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Chapter 23: Chapter 23

The night stretched on endlessly as the two bodies entwined in a dance of desire and intensity. Time seemed to lose its meaning as they surrendered to the relentless rhythm of their hunger for pleasure. Despite brief pauses for respite, their fervor never waned, each moment fueling the next in an unending cycle of ecstasy.

Seok-Woo's insatiable libido showed no signs of abating, defying the limitations of mere mortal endurance. His essence repeatedly spilled in the heat of their fervor and seemed to replenish itself with each release, a proof to the depth of his desire.

Sung-Hee, equally consumed by the flames of enthusiasm, lost count of the times she was filled with Seok-Woo's essence. The room bore witness to their fervent coupling, now a chaotic tableau of tangled sheets and scattered belongings, stained with the evidence of their shared pleasure.

Despite her efforts to quell Seok-Woo's relentless drive, Sung-Hee ultimately succumbed to the overpowering force of their mutual desire. As she drifted into sleep, a satisfied smile graced her lips, a silent acknowledgment of the bliss they had shared.

Covered in a sheen of their combined essence, Sung-Hee lay in peaceful slumber, her body still tingling with the echoes of their zeal. Meanwhile, Seok-Woo, though physically spent from their night of intense activity, tended to the aftermath with care. With gentle hands, he wiped away the traces of their shared ecstasy.

As the night drew to a close, Seok-Woo settled beside the sleeping Sung-Hee, finding solace in her presence. With the weight of their shared passion still lingering in the air, they drifted into a well-earned rest, their bodies entwined in a silent embrace as the world outside faded into oblivion.

The room was steeped in tranquil silence, a stark contrast to the earlier symphony of moans and sighs that had filled the air. As the night surrendered to the dawn, the world outside stirred to life, casting a soft glow through the curtains.

Seok-Woo stirred from his slumber, his senses gradually awakening to the new day. With a languid stretch, he reached out, his hand encountering the warmth of soft flesh beside him. His eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of Sung-Hee nestled beside him, her features serene in the gentle light.

Her sleeping form was a vision of beauty, her face bathed in the soft hues of morning. But for Seok-Woo, it was not just her countenance that captivated him. In the gentle embrace of sleep, Sung-Hee lay naked, her form a masterpiece of curves and contours, a sight that stirred something inside him.

A surge of heat coursed through Seok-Woo as he gazed upon her, his member stirring to life in response to the intoxicating allure of her nakedness. With a resigned sigh, he acknowledged the relentless nature of his own libido, a blessing and a curse that seemed to have a will of its own.

As he contemplated the complexities of his desires, Sung-Hee stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to greet the new day. With a soft murmur, she raised herself from the bed, her tousled hair framing her face in disarray, a testament to the deep sleep from which she had just emerged.

Sung-Hee's delicate yawn echoed through the room as she roused from her sleep, her movements slow and languid as she rubbed the remnants of slumber from her eyes. With a stretch, she arched her body gracefully, the supple curves of her form unfolding in a display before Seok-Woo's eyes.

Seok-Woo's breath caught in his throat as he watched, his gaze fixated on Sung-Hee's frame. A surge of desire rippled through him, igniting a familiar fire within his loins. With a mixture of frustration and longing, he tore his gaze away from Sung-Hee's enticing figure, only to be met with the stubborn defiance of his own unyielding member.

Frustration etched lines of irritation across Seok-Woo's brow as he glared down at his disobedient member, its rigid form standing tall despite his silent commands to the contrary. With a resigned sigh, he raised his hand, delivering a gentle slap to his member in a futile attempt to quell its insistent arousal. Aware of the delicate balance between desire and restraint, Seok-Woo tempered his actions, knowing that any excess force could risk his future fertility.

Sung-Hee stirred at the sound of a sharp slap, her eyes fluttering open to find Seok-Woo staring down at his erect member. Following his gaze, she discovered his arousal standing tall. With a deadpan expression, she couldn't help but blurt out, "What the... Why the hell are you still hard? Are you sexually driven to women?" The disbelief in her voice was evident, given the activities they had just shared.

