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Chapter 14: Chapter - 13

[A/N: - Scáthach's lovers may love or not love the first part of the chap depending on their fetishes but meh.

I also changed the timeline a bit. I made it that Shirou and Rin visited the church the night of the day after the attack not the day of the attack.]


"I have arrived from the Land of Shadows. I am Scáthach. Shall I call you 'Master'?"

Spoke Scáthach after she took a couple of minutes to regain some of her composure.

"In a sense, but I didn't summon you as a servant, check your body."

Jin told her with no change in his expression and tone.

Scáthach was confused hearing him but still checked her body.

"W-What?! This is my real body?! How?! My body should be in The Land of Shadows!"

"Try to connect to your Gate of Skye." (Jin)

Scáthach who tried to use her Gate of Skye was dumbfounded that she couldn't connect to The Land of Shadows at all.

Seeing this, she readied her spears and took her stance ready for battle.

"Calm yourself, I have no interest in fighting you. At least for now. I summoned you here for a deal, whether to accept or not is up to you."

Scáthach hearing him and feeling no ill-intentions coming from him, she put away her weapons, but she still kept her guard up.

Seeing her willing to listen, Jin smiled internally and continued.

"I want to make a deal with you." (Jin)

"Let me hear it." (Scáthach)

"I want you to train someone. "

Jin said with a slight smile.

"That's it?"

Scáthach asked while being perplexed. He didn't have to go out of his way to summon her real body and seal The Land of Shadows for a small objective like that.

"Yes, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. I want you to train someone to be at the very least a level lower than yours."

"You mentioned a 'deal', right? So, what do I get from this?"

Asked Scáthach while squinting her eyes looking at him.

Jin who heard her was internally jumping from joy. 'Yes! It's time! I can finally act like those supreme beings and arrogant pricks! And with the badass spear girl from my past life at that!'

"Death. I shall grant you, death. Whether it's granting you a weapon capable of killing you, stripping your immortality or killing you in any way you wish to die by. This will be the payment for your service."

The Salty Primordial spoke softly as he locked her in the eyes.

'Please doubt me, please doubt me, please doubt me!

"And what makes you able to that when even the Gods couldn't?! If this is a joke, it's not funny."

'It's here!!'

Just as she finished speaking and was readying her spears, she felt a huge pressure descending on her shoulders that forced her into the ground.

Jin who was relaxed while speaking stood up and approached Scáthach who was panting from the pressure. He got near her and crouched while speaking in a slightly 'cold' tone.

"Listen here, woman!"

He said as he lifted up her chin with a finger.

"I say, aren't you underestimating me a bit too much?"

Jin said slowly as his eyes turned red and the pressure that he was emitting increased.

[Image here.]

"Guh!" (Scáthach)

"I'm a pretty chill guy, you know."

Jin said as he suddenly grabbed her by the throat and stood up.

"You overestimate those so-called Gods too much. And you overestimate yourself way too much."

Scáthach then felt her instincts screaming at her to leave this place, every fiber of her being were screaming for her to flee and not anger the man in front of her unless she wants to be erased. Although unnoticeable, there was also a bit of excitement in her eyes and her blushing cheeks being manhandled like this.

[A/N: - Come and bite me!]

She looked into his blood red eyes and felt fear for the first time in her entire life, she felt like she would be consumed if she continued to look in them.

"I can erase you if I want, and I think this is enough of a proof for my words. My offer still stands, feel free to refuse though, I have no intention into forcing anyone to do something they don't want."

Jin said as he let go of her throat and let her fall while panting and coughing.

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Asserting dominance over The Queen of the Land of Shadows was done beautifully! It felt so cool, holy crap! Not gonna do this often though, it felt hella weird acting like that.'

Jin then turned around and looked towards Scáthach since he didn't hear her getting up. He was about to ask her if she needed help but froze at the sight in front of him.

Scáthach was still on the ground, but he was looking at him with shinning eyes and breathing heavily with a blushing face while caressing her neck.

'What the hell? Another M?'

He then remembered that he was in his true form.


____/Scene Change\____

"So, Master wants me to train your lover so you can have fun fighting in this Holy Grail War, am I correct?"

Asked Scáthach while rubbing her head from the headache she received when she learnt that they are using a semi-omnipotent ritual to have fun.

"Indeed. I'll introduce you to her later, but first I need to deal with some headache."

Much to Scáthach's disappointment, he reverted to his normal form, which was still leagues above the most handsome being in the Nasuverse.

He then waved his hand and the four Artoria were teleported in front of him. However, their current position was a bit…unique? He saw the four almost entangling each other while fighting over the last remaining burger in the tray.

