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Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Seok-Woo's composure returned after Sung-Hee's unexpected revelation, though he couldn't shake off his surprise. With a quizzical expression, he turned to her, seeking an explanation. "What prompted you to say that, just from spending time together today?" His gaze bore into hers, awaiting her response.

Sung-Hee's cheeks flushed crimson at his inquiry. "Well, it's because of that night we spent together. I feel like I didn't give you the full experience, and it's partly my fault for it ending prematurely," she confessed, her words hanging in the air with vulnerability. Seok-Woo was taken aback by her honesty, realizing she had a point. He remembered feeling unsatisfied after their encounter, his desire unfulfilled as Sung-Hee had drifted off to sleep, exhausted.

Despite his surprise, Seok-Woo harbored no resentment. Instead, he pondered why Sung-Hee was so determined to ensure his satisfaction. "So, you won't doze off this time? There's still so much I want to try with you," he remarked, his tone laced with playful anticipation. Sung-Hee's blush deepened at his suggestive comment, revealing her own desire to explore their connection further.

"I'll do my best," Sung-Hee replied, her admission tinged with a mix of nervousness and eagerness. In truth, she longed to experience the intensity of their previous encounter once more, craving the connection she shared with Seok-Woo. He was her first in many ways, and she was reluctant to let go of the bond they shared, even if it was just as friends.

As Seok-Woo listened to Sung-Hee's words, a feeling of surprise crept into his thoughts. While he appreciated her honesty, he couldn't shake the feeling that her sudden proposition seemed out of character, perhaps even a tad desperate. Determined to address the situation with care, he adopted a serious tone as he spoke to her.

"Sung-Hee, you know... you don't need to force yourself to do this," Seok-Woo said earnestly, his voice gentle yet firm. His words seemed to weigh heavily on Sung-Hee, who lowered her head in response, her expression tinged with a sense of shame.

"Consider that this time will be our second time, let's just take this normal as usual," Seok-Woo continued, his tone steady as he sought to reassure her. Despite the gravity of their conversation, his demeanor remained composed, conveying a sense of understanding and support.

Sung-Hee's realization hit her like a wave, the weight of her words sinking in with a sudden heaviness. A tinge of desperation colored her admission, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. Shame flushed her cheeks, and she instinctively covered her face, seeking refuge from the embarrassment that flooded her senses.

In the ensuing silence, punctuated only by the hum of the engine and the occasional glance from Seok-Woo, Sung-Hee wrestled with her emotions. Though she had withdrawn her hand, her gaze remained averted, unable to meet Seok-Woo's eyes. The lingering shyness weighed heavily on her, a constant reminder of her uncharacteristic outburst.

Upon reaching downtown, Seok-Woo's focus shifted to the task at hand: finding a parking space for the car. With practiced ease, he navigated the bustling streets, his keen eye scanning for an available spot. Within minutes, he spotted a vacant space and expertly maneuvered the car into position.

As the car came to a stop, Sung-Hee's demeanor underwent a subtle transformation. The mask of embarrassment lifted, replaced by a semblance of normalcy. Seok-Woo couldn't help but marvel at the rapid shift in her mood. In just moments, Sung-Hee had traversed a spectrum of emotions, from anger to shyness to embarrassment—a whirlwind journey that left him momentarily bewildered.

As they stepped out of the car, the enticing aroma of various cuisines enveloped them, a familiar sensation they had grown accustomed to. Sung-Hee took the lead, guiding Seok-Woo toward the bustling heart of the area, where the array of food establishments beckoned to passersby.

Navigating through the crowd, they eventually reached their destination: a barbecue joint Sung-Hee had chosen for their meal. Despite a brief search, they located the eatery nestled among the other culinary offerings. With eager anticipation, they entered the bustling establishment.

Inside, the ambiance was lively, with patrons of all ages and backgrounds enjoying their meals. The tables were filled with diners indulging in hearty dishes, accompanied by glasses of various beverages.

Securing a table amidst the crowd, they settled in, taking in the lively atmosphere. Seok-Woo couldn't help but comment on the restaurant's popularity. "It's packed in here. Have you dined at this place before?" he inquired.