"Well, I couldn't help it. It got more excited as you stretched your body, you know," Seok-Woo offered in explanation. Sung-Hee retorted with a hint of playful annoyance, "I should be the one to slap your penis. My body is sore because of you. Just be thankful it's the weekend today, so I don't have to go to work in this state." She glanced at Seok-Woo, grateful for the reprieve from her usual duties at the Kid's Cafe. The thought of facing the day in her current condition was not appealing.

Seok-Woo ran his fingers through his hair, a sense of gratitude washing over him for Sung-Hee's words. Though he hadn't made any plans for the day, her words brought a sense of relief. With a gentle movement, he rested his hand beside him and turned to face Sung-Hee. "Would you like to have brunch?" he inquired, gauging her hunger. Her response was predictable.

"Not at the moment, let's sleep a little longer before we eat," Sung-Hee replied, sinking back into the comfort of the bed, her body yearning for more rest. Seok-Woo mirrored her actions, reclining on the bed and closing his eyes, though the persistent presence of his member beneath the bedsheets was a subtle reminder of their shared time. Soon, the two drifted into a light slumber, their bodies seeking solace in the embrace of sleep.

When Sung-Hee awoke first, she found herself greeted by the peaceful visage of Seok-Woo, his features relaxed in sleep. Her gaze lingered on his face, admiring its rugged yet handsome contours. But her attention was soon drawn to another sight—the unmistakable bulge beneath the bedsheets.

Sung-Hee let out a weary sigh as she turned her gaze away from the lingering evidence of their passionate night. With a gentle push, she discarded the rumpled bedsheet, revealing the aftermath of their activity. As she settled onto the bed, she lifted one leg, gracefully spreading her entrance to inspect it. A trickle of moisture reminded her of the residue still lingering within her, prompting a silent reflection on the intensity of their encounter.

"It still hasn't dried up?" she mused to herself, pondering the sheer volume of Seok-Woo's essence that had filled her. Determined to cleanse herself, she resolved to wash away the remnants in the soothing cascade of the shower. With a decisive movement, Sung-Hee rose from the bed, her thoughts focused on refreshing herself for the day ahead.

Unbeknownst to her, Seok-Woo, though seemingly asleep with closed eyes, remained attuned to his surroundings. Having stirred from slumber earlier than Sung-Hee, his ears caught her murmured thoughts. Reflecting on her words, he couldn't help but acknowledge his oversight in leaving a trace of their shared intimacy within her.

As Sung-Hee stepped into the shower, the warm water enveloped her in a soothing embrace. Meanwhile, Seok-Woo, stirred by her absence from the bed, rose with a sense of purpose. He quietly made his way to the bathroom, drawn by the desire to be close to her.

Upon entering, Seok-Woo caught sight of Sung-Hee's silhouette through the misted glass. With a longing in his heart, he wasted no time and stepped inside, his gaze fixed on her.

Sung-Hee, lost in the rhythm of the shower, was unaware of his presence. Her focus was solely on cleansing herself, removing any trace of their intimate encounter from her skin.

As Seok-Woo approached, he admired the way the water cascaded over her, highlighting the contours of her body. His desire to be with her grew stronger with each step.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her from behind, his touch sending a jolt of surprise through Sung-Hee's body. She gasped, turning to find Seok-Woo's smiling face gazing back at her.

She felt a familiar sensation against her back, causing a mix of anticipation and apprehension to flood through her. Without turning around, she addressed Seok-Woo with a serious tone, "Please, don't even think about it. I mean it." Sung-Hee's words held a weight of caution, a plea for respect in the familiarity of the moment.

Seok-Woo, playing along, responded with a teasing tone, "Of course, I'll behave." His words dripped with mischief as he added, "At least, I'll try." Sung-Hee couldn't help but roll her eyes at his playful antics before turning back to resume her shower, a smirk dancing on her lips.

As time passed within the confines of the bathroom, a subtle symphony of moans wafted through the air, betraying the clandestine activities unfolding behind closed doors. When the two finally emerged from the room, clad in bathrobes and carrying their clothes, Sung-Hee's flushed cheeks hinted at the steamy encounter within, while Seok-Woo's cheeky grin spoke volumes about the mischief they had shared.

