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Chapter 3: The Exorcist

The police officers continued to patrol the building even though it didn't seem that anyone would be coming to this unpopulated area. Listening to the leader who they trust, when dusk came, the police officers did not enter the fourth floor. Occasionally, the officers felt like they heard weird noises coming from above, but after calling their leader, they were told to ignore it and that they must not check under any circumstances.

The night sunk in as the police officers continued to guard the area. A police officer outside the apartment building shivered as a breeze blew by. He turned to his colleague and chattered, "Hey, do you think those things exist?"

The colleague looked over as he asked, "What things?"

"You know, those things ... the dirty stuff you shouldn't see," the officer replied as he shivered a bit as his eyes glanced around the quiet, empty street.

His colleague also glanced around as if affected by the atmosphere. He then responded in a shaky voice, "Pshh ... don't scare yourself. Those things can't exist ... still, it's nearly midnight. Don't talk about those chilling stuff. Instead, wonder when someone will come to cover our shift. We have been guarding for hours."

"Mmm," the officer nodded as he glanced down the street.

The officer then squinted his eyes as he noticed a shadow walking on the street. As it came closer, the officer saw a human silhouette and he frowned. Who would come here to this god forsaken street at this time. He notified his colleague, "Oi, look over there. It seems someone is coming?"

His colleague also looked over with a frown before becoming alert, "Stay alert."

As the silhouette came closer, it revealed a human wearing a black hoodie. His face was covered with the hoodie and his hands were in his pocket as he strolled towards the apartment building. The two officers glanced at each other before pulling out their batons. One officer also pulled out his flashlight while the other had his hand on his holster, ready to pull out his firearm at anytime.

The officer with flashlight aimed the light at the stranger and hollered, "Who's there? This is a restricted area. Please state your purpose!"

The human in black hoodie kept strolling forward nonchalantly. Sweat dripped down the two officers' face as one of them pulled out his guns, aimed it at the stranger, and hollered, "Please stay where you are. Take out your hands from your pocket and put both hands on the back of your head slowly. Identify yourself or we may have to take action!"

The stranger in a hoodie chuckled as he stopped in place. He then took both hands out of his pocket and lazily raised it up to the back of his head. He then pulled off his hoodie to reveal a young teenage man with brown, curly hair.

"Hahaha, officers, there's no need to be afraid. We are on the same side," the young man chuckled.

The officer glanced at each other before one of them signaled the other to go up and check for danger. The other officer put his baton away before swiftly strolling up to the man and patted him down as his colleague stayed alert. After checking the young man, the officer nodded towards his colleague who breathed a sigh of relief as he put his gun back in his holster.

"Young man, it's this late at night. What are you doing here?" the officer that checked the young man questioned.

"Ehhh ... did your superiors not tell you? Oh wait, even if they did, they aren't allowed to specify my info because of confidentiality huh? Umm ... let's just say I was sent here to handle the case," the young man stated as if he was talking to himself.

The two officers glanced at each other in doubt before continuing to question, "Young man, this is not a joke. This is a restricted area. It is not a place to play around."

The young man scratched his head as if he found the situation problematic. Then, he remembered something and began to fumble in his own clothes, causing the two officers to step back. He then pulled out a lanyard and hung it on his neck. Shining the flashlight onto the lanyard, the officers saw a name tag that showed that the young man was also an officer, but he was from the Mystery Investigation Department that they have never heard of. One of the officers spoke into his radio and read the id code on the name tag to confirm its authenticity. After confirming that it was real, they breathed a sigh of relief as they looked at the young man in awe as it was revealed that he was actually on a higher rank than them.

"Alright, sir, you may go in. Sorry for the inconvenience," one of the officer stated as he saluted.

"Ah? No problem. You just did your duty," the young man chuckled before he waved his hands and walked towards the apartment building.

The other officer then remembered his duty before asking, "Sir, what is your name? We may need it for our patrol report later. We can't just say that we let a sir in without a name ..."

The young man paused before he scratched his head. Then he just replied with a chuckle, "Uh, just put my codename, the Exorcist."

Then, the young man strolled into the apartment.