"Master, is this the 'headache' you mentioned?"

Scáthach said while looking at the four 'sisters' fighting each other. She then looked at the burger they were fighting for with an intrigued look.

"Master, why are they fighting for this?" (Scáthach)

"Even I don't know… They could've asked for more, I literally sent them to the kitchen…"

Jin said while rubbing his forehead.

Scáthach then went and took the burger while the other four were busy in their fight.

*nom* [A/N: - It's cute, but I couldn't find a better sfx…]

She took a bite of the burger and was instantly hit by the heavenly taste. She quickly ate it and looked towards Jin with pleading eyes asking for more.

"*sigh* I'll be cooking later, but first I nee-"


He didn't even get to finish the sentence when he heard multiple screams. He looked towards the four who stopped fighting and looked towards Scáthach who was licking her fingers.

She looked towards them with a smirk and spoke.

"It was delicious, thank you."

"I'll have your head, Old Hag!" (Artoria Saber Alter)

"My lance hasn't been soaked in blood for a long time…" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"As a knight I can't stand doing nothing after seeing an act of theft, prepare yourself!" (Artoria Lancer)

"As Master's maid, it's my duty to take care of annoying pests!" (Artoria Rider Alter)

Jin teleported the five of them to the training room before he made his way to the kitchen.

____/Scene Change\____

The young Primordial was currently in the kitchen making lunch, accompanied by his lovely fox, his adorable servant and his yandere imouto. Jin was currently cooking while giving them some instructions on how to improve their cooking. They were helping him with some small tasks while taking notes of his advices.

"Jin-sama, I can't believe you really summoned The Queen of The Land of Shadows."

Said Medea who was currently washing some tomatoes.

"It was a tedious process. I am not doing any random summoning with no catalyst ever again!"

"Nii-sama, it can't be that bad, right?"

Said by Sakura who never went through the gacha hell before.

"You will never know how I feel, Sakura-chan. You need to suffer from the curse of the gacha first to know my suffering…"

Muttered a depressed Jin.

Seeing him like that, Saeko shifted the topic.

"So, where is she right now?"

She was kinda eager to meet her new teacher after the songs of praise she heard from Jin.

"Scáthach? She is having some fun w-"

*mini earthquake sfx*

"Correction. She is having way too much fun in the training room right now."

Jin answered with a deadpan expression as he waved his hand and reinforced the training room to take a full-powered EA and come unscathed without even a single shockwave escaping.

He then drained the stamina of all five and left them in the training room until they finished cooking.

After they finished cooking, Jin snapped his fingers and five body were on the floor panting. Just as they were about to complain they heard him speak.

"Food is ready. If you want to sacrifice your lunch, feel free to complain."

They swallowed their complains and followed silently to the table after they felt their stamina returning.

Medea and the rest wanted to ask about these girls but chose to do so after eating.

[Five minutes later]

"This is extremely delicious! As expected of my Master!" (Artoria Rider Alter)

"Indeed. It is the tastiest food I have ever eaten." (Scáthach)

"Thanks for the food, Master. It's the best I have ever consumed." (Artoria Lancer)

"Un. Only my Master is worthy enough to make such dishes!" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"Barely acceptable. I have accepted your tribute and I'll grant you the honor to be called Master by me!" (Artoria Saber Alter)

All of them suddenly looked towards Saber Alter like she was an idiot, especially Scáthach who had a smirk on her face.

"Your 'Barely acceptable' is not really convincing anyone here, especially when it's coming from someone who asked for four servings in five minutes. If it's 'Barely acceptable' you should then make your own 'tasty' food, right? So, from today you are not eating with us, right? Unless the 'King of Knights' is someone who goes back on her words after all."

Scáthach spoke with a smile that made the people on the table shiver and have the same thought. 'Vicious! This woman is so vicious!'

Except Jin of course who was watching this scene unfold with a slight smile. Breaking the strong attitude of tsundere girls is always a calming scene to watch for him.

Even if Scáthach is an Immortal God-Killer, she is still a woman and she still hold a grudge against Saber Alter for calling her an old hag earlier.

Seeing that Saber Alter is almost on the verge of tears, Jin who had enough fun patted her head.

"Scáthach, that's enough bullying. She now knows her mistake, right?"

Jin asked Saber Alter who was almost purring under his touch.

"U-Un. S-Sorry for calling you an 'Old Hag' earlier."

Although she was apologizing, she still passed a snarling remark that made a tick mark appear on Scáthach's forehead.

Seeing this, Jin bonked her head with his fist.