The two then dressed, preparing to venture outside and settle the bill for their stay. Despite the expected cost, Seok-Woo felt it was a worthy expenditure for the memorable time they shared in the room.

Once dressed, they made their way to the reception area, where a shadowy figure awaited behind the counter. Seok-Woo handed over the keys, his movements purposeful as he settled the bill for their retreat. The receptionist, though mostly obscured, conveyed the amount owed with a sense of formality that hung heavy in the air.

Upon hearing the sum, Seok-Woo deftly retrieved his wallet, extracting the necessary cash with practiced ease. With the transaction completed, they exited the love hotel, stepping out into the world beyond, where the mundane tasks of daily life awaited.

As they strolled along the bustling streets, Seok-Woo's arm instinctively wrapped around Sung-Hee's waist, offering support as she navigated the discomfort lingering from their night of passion. Her gaze bore into him with a mixture of gratitude and irritation, the ache in her body serving as a reminder of the intensity they had shared.

As the events unfolded, two individuals, who had recently crossed paths for the first time, inadvertently stumbled upon Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee. But let's rewind time to before Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee left the Love Hotel.

In the heart of downtown, Chae-Yoon found herself navigating the aisles of a bustling grocery store, her cart brimming with essentials for her family. She carefully selected fresh produce and meats, her mind focused on the task at hand.

As she reached for the last item on her list, her hand inadvertently collided with another shopper's. Startled, Chae-Yoon looked up to find herself face-to-face with Jin-Yi.

"I'm sorry, please, go ahead," Jin-Yi offered, gracefully retracting her hand.

"No, no, I should apologize. You were here first," Chae-Yoon insisted, retrieving the item and extending it towards Jin-Yi.

Jin-Yi shook her head with a gentle smile. "It's fine, really. I don't need it that urgently. Unlike you," she remarked, gesturing towards Chae-Yoon's cart, which was nearly overflowing with groceries.

Chae-Yoon retrieved her hand, albeit reluctantly, as she placed the item into her cart, her heart warmed by Jin-Yi's considerate actions. With a nod of appreciation, she expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for allowing me to take it. That's quite a stash of instant noodles you have there," she remarked, her gaze drifting to the numerous packages filling Jin-Yi's cart, each boasting a variety of flavors.

"It's for the store I work in, just restocking for the days ahead," Jin-Yi explained, gesturing towards the abundance of noodles. Her attention then shifted to the contents of Chae-Yoon's cart, her eyebrows lifting in curiosity. "You seem to have quite a haul yourself. Feeding a small army at home?" she quipped a hint of amusement in her voice.

Chae-Yoon chuckled softly, a wistful smile tugging at her lips as she scratched her cheek. "Well, most of it is just for one person. My son, he's a big eater, especially since he returned from military service," she explained, reminiscing about Seok-Woo's hearty appetite. Keeping up with his physique required regular workouts, which he diligently pursued at home. And, of course, a substantial amount of food to fuel his efforts.

"Sounds like he's quite the hungry lad," Jin-Yi remarked, a playful glint in her eyes as she tilted her head, intrigued by Chae-Yoon's predicament.

Chae-Yoon nodded in agreement, a mixture of pride and exasperation evident in her expression. "Indeed, he is," she replied, mindful of the increased expenses that came with Seok-Woo's return home. Despite the challenges, she wouldn't have it any other way, cherishing the opportunity to care for her son after his time away.

As they maneuvered their carts through the aisles, Chae-Yoon and Jin-Yi continued their lively conversation, exchanging anecdotes about motherhood, sharing stories about their children, and even swapping recipes for kid-friendly meals.

Their chatter didn't cease as they lined up to pay for their purchases, the topics flowing seamlessly from one to the next. From tips on managing household chores to reminiscing about their own childhoods, the two women found common ground in their shared experiences.

