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Chapter 3: Chapter - 02

Inside the school grounds, an otherworldly handsome young man wearing a black kimono, a black haori with red lightning streaks all over it, an empty sheath and a sheathed katana were on the sides of his waist, was killing the infected students and teachers left and right by using his katana. This was Jin who was having the time of his life by committing a mass genocide in the school.

"This is getting boring and they are not ending, I should stop wasting time and look for the main characters."

After he said that he scanned the school and found them. Komuro Takashi and Miyamoto Rei were already escaping while fighting the zombies together, Hirano Kohta and his tsundere neighbor Takagi Saya were already leaving the room after Kohta finished making his makeshift nail gun and finally Busujima Saeko was currently heading towards the office of the school nurse Marikawa Shizuka.

Seeing the current situation, he had four options.

The first is to join the beta cuckold protagonist aka Takashi and a girl that he does not really like her character.

The second option is to join a simp in his endeavor trying to score points with a tsundere girl that does not give a jackshit about him because she wants to jump on Takashi's dick.

The third is to join a sexy crazy samurai and an airhead bombshell nurse.

The fourth is to go solo till he meets them near the bus.

"OK, the first option is a no go since I might get infected with the cuck disease, I mean being bitten by a zombie sounds more appealing. The second one too is a total no, who the hell in his right mind would want to accompany an ungrateful, arrogant and tsundere ojou-sama that does not give a damn about anything and doesn't even want to fight because she is a 'genius'? A simp for sure would gladly do it, but not me. That leaves me with the third option which is a crazy sexy samurai that loves seeing blood when she fights and an airhead bombshell nurse that has ¾ of her body wight concentrated in her tits. OK, the third option seems good. It's absolutely not because I'm being partial because of personal tastes, yeah indeed…"

After he used his lower body to make a choice, he then went on a killing streak while going on the way to meet the sexy samurai.

________/Scene change\________

In the hallway of the school, an extremely beautiful girl wearing this school's uniform was swinging her wooden sword at the walking corpses, she has straight and shiny thigh-length straight purple hair that has a triangular fringe at the front which barely touches the ridge of her nose. She has blue eyes, shiny pink lips. She is quite tall for a Japanese girl, and her relatively long limbs contribute leverage to her powerful sword swings. [A/N: - Copied from the wiki.]

Every time she swung her sword, a body laid motionless on the floor and a small sadistic smile appeared on her beautiful cherry lips just to disappear instantly.

This girl was Busujima Saeko, she is a third-year student in this high school and is the captain of the Kendo Club inside the school.

While she was having the time of her life killing these zombies, she heard a loud scream from the direction of the infirmary.

She then went at full speed towards the infirmary just to find a group of zombies has broken the doors of the infirmary and the student inside defended the nurse but was bitten by a zombie.

She then went quick and killed all the zombies in the room and went near the infected student.

"I am Busujima Saeko, the captain of the Kendo Club. Tell me, second year, …. what is your name?"

*cough* *cough*

The student in question coughed blood as he was bitten in his arm and in his chest. He then whispered his name weakly.


He then started coughing again as his condition was getting worse with every passing second.

"Ishii-kun, you have fought bravely to protect Dr. Marikawa. I have nothing but praise towards your courage. However, do you know what happens to those who have been bitten? Do you wish for your family or friends to see you like this? If you do not, then I shall end your life for you here and now. Though it would be my first time killing another living person."

He was surprised hearing her words, but he resigned to his fate and said difficultly with a sad smile.


Saeko then stood up to honor his last words, however Shizuka interrupted her.

"W-Wait a second, wha- "

"I recognize that you are the school nurse, however I request you to not interfere. One of our duties as women is to protect a man's pride."

Just as she was about to swing her sword, she heard a soft voice from the door of the infirmary, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

"And you totally did preserve his pride, samurai-san. However, for his pride at least end him with a real sword."

She saw an otherworldly handsome young man wearing a black kimono, a black haori with red lightning streaks all over it, an empty sheath and a sheathed katana were on the sides of his waist. He then moved his katana towards the boy who was now in his final moments and spoke.

"I shall put you out of your suffering, may your soul find eternal peace."

[A/N: - Bloody hell, I cringed so much while writing this.]

He then moved his sword quickly and killed the student while secretly infusing holy elements in his swing to make the soul pass on peacefully.