Sung-Hee shook her head in response. "No, this is my first time. Auntie Jin-Yi recommended it, praising the quality of the meat and its affordability compared to other places. Her recommendation intrigued me, so I decided to give this place a try," she explained, her voice tinged with curiosity as she perused the menu, deliberating their choices.

Seok-Woo observed the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant while Sung-Hee deliberated over their meal choices. His gaze wandered, briefly pausing on the various groups of diners scattered throughout the establishment. Among them, one particularly lively group caught his attention.

The boisterous chatter emanating from their table hinted at a gathering of individuals around Seok-Woo's age. He couldn't help but speculate that they were part of a mixer dating event, given the equal distribution of male and female participants. Studying them for a moment, Seok-Woo found himself intrigued before redirecting his focus elsewhere.

As they waited for Sung-Hee to make her selection, she posed a question to Seok-Woo. "Seok-Woo, would you like something to drink?" Her inquiry included an implicit invitation to partake in alcohol.

"I don't mind having a drink, but are you planning to drink as well?" Seok-Woo responded, echoing Sung-Hee's question with one of his own.

"I'll have a drink, but just a small one. Why do you ask?" Sung-Hee replied with a nod, addressing Seok-Woo's inquiry.

"Sung-Hee, you're not exactly a pro at handling alcohol," Seok-Woo remarked casually, acknowledging Sung-Hee's tendency to be affected by even small amounts of alcohol.

"Just one glass, nothing more. Besides, I have you by my side. I know you'll look after me," Sung-Hee reassured him with a warm smile, confident in Seok-Woo's ability to look after her, especially when she's had a bit too much to drink.

Seok-Woo let out a sigh, acknowledging his role in ensuring Sung-Hee's well-being. "Just try not to vomit on me," he joked, teasing her gently. Sung-Hee blushed in embarrassment at his playful remark, while Seok-Woo chuckled at her reaction, their exchange punctuated by a sense of friendship.

Finally, Sung-Hee raised her hand to order the foods that they would eat, she chose an assortment of meats, with different cuts for them to eat. The two then waited for a few minutes until their meats to eat had arrived. When they arrived. They then grilled the meats. Cut it into sizeable bite-sized chunks for them to eat. With Sung-Hee doing all the cutting.

"Hey there! Can you at least save me a piece of that delicious meat? You're just lounging around while I'm here slaving over the grill. I'm not your personal chef, you know," Sung-Hee exclaimed, a hint of irritation coloring her tone as Seok-Woo devoured the grilled meat without offering her any.

Seok-Woo grinned in response, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he reached for the tongs in Sung-Hee's hand. "Alright, alright, I'll take over now," he declared, gently nudging her aside to assume control of the grill. This was his chance to showcase his culinary prowess, a chance to put his Cooking Skills [+1] to the test. With practiced precision, he expertly flipped and tended to each piece of meat, ensuring it reached the perfect level of doneness.

Impressed by his skillful grilling, Sung-Hee couldn't help but offer praise between bites. "Wow, do you cook often? Your grilling skills are truly impressive," she remarked, savoring the succulent meat cooked to perfection by Seok-Woo's capable hands.

Seok-Woo shrugged modestly, downplaying his talent. "Ah, it's nothing special. Just a matter of timing and technique," he replied humbly, though a hint of pride gleamed in his eyes as Sung-Hee continued to enjoy the meal he had prepared.

As the drinks arrived at their table, Sung-Hee wasted no time pouring herself a glass, followed by one for Seok-Woo. "Let's toast, Seok-Woo," she exclaimed cheerfully, eager to enjoy the evening.

However, Seok-Woo had other plans, his tone serious as he intervened. "Hold off on the drinks for now. I'm going to grab some hangover cures for us," he declared, a hint of concern evident in his voice. Sung-Hee agreed with a nod, urging him not to take too long as she busied herself with grilling and eating.

