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Chapter 21: Chapter 21 Reverse, carry and fun

Chapter 21


After waking up from my nap with the adult version of Fluffy in his human form, I noticed I drooled a bit on him and wiped it away in embarrassment. After checking that it was not much, I was about to crawl out of bed when I got a better idea. I started to poke his stupidly handsome adult face… No, I am not jealous. He looks so good… But with my powers, I can also be an 11/10 when I finally grow up.


"Stop poking me, you annoying brat," Fluffy said while opening one eye.


"Oh, what are you going to do about it?" I keep poking his nose just for extra effect.


"Oh, you want to go there!?"


Fluffy wrapped himself around me and started to tickle me relentlessly, and I started to laugh and giggle while trying to get out of his grasp, but I could not use enough force or the bed and everything around us would break. I tried tickling him back, but he had locked down my arms, and I knew I had to surrender, and Fluffy knew it. Stupid adult body Fluffy is cheating and using his bigger reach to bully his poor defenseless master.


"I give, I give, please stop."


"Oh, you're not going to fight back?"


"You know I can't, or we would break the house."


"Oh, right, I forgot about it."


"Well, it looks like you two are having fun." We heard from the doorway, and when we looked over, we saw mom standing there with her phone, smiling.


"Good Morning mom"


"Hi mom"


"You both looked so cute sleeping together that I had to take a picture. It looks like Fluffy is the big brother, and Sora is the little brother. Ah, I am going to get the picture framed." And there she went to fantasy land.


"Mooom, don't, that's embarrassing. What if my friends see that?"


"I can hang it in mine and your father's bedroom then," she said with a wink, and she walked away, humming to herself.


"If anyone sees that I am going to die... again,"


"Ahh, but you look so cute," Fluffy said as he unwrapped himself from me. He stood up and walked out of the room. I lay there on the bed feeling empathy without holding Fluffy, so I ran out of the room and flung myself on Fluffy's back like a coala hands around his neck.


"What are you doing?"


"Making you carry me for once," he rolled his eyes, then grabbed and pulled me into his arms while walking into the living room where my mom was showing her pictures to dad.




"Oh my goodness, you both look so good together," my mom gushed. I hid my blushing face in Fluffy's neck. If I can't see them, I can pretend I am elsewhere, right?


I told Fluffy I would look for All Might with my powers, and he could convince our parents to let us go and find All Might. While I was looking for All Might, I was also listening in on what Fluffy where saying.


"So Sora wants us to go and find All Might with Izuku and give him a Senzu Bean, as we are pretty sure he is hurt, but if not, I am sure Izuku would like to get an autograph in either case."


"You are not going without any adult supervision."


"Mom, I am technically an adult. I was created by Sora, but I have my own mind and know much more than Sora."


"So when you bit Sora, that was... what? an adult thing to do," she said with a raised eyebrow.


"I… I might sometimes be influenced by my animalistic side, and I was only play-biting," he said in his defense.


"So you are saying you will take full responsibility for whatever happens then?" my mom asked Fluffy with a challenge in her tone.


"Of course I have protected Sora ever since I was created," he said… while standing in the living room while holding me and dressed in an All Mighty onesie.


"What do you think, dear? Are the kids ready to go by themselves?"


"You know they have been to other worlds, and they have always come back without a scratch."


"Oh… that's true."


"You can go, but I will check the photage when you both come back, ok?"


"Yes, mom," Fluffy saluted like I do.


"Sora? Are you listening?"


"He is looking for All Might while we are speaking, so he can't answer right now, but I know he is listening."


"Well, you both go and change your clothing, and I will see you later."


"Oh, before we leave, can you call the Midoria family and tell them we are coming to pick Izuku up."


"I will. Good luck and say hi to All Might from us."


"Will do"


Fluffy left with me, and when we got to the bedroom, he put my limp body on my bed before changing his clothing to something more casual. Then he undressed me and changed me into my hero outfit before picking me up, and walked to the living room, and saying goodbye to mom and dad. I only learned about this after we entered the rift, as I was cut off from the internet. It was sudden. I had been using technopathy to find All Might. This is when Fluffy filled me in on what had happened after he talked to my parents.


"You can let me go now." I can walk by myself.