He then moved the student to an empty bed, closed his eyes and left him.

After he finished, he turned towards the two women in the room. He really must admit that seeing them on real life is trillion times better than seeing them as anime characters. Both were extremely beautiful women and if you compare to the top models in his previous world them then you would be insulting them in the process.

'That's an anime world for you.'

One was a very tall buxom woman with ridiculous curves and her physique is most pronounced by her humongous breasts. She has waist-length blonde hair that has several bangs coming down into her face, two bangs come down at the sides running all the way down that also frames her face and hazel eyes, she was an innocent type of beauty. If you were not really a perceptive person you would think that she is a university student, but she was in her late twenties. This was the school nurse, Marikawa Shizuka.

The other one was an extremely beautiful young lady, she was a prim and proper type of beauty with a sharp aura, she gives the impression that she is the heir of an old noble family. This was the Kendo Club captain, Busujima Saeko.

Both of their eyes were on him not moving, one was looking at him with innocence and curiosity and the other was looking at him with curiosity and battle lust.

Seeing this, he internally smiled wryly. 'A battle maniac indeed huh.'

"Let's do a quick introduction and leave the questions for later. My name is Oukami Jin, pleased to meet you, you can call me Jin."

"My name is Busujima Saeko, third year and the Kendo Club president, nice to meet you, you can call me Saeko."

"I'm Marikawa Shizuka, nice to meet you, Jin-san, Saeko-san, you can call me Shizuka~"

"Saeko-san, you are a swordswoman, right? Here, use this."

Jin said as he handed her his other katana to use.

Saeko then unsheathed the katana and gave it a practice swing.

"Wow! This is a really good sword."

"You should let Shizuka-san hold into your wooden sword for now, we might meet someone who can use weapons but doesn't have a weapon on them.

After this conversation, they left the infirmary.

"So, where should we go now? I'm not really familiar with this school."

"I think we should go to the staff room."

And with this, they started running towards the staff room.

"The staff room... That really is a difficult request, Shizuka-sensei."

"But everyone keeps their car keys in there…"

They kept going as Jin and Saeko mostly incapacitated the zombies they met along the way.

"Why are you not killing them?"

"Killing every one of them that we meet is just a burden and a waste of time, we should hurry to the staff room."

After a while, Shizuka could not run properly with her skirt and fell on the floor.

"Oh jeez! what was that?"

"Such fashion is not really suitable for running."

Just as Saeko finished her words, she cut the skirt of Shizuka from the side of her leg, just like a qipao but sluttier, her sexy purple panties were for all to look from the side….

"This is a brand name skirt!"

"Tell me, which do you value more? Your life or your clothes?"

After an internal struggle and letting some cute noises, Shizuka answered.


While this was happening Jin was having an inner battle with his hidden pervert, although Jin's Gamer's Mind can help him with a perfect poker face, it cannot change the fact that he was a former 25-year-old virgin, seeing the clutz Shizuka acting like this was really bad for his heart.

"Excuse me for a bit."

He helped her up. He then took of his haori and tied it around her waist so it can hide the cut of the skirt.


Just as she was about to thank him, they heard noises coming from near the staff room, so they quickened their pace to reach there. Just then they heard a really loud scream coming from that direction and didn't delay it further and took off running,

Since Shizuka was not really athletic, Jin princess carried her to catch up with Saeko.

Just as they arrived, they met with Takashi and Rei and saw the source of the scream. Saya was having a mental breakdown while she was holding a drill in the head of one of the zombies.

They exchanged glances and they divided themselves into two groups, Takashi and Rei will handle the ones on the left, while Jin and Saeko will handle the ones on the right. It was a bloodbath where fountains of blood and white matter were splashing everywhere in the room. Everyone was tense and Saeko had a small smile on her face but was actually shocked when she was Jin smiling while looking at her.

After they killed all of the zombies in the room, Saya finally couldn't take it and fell to the ground, shivering with lifeless eyes.


Just as Kohta was about to call her, Shizuka and Rei went to Saya.

"Takagi-san, are you ok?"


Saya said between her broken sobs.

The rest of them went and secured all the doors and closed them properly.

Saeko then spoke.

"I think all of us are acquainted with the school nurse, Ms. Marikawa, right? I am Busujima Saeko of 3-A."

"I am Komuro Takashi from 2-B."