Seok-Woo hurried out of the establishment to fetch the hangover remedies, leaving Sung-Hee to tend to the grill and distract herself with her phone while she waited. Minutes ticked by, but there was no sign of Seok-Woo's return. Undeterred, Sung-Hee continued to enjoy the food, almost finishing off the entire meal, including Seok-Woo's portion.

As she indulged in the savory delights, Sung-Hee's solitude was unexpectedly interrupted by a stranger approaching her table. "Hey there, beautiful. Mind if I join you?" the man inquired, his gaze lingering on Sung-Hee with an unmistakable malicious intent. He had wandered over from a nearby mixer date, unimpressed with the other attendees and drawn in by Sung-Hee's allure.

Sung-Hee remained unfazed, her response curt and devoid of emotion. "No thanks, I'm good on my own," she replied, dismissing him with a subtle hint of annoyance. Yet, the man persisted, undeterred by her rejection as he continued to press his unwanted advances.

"But you seem so lonely. Surely, you could use some company," he persisted, his eyes trailing over Sung-Hee's form with disguised desire.

Growing increasingly irritated by his persistence, Sung-Hee's patience wore thin. "Didn't I already say no? Get lost, you fucker," she snapped, her tone sharp as she rebuffed his advances with clear disdain.

Yet the man continued to pursue, "Don't be like that, let me..." his words trailed off as he felt a firm hand land on his shoulder. Startled, he spun around to face the source of the interruption.

He turned to look back only to face Seok-Woo, to be met with a stoic and unwavering gaze. Their eyes locked in an intense silent exchange, the tension palpable in the air. The man couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he stared into Seok-Woo's eyes, which seemed to exude an aura of dominance and power.

Sung-Hee observed Seok-Woo's demeanor, sensing an indescribable intensity emanating from him. It was as if he commanded respect without uttering a single word, leaving her both intrigued and slightly unnerved by his presence.

Feeling the weight of Seok-Woo's presence, the man's confidence faltered, realizing he had underestimated the situation. He glanced back at Sung-Hee, now understanding why she had rebuffed his advances. With a nervous gulp, he retreated to his table, his earlier bravado replaced by a newfound humility.

As he retreated to his table, the man didn't bother to glance behind him. Seok-Woo's gaze remained fixed on him, his posture unchanged. Meanwhile, the man, preoccupied with the encounter, failed to watch where he was going. Consequently, he collided with another patron, causing him to lose his footing and tumble to the ground. The drunk patrons nearby erupted into laughter at the spectacle, finding amusement in the man's clumsiness.

Seok-Woo turned slightly in his seat, casting a brief glance over his shoulder before settling back. "Did you wait long?" he asked, his hands deftly arranging the items he'd brought onto the table.

Sung-Hee smiled, her eyes flickering with amusement. "Not at all. I actually enjoyed the moment alone," she responded, tucking her phone away.

"Good to hear. Let's toast together then," Seok-Woo suggested, pouring himself a drink and raising his glass.

Sung-Hee raised her glass in response, the clinking sound echoing lightly in the bustling atmosphere. They both took a sip, Seok-Woo bearing the bitter taste of the drink while Sung-Hee struggled slightly, quickly washing down the bitterness with a non-alcoholic beverage.

As the taste of bitterness faded, Sung-Hee turned to Seok-Woo with gratitude evident in her eyes. "Seok-Woo, thank you for stepping in," she expressed, acknowledging his intervention with the intrusive man.

Seok-Woo simply met her gaze, his expression unreadable as he listened to her words. "Did you manage to finish all the meat?" he asked a hint of amusement in his tone, gesturing towards the nearly empty plate.

Sung-Hee chuckled softly, surprised by his question but not missing a beat in her response. "Well, you did take quite a while. I figured I might as well enjoy the food while I waited. It's your fault for the delay," she teased playfully.

Seok-Woo shook his head with a resigned sigh, acknowledging the truth in her words as he glanced at the empty plate. "Well, you're right," he conceded with a shrug, though a mischievous smirk played on his lips. "But to sate my appetite, I'll be eating you tonight," he added with a suggestive smile, his gaze lingering on Sung-Hee with playful anticipation.

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