"The exorcist? What kind of name is that?" one of the officer muttered as he stared at his colleague confused.

His colleague shrugged, "8th grade syndrome maybe?"

They glanced at the doorway to the apartment building and saw their other colleagues on patrol walking out.

"The young man told us to come out and leave the rest to him. He said the further we are, the better. Just make sure no one interrupts him," one of the officers said in confusion.

The group glanced at each other before backing away from the apartment building and squatting at the opposite side of the street. They continued to stare at the building while making sure that no one else comes from down the street.

The street was silent for a while, but a sudden scream caused the group of officers to jolt as they looked around frantically.

"W-what was that?"

"I-I dunno, it seems to have came from the apartment building!"

The group of officers looked at the apartment building with pale faces. They seem to hear glass breaking and weird noises from within building.

"W-what is going on?"

--- Meanwhile, inside the building ---

After the young man took the elevator up to the fourth floor, he lazily strolled into room 444. He sniffed the air as soon as he stepped into the room and frowned a bit, "As expected. There should be a specter here."

The young man's eyes seemed to glow as he glanced around the room before locking onto the bathroom. He strolled over swiftly before stopping outside the doorway of the bathroom. From within his clothes, the young man pulled out a couple of talismans that he prepared and stuck it on the doorway. A thin, transparent film spawned on the doorway, serving as a barrier. The young man then took a deep breathe while pulling out a bell before stepping into the silent bathroom.

The young man frowned at the wet floor before he glanced around with his glowing eyes. It wasn't long before he determined his target. The young man walked in front of the mirror as he took out a talisman and kept it in his hand. Staring at his normal reflection in the mirror, the young man's face became serious as he raised his hand with the bell.

Tick, tick, tick, the sound of dripping water resounded in the background as the young man stared at the mirror. The dripping water seemed to be dripping faster and faster as time went by. It was then the young man noticed that his reflection in the mirror had a wide grin on its face.

"It's time," the young man grunted and rung the bell in his hand.

An invisible force originating from the bell instantly blasted out like a wave. It hit the mirror and a large crack appeared on the mirror as a woman's scream resounded loudly in the bathroom. The mirror then shattered as the young man backed off a couple of steps as he put the bell away. A sudden force acted on the bathroom door, intending to close it, but as the door closed, the thin barrier on the doorway responded and bounced the door back open.

The young man swiftly stepped out of the bathroom through the barrier. Glancing back at the doorway, the saw an empty, calm bathroom. It seemed that nothing had happened, except that the shattered pieces of glass of the mirror on the wet ground proved that the event had transpired.

Suddenly, the water on the wet floor rippled and a stream of black hair shot out of the water heading towards the young man, but it was stopped in its tracks by the invisible barrier at the doorway, causing a loud thud in addition to creating cracks on the nearby wall. The young man breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it's only an ordinary mid level baleful specter and a level two charm could still hold it in after injuring it with the exorcist bell."

The young man watched a gray bloated woman's face appear within the mass of black hair wriggling against the barrier. The woman moaned, but the young man was not aroused at all.

"Yea, yea, sing your last song. It's time for you to begone," the young man rhymed as he lifted up his hand with a talisman in it, "Holy light!"

The glaring light broke out from the talisman, lighting up the room like sunlight. The baleful specter howled in fear and agony as its hairs were burned into ashes. As the light faded away, the specter gave its final moan before its face dissipated into ashes, returning the room to tranquility. The young man then stepped into the bathroom and collected the broken glass on the ground into his bag.

After checking with his glowing eyes and seeing no more problems, the young man chuckled and dusted off his hands, "And that is another mission completed. Time to go back and collect the reward. Maybe I'll be able to sell these yin glass for some materials that can help me promote to the first level of mystic ..."

After the young man left, the apartment returned to silence. The darkness in the bathroom was broken by the sparse moonlight that somehow came in through the window and shone on the toilet. A sudden cloud of black mist began to gather and formed a transparent silhouette using the resulting resentment in the air left over by the dead baleful specter.

As if the ritual was completed, the moonlight faded away leaving a faint, transparent silhouette sitting on the toilet.

"Eh? Who am I? Where am I? What am I?"

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