"Nope, today you are the child, and I am the responsible adult that is taking his dear younger brother that wants to see All Might."


"No, please don't," I pleaded with Fluffy… He did not relent; I gave up and accepted my fate for today.


We soon appeared outside Izuku's apartment block, and Fluffy landed on the ground with no problems and started to walk towards Izuku's apartment like it was nothing. I had been trying to not faceplant for years at this point, and Fluffy makes it look effortless. We soon get up the stairs, and he rings the doorbell. After a few seconds, I hear quick footsteps. Izuku opens the door and sees me and Fluffy. I give him a quick wave.


"Hi Izuku"


"Hello Sora… And who is this? And where is Fluffy?" Izuku sticks his head out the door to look for Fluffy, but sees no fox.


"What don't you recognize me Izuku?" I am disappointed," Fluffy said, wiping away a fake tear.


"W… WHAT!" Izuku stood there, gaping.


Izuku looked over Fluffy again. Fluffy is wearing a black T-shirt that says, World's best big brother to the world's shortest little brother, with an arrow pointing towards me. A pair of jeans with white shoes that have foxes all over them. I poked Fluffy on the side of his cheek, saying.


"Wow, and you complain when I break him."


"I did nothing; you did it intentionally."


"Who is it, Izuku?" I heard Inko call out.


"It's Sora; can Izuku come with us? We are going on an adventure!"


"Oh well, if Izuku is wan-" Ino froze when she saw me and Fluffy.


"Ahh, both of them blue-screened," I said to Fluffy.


"Well, if they are just going to stare, I might as well," I said, pulling out a black marker pen that is meant to draw on people's faces.


"No, I promised mom, and if you do that, she won't ever let us go anywhere. Do you want that?"


"Hmmm." I pretended to think about it.


"Not Hmm," he said, pulling the pen out of my hands and shoving it back into the inventory.


"Wow, Mr. Responsible, big brother Fluffy here."


I opened my inventory, pulled out a pillow, and threw it in Izuku's face, and he finally snapped out of it.


"W…what how can that be Fluffy?!"


"Hehe, new powers I can also transform." I said that and changed my hair to be green like Izuku's.


"Look our hair matches now."


"Green doesn't suit you," Fluffy said while looking me over.


I heard snickering and saw Izuku laughing at our bickering, like we do sometimes in class when not using our mental connection. This is when Inko snapped out and started to blush... hard.


"Oh, look, you got your first crush," I said to Fluffy mentally, and he started to blush a bit too.


"Oh, ehh, who is this strapping young man, Sora?"


"This… strapping young man is... Fluffy" I was holding in my giggles to the best of my abilities. I put my hands on Fluffy's cheeks and smooshed them together, and the look on Fluffy's face was priceless.


"W… What? But Fluffy is a fox…"


"Hehe, look at my hair." I change it to bubblegum pink.


"I got new power to change my body, and Fluffy used it to make himself look like this."


"Oh… well, that is... Good, Izuku, you can go and play with them. Mama is going to go and sit down for a while." Did I break her crush on Fluffy, or what happened? I guess I will ask Izuku later.


"Eh, ok, mom…" Izuku put on his shoes and closed the door behind him, so what are we doing?


"We are going on a treasure hunt, and the treasure is All Might."


"Are we finally going to see All Might?!" I could see stars in Izuku's eyes.


"Yupp, let's go!"


"I said, pointing towards the stairs."


"So, why is Fluffy carrying you?"


"He won't let me walk myself; he wanted to carry me instead today."


"Oh… I guess that makes sense…"


"So, where are we going?"


"No clue!" This made Izuku stop.


"But we need to figure out where he is."


"I am using my powers to find him, but it's taking some time."


"Well, I do have an idea of how to find him, but..."


"But what?"


"It would be kinda… illegal."


"Wah, you can't do that, Sora."


"But... it would go so much faster." I said dejectedly.


"Maybe you should tell us what it even is, first of all."


"Oh ya, so I know All Might has a friend who is in the police force, and I could hack his phone and then make it call All Might, and I just have to piggyback the signal and stop his phone from making the call go through, and then I would know where he is exactly."


"You can't hack a police officer's phone, Sora, then you be a criminal."