With their bags brimming with groceries, they stepped outside the store, pausing momentarily on the threshold. "Well, I suppose it's time for us to part ways. Thank you for brightening my day with your conversation," Jin-Yi remarked, hoisting her bags onto her shoulders.

"Likewise, it's been a pleasure talking to you," Chae-Yoon replied warmly, a sense of camaraderie lingering between them. As they prepared to go their separate ways, their attention was suddenly drawn to the familiar people down the street.

As they observed the scene before them, Chae-Yoon and Jin-Yi couldn't help but notice the intimate display between Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee. Jin-Yi raised an eyebrow at the sight, her thoughts drifting to the changing norms of public affection. "Youngsters these days, no shame at all," she mused quietly to herself, though her curiosity soon overtook her initial judgment.

Yet, Jin-Yi's curiosity was piqued further as she recalled Seok-Woo's unexpected presence with Sung-Hee. Just yesterday, she had witnessed him picking her up from the Kid's Cafe, assuming their rendezvous would be confined to the late hours of the night.

"But why are they still together today?" Jin-Yi wondered aloud, her mind racing through various possibilities. Her thoughts veered into the realm of speculation, entertaining scenarios that bordered on the scandalous. With a wry smile, she couldn't help but consider the more provocative implications of their prolonged togetherness.

On the flip side, Chae-Yoon couldn't help but puzzle over the unexpected sight of Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee together. "I could have sworn Seok-Woo mentioned hanging out with his friends last night. Sung-Hee's one of them, sure, but I didn't expect them to be alone," she mused, watching the pair exchange banter with a mix of curiosity and bemusement.

Determined to unravel the mystery, Chae-Yoon took matters into her own hands. "Well, no harm in finding out directly," she reasoned. Setting her grocery bags down, she fished out her phone and punched in Seok-Woo's number, her gaze fixed on him from afar.

Back to Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee, the two found themselves attracting attention with their close interaction. "So, can you let me go now?" Sung-Hee queried Seok-Woo, feeling self-conscious under the scrutiny of onlookers.

Seok-Woo glanced around, knowing well despite turning off the system's notification he gained Interest Point + in this situation. It seemed their public display was garnering plenty of attention, both envious and curious.

Despite the stares, Seok-Woo remained unfazed, knowing that their antics had earned him Rolls for the Gachapon machine. "Can you stand by yourself? Is it still sore?" he inquired, concerned for Sung-Hee's comfort.

Sung-Hee's response was laced with irritation. "Of course, it's still sore, you dumbass," she retorted sharply, her frustration evident. She couldn't help but lament the consequences of their impromptu encounter, wishing they had simply showered instead.

Seok-Woo scratched his head, offering an apologetic smile. "Well, sorry—" His attempt at an apology was cut short by the ringing of his phone, interrupting their conversation.

Both Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee froze in place as Seok-Woo retrieved his phone, his curiosity piqued by the caller's identity. Upon seeing that it was Chae-Yoon, a hint of surprise flickered across his features.

With a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension, Seok-Woo answered the call, bringing the phone to his ear. "Hello, Mother. What's the reason for your call?" he inquired, eager to understand her intentions.

"Seok-Woo, where are you right now? Are you still with your friends?" Chae-Yoon's question carried a subtle undertone, a trap waiting to ensnare any falsehoods.

"I'm downtown, looking for a place to eat with my friends," Seok-Woo replied instinctively, his response lacking the careful consideration it warranted. However, Chae-Yoon's next words revealed that his hastily concocted lie had been uncovered.

"Is that so? Then why do I only see Sung-Hee with you and no one else? Where are these friends you mentioned?" Chae-Yoon's tone grew stern, her probing questions leaving Seok-Woo scrambling for a plausible explanation.

Caught off guard by her astuteness, Seok-Woo scanned the surroundings, searching for a way to salvage the situation. His gaze fell upon Chae-Yoon, her expression a mix of anger and disappointment, her groceries abandoned on the ground.

Realization dawned upon Seok-Woo as he acknowledged the gravity of his predicament. "Now, how do I navigate my way out of this?" he mused, a sense of urgency creeping into his thoughts.

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