"W-What was that for, Master?!" (Artoria Saber Alter)

"You are not apologizing properly." (Jin)

"Tsk!" (Artoria Saber Alter)

"What was that?"

Jin asked with a smile that sent shivers down their spines.

"N-Nothing, Master! I'm sorry about earlier."

She hurriedly apologized to Scáthach after sensing her Master's aura.

"Good girl. Here, eat more."

Jin added more to her plate as he patted her head.


Saber Alter giggled joyfully while feeling her Master's head pats and then started eating again.

''''''He tamed her like this?!''''''

They all thought inside their heads.

Saber Alter was in her own world and didn't notice the strange looks she was receiving from the rest of the people eating with them, even more from her 'sisters' who looked at each other and talked between themselves.

"Are we really this easy to tame, or she is just a special case?" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"I don't know, but she seems to be enjoying herself a lot." (Artoria Lancer)

"Not fair! Only she received Master's head pats! I will also get Master to pat my head then judge later!" (Artoria Rider Alter)

The two mature versions ignored their young maid-self and looked towards each other.

"Isn't there a Saber version of us here in this war according to what Medea said?" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"Yes, she did indeed mention something about seeing her the day before." (Artoria Lancer)

"Why not let Master try to tame her like Saber Alter here? I want to see if we are really this easy, but I am not keen on trying it myself…" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"Are you sure about that? I don't think it's a good idea to send our 'young' self as a test subject like this." (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"So, you will do it yourself?"

Lancer Alter asked with a smirk.

"….no." (Artoria Lancer)

"Was that a pause?!" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"It's your imagination…" (Artoria Lancer)

Sakura, Medea and Saeko looked at each other with gob smacked expressions, then they let out small chuckles. They liked this happy and active atmosphere a lot.

Even Scáthach had a thin smile on her face.

They also conveniently ignored Rider Alter who was demanding head pats as well, claiming that it's not fair for only Saber Alter to receive them.

____/Scene Change\____

"Now that the introductions are done, I want to point out something. Rider Alter, we are currently in Winter, your summer maid uniform is not appropriate."

Jin pointed at Rider Alter who was wearing a bikini maid uniform.


"Indeed. If you want to dress as a maid, I won't tell you not to, but choose an appropriate attire. Like this."

Jin said as he threw a maid uniform towards her, which she caught and looked at it with sparkling eyes.

[Image here.]

She then used her magic to change into the new outfit.

"It feels great, thanks Master!" (Artoria Rider Alter)

"Well, glad you liked it. However, I have to tell you something important." (Jin)

"What's it, Master?" (Artoria Rider Alter)

"The mansion doesn't need a maid."

Jin said to the dumbfounded maid in front of him.

"W-W-What do you mean, Master?!" (Artoria Rider Alter)

"Well, the place is maintained by magical enchantments, the food is pretty much prepared by me, cleaning clothes and changing the beddings are done automatically and other minor stuff like alarms and so are monitored by Sai here."

[Affirmative.] (Sai)

Jin spoke and looked towards Rider Alter who seems to have lost her soul.

Suddenly, her aura changed, and she looked towards Jin with blazing eyes and spoke.

"No problem! The mansion doesn't need a maid, but I will be Master's personal maid!"

"Huh?" (Jin)

"Un, since Master has no maid, I will be his personal maid, please take care of me, Master."

Rider Alter said as she bowed a little facing the dumbfounded Primordial.

'I knew Fate servants were handful, but this is a bit too much…'

"*sigh* Whatever, suit yourself…" (Jin)

He then turned around to look at the other three.

"So, what are you going to do now? Want to stay or want me to send you back?"

"I want to fight strong people. This ha- this woman over there and you are strong. And the food here is not bad, so I am staying." (Artoria Saber Alter)

"So, you are basically saying you will be a freeloader?"

Jin said with a grin.

"O-Of course not! Y-You should feel honored that I am staying here! Stupid Master!" (Artoria Saber Alter)

She said with blushing cheeks as she stormed out of the room to avoid more embarrassment when she noticed the smirks, she was getting from all of them, especially from her 'sisters'.

Still having a small smile on his face, Jin spoke to the two mature Artoria.

"You guys, what do you want?"

They exchanged glances and nodded.

"Master, may we request something?" (Artoria Lancer Alter)

"Hm? What is it?" (Jin)

"We want to meet our Saber version, or the 'original' as you may call her." (Artoria Lancer)

"This is it? Sure thing, do you want to go and meet her or wait till the war ends?"