"Ya, I know, but I want to find All Might and help him; don't you want to do that too?"


"Well, while you both have been arguing, I found him."


"What?!" We both looked at Fluffy.


"Someone just posted his location on the All Mights Tracking Squads home page. He is stopping a criminal in Hosu City right now. If we fly, we can get there in a few minutes if Izuku carries us."


"What, why me?"


"You are the fastest flier out of all of us."


"Ugh, fine, get on," he said, holding out his hands to princess carry us, but he was not ready for Fluffy to jump into his arms, still holding me.


"Wah, what are you doing?"


"Getting on now, fly my flying steed."


"You are enjoying this way too much, Fluffy."




Izuku just sighed as he learned that we sometimes do the most unexpected things. And when a pair of old ladies walked past us, pointing and giggling and saying stuff like, Oh, how strong the young boy is, maybe I should set him up with my granddaughter. Izuku heard what they said and went red in the face before he rocketed off at full speed. Me and Fluffy made us semi-transparent, so the wind did not affect us much, and we soon appeared over Hosu City. We landed on top of a skyscraper, where Fluffy proceeded to use the same site to help us find out in what direction All Might was. We flew a few buildings over and soon found All Might tying up the criminal.


"There he is." Izuku pointed with stars in his eyes.


"Ya, now we just have to wait until he is alone so we can ambush him."


"Stop making us sound like criminals." Izuku said, pointing towards Fluffy.


"I found All Might's phone signature, so we can easily track him now."


"Wa, that sounds even more sketchy." I just gave him a foxy smile.


It took us another half an hour before All Might ducked away and transformed into his skeleton form. Izuku was so surprised; he was about to shout it out, but Fluffy covered his mouth.


"Shh, you are going to spook All Might."


"Oh sorry"


"Let's fly up ahead and land on the sidewalk and wait for All Might to come to us, then we can lead him away to some park and talk to him without being overheard."


Fluffy said as he started to fly a few buildings over before landing on the street, some people reacted, but after seeing he had kids with him and seeing he was not a hero, they quickly lost interest. All Might was walking down the street towards us with his hands in his pants, looking like anyone else. His skeleton form was not as bony as it would be in a few years, but this did not stop Izuku from fanboying.


"Izuku, let me talk, ok?" Fluffy told him


"Ok," he answered dejectedly.


"Oh, you can talk to him later when we get to somewhere safer to talk," and that made Izuku beam up with a bright smile.


"Excuse me, sir." Fluffy asked All Might when he got close enough for speaking distance.


"What? Who? Me?" He said, pointing to himself.


"Yes you"


"Do I know you? What do you want?" All Might looked very confused as he saw two kids and one adult with a shirt that said he was a big brother.


"I know you are All Might... Can we get somewhere safer to talk?" Fluffy whispered to All Might. He looked shocked for a second, but then his eyes went steely, and I think he wanted to transform right there and then.


"You won't get away with this, you criminal taking children hostage to get at me. I will save them from you."


I was shocked when All Might said this and took a mental step back and thought about the situation. Having some guy walk up to you and say, I know who you are, come with me to some undisclosed location, does sound like the start of a villain attack.


"No! Eh, sir, we are not criminals; we came here to help you, actually." I said, trying to plead for him not to punch Fluffy into space.


You... are not being taken hostage? All Might looked taken aback.


"No, sir, and I am sorry if I made you misunderstand, but we already knew about your… condition. Here, take a look." Fluffy handed him the photo I took with him at U.A.


"I don't recognize taking this picture, and are those the teachers of U.A.?"


"Yes, we have met you before... well… It's not easy to explain right here. I wanted to go somewhere we can talk more without people overhearing." Some people had stopped and watched when I shouted no, and All Might also noticed the crowd and asked us to follow him.


Izuku had been standing by the side and had been stuck in his own dream world when he stood so close to his hero, All Might. I threw an eraser at his forehead, and that made him snap out of it when he noticed we had started walking.


"Pick up my eraser and come, or you will be left behind."


"Why did you throw an eraser at me?"




"You… wah, ehh, forget it."


"So how do you guys know one another?" All Might asked


"Me and Izuku go to the same school."


"Wait… Did you skip grades?"