"You are the same Busujima-senpai who won at the national championship last year? I am in the Sojutsu Club. My name is Miyamoto Rei."

"I am, uhm, Hirano Kohta from 2-B."

Hearing their introductions, Saeko responded with a smile and spoke.

"A pleasure to meet all of you."

Just as Jin was about to introduce himself, Saya went on her menopause and snapped.

"What the… You are all so soft. 'Senpai'? Seriously? You two are the same age! You must not know how to count since you got held back a year!"

Takashi couldn't let his crush get scolded like this, so he spoke.

"Hey now, Takagi…"

"Do not treat me like I am stupid! I am a genius! I can do anything once I put my mind into it! I am… I am…."

Saya screamed on top of her lungs as she became like a broken record at the end as her eyes teared up.

"That is enough. This is quite enough..."

Saeko said as she put her hand around Saya.

Saya looked at herself in a near mirror and saw herself covered in blood and spoke like a broken doll.

"Look at how dirty I am… I need to tell Mom to get this cleaned..."

She could not take it anymore as she hugged Saeko and broke down into tears while crying loudly.

After a while Saya stopped crying and went to the bathroom and washed herself.

Seeing the atmosphere became less suffocating, Saeko spoke.

"I believe we are all tired. Let's rest here for a short while."

Seeing them all silent and the whole thing is taking a lot of time, Jin could not help but speak.

"Excuse me, Shizuka-san. Where are your car keys?"

"Oh, they are in my bag here!"

Saeko then could not help but ask.

"Is your vehicle spacious enough to house all of us?"

"Now that you mention it…"

Shizuka then remembered that her car only has 4 seats.

"How about the buses that the school uses for trips? The keys are on the wall here."

Kohta then looked from the window to confirm that the buses were parked down.

"They are here!"

"That should work, but where are we going?"

"How about you check on your families first? Let's stop by from the closest to the furthest. And if they are ok then we try to help them. After that we either go our separate ways or find a safe place to stay."

Jin said. He hated Takashi so he did not really want to hear him speak more than necessary.

Just as he finished speaking, all of them except Saeko and Shizuka looked at him in astonishment as if they have just registered is presence right now.

"W-Wait a minute, who are you?!"

"I was about to introduce myself earlier, but was interrupted by a rude girl…"

"Who the hell are you calling rude?!"

Saya screamed.


Jin calmly said as he pointed at her.


"Wait a second, Takagi-san. How do you and Busujima-senpai have real swords?

And why are you dressed like this, are you cosplaying or something?"

Rei asked as she noticed the katanas in his and Saeko's hands, she also noticed his weird attire.

"Ah this? I am indeed cosplaying. Have you guys heard about the manga, Demon Slayer?"

""" Yeah."""

They all replied. He was not really surprised since he made sure that it became number one just for the sake of this moment.

"Well, I was cosplaying as a character from this manga and was supposed to go to Akihabara today since there will be a cosplay event for the series. Just as I was on my way to visit Akihabara, shit hit the fan and the world went batshit crazy like this. And since the train station is near the school, I went here to see if it was a safe place to take refuge or see if someone needed help if the place was not safe. As for the swords, Miyamoto-san. They are indeed mine; they were sitting at home with no use so I figured the cosplay would look cooler with real katanas."

All of them, including Saeko and Shizuka were rendered speechless after hearing his answer. I mean, when you see someone as otherworldly handsome, fit, and good at fighting like him you won't imagine that he was just a hardcore otaku that got dragged into this mess because he was going to a cosplay event.

Just as they were shocked by his response, they saw Rei looking at the TV with a shocked expression. Seeing her like this, Saya could not help but ask.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"What the…"

Seeing that they got no answer, Saeko then took the remote and unmuted the TV.

{…the government has started doing something about this on-going revolt. However, the politicians...}

"Revolt?! They are calling this a revolt?!"

Saeko then changed the channel.

{The number of deaths in the Saitama prefecture already exceeds 10,000. The prefectural governor has declared a state of emergency- *bang* bang*bang* That was gunfire! Just now, the police opened gunfire! But what are they shooting at?! No!! Stay away!! Help! Help! HEEEEELP!!!*screeeeeech*.}

Seeing them freezing like this, Jin spoke.

"So, you are going to stay or going to leave? Make your mind quickly, we do not really have all day to be honest."

Darkstar11051999 Darkstar11051999

2767 words, I relly need to get a life.

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