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Chapter 6: Maybe i ate too much

Chewing up all the corpses took a while, especially when more corpses(jawbugs) kept trying to stop Kenvas from taking their things. Stealth was officially off the table, as it looked like he was starting to get the attention of the Jawbug colony.

But now he was finished. If before his orb was the size of a soft ball, now it was the size of a basketball. And that wasn't all; after the constant cycle of shredding bodies and killing jawbugs, he noticed that his orb was actually heavier than before.

Luckily, it was neither harder to move nor slower either. And it still didn't put a burden on his body when holding it; he still didn't know how that worked. But what he did know is that it put a crack in the tiled floor just by dropping it. He'd test a full-power strike, but he didn't want to alert the entire colony to his existence.

So, taking his new and improved orb, he once again began his journey through the tunnels.


It's been three hours since then, and Kenvas was exhausted "Why wouldn't I be exhausted with all these damn jawbugs chasing after me!?". It was true; in fact, there were some chasing after him now.

He didn't know why he left that chamber so optimistically; although he hadn't gotten injured yet, it wasn't just a few times he was tackled and almost had his head bitten off.

At first, it wasn't much, but more and more came. "Maybe they were attracted to the smell of their friends? I was pretty messy." A trail of gore lined his path for miles. It had to be understood that his weak body would have never been able to run for this long, but he had a little trick, which was to use the flying orb.

"Mhm mhm it's quite comfortable, thanks to its soft surface... still feels gross though." It also has to be understood that he can't use ankles anymore after thinking he could quickly hop off his orb to engage in combat. Have you ever rolled your ankle? It was kind of like that, except it was the full weight of his body powered by the pull of gravity. So now he's stuck on the orb.

And you may wonder "Well, how did he kill so many if he can't use his orb?" Well-


He bit them with it instead. The teeth on the orb were razor sharp, and it was easy to take chunks out of the jawbug's exoskeleton. He just had to make sure to keep his legs out of the way, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get a good bite in.

As he was running, three jawbugs came dashing towards him. Two jaw flys and one jaw crawler

Speeding up, it seemed like he was aiming for a head-on collision with the jaw flys. But at the last moment, he swerved out of the way, the jaws of his orb opened up to take its wing with him. But he didn't stay to finish them off; he dashed past them, not wanting the horde behind him to catch up.

Dashing into another chamber, there were hundreds of jawbug maggots atop a pile of corpses. This would be a great opportunity to hide beneath the corpses and recover his stamina—if it weren't for the maggots. He dashed past this chamber too. Taking a large chunk of meat with him.


"The hell was that?! That almost knocked me off my orb!" Until now, none of the jawbugs he fought had made any noise. Even when they were beaten, crushed, and torn to shreds, they didn't make a sound. "no… there was one."

Tak tak tak

The sound of something hitting the ground behind him reached his ear.

There was indeed one other time he heard a jawbug screech, and that was when it pulled a fast one and stuck a needle in him.

He looked back for a moment and saw multiple needles protruding from the ground.

It was surprising, even to himself, how he dodged out of the way of that barrage. He kept running for dear life. He may have been faster than them, but he was sure as hell not faster than those needles. So he kept speeding down the abyssal tunnels. But even more stingers flew past him.

Kenvas knew that they were eventually going to catch up, which is why when he rounded the corner, he waited. "I'm going to ambush them as soon as I hear their annoying wings."

He only needed to wait for five seconds before five jawflies rounded the corner. He jumped off his orb—fell on his ass—and willed his orb to smash into them. The problem with the orb's jaw form was that it could only shine light from its mouth rather its entire body. So he needed to change it to its base form to fight properly and see at the same time.

The orb he threw crashed into the one in front, causing it to crash into another one right behind it. Temporarily, 2 out of the 5 of them were stunned for 2 to 3 seconds. Among the three remaining, two were still dashing towards him, and the other one seemed to want to stick his spike in Kenvas.

This time, Kenvas used his new trick. With a grab motion, he pulled his orb back, using the same trick he used in his first battle with a jawfly. The orb split one of the jawflies preparing his stinger in half, and smashed one of the leading jawflies into the ground.

And that was all of the three seconds he had. Luckily, he seemed to have injured one of the jawfly's wings as it was running towards him on all sixes. The other one maintained the structure of his wings but had a huge crack in its body. Likely was the one in front that got a full dosage of orb.


He was too late in stopping the other jawfly; it rammed right into him, smashing him into the ground and even sliding him into the ground on his back.

"Urgghh, get off of me you-"


-nasty motherfucker!"


He knocked the fly off of him, cracking its exoskeleton and even going in for a second time to shatter the skeleton with the full weight of his orb.


A stinger wizzed past his neck; he was only lucky that this jawfly was a bad shot. Otherwise, he'd have a new air hole.

With two jawflies killed, there were three left. One of them couldn't fly, and the other two were injured. As long as they weren't faster than his orb, Kenvas would come out… under a pile of corpses. Not on top, but he'll live.

The rest was light work. Within 8 seconds, he killed five jawflies. He came out with injuries, but he lived.

"Oh ah, that hurts. Did he really have to tackle me like that?" He was starting to feel the effects of his slip-up; that mistake definitely left a mark on his chest, and it felt like the skin on his back was nothing but flaps.

Suddenly, the titter-tatter of the horde of crawlers echoed in his ear. He had to leave quickly before they caught up. Scooping himself with his orb, he painfully sat his butt onto his orb, switching it to its jaw form and speeding through the tunnels and chambers.

"It's such a shame I didn't have enough time to gather their corpses." But he had no choice but to settle. He didn't want to end up in the corpse pile after all.

"Now that I think of it, I wonder if they're mad that I took their food." Kenvas suddenly thought of them as an ant nest trying to protect their queen and brood.

Such idle thoughts were flowing through his head while on the run, trying to distract himself from the intense dread radiating from the horde behind him.

Although he's used to it by now, just one was enough to make him freeze up before, let alone five, he was sure by now there were over a hundred jawbugs behind him, and the numbers keep rising. He's passed multiple jawcrawlers while searching for an exit, and they all joined the mob of bugs on his ass.


In the distance, Kenvas could hear loud thumping sounds echoing through the tunnels and chambers.

KneeCapBandit KneeCapBandit

my man kenvas running on nothing but adrenaline and orb.

oh yeah make sure to add this novel to your collection, gives great motivation. just that will let me know that people find it interesting.

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