"Nope, I am 9 years old. I might look small, but I am going to be a hero."


"Well, I can't wait to see you become one then." All Might said with a big smile.


"And how about you, kid?"


"I ehh I also want to become a hero, sir." Izuku stammered out when asked, all of a sudden.


"And are you there, big brother?"


"Technically, I am no one's brother here, but Sora here is my brother in all but blood."


"Yupp, Fluffy is my big brother."


"Your name is Fluffy?" All Might said with a snicker.


"It's this brat's nickname for me."


"So, what's your name?" I asked so Izuku would learn what it is.


"My name is Yagi Toshinori. Nice to meet you." Izuku's eyes got all starry at learning more about All Might, or should I call him Yagi now.


"Here we are."


Yagi said as we came to a small park where we found an empathy park bench to sit at.


"So what did you want to tell me? And how do you know my secret identity?"


"The picture you are holding is taken a few years in the future in a parallel universe from this one where you found your successor and started to teach at U.A. to stay close to them."


"W… what? I found my successor? Who? And the future?" Both of us smiled at this and both pointed towards Izuku, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.


"You are my successor?"


"No. He is this world version of him, but Izuku was quirkless, so Sora here gave him a quirk."


"What! You can give quirks?" Some people looked over at the outburst but continued to walk.


"Shh, and it's technically not a quirk." Fluffy said


"It's complicated, but he is on par with you or even stronger, but he has had no training yet," Fluffy said, and Izuku gets embarrassed when they are talking about him.


"So why did you want to tell me then?"


"Do you want to do the honors, Izuku?" I asked him.


"I, eh, yes!"


"We saw you appearing less and think you are hurt, correct?"


"Yes, I got into a fight with a very strong villain and lost part of my organs even after being told that it might happen, but it was worth it to defeat the villain; he should be dead now."


"Should? Did you not confirm it?" Fluffy asked him


"I think I blew him apart, as we could not find anything after the fight…"


"Ugh, you never assume someone is dead until there is a body, Yagi." Fluffy sighed and smacked himself in the face.


"Oh ehh, I guess... This is the first time it's ever happened to me."


"Well, we came here to give you something that will heal you 100%." Fluffy said 


"You have a healing quirk? No doctor has been able to heal me."


"No, it's an item from another world; it will heal you up, and you should be back to normal." Fluffy said, holding out a hand with a Senzu bean.


"A… bean?"


"Yes, it's very potent; it will heal you and make it so you don't have to eat for several days, and also replenish your lost energy." He looked at the bean, wondering if he should trust us, but after I gave him my best puppy eyes, he took it and swallowed.


It only took a few seconds, and he went into his buff form. I looked around, but no one seemed to have seen it happen.


"THANK YOU, YOUNG MAN I FEEL 30 YEARS YOUNGER! HAHAHA'' Oh my goodness, he gets loud when he buffs up.


Izuku was over the moon, seeing All Might. This is when everyone else also noticed him and started to swam over and press up to close. Fluffy pulled Izuku closer to keep him safe.


"Ahh, thank you, citizens, but I am on hero duty. Please disperse; you are scaring the kids!"


Some of the people looked over, and Izuku looked a bit frightened at all the people, and I made myself look like I was on the verge of crying to sell the idea to the people who saw me. The people apologized and moved further away, but only some of them left.


"Ahh, I think it's time we moved somewhere else." All Might said as he ushered us somewhere else. I would not be surprised if we appeared on the news or on the All Might fan site later that day.


We followed All Might a bit further away before he took us to a staircase that led to the rooftop, where we could continue our conversation.


"I am sorry for that, but that sense bean really worked well. I feel amazing."


"Senzu bean"


"Yes, what I said," we rolled our eyes at him.


"I must really thank you for helping me."


"Well, you can help us by finding that villain you fought and taking him down, as you have no body and I am guessing he is still alive."


"You really think so?"




"Well, I will do my best to find him, then is there anything else I got heroics to do now that I am back I can't let the villain rest!"


"Yes, there is one last thing. Izuku here is a big fan and would love a photo and autograph from his favorite hero."


"I ehh, if that is ok with you, All Might, sir." Izuku said all flushed.




