a graceful layup, he extended his team's lead to seven points.

Koganei had a moment of disorientation as Akashi smoothly laid the ball up. He questioned himself, wondering if he was being specifically targeted by the Teiko players because of his defensive capabilities. However, he quickly dismissed that notion, recalling the intense and competitive spirit he had witnessed in Aomine's eyes.

"They're not picking on me. They just want to challenge themselves against the best," Koganei concluded, rationalizing their aggressive tactics. A determined smile spread across his face as his competitive nature kicked into high gear.

Requesting the ball, Koganei received the inbound pass and began dribbling it up the court. He signaled for a screen, successfully creating a defensive switch that placed Murasakibara on him at the perimeter.

Koganei took three powerful dribbles, sizing up his opponent. He unleashed a lightning-fast in-and-out dribble, shifting Murasakibara's weight to the left, followed by a quick crossover from right hand to left. With his lightning-quick moves, Koganei drove past Murasakibara, who, though slightly off-balance, struggled to keep up. As Koganei executed a sidestep after taking two steps into the mid-range area, Murasakibara couldn't contest the shot. All he could do was watch as the ball sailed gracefully through the air, forming a beautiful arc before swishing through the hoop. The crowd erupted in cheers as Koganei's spectacular shot brought his team a step closer.

With a 5-point difference between the two teams, Akashi couldn't afford to let the game slip away. He sensed the urgency and felt the need to take matters into his own hands. As he approached Koganei on the wing, he carefully assessed the defensive stance adopted by Yuuki Junior High's forward.

Koganei stood firmly, adopting a well-balanced and defensive posture. His feet were positioned shoulder-width apart, allowing for stability and agility. He maintained a slight crouch, ensuring he could maintain his balance while remaining mobile. Koganei kept his back straight, slightly leaning forward from his hips, and his lead hand pointed towards Akashi's midsection. Meanwhile, his trailing hand was ready to protect against any dribble penetration or passes.

Akashi couldn't identify any glaring weaknesses in Koganei's stance that he could exploit. However, he decided to create an opening himself. He initiated his move by performing a quick dribble between his legs, followed by two lightning-fast crossover dribbles. He intended to disrupt Koganei's defensive rhythm and attempt to drive past him after a hesitation dribble.

Koganei, though, remained composed and focused. He relentlessly swiped at the ball, attempting to disrupt Akashi's dribbling rhythm and prevent any clean drive to the basket. This intense defensive effort paid off, forcing Akashi into taking a contested mid-range shot. The ball left his hand, hit the back of the rim, and bounced out.

Quick on his feet, Koganei seized the opportunity, swiftly turning to grab the rebound before Kise and Midorima could reach it. With the ball in his possession, he initiated a fast break, with Hideki and Kotaro trailing closely behind him. 

Akashi and Aomine hustled back in a hurry, managing to rejoin the action just as the three Yuuki players were about to advance to the frontcourt. However, despite their quick return, they found themselves at a disadvantage, facing a 2v3 situation against the Yuuki players.

As Koganei approached the top of the key, he knew he had to outmaneuver Akashi. With his dominant hand controlling the dribble, Koganei executed a hesitation move by briefly pausing the ball in mid-air. At the same time, he took a deliberate, heavy step forward with his lead foot, creating the illusion that he was about to change direction. Akashi, a formidable defender, reacted to this move by shifting his weight and anticipating a shift in Koganei's trajectory.

However, Koganei executed a masterful deception. Instead of changing direction as expected, he continued driving in the same path, leaving Akashi slightly off-balance and a step behind. With an open lane to the basket, Koganei covered the remaining distance in just two powerful steps and smoothly laid the ball into the basket. This move narrowed the score difference to three points and injected fresh momentum into the game.

'I guess it can be used in games now.'

Thought Koganei as he sprinted back on defense, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. He had successfully executed the [Heavy step hesi], one of the three fundamental dribble moves he had been diligently working on. This move, along with the [In-and-out Cross] he had used earlier against Murasakibara, comprised his evolving arsenal of skills.

Koganei recognized that while these moves might seem simple, mastering them was no easy feat. Nevertheless, once he achieved mastery, they could be highly effective in creating advantages, gaining separation from defenders, or driving past opponents on the court. When complemented with a few counters and variations, these moves could make him a formidable presence at any level of competition.

Though he had not yet reached full mastery, Koganei was steadily honing his skills. He understood that, in a tournament as competitive as this, it was essential to use these moves strategically and sparingly to maximize their impact.

As the ball smoothly dropped through the net, Akashi's countenance twisted with a mix of frustration and determination. Rarely in his basketball career had he encountered an opponent capable of overwhelming him on the court. The intense competition ignited a fire within him, and he couldn't help but draw comparisons to Daiki's earlier challenge.

"Is this how Daiki felt earlier?" he mused, feeling goosebumps running down his arms. The exhilaration coursing through him was a sensation he rarely experienced. The last time was during the nationals when he faced Shinichi Maki and suffered defeat in that memorable matchup.

However, this time, Akashi was determined not to let the opportunity slip away. He believed he had evolved since the game against Maki and was confident that he would not lose another point guard matchup.

"Give me the ball!" Akashi commanded, seizing possession as Murasakibara prepared to inbound. The center, taken aback by the cold determination in Akashi's voice, instinctively complied.

Dribbling deliberately up the court, Akashi crossed the halfcourt line, his eyes locked on Koganei, who had assumed a defensive stance. Employing a hesitation dribble, creating the illusion of an impending drive, Koganei cautiously retreated to intercept Akashi's swift move. Yet, just as Koganei took a step back, Akashi executed a quick pull-up from beyond the three-point line, effortlessly sinking the shot and widening the point difference once again.

"You'll need to step up your game to win this game," Akashi remarked to Koganei as the ball smoothly dropped through the net. Despite Koganei's attempt to contest the shot, his jump came too late. The unexpected prowess of Akashi's jump shots caught him off guard. With Koganei standing at around 178 cm and Akashi at 175 cm, the height difference was negligible. This explained why Akashi felt confident attempting these shots against Koganei, something he might not risk with Mitobe guarding him.

Expressing his irritation with a shake of his head, Koganei received the ball from Hideki and started dribbling up the court. Upon reaching the frontcourt, he signaled for a screen, incorporating an additional sign understood only by Mitobe.

Mitobe executed a robust screen for Koganei, providing him with an opportunity to maneuver past the defenders. Surprisingly, Akashi skillfully avoided the screen and maintained close proximity to Koganei. However, just before reaching the free-throw line, Koganei abruptly halted his advance and executed a quick change of direction, catching Akashi off guard. Despite this, Akashi swiftly recovered and shadowed Koganei. Unexpectedly, as Akashi pivoted to apply pressure on Koganei, he collided with a tall figure—Mitobe.

Rather than cutting to the basket after the initial screen, Mitobe strategically positioned himself near the three-point line to set up another screen for Koganei when he altered his direction. This play was a result of their collaborative training efforts.

With a clear shooting space, Koganei capitalized on the opportunity, launching a successful three-pointer. This sequence allowed him to accumulate nine consecutive points, narrowing the point difference to just 3 points once again.

Dismissing Koganei's relentless effort with a subtle shake of his head, a hint of a smirk graced Akashi's face. "Seems like he's wearing himself out. Time to bring this game to a close," he contemplated quietly before smoothly receiving the inbound pass.

Advancing into the frontcourt, Akashi signaled for a screen, and Murasakibara dutifully set one. However, Koganei, displaying agile defensive skills, deftly evaded the screen, shadowing Akashi closely as he moved toward the basket.

Observing the defensive collapse around him to thwart any potential drive, Akashi, ever the strategic playmaker, adjusted accordingly. Fully cognizant of the unfolding scenario, he kicked the ball out to Kise, who found himself unguarded in the corner.

As Kise secured the pass, Hideki swiftly moved to contest any potential shot. Yet, with a masterful pump fake that left Hideki leaping in vain, Kise adeptly maneuvered past the Yuuki captain, concluding the play with a successful mid-range shot. This move expanded Teiko's lead to 56-51, five minutes into the third quarter.

Gazing at the scoreboard with a mix of anticipation and weariness, Koganei couldn't suppress a wry shake of his head. The relentless scoring from Teiko posed a formidable challenge—no matter how many points Yuuki Junior High managed to put up, Teiko swiftly increased the score gap.

Internally acknowledging his near-exhaustion, Koganei cast a glance at Hideki, silently expressing his fatigue. Recognizing the unspoken plea, Hideki took charge without hesitation, demanding the ball and steering it up the court.

Dribbling to the wing, Hideki surveyed the court, his experienced eyes catching sight of the fatigued Koganei valiantly running and setting screens for his teammates. Even in weariness, Koganei's tenacity inspired the entire team to push themselves beyond their limits.

A resolute determination filled Hideki as he pondered his contributions thus far. While he had performed admirably, it wasn't sufficient to narrow the score gap and support Koganei. With a steely resolve, he shifted his focus to Kise, signaling for an isolation play—determined to make a decisive impact.

His teammates strategically spaced the court, granting Hideki the freedom to navigate as he pleased. With two brisk live dribbles, Hideki initiated a sudden crossover, aiming to penetrate through the middle. Yet, Kise swiftly adjusted, positioning himself to thwart Hideki's advance.

Undeterred, Hideki executed a nimble behind-the-back dribble, expertly shielding the ball from Kise's attempts to swipe it. In a fortuitous turn, Mitobe's well-timed screen provided the opening Hideki needed, allowing him to elude Kise and make a determined drive toward the basket.

Launching into a two-step jump, Hideki endeavored to execute a layup. However, a hand emerged from behind to disrupt the shot. Quick to adapt, Hideki skillfully maneuvered his hand to release the ball toward the backboard. The ball made contact with the backboard, and Kise's subsequent attempt to block it resulted in a goaltending call, earning Yuuki Junior High two points.

As Hideki rose from the floor, a mix of surprise and disbelief marked his expression as he looked at the rookie player. Perplexed by the intense gaze, Kise inquired innocently, "Is there something on my face?" Unspoken tensions lingered in the air as Hideki, shaking his head, returned to the defensive end.

As Hideki retreated from the court, Akashi approached Kise, engaging in conversation while purposefully advancing. "Did you decipher his moves?" Akashi inquired, seeking affirmation.

A confident grin adorned Kise's face as he responded, "Absolutely. His giveaway is when he changes direction—his left foot isn't fully grounded. If he's just hesitating, that foot stays flat on the ground." Kise's gaze shifted toward Hideki, analyzing his movements in the frontcourt.

"His repertoire is straightforward, so once I grasped the patterns, I knew how to counter. Unless he throws in some screens, I won't be outplayed in a one-on-one situation," Kise explained, concluding with assurance. Akashi nodded in approval, recognizing the brilliance in Kise's quick understanding.

In Akashi's mind, Kise embodied a genuine genius, akin to the caliber of their renowned team. Kise's photographic memory, the ability to vividly retain and recall images, made him a formidable opponent on the court. Replicating the same move consecutively against him was a futile endeavor, as Kise could dissect the details and formulate effective counters.

Addressing potential challenges, Akashi assured Kise, "We'll handle the screens; just focus on holding your ground in one-on-one scenarios." The gravity of Akashi's gaze conveyed the significance of the task. Kise responded with a serene smile, acknowledging the directive, and positioned himself, awaiting the captain's next strategic move.

With over four minutes remaining in the third quarter, Teiko maintained a narrow lead at 56 to 53, aiming to extend the point difference before entering the crucial fourth quarter.

Summoning for a screen, Akashi cunningly disregarded it just as Koganei attempted to slip underneath—a tactic learned from the very defender challenging him. This maneuver prompted Mitobe to switch onto Akashi, while Koganei strategically positioned himself between Akashi and Murasakibara, cutting off potential passing lanes. Despite Koganei's efforts, Akashi lofted the ball just high enough to elude interference.

Asuma swiftly seized the timing of the descending ball, immediately double-teaming Murasakibara with Koganei. This defensive pressure coerced Murasakibara to pass to the open corner where Aomine awaited. Reacting with agility, Koganei rushed to confront Aomine, impervious to any potential feints. Unyielding in the face of a pump fake, Koganei hounded Aomine, denying him the opportunity to execute any deceptive maneuvers.

Observing the defensive setup, Kise strategically used a screen to assist Aomine and swiftly cut toward the basket, ensuring Hideki trailed behind, preempting any chance of a double-team. Now with space to maneuver, Aomine deftly dribbled between his legs, aiming to drive along the baseline. Koganei permitted him passage but maintained relentless side pressure.

Penetrating the paint, Aomine ascended for a reverse layup because of Mitobe's presence in the paint, only to be met by Koganei's soaring block before the ball could kiss the backboard.

Hideki, strategically positioned, snatched up the rejected ball, initiating a rapid counterattack with Asuma and Kotaro in tow. Akashi and Midorima, stationed on the perimeter, swiftly regrouped on defense, anticipating the impending counter.

Akashi sought to impede Hideki's path while Midorima paid attention to Kotaro's three-pointers, but Asuma's sudden cut to the basket diverted Midorima's attention. Capitalizing on the distraction, Kotaro adeptly positioned himself in the corner, receiving Hideki's rapid pass. Gifted with ample time and an uncontested shot, Kotaro released the ball, securing a successful basket that leveled the score at 56 to 56.

Immediately following the basket, Teiko's coach promptly signaled for a timeout, providing a strategic pause amid the intensifying competition.

With Yuuki Junior High successfully leveling the score, the roar of the crowd surged to unprecedented heights. The spectators, predominantly neutral fans drawn to the game through Koganei's captivating videos, now found themselves swept up in the exhilarating prospect of witnessing Teiko's potential downfall. The gymnasium, accommodating a capacity of 10,000, teemed with enthusiasts, its electrifying atmosphere a testament to the unexpected resilience of the underdog.

The spectators, now swayed by a subtle bias towards Yuuki Junior High, reveled in the sheer thrill of witnessing an unanticipated showdown against the formidable Teiko – a feat few teams had achieved throughout the year.

In this unexpected battle, certain players emerged as newfound favorites. Asuma, despite lacking flashy skills, garnered a devoted following for his tenacious and energy-consuming style of play. His relentless effort, even when faced with clear mismatches, resonated with fans. Similar sentiments echoed for other players, each captivating the audience for distinct reasons.

Whether seated in the stands, glued to their phones, or tuned in via television, the spectators couldn't contain their exuberance. The vibrant cheers reverberated through the air, creating a symphony of support as the two coaches engaged in crucial discussions with their players, setting the stage for the unfolding drama.

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