"Any suitable time for you, Master." (Artoria Lancer)

"Sure. Now, Scáthach, for our agreement you should start right away."

Jin spoke while looking at the beautiful lady that was appraising Saeko.

"Ufufufu, Sure thing, Master."

She took Saeko in her hand and started walking towards the training room. She then heard Jin's voice.

"Both of you are immortals by the contract with me, even your sense of pain is gone unless you will it to return. You can train as brutally as you want or need to. The training room has been enchanted with a time barrier, the moment you step inside regardless of how much time you spend, you will leave it by today's dinner time, so have fun."

""We'll join you."" (Artoria Lancer/ Artoria Lancer Alter)

He ignored the four smirking women who left towards the training room and went back to Sakura and Medea.

"So, you guys what are you going to do?" (Jin)

"I will go finish my homework, then I'll have Nii-sama accompany me to the archery field!" (Sakura)

"Sure thing. Your Nii-sama will accompany you until you get exhausted."

Jin said as he patted Sakura's head before she left to finish her homework quickly.

Jin then turned towards his adorable servant and spoke.

"So, what are we going to do, Medea-chan?"

"Jin-sama, let's finish the mansion model we started creating in Minecraft!"

She spoke with shining eyes. She had fun in creating models in the game and she recently had been trying to model the whole mansion with Jin's help.

"Is that so? Sure. Let's try to finish a large part of it before dinner time." (Jin)

"Un!" (Medea)

____/Scene Change\____

Jin and Medea were currently halfway through the mansion creation that was being projected on a separate screen. Rider Alter however, was currently doing her serious duty as a maid and was eating a huge mountain of Jin's homemade pancakes.

"I think this will be enough for now, let's conti-"

Jin's words were cut short as he felt a wave of magical energy from the direction of the church.

"So, it's begun huh. Medea-chan, I'm heading out, wanna come?"

Jin asked Medea who was still immersed in the game.

"Ah? Yeah, sure thing, Jin-sama." (Medea)

"Master, are you going somewhere? As your maid I will accompany you!" (Artoria Rider Alter)

"Hmmm, ok. But you will be wearing a mask. We are going to meet your 'other' self after all." (Jin)

"…. I think I will stay back after all, best of luck, Master."

She said this as she went back to the kitchen to get another serving of pancakes.

Jin ignored his lazy maid and teleported with Medea near the forest where the fight was being held.

____/Scene Change\____

Right now, Jin and Medea were in the air watching the fight between Saber and Berserker in the graveyard, while also watching the cat and mouse chase of Illya and Rin, and the way Illya was abusing Rin using the familiars she created with her hair.

Just as Illya was about to land the final hit, Archer shot his arrows and deflected the attack, giving Rin some time to run away. Illya herself lost interest and went towards Berserker and Saber's fight.

"Sakura's sister got good coordination with her servant; she is a good Master. Unlike the trash from before."

Medea spoke with a neutral tone but was laced with disgust at the mentioning of Shirou.

She then shifted her attention towards the battle between Berserker and Saber. She had to admit that if she didn't receive the buff in her parameters from her beloved Master's contract, she would have been hard pressed against any of these two servants, especially Berserker since he had a proper strong Master, unlike Saber who was using her own personal magic reserve to fight because of having an incompetent Master.

They then witnessed Saber running through the shockwave of an attack from Berserker and trying to pierce his heart with her sword. Berserker, however, took the brunt of the attack and let it pierce his hand instead.

Just as Berserker was about to retaliate and swing his sword down, Saber used her holy sword that revealed itself to destroy half of his upper body, claiming his life in the process.

Saber then took her sword back as it returned to its invisible state again.

They then watched as Berserker came back from the dead using his Noble Phantasm, God Hand.

Jin then felt a considerable amount of mana rising from Archer's direction, he looked towards him and smiled.

He looked towards Shirou who was running towards Saber but suddenly fell down after he used a grave fragment as a foothold and fainted. Archer then released his arrow towards Berserker and Saber trying to take both of them down.

Berserker raised his sword to meet the incoming arrow, while Saber was distracted by Shirou and didn't have time to react.

Jin then teleported near her and erected a barrier around both of them, he didn't forget about throwing Shirou towards Rin, he needs him alive to troll someone later after all.


After Caladbolg II hit its target and a huge explosion happened, the dust settled down revealing three figures.

Archer, Rin and Illya were surprised seeing them, especially when they saw the newcomer.

"Jin/Oukami-senpai?!" (Illya/Rin)

"Yo! Illya-chan, Tohsaka, fancy meeting you here."

Darkstar11051999 Darkstar11051999

3616 words~

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