"All Might, please lower your volume before you give the kids tinnitus."


"Oh, I am so sorry. I am just in a very great mood today."


Fluffy took out a small note and wrote something on it before putting it in the inventory. Then he took out our camera, now upgraded, and took a picture with Izuku and All Might side by side. Izuku had a beaming smile that could light up a room. After the picture was taken, All Might signed the background of the photo and handed it to Izuku, who was super happy. He then asked if I wanted a picture, but I had one, and it was already signed. This is when Fluffy handed All Might the piece of paper to All Might and after reading it, he gave a thumbs up, got down on a knee, and gave Izuku a big hug. This made Izuku cry tears of happiness, as this was all of his dreams all rolled together. He got to help All Might, get a photo and autograpth, and on top of that, a hug. He could not be happier and would treasure this day forever. And we had it all recorded so we could give it to him for his birthday.


As we watched All Might leave, Izuku was gushing about All Might, and we listened to him jump around in joy. This made both me and Fluffy feel like we did something good besides helping All Might. We got to see Izuku's beaming smile.


After that, we went for ice cream, and I sent a message to my parents saying that everything went well and that we were coming home soon. Then we went to drop off Izuku and got to watch Inko's tears of joy at seeing how happy Izuku was and how he wanted the picture with All Might framed.


We teleported home, Fluffy landed without problems, and we found our parents sitting in the kitchen. Dad was making food, and mom was watching him. Dad had an aprion saying kiss the cook that mom got for him as a gag gift, but he really liked it.


"We are home," Fluffy said.


"Ya, we heard your rift; it's very hard to miss," dad said.


"So, how did it go?"


"We found All Might and got him the Senzu bean. He was still hurt even after Nedzu told him that it might happen, and we think he fought with All For One, the guy in white who tried to steal Sora's quirk."


"That's awful. I hope All Might beat him up."


"He thinks he died, but I am not so sure he never found a body. But now that he is healed, he can try to find him again, and maybe this time put him down for good."


"Well, that is good. Now let me see that photage"


"What you don't trust us, mom." I wined


"That's what I am about to find out."


We went to the closest door, and I took her to the camera room, where I have a computer hooked up to the server's. There, she rewinded the time and started to look through the photage and when she was done, Fluffy got glowing remarks and told us that in the future she could trust him to take care of me. I whined that I did not need a babysitter, and she disagreed. Oh, if she only knew that we both conspired for her to let her guard down to give us more freedom.


The rest of that day was not that eventful, and soon it was bedtime. Fluffy put me down on the bed before finally transforming back.


"So how was it to play the big brother today?"


"It was really fun, but I missed being able to nap all day." Fluffy said with a big jawn.


"Ya, you tend to hang back in conversations often."


"Ya, I like to leave my day-to-day tasks to my manservant," Fluffy said in his most haughty, noble tone. We both laughed at that mental image, as we both knew he was jesting.


"You know what we need to do at school?"






"Oh, that could be fun—two Fluffy's or two Sora's."


"Oh, I want to go and prank dad tomorrow. We can swap places you pretend to be me, and see if dad notices."


"You mean how quick dad notices?"


"Ya, I thought that was obvious."


"Let's do it after school tomorrow, then."


The next day, after school, we were in my room. Fluffy had transformed to look like me, and we spent an hour making it look perfect. Then I had to transform into Fluffy, and that was so much harder to get the fur right. We made a mental note to transform into different things so we could do it quicker in the future. Then Fluffy petted me and showed me how good it felt. I would have fallen asleep if he had not stopped, as it was so relaxing. Now to do a test run on our parents.


Fluffy made his way downstairs in my hero costume to make it look more authentic. We found mom alone in the kitchen making some coffee while reading something on a tablet.


"Hi mom, what are you doing?"


"I am making some coffee for me and dad."


"And what are you doing in your hero costume, Sora?" My mom said it with her hands on her hips.


"I wanted to ask if I could go to dad so me and So- Fluffy could prank dad."


"Oh, and what prank are you going to do?"


"Well, we thought of changing places, so I will be Fluffy, and Fluffy will be me, and see how long it takes dad to notice."


"Oh ya? You always say he is the world's greatest detective, so I guess that could be funny to test. So are you going to do it before you leave?"


"Well, what if I say we have already done it?" Fluffy Say's with a shit eating grin. Our mom looked gobsmacked and looked between me and Fluffy.


"Hi mom. Am I not Fluffy now?"


"Oh my goodness, you kids are going to be the death of me, but first." She put away her tablet and rushed up and hugged us.


"Oh, you both are so cute still, even when swapped." Then she picked me up and held me like a baby, and started to rub my belly and cooing like I was a baby.


"Ahh, I have not held you like this in forever Sora."


"MOM! I am not a baby any more. FLUFFY SAVE ME!" But Fluffy was rolling on the ground, laughing too hard to be of any help.


Soon, mom gave me back to Fluffy and wished us good luck after getting her fill. Fluffy was still snickering when we walked away to travel to the DC universe. Fluffy soon landed in the lobby and made his way to the kitchen to see if Alfred was there.


"Ahh, welcome back, master Leo."


"Hi Alfred, how are you doing?"


"I am doing good. So what brought you here today? Is it perhaps the smell of my baking?"


"Nope came here to prank dad and say hi."


"Oh, what new prank are you going to try on Master Bruce today?"


"We are already doing it; can you guess?"


"Hmm," Alfred said, looking us up and down.


"I don't see anything. Can you please enlighten me?"


"Hehe, me and Leo swap places." Alfred raised an eyebrow.


"Hmm, I did not notice. New power?"




"Well, you should get down and prank him. But do take the stairs so you don't scare the bats again."


"Yes sir." x2 and a salute


On the way down, we were really excited to see if dad could figure it out. We wondered if our power is good enough to fool dad, then it's good enough to fool anyone. When we got down to the basement, we saw dad sitting at the bat computer with his phone in hand and working on the computer.


"Hi dad"


"Hi Fluffy," dad said.


"W… what?"


"I am Leo."


"No, you are not Fluffy."


"What how did you figure it out so quickly?" Fluffy asked dejectedly.


"I am the world's greatest detective; how could I not?"


I decided that the jig was up. I might as well transform back to normal, and I made myself look identical to Fluffy, and now we looked like twins holding hands. We really need to work on our twin speak.


"What do you think of my power? Was it hard to figure out?" I asked




"Ahh, can't you even pretend"




"Please tell us how you figure it out, PLEASE" Puppy eyes x2


Dad gave us a slight smile, picked up his phone from the desk, turned it towards us, and on the screen, it read:.


"Leo and Fluffy have swapped places new power; reverse prank them."


"WHAT!?" x2


"ALFRED BETRAYED US!" x2 we looked at one another.


"This means war!" x2


"So you both have new powers, huh?" Dad said to derail our vengeance, but we allow it… for now.


"Oh ya!"


Me and Fluffy swapped of telling a power each until we caught dad up to our latest pool of powers.


"Hmm, that's some good powers. You are almost becoming a mini-superman," dad said jokingly.


"Na, we are going to be better than him."


"Ya," I agreed.


"Well, you have a long way to go then," we stick our tongues out towards him.


"Well, we got to go home and buy industrial glitter, then find some magic guy to enchant it."


"Don't you already have glitter?"


"Ya, but not industrial grade glitter."


"Is there a difference?"


"The amount," Fluffy said with an evil grin.


"You are not dumping that much glitter in our home, even with your cleaning power."


"Ahh, you are no fun."


"We can find a magic world and put magic on the glitter."


"Perfect, let's do that tomorrow," Fluffy said.


"Well, it was fun seeing you, dad." We both hugged him and competed to see who could get upstairs fastest… Fluffy cheated and went ghost.


We made an over-the-top declaration of war towards Alfred as he snickered. Fluffy opened the rift, pushed me inside when I was distracted, and jumped after me. I started to spin uncontrollably and soon crashed in the living room, with my parents shouting at me to not play when traveling.


The rest of the day we stayed as twins and swapped places, which made my parents not be able to guess who was who and just started to call us the kids instead.


"I am going to put the kids to sleep," mom said when it was bedtime and tucked me and Fluffy in bed. Then, before leaving, she pulled out her camera to take pictures, but we were too comfortable to retaliate and only groned at her as she cooed. And that's how